I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 132:

Chapter 132:

Hurry up!

Watch out!

This isnt cutting through, tsk!

The dozens of dwarves clinging to Purpurs body worked diligently to disassemble him.

Purr Purrrrr

With all its legs severed, Purpur suffered the indignity of being dismantled alive.

There was no reason to feel sorry for the creature.

Purpur is a crustacean that lives for a very long time, and when it gets hungry, it doesnt hesitate to raid small coastal villages.

Considering how many people it must have eaten over the past few thousand years, it would have been cheap to be ripped apart alive.

As it was being torn apart, Purpur spewed out a gush of blue fluid, then stopped moving, and would never be seen again.

[Notification: Youve gained experience!]

[Notification: Your level has increased!]

[Notification: Level 181 reached!]

[Notification: Level 182 reached!]

[Notification: Level 183 reached!]


[Notification: Level 200 reached!]

After successfully hunting the ancient beast, Purpur, he jumped up to level 200.

Ugh. I cant wait to get back.

Otto wanted to rush back to the Sanctuary as soon as possible.

The third power of the Invincible Emperor.

The power of infinite knowledge.

[Book of Carnage]

The name of the book was kept behind the statue of a scholar holding a large tome in one hand.

It contained the most powerful and destructive spells in the world, and it was the item that would make Otto a true magic swordsman.

A true magic swordsman.

Why the Invincible Emperor was once called the One Man Army.

Or why a single spell could turn the tide of war.

The answers were in the [Book of Carnage].

As soon as we return, I must visit the Sanctuary. I have to get the Book of Carnage before I head to the continent.

With that thought in mind, Otto waved his hand to dismiss the notification in front of him.

But why does it keep fading? Its getting annoying.

The notifications were getting fainter and fainter, making it harder and harder to read.

At this rate, it would be hard to keep track of his own growth.

Otto shook off his anxiety and started walking.

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Multiple tents were pitched on the white sands where Purpur had died and the predatory crabs had dissipated.

The circular tents that had been a trademark of the nomads of the Haver Prairie had become the ceremonial field tents of the Kingdom of Lota.

Is anyone hurt?

Otto asked, taking a personal interest in tending to the wounded of this operation.

Were fine!

Its just a few scratches!

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in a life-threatening way.

Surprisingly, it was Camille who was most seriously injured.

Camille wasnt so lucky.

As Purpur toppled over, he was impaled on a sharp thorn, which caused a penetrating wound to his right arm.

The wound was serious: It tore through his skin, ripped his muscles, and even crushed some of his bones.

Are you okay?

Im fine.

Camille replied in a calm voice.

It doesnt look like youre okay.

Im absolutely fine.

Isnt that an injury that should put you out for a few months? Youre right-handed.

I can just use my left hand.

Does it work like that?

Thats how Ive been practicing.

What a lousy human being.


Otto shakes his head, as if hes tired of listening to Camilles bullshit, and hands him a dark brown colored jelly.

Here, eat.

Whats this?

Its a pain reliever. It works well.

Thank you.

No matter how much magic or potions he might be treated with, there was no way to be completely pain-free.

Camille, who was breaking into a cold sweat from the throbbing pain, took the jelly Otto handed him without suspicion.

But why are you staring at me like that?


Youre looking at me with eyes full of expectation.

W-What, expectation? What do you mean Im expecting something? Im looking at you because Im worried, okay? Im worried!

Camille eyed Otto skeptically, but since hed already eaten the jelly, he didnt ask any further questions.

He wondered if Otto had given him food that could kill him.

But Why does it taste so strange in the first place?

Camille asked Otto, as he finished consuming it.

Honestly, its kind of disgusting.

Dont you know the saying about the healthiest medicine being the sort that taste like shit?

I do, but something about it just doesnt sit right. The smell, the way it tastes, the way its salty and somehow feels very unpleasant.

At that moment.


Camille was caught off guard by a strange twinge.

All the while, the pain had disappeared like a sham.


His wounded right arm burned and twitched like hell.

In surprise, Camille unwrapped the bandage and then doubted his own eyes.

The wound is its regenerating.

The rate at which new flesh was regenerating was so fast, he could almost see it.

In less than five minutes, Camilles right arm, which had looked like it would be unusable for at best several months, had regenerated entirely.

This medicine what is it?

Camille asked Otto as he marveled at his perfectly restored right arm.

He realized that the jelly Otto had handed him earlier was no ordinary pain medicine.

Ive never heard of such a concoction. Who made this mysterious medicine, the Kuntachi family?


Then who is it?

Someone my older brother knows well.


Old man Quran made it, hehehe.


After hearing that Quran was the one who made the jelly Otto had given him earlier, Camille nodded as if it made sense.

After all, Dragons are amazing.



Suddenly, a memory flashed through Camilles mind.

This is a medicine made from dragon poop. It will save your life no matter what injuries you suffer, so cherish it.

N-No way.

Camille snapped his head around.

There was no sign of Otto.

In that brief moment, he had fled.

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After spending three days resting on Claw Island, the group resumed their voyage to the Caliphate.

A few dwarves, mages, and Lota Kingdom soldiers remained on the island.

During their time in the Caliphate Region, the contingent was tasked with dismantling the remains of Purpur and constructing a trading post.

As they neared Caliphate, the weather became increasingly warm.

Otto removed his heavy coat and donned only a light, thin shirt.

*Ding!* *Ping!*

Camille saw Otto sitting on the bow of the boat, strumming a guitar, and approached him.

What are you doing?

Cant you tell? Im strumming this guitar. Its boring as hell. I dont think Ill ever get on a boat again.

Is that so? I havent seen you with an instrument in a long time, by the way.


You used to play a lot when you were younger. You also played the piano. I seem to remember you used to sing pretty well, too.

Did I? I dont know. I dont remember.

Otto replied, strumming the strings and humming a song.

One blue frost flower bloomed.

The words flowed out of Ottos mouth in a lyrical melody.


What, is that song?

All eyes on the deck turned to Otto.

Otto had a voice that was naturally beautiful and resonant.

Combine that with his ability to sing, and one cant help but be drawn to him.

Lalala, Hmm Hmmm

The song ends.




Otto was startled by the sudden outpouring of cheers and applause.

What, wha-what?

He was lost in the song for a moment, and when he snapped back to reality, people were gathered in a circle around the deck.


Kairos said, looking at him as if seeing him afresh.

How is it that you can sing so well? They say you should play like what you look, but if you look like a gisaeng, is that why you can sing so well?

What do you mean?

If I knew you were such a good singer, I would have you sing at every drinking party. Youd make a great drinking companion.

Kairos complimented Otto, gulping down rum from a cup made from the skull of Argonne.

Well said.

Camille also praised Otto.

I see your natural talent is not going anywhere.

What do you mean, natural talent?

Youve been known to sing well and play instruments since you were a child. Have you forgotten that you wanted to be a bard?

Otto searched his memory at Camilles question.

Brother, Im going to be a bard when I grow up!

Brother, this is a song I wrote, listen to it!

Im going to travel all over the continent and sing!

The memories came flooding back.

So you were musically talented, too.

Otto de Scuderia and Kim Dojin had a lot in common.

He could sing well and play the piano and guitar.

Although he didnt have the natural beauty and resonant voice of Otto de Scuderia.

But where did you learn that one? Is it self-composed, its such a beautiful song.

Uhm. I mean.

Otto couldnt bring himself to lie that he had written it.

I found a sheet of music in an old music book. Haha.



Do you mind if I ask for one more song?

Camille asked Otto politely.

Yes! Pansy, sing one more song!

Kairos said.

Your Majesty, I would like one as well.

Even the magic swordsmen.

I dont know if I can dare to ask Your Highness for a favor I also want to hear you sing again.

Even the unknown sailors.

Everyone wanted to hear Otto sing.


Otto felt a little shy and embarrassed, but he wasnt one to turn down a favor.

Well, lets sing a few songs.

A small concert was organized on the deck.

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Several days later.

As the expedition fleet out of the Dead Sea had almost reached the Caliphate.

Your Majesty, there are pirates ahead!

Raise the white flag first.

Otto smirked at Camilles announcement.

Are you trying to attract pirates like last time?


In his quest for extreme resourcefulness, Otto had no intention of engaging in a naval battle with the pirates.

After all, it would cost too much to have a ship broken or sunk unnecessarily.

Whether they were allies or pirates.

Understood, I will raise the white flag.


Following Ottos orders, Camille had the fleet raise the white flag.


*Boom!* *Boom!*

Despite the flying white flag, the pirates opened fire with their cannons.

A show of force?

Otto decided to wait and see.

They were still some distance away, so they werent going to get hit by a cannonball.

What kind of people are they, even though were displaying a white flag, firing shells at us? Isnt that a waste of magic stones?

There was something odd about that.

The first priority of pirates is always money.

Violent crimes like murder, rape, and arson were secondary, not the primary goal of piracy.

If they sank a targeted ship, what would the pirates get for a living?

A ship is a floating treasure trove for pirates.

Is there anyone in this world who doesnt want to make money?

Activating [Clairvoyance], to see what pirate flag theyre flying ahead of them.

If its a skull with long fins sprouting from the top of its head, then.

The Sailfish Pirates? Why is Drake here?

Captain Drake was among the 100 Lords.

Wait a minute. Isnt Drakes main enemy Avery?

Captain Drakes main storyline is to get revenge on Captain Avery, one of the same 100 Lords and a pirate lord.

Ottos ship is the pirate ship of the Battle Hammer Pirates.

The Battle Hammer Pirates are a sub-organization of the Sea Serpent Pirates run by Avery.

In other words.

Surrendering wont work.

Otto made that judgment and shouted urgently.

Everyone prepare for battle!

Drake was a vengeful demon.

Cold-blooded and without mercy, not only against Captain Avery, but also against all the pirates of the Sea Serpent Pirates.

The pirate flag had long since been lowered, but there was no way that Drake would not recognize the pirate ship of the Battle Hammer Pirates.

In other words, Captain Drake had mistaken the Lota Kingdoms fleet for the Battle Hammer Pirates, and intended to sink it.

** ** **

1. See Chapter 69-70

2. Women from a lower class who were trained to become professional artists. Korean ver. of Geisha in Japan.

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