I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

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What has begun? And what is that unpleasant magic power?

Tessia, who was basking by the campfire, asked.

Ian took off his cloak, put it into his subspace storage, and began tightening the loosened straps of his armor.

Tess, you stay here and guard the carriage. Dont let a single horse get lost.

He added calmly and stretched his neck and shoulders.

So Can you explain a bit?

Tessia, who was grumbling, suddenly turned her head toward the entrance of the village they had entered. Her eyes, which had paused for a moment, slowly moved sideways and eventually turned to the other entrance on the opposite side.

Are we Surrounded?

Just dont forget your role.

Ian uttered and headed toward the open space.

Charlotte, who had been regulating her breath with her twin swords lowered, looked back at him.

Her orange eyes were brimming with anticipation for the imminent battle.

Many of them. And Somehow different from before.

Yeah. Theres one commanding them.

Ians gaze suddenly turned toward the entrance they had come through.

Ill take care of that one. But I may not be able to pay attention elsewhere in the meantime.

Ill handle the rest.

It wont be easy alone.

Thats what makes it meaningful, Ian.

Ian stared at Charlotte intently, reading the various emotions in her eyes, and eventually spoke. Dont think about dying here.

Ill try not to.

Charlotte shrugged.

You two arent in your right minds

Tessia mumbled glumly as she stood up and approached the carriage.

The two draft horses already seemed to sense something and were snorting nervously.

She approached them and muttered while gazing into their frightened eyes.

Its okay Just rest. They wont eat you.

Her red eyes rippled outward from the center like expanding concentric circles.

The horses fidgeting eyes began to glaze over.

Their breathing calmed down, and both collapsed to the ground, motionless.

A semi-unconscious, hypnotized state.

Tessia gave a faint smile as this occurred.

Swhoosh- Tap tap-

Ian and Charlotte leapt onto the roofs of separate buildings.

Tessia, who had also taken off her cloak, leapt into the air as well. Catching a scurrying mouse in a corner, she used the nearby wall to propel herself up onto the roof.

As the mouse in her hand squirmed, the shabby view of the abandoned village unfolded before her eyes.

And beyond the protruding palisades

Tessia frowned as she took in the sight of the beings surrounding the village, standing still.

Human and dwarven undead armed with worn equipment stood motionless like inanimate objects, encircling them dozens deep.

Between the falling snowflakes, their calmly wavering blue lights were eerie even to a vampires eyes.


Tessia suddenly gasped as her gaze swept over the undead.

Her eyes had met something that abruptly towered in the midst of them.

It was a giant with blackened skin, larger than the other undead surrounding it.

Clad only in tattered trousers and gripping an enormous double-bladed axe, its head, unlike its other body parts, was mummified and bared the form of a skull.

The hollow eye sockets flickered with an irregularly wavering blue light, appearing more emotive than the others.

A giant warrior revived, harboring the madness of a black wall.


As Tessia gazed vacantly at the giant, Charlottes voice reached her ears. A smile was etched on Charlottes face as she observed the giant warrior.

Not that its my place to say, but youre quite the mad one

Tessias mumbling trailed off.

A question had flashed through her mind.

If thats Charlottes opponent, then what is Ian facing?


At that very moment, the wind gusting along with the snowflakes froze Tessia in her tracks.

The tainted magic infused in the wind momentarily overwhelmed her with its viscous, obsessive madness.

The mouse in her grasp dropped lifelessly with a crunch, and Tessia instinctively lowered her stance, her gaze turning in the direction from which the wind had blown.

The first thing she saw was Ians back as he stood on a distant rooftop.

Why is he

He seemed to be muttering, his head tilted slightly downward.

Tessias gaze followed his line of sight.


Her eyes widened.

In the middle of the main road leading into the village, a massive figure stood, clad in tattered and holed armor.

The darkness within the armor was no illusion a pitch-black silhouette, seemingly capable of devouring all light, was its true form.

A formidable specter, retaining an intact shape.

Amidst the ebony mass, its features wavered like a mirage.

The overwhelming emotions that had washed over Tessia emanated from this being.

A deep blue light flickered from beneath its helmet, which covered even its nose.

An ominous stillness.

The falling snow gradually whitened the surroundings, unconcerned with the entire situation.


A deep voice resonated, carrying magic ripples, as if echoing from a cavern.

An unpleasant sensation that seemed to make ones whole body vibrate.

Tessias brow furrowed gradually as she glared at the spectral giant.

What is it saying?

It was then that a low sigh escaped from Ian, the particular sound he made when mocking something.

Can you understand that?

Tessia looked at Ians back as she pondered, sensing an ominous pressure from his stance, like a predator eyeing its prey.

- !

The spectral giants cry continued.

Ah, is that so?

Ian uttered as he drew his sword.

It was right after this that the spectral giants blue lights began to flicker.

Grrr-aaaah- Kyaaah-

Eerie screams echoed from all around.

The previously motionless undead began wailing, their jaws clattering.

Their lights flared erratically, as if thrashing about.

Even the giant warrior let out a roar.

Unlike the other undead, its cry seemed infused with rage.


The wind rushed over Ians entire body. The falling snowflakes were drawn in, swirling around him before scattering upwards into the sky.

It was then that the spectral giant unsheathed an enormous greatsword from its back, a blade large enough to cleave buildings with a single strike.


It roared, bluish magic radiating from its form.

Youve become quite a talkative. I dont want to listen anymore.

Ian spat out those words and immediately leapt toward the giant.

It seemed like a reckless charge, but Tessia could not confirm whether Ian and the spectral giant actually clashed.

The undead surrounding them began swarming in, as if the giants cry had been a signal.

Why Are they being so reckless already?!

Tess exclaimed, then bit into the mouse she was holding.

As her eyes flickered and a luster returned to her silver hair, she began her transformation.

Just keep the carriage safe, brat.

Charlotte, gripping her twin swords, looked back at Tessia and spoke.

Ill take that giants head.

What? If you go out too-

By the time Tessia turned her head, Charlotte was already dashing away across the rooftops.

Like a mad beast.

With a sigh, Tessias gaze turned toward the swarming undead.

Having only observed from afar or dealt with the aftermath left by Ian, she was now finally realizing the perilous journey he had undertaken.

Isnt following Ian Actually more dangerous?

It was a realization that came too late.

Crack, crack-

Sharp claws began protruding from her fingertips.





The undead caught at the tip of Ians outstretched sword shattered. Landing and rolling on the ground, Charlotte immediately leapt back up, continuing her charge.

Undead pouring in, scattering blue lights as they pierced through the thickening snow.

The corners of Charlottes mouth curled up, revealing her sharp fangs.


She spun her body to dodge the axe thrown by a dwarven undead, then smashed her knee into the charging undeads skull.

Shards of bone exploded along with its helmet. The blue light scattered like an explosion as Charlotte pierced straight through the undead, readjusting her grip on her swords.


Two undead warriors pursuing her charged in, shrieking eerily.

Charlotte twisted her body midair.

Swish-! Shunk-!

The curved slashes from her dual swords impaled the undead from both arms.

The rusted swords they swung merely grazed Charlottes shoulder blades.


As she was retracting her outstretched arms, Charlotte suddenly rolled along the ground.

Swhoosh- Clang!

The double-bladed axe that nearly cleaved her head landed deeply embedded in the earth.

Billowing dust. The axe was nearly as large as a small human.

Righting her stance, Charlotte looked up.

There was the mummified head of the giant warrior.

Even after swinging down its axe, it gazed down at her.

In an instant, Charlotte coiled and sprang up like a spring.

The helix trajectories of her twin swords intersected the giants axe-wielding arm as they descended.


Charlottes strength alone couldnt sever the giants blackened arm. It felt like striking frozen ground. Tar-like black fluid oozed from its arm where her swords were embedded.

At that moment, the giant warrior released its other hand from the axe handle and swung its fist toward her.


The shockwave from its fist sounded ominous.

Despite its massive bulk appearing sluggish, Charlotte, gripping the sword hilt, simply bent her arm before extending it again to propel herself up, releasing her grip on the hilt.


The giants fist barely grazed beneath her as she spun through the air, landing precisely back where she had leapt from.

Gripping the hilt tightly, she forcefully drew the blade and leapt onto the giants crossed arms as it raised its fist.

The giants mummified face, with only skin clinging to bone, drew near.

Its blazing blue lights burned with fury.

Ah aaaah-!

The giant roared, mouth agape.

Simultaneously, a shockwave burst forth, sweeping Charlotte away. Losing grip on one sword, she spun through the air before landing hard.

The giant warrior pulled its axe from the ground. The ichor flowing from its arm had already congealed viscously, resembling its original skin.


The giant swung its axe down again in an overhead strike to cleave Charlotte.

Watching the axe blade descend, Charlotte sidestepped at the last moment.


The axe embedded deeply into the ground.

Amidst the billowing dust, Charlottes orange trails converged on the axes haft.

Her double-gripped sword struck the giants wrist.


The blade sliced more than halfway through the giants wrist. Charlottes arms bulged with muscle for an instant.


Finally, the giants hand was severed.

Black fluid sprayed from the severed stump, splattering over Charlottes hair.

Ooh- Ooooooh!

The giant howled, raising its severed hand.

Hah hahaha!

Ecstasy spread across Charlottes face as she gazed up at the giant.

As she shook the blood from her blade and lowered her stance, suddenly-


A shockwave exploded from far away, shaking Charlottes entire body.

She instinctively turned to look behind her.

The first thing she saw was the spectral giant bringing down its greatsword.

A massive explosion rippled outward from the swords impact.

For a fleeting moment, she glimpsed a whirling sword being flung away.

There was no need to wonder whose sword it was.


Her sigh trailed off shortly.

The giant warrior had already risen and was swinging its axe down toward her once more.

Without even realizing her concern for Ian, Charlotte leapt to engage the giant again.




Thud thud thud-

Ians grimacing face was contorted as he bounced and rolled along the ground like a cannonball.

Despite the protection of his barrier and wind blades, the impact would have shattered the bones of an ordinary person.

If he hadnt released his sword, his wrist would have been broken long ago.

Of course, there was another reason for Ians grimace.

Starting at the final phase is really going too far.

This spectral giant, the Keeper of the Gate, was a named monster he had fought before in the game.

And its first phase consisted solely of physical attacks.

He had stepped outside the village to avoid getting mowed down by the giants greatsword strikes.

Like in the game, Ian had intended to methodically demolish its armor while keeping the fight as safe as possible, until it unleashed the skills it used only in its final phase.

Naturally, he had anticipated some variables to a certain extent.

After all, this being wasnt meant to appear here in the first place.


It spouted nonsense Ian had never heard in the game. Most crucially, a quest appeared the moment combat began.

However, he couldnt have foreseen it immediately escalating to the final phase right from the start.

Until now, the variables were merely new attack patterns emerging or phases progressing more rapidly.

Kyaaah- Kwung!

Rolling to a stop against a tree trunk.

Despite the coppery taste of blood in his mouth, Ian first checked the sensations in his limbs.

Fortunately, he could still move everything.

Got flung quite far.

His gaze turned toward the distant figure of the Keeper raising its greatsword after slamming it down.

or prove yourself-!

The giant roared, glaring back at Ian.

Its blazing blue lights flickered intensely.

Yeah, go ahead and try, bastard.

Ian spat out the blood pooling in his mouth, retrieving the Archmages baton from his subspace storage as he stood up.

Translator; ippo

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