I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

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Bonus chapter thanks to PG and co

After finishing the meat without leaving any behind, Ian immediately took off his cold weather pants and nearly broken greaves.

Though they were the best things he had, he had no choice but to discard them.

The wound across his thigh had already scabbed over and was healing.

It seems my recovery ability is improving gradually.

While Charlotte was cleaning up the remaining meat and campsite, Ian took out spare cold weather clothes and greaves from his dimensional space, changed into them, checked his physical condition once more, and picked up the Sword of Condemnation.

I found that thing, Tessia blurted out as she watched Ian.

You did?

Yeah. It smelled like Ian, and I got this disgusting feeling from that sword.

I couldnt sense it either. So I moved it, Charlotte added as she checked the horses reins.

Ian nodded lightly.

These guys, despite their bickering, seem to be getting in sync little by little.

It wasnt a bad change. No matter what happened later, they needed to get on the same wavelength for now, even if they creaked in the process.

Whoever that revenant in the ice forest was, it wouldnt be an easy opponent.

I wont be fighting for a while, Ian said as he climbed onto the carriage.

Charlotte, who had almost finished preparing to depart, looked back at him.

I expended too much magic. It wont recover in a day or two.

What if another monster like yesterday attacks? Tessia asked as she climbed up.

Ian shrugged.

A demonic beast at the level of yesterday wont show up. Ive proven my qualifications.

What qualifications?

You dont need to know that.

Looking back at Charlotte, Ian added, So for the time being, you and Tessia will have to fight. Youll be the main one fighting.

Ill gladly do so, Charlotte replied from the drivers seat, her face strangely pleased.

As she turned the carriage, she added, Even if a powerful demonic beast like yesterdays attacks, its fine. In fact, Id like to fight it and see just how strong it is.

Recalling her pulverizing the giant warrior, Ian chuckled before erasing his smile and saying firmly, And never bring a demonic beasts head and leave it by my pillow again, Charlotte.

Not even its corpse.

The carriage that had exited the building moved forward. The snow-covered ruins passed by.

As they headed for the exit on the opposite side they entered from, Charlotte carefully added, Then what about leaving it at your feet? Would that not be allowed either, Ian?

Are you being serious right now?



Along with the absurd conversation, the carriage left the abandoned village behind.

The pristine snowfield seemed to stretch out endlessly before them.




Its so pretty. Everything is covered in white as far as the eye can see.

Tessia spoke while gazing at the surrounding scenery.

The carriage continued moving forward through the snow field. While the path was still discernible, the snow was piling up higher the further north they went.

Fortunately, there wasnt much wind blowing.

Ian kept his eyes closed without moving for most of the time.

It was to recover his physical and magic strength. Thanks to his high level of meditation, he could maintain a meditative state without deeply immersing his consciousness.

Of course, Tessia chatted away without paying any mind to him.

Im glad I followed Ian.

How fortunate. Looks like youre going on a picnic, Charlotte sneered.

No matter what, she was mostly the one responding to Tessias comments.

What would you know, kitty cat?

Tessia stuck out her tongue.

Ive never really had a chance to enjoy the scenery around me. Never been able to casually stroll through a city either. Had to in order to survive. Do you know what its like being dropped in the middle of an unknown world and having to survive on your own?

I know all too well.

While Ian only responded inwardly, Charlotte let out a derisive snort.

Youre speaking rather boldly. Seems you have no idea what its like for a mercenary to live on the continent.

Whats it like?

Every day is a struggle for survival. Youve seen it yourself.

Maybe its because you look so scary, Charlotte?

Im considered quite beautiful by mercenary standards. Not to mention exceptionally strong.

Right. Well, your fur is soft. Ill give you that. Shiny too. Makes me want to skin you.

Tessia shook her robe.

Like this.

Charlotte growled softly.

Tessia, unperturbed, smiled and continued speaking.

Im going to see and feel a lot more things by following Ian around. Maybe then I can kill all those damn vampires too.

Her gaze calmly swept across the snowy field and the trees that seemed to have snow blossoms blooming on them.

My true freedom will start from that point. Ill travel all over the empire. Ill even go down south where the fairies are said to live. It doesnt matter if they dont accept me. I just want to confirm who I used to be.

Once I know that, Ill hide away in a safe remote area. Build my own hermitage there and spend the rest of my life in peace.

Her tone was dreamy, as if reading from a storybook. Though it didnt seem like she really believed thats how it would turn out.

Just wishful thinking.

Sensing this, Ian didnt bother opening his eyes.

There was no need to mention that by continuing with him, she may end up being the last surviving member of the vampire clan.

Or that after being rejected by the fairies, she might suffer eternal existential loneliness.

The fact that currently, shes most likely to meet her demise by his own hand.

Such fanciful words from an accursed demon.

Instead, it was Charlotte who chided her.

Tessia narrowed her brows as if struck.

Its not like I wanted to become this.

That doesnt change the fact that youre a demon, brat. Those words are just you running away from reality.

Great advice from a crazed killer whose only goal in life is to die fighting.

Tessia picked up the nearby travel pack and looked at Charlotte.

Yes, thats the most beautiful and honorable end. Theres nothing uglier than a mercenary growing old and dying, unable to fight or hunt, nothing but a burden.

So is that why you spent time wiping those ugly humans asses?

What did you say?

I saw you mingling with those blackened ones too, sitting on their saddles just smoking pipes. Didnt seem like the warriors life you keep going on about.

Tessia gave a derisive laugh.

For someone who claims to want to die gloriously in battle, you seemed to like gold just fine.

Dont spew nonsense about things you know nothing of, brat.

Charlotte glared at her.

Tessia smiled.

Struck a nerve, have I? No need to be embarrassed. Most of the humans I saw cared more about gold than fighting to the death. The ones who captured me were thrilled theyd get chestfuls of gold for delivering me.

I wont deny having experienced the mercenary worlds vices. But I simply fulfilled my responsibilities and duties. Gold has no particular meaning for me.

Responsibilities? Duties?

Something you brats know nothing of, honor.

After a brief pause, Charlotte spoke again.

She must have deemed it fine to tell Ian and Tessia.

When mercenary warriors come of age, they must go out into the world and earn money for the prosperity of their clan.

So you didnt earn money for yourself?

Its a tradition that began because of you brats. But we mercenaries may have lost our homeland, not our roots. We established a new home, land permitted to us by His Majesty the Emperor. Small and humble for now, but still.

Fragments of conversations Ian had glimpsed in the game surfaced in his mind.

That there was a city of mercenaries somewhere in the deep southern outskirts.

Along with the exorbitantly high fees mercenary warriors commanded.

It seemed the latter wasnt just because they were rare.

Most of the money I earned went towards my clan, purchasing land to expand our territory, raising the next generation of warriors. My duty had only a few years left. After that, I would have left the mercenary world behind without regrets. Simply lived as a warrior, to meet a beautiful end.

So your clan is starving now since youre here?

Dont spout foolishness. Im not the only one of my clan out in the world fulfilling their duty and responsibility. There are others doing so even after they no longer need to bear that burden.


Tessia nodded, her lips curling into a demon-like smile.

What a pity. To become Ians pet cat before fulfilling that sacred duty.

It wouldnt be a lie. But its common. Many warriors meet their end before completing their duty. Its just rare for a tail to be severed like mine. Ive accepted that fate. Unlike you.

Charlotte snorted.

I will continue fighting life-or-death battles alongside Ian. Whether I die before regaining my tail or not doesnt matter. As a warrior, it would be an honor.

Sure. You keep on dying then. I plan to live a long, long time.

You think thats a blessing?

Charlotte turned to Tessia.

Youll have to live day and night with different faces forever, tormented by that accursed thirst and urges.

For a moment, Tessias mouth opened and closed.

She had yet to truly grasp how long forever was.

So what, youre saying I should just live modestly then die?

That was the only rebuttal she could manage.

Charlotte shrugged.

Im saying let me know whenever you get tired of living. Ill gladly grant you a painful death.

Ill be the one granting that mercy. Of course, after our business is done, Ian.

You sure talk a lot about wanting to die.


Tessia inhaled sharply, not expecting Ian to respond.

You were awake? I thought you were asleep.

Did you expect me to sleep soundly with you two chattering so loudly?

Ian gave a wry smile and opened his eyes.

You two are one and the same. Dont forget that.

This crazy cat here keeps going on about wanting to die fighting, so what can I do, Ian?

Then we die together.


Tessias eyes widened.

Ian calmly looked down at her.

If you dont like that, then you watch her back, not to kill her, but to protect her.

As Tessia pursed her lips, Ian turned to Charlotte.

And you, enough with the honorable death spiel. I have no desire to die either.

Very well.

With those words, Ian closed his eyes again.

He never verbalized that they were more alike than they realized, and that he was the same, not wanting to admit it.

Ian reactivated his meditation state.

But this time, unlike before, he flung his consciousness deep into his inner world.

It was to shed unnecessary emotions and idle thoughts.




Contrary to rumors, the midnight raid by the White Demon was not as big of a threat as expected.

Unexpectedly, it was thanks to the pattern engraved on Ians palm.

After killing the gatekeeper, it began to play the opposite role.

Whenever the pattern resonated, the remnants of the ancient Giant Kingdom inevitably appeared nearby.

But they didnt approach like before, only watching from afar.

Its annoying, can I go kill them all?

I agree with kitty cat. Those things, unpleasant.

Charlotte and Tessia were displeased, but Ian didnt care.

There was no need to fight if they didnt attack. Most of them didnt give experience points anyway.

Save your strength. Only deal with those approaching the camp.

Of course, not all monsters in the tundra were remnants of the Giant Kingdom.

From bizarrely mutated beasts to native monsters like ogres, they revealed themselves. Undead and ghosts unrelated to the Giant Kingdom also appeared.

But most were just warm-up targets for Charlotte. And the formless monsters she couldnt handle, Tessia couldnt be threatened by in turn.

Surprisingly, she could tear apart things that were almost impossible to physically attack like ghosts with her bare hands.

Her shadow familiars even devoured them.

How can you grab ghosts with your bare hands?

I dont know. It just works?

There was no need to dig into the reasons she didnt know.

Ian simply concluded it was one of the abilities demonkin had.

Anyway, dealing with things like ghosts was a hassle, so having another countermeasure was meaningful enough.

Days passed like that.

The mountain peaks that had only been connected by ridgelines gradually came so close that they had to look up to see the summits.

The wind was as cold as if it held a blade.

Turn the carriage, Charlotte.

Ian suddenly spoke, looking to the side. A desolate valley with only scattered snow, rocks, and bare branches.

There are no traces of people passing through at all. No path.

Thats why we found the right place.

I agree.

With that calm exchange, the carriage turned onto an incline path with no clear destination.

Translator; ippo

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