I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

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The movements of the frenzied undead suddenly stopped.

The blue glows in their eyes wavered precariously.

Whats going on, why are they acting like this?

As Tessia tilted her head in confusion.


Charlotte, who had just smashed the skull of an undead, looked back at her.

What does it matter? Lets just take care of them all-

Kki- Aaaahhhk-


Thats when the undead began to shriek. The rattling sounds of bones echoed from all around.


After a momentary look of confusion, Charlotte immediately started smashing their skulls again.

The undead charged right after that.

But their movements didnt seem frenzied, but rather like they were going berserk from sheer confusion.

Of course, Charlotte didnt care, and neither did Tessia.

Kwajik-! Ppagak!

The violent but otherwise unremarkable foes became even clumsier in their movements, no match for the two at all.

In an instant, over ten undead were reduced to piles of bones.

Only a few remained.


One had its head smashed by Charlottes fist.


Anothers skull was crushed in Tessias hands as it charged.

In the meantime, Charlotte destroyed another one.


The last one jerked its head down as a dagger pierced through the back of its skull.


The blue glow vanished and the boneless body crumpled lifelessly.

Charlotte and Tessia were already not paying any attention to it.

They were looking at the man who had thrown the dagger, standing at the village entrance.

You two worked hard.

Ian commented, surveying the ruined landscape.

Tessia cracked a wry smile.

Looks like Ian suffered the most.

Ian was showing clear evidence of how dangerous and intense the battle had been.

His body was caked in dirt that had turned to mud mixed with blood. His hair was disheveled, and blood clung thickly to the corners of his mouth. His outer garments were torn and hanging loosely, revealing the thick underclothes soaked in blood beneath.

I suppose so.

He staggered forward, then turned to look at Charlotte.

Im going to rest. Dont let Tessia come near me. Ive lost a lot of blood, so itll be hard to resist.

Charlottes gaze shifted to the side.

Tessia was already unable to take her eyes off Ians thigh.

Thirst and desire were mingled in her flickering red eyes, lingering effects of the battle.

Kkuk, Charlottes fist clenched tightly.

Understood. Do as you say.

She strode over and slapped Tessia across the face without warning.



Tessia was sent tumbling to the ground, but quickly regained her posture, glaring at Charlotte with the eyes of an enraged beast.

What was that for? Have you gone mad?

If you look at Ian with that expression one more time, Ill pull out all your fangs. And keep doing it every time they grow back.

Its just something I cant help! Its because you were so useless that he had to exert so much effort! You shouldve caught a rat for me or something!

As the two bared their fangs at each other, Ian paid them no heed and walked over to the campfire, unrolling a blanket.


He crawled inside the blanket and immediately lay motionless.

Ian! This beasts actions cannot be overlooked Ian?


The vampire and the beastman, who had been snarling at each other, belatedly turned to look at him with wide eyes.

The relief on their faces at realizing he had simply passed out from exhaustion was short-lived.

With heavy strides, Charlotte sat down with her back to Ians blanket and glared at Tessia.

A look that dared her to come any closer, hand on the hilt of her sword.

Dont think I wont do anything just because you dont try anything.

Tessia snorted and turned away. Charlotte added, Where are you going?

To catch a rat. I wont abandon him, so you just stay here and guard your master, meow.

At last, peace descended upon the ruined village.

Only the silently falling snowflakes embraced the village.




The remnants of the nightmare dissipated quickly. A throbbing headache. Feeling slightly dizzy and lethargic, Ian opened his eyes that were closed.


The next moment, despite all the discomfort, he jolted upright.

This was because a giant head was placed next to the blanket.

A horrific figure that looked like skin was just draped over a skull.

It felt like he was staring into the darkness beyond the empty eye sockets.


After glancing down at the giants skull for a moment, Ian eventually let out a hollow laugh.

It was obvious who had brought this.

He muttered to himself that he should nail it down so it couldnt do such things again, and turned his gaze to the side of the skull.

There lay the Sword of Condemnation.

Somehow, Charlotte or Tessia must have found it.

There was even a large, partially shattered skull next to it, the remains of the Gatekeeper he had killed yesterday.

They put it on display like a trophy.

It was a sight enough to bring reality crashing back.

Ian snorted with a bitter smile and chewed on the jerky.

Although it seemed like he had slept for a while, he still had no energy at all. Headache and dizziness.

He felt hollow inside, like he was drained.

It was a symptom of mana depletion.

He felt a fresh pang of apology for his former game character self.

He had often depleted all his magic recklessly, falling into a magic-depleted state,

Not knowing what it felt like, he had only cursed and complained.

Is this the karmic retribution for that?

As he thought this, Ians eyes widened for a moment.

Beyond the boundary of the campsite building with the roof and bonfire, the entire village had turned blindingly white with snow.

It seemed that more snow had fallen after he had passed out.

It was unclear whether the clouds still covering the sky prevented it from melting, or if the area had now become a frozen tundra up to here.

But the feeling would probably be different at night.

At any rate, for now, it was a sight that seemed to make all his thoughts vanish.

Oh, youre awake, Ian? Tessias voice followed.

Wearing a wolf robe pulled down over her head, she was walking towards him with branches for firewood in both hands.

How long was I out for?

Not sure exactly. Maybe half a day?

Answering, Tessia entered and dropped the branches beside the bonfire in a clutter.

She picked up a few branches, brushed off the snow, and roughly broke them apart.

Ian chuckled as he watched her.

Well, at least youve recovered your energy. And you didnt even drink my blood.

I did feel quite thirsty for it, but I restrained myself. Instead, I rummaged through the village and ate a few rats.

Looks like Charlotte kept a good watch.

Your loyal kitty did indeed keep watch without sleeping until dawn. But I would have restrained myself either way. If I made a mistake, you could have died.

After placing the branches on the bonfire, Tessia sat down next to it.

In any case, Ive magnificently fulfilled your request, Ian.

She lifted both her arms boastfully.

It was only then that Ian looked towards the wagon behind her.

The horses munching on dried grass from who-knows-where looked quite peaceful.

Yeah. Good work.

For a moment, Tessias eyes widened. Then she smiled brightly.

I didnt think youd actually say that. But I guess thats to be expected, huh?

In the daylight, her smile seemed more like that of a fairy than a vampire.

I guess shes trying her best in her own way.

Ian chuckled and added, What about Charlotte?

Said she was going to catch something. Who knows, shell be back on her own. Since shes your kitty.

I see.

Was she going hunting? Hopefully not bringing back another demonic beast.

Thinking this, Ian took out a waterskin and some jerky from a bag.

It was a rather nice leather waterskin, another reward from a request in Ninglosl.

Tessia leaned back lazily against the bag.

After washing down his mouth with water and putting some jerky in his mouth, Ian silently began to chew.

Even without much of an appetite, he had to eat to recover his stamina and magic.

Memories of last night automatically flashed through his mind.

Im starting to get a little irritated, it seems.

For the first time in a while, Ian felt keenly aware of his chronic weakness from his days as a game character.

The so-called lack of an overwhelming finisher.

The result of learning all sorts of miscellaneous skills and bizarrely allocating his ability points.

In the early stages. His first experience. Back then, without allies or resources or other such factors added on, he somehow managed to get by so far.

But in the end, he was just a hopeless mess. At best, a decent support.

How much magic had he unleashed just to try to kill the Gatekeeper? He kept pouring more and more magic in to increase his firepower, over and over again.

Of course, it wasnt like he had no leeway left.

The Gatekeeper was still a threat worth dealing with in any case. And compared to the game, he had taken it down much more easily.

Considering the level difference, back then he had died and retried so many times before barely managing to kill it by the skin of his teeth.

Plus, he still had some remaining points.

Should I just use them all up without holding back?

Ian hesitated for a moment, but soon shook his head.

Just like leaving some extra cash in the bank, he always had to keep some reserve ability and skill points.

To prepare for situations where he might get sucked into the Void or encounter an unexpected powerful foe like Charlotte, situations where hed have to desperately raise his abilities just to survive.

As much as possible, he didnt want to raise any of his abilities besides intelligence and spirit, but if an unforeseen crisis arose, hed have no choice but to do so again.

It was the same with skills. He never knew when an enemy with resistance or combat power beyond what his current skills could handle might show up.

He had to carefully expand his skill trees bit by bit, all the more so since he had decided to learn skills across multiple elements rather than just specializing in one.

Right now, he was using red for offense, blue for defense, gray for offensive and defensive support, and violet as a utility, but who knew when he might need the offensive power of gray skills, or blues support abilities? Maybe even the brown ones he had largely neglected.

If I had just stuck to one path, I wouldnt have to worry about this.

But he had already spilled too much to try containing it now.

Ian clicked his tongue briefly and swallowed the piece of jerky he had been chewing.

Of course, he couldnt give up swordsmanship either.

Strangely enough, he could feel his skills improving more and more.

It had been that way when facing the judge too.

When the fight with the Gatekeeper began, he had the thought that he might be able to deflect the demons greatsword.

He didnt try it, of course, but still.

Melee combat was a field he could never abandon going forward.

He had already invested too many resources into it.

Unlike other classes, aside from shared skills, he had practically no skills related to physical attacks, so just like before, he would have to keep honing his skills through actual combat experience.

Enough to keep up even against named-rank or boss-level enemies.

I have a lot to worry about, dont I?

He inwardly sneered as he picked up the jerky again. At that moment, approaching footsteps grew louder and closer.

Youre up, Ian.

It was Charlotte, with some kind of deer slung over her shoulder.

So you did go hunting.

Ian said as he set down the jerky.

Charlotte unceremoniously dropped the deer with its neck broken onto the snow and shrugged nonchalantly.

You bled quite a bit. Fresh meat is best for a quick recovery.

Ians expression became slightly strange.

Unexpected. I didnt think you two would go to such lengths to take care of me.

Its only natural. You defeated the strongest demon. I saw the traces of your battle. I couldnt even tell how you fought it.

So Charlotte, is this for me?

Tessia cut in. Charlotte, frowning, tossed something she had hung on her belt.

A cute little bunny.

Catching it lightly, Tessia smiled. Ian glanced over, the rabbit was actually still alive.

Though it seemed to be barely clinging to life.

Keep it alive until nightfall.

Of course. You have to eat them while theyre still alive if you want any semblance of flavor. Once theyre dead for a while, they honestly taste awful.

Tessia stroked the rabbit gently.

Meanwhile, Charlotte had drawn a dagger and was field-dressing the deer.

The series of actions, skinning, removing the organs, separating the joints and muscles into chunks, were all performed swiftly and smoothly, like it wasnt her first time.

I wont drain the blood. That should help with your recovery.

The heart of a hunter. Maybe you cant cook, but youre good at this.

Its a skill I learned from the tribe. Hunters teach their children how to hunt first, and how to handle the prey.

Nodding, Ian stood up and gathered some branches, tying them together haphazardly with twine to make a crude rack.

Charlotte sliced off a large chunk of thigh meat and placed it on the branches, along with one of the organs, a liver.

The best things for recovery.

Soon, the meat sizzled as it cooked over the fire.

Sitting across from them, Charlotte chewed on the heart and some raw meat.

It seemed she didnt discriminate, even though Ian had thought she only ate cooked food.

Arent you worried about parasites?

My body will digest anything like that.

If you say so.

Ian waited until the meat and organs were well-cooked before eating.

The liver wasnt bad, despite the funky smell. It was certainly edible, much better than the preserved rations he had stashed away somewhere in his bag, though he didnt bother taking out the salt he had gotten as a reward.

Compared to emergency provisions, even that slight gaminess was luxurious.

Theres quite a bit of meat left over, should we load it onto the wagon?

Good idea. With this weather, it wont spoil right away, so lets put it on.

Got it. So well rest another day and then depart?

No. Well get ready and set out right away. We can rest along the way.

Translator; ippo

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