I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 133:

Chapter 133:


Captain Drake of the Sailfish Pirates gave the order to open fire as soon as he spotted the Battle Hammer Pirates.

Theyve hoisted a white flag, Captain.

Shoot them anyway.


Did you forget? Our grudge?

Drake asked, his eyes burning.

These are Averys men, and sparing them because theyve raised the white flag will only make things messier. Just shoot them.

Drake ordered again.

Take them down.

Aye, Captain.

Drake snapped the order again, and the crew mobilized the cannons to open fire.

In three, two, one.


The cannons roared as they opened fire.

We wont leave a single one of them alive. Not a single one.

Drakes eyes burned with bloodlust as he gazed at the pirate ships of the Battle Hammer Pirates in the distance.

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Ugh. This is a mistake.

A groan of disbelief escaped Ottos lips.

He had met Captain Drake when he was on the pirate ship of the Battle Hammer Pirates?

How could he be so unlucky?

Drakes grudge against the Pirate Lord Avery and his subordinates was far greater than the average person could imagine.

His father, Captain William, was originally a pirate who led his own crew under Avery.

A bit like the Battle Hammer Pirates.

Despite being a pirate, Captain William was a man of great character, and was well known and respected among his fellow pirates.

He and his crew had a very low crime rate and were known for causing very few casualties.

He was known as the Gentleman of the Sea.

In the beginning, pirates focused on non-criminal activities such as treasure exploration and monster hunting as opposed to plundering.

But a pirate is only a pirate.

How long can I continue to commit crimes? I cant pass on my criminal life to my son. Im going to start a new life.

William, who had long been disenchanted with the pirate life, decided to retire and surrender to his country, the Kingdom of Castile.

Of course, William was no fool, and he knew that the Kingdom of Castile would not pardon him so easily.

So William sailed to Castile with the treasure of a centuries-old pirate lord.

In exchange for the treasure, he hoped to be pardoned and become a privateer, a pirate recognized by the state.

But Williams plan was leaked to Avery by a rogue traitor, and the consequences were devastating.

Avery took Williams family as hostages, threatened him, stole the treasure, and committed other horrific acts.

Williams dreams of ending his life as a pirate and starting a new life as a privateer were shattered by Avery.

Barely surviving that terrible tragedy, Drake sought revenge on Avery by joining the Navy.

But he was denied enlistment because his father was a pirate.

So Drake was forced to become a pirate.

He wanted to avenge his familys death by becoming a pirate hunter.

marks Drakes main story.

Needless to say, surrendering would not work against such a vengeful spirit.

We have to tell him!


We have to let them know were not pirates! Hoist the flag of our country!


But even with the display of the flag of the Kingdom of Lota, the bombardment from Drake did not cease.

It was clear that he misunderstood that the <Battle Hammer Pirates> were resorting to deceptive tactics.


The mortar shells struck the defensive shield created by the combined efforts of the five magic swordsmen.


The shield was shattered, and the magic swordsmen were knocked down.

*Whoosh!* *Boom!*

The Lota Kingdom fired back, but they couldnt even hit the shadow of the Sailfish Pirates.

We couldnt even hit them.

The Sailfish Piratess pirate ship, the [Red Goddess], was the fastest ship in the world.

Its ridiculous to contend with the Red Goddess with the slow Battle Hammer Pirates ship.

At this rate, theyll just take a one-sided beating, and their entire fleet will be sunk .


Otto shouted, using his [Barbarians Shout] to raise a loud bellowing voice.

Were not pirates!!! Weve seized their ship!!! We are not pirates!!!

*Whooosh!* *Boom!*


But the long distance, coupled with the noise of their cannons, prevented Ottos shouts from penetrating the air to reach Drake.

It would have been different if I was around level 300.

Otto bit his lip in frustration.


Kairos sauntered over.

Are you sure theyre misunderstanding us?


Then why dont we go tell them in person?

How do we get there? Are you going to fly?

Why dont I run?

You lunatic.

Otto glared at Kairos.

Were in the middle of the ocean, what are we, some sort of water striders Huh!? What are you doing!

Otto yelped as Kairos lifted him up with a quick cast of his skill, lifting him with the skill [Princess Carry].

Ill take you there.


Didnt I made a jinpa on the island?

To Kairos, a jinpa is a mercenary slang term that means mistake or accident.

Apparently, hed forgotten Ottos instructions on Claw Island and had stomped a voracious crab to its death.

Ill take this opportunity to make up for my mistake.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Youll see for yourself.

With that, Kairos grabbed Otto and jumped off the deck.

Ahhhhhh! I cant swim, I cant swim, HEEELLLLPP!

Otto screamed as his fear of water took over.

But then,


Otto craned his neck, wondering what was going on as he didnt fall into the ocean as he had expected.

Kairos was standing on the surface of the water.

You what are you?

Hold on tight, Pansy.

The next moment.

*Splash!* *Thud!* *Splash!* *Splash!* *Thud!* *Splash!*

Kairos darted toward the Red Goddess at a terrifying speed.

Hey, you crazy bastard!

This isnt a martial arts novel!

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At the same time.

Cap-Captain, look over there!

What is it?

A person, a person.

A person is what?

Hes running on top of the water, hes running!

Drake sneered in disbelief at the report.

Have you been drinking too much rum lately? How does a person run on water, are you possessed by Siren or something?

No, Im not, Im serious, look!


Drake snorted in disbelief and glanced in the direction his subordinate had pointed.

How does a person run on water?

Drakes pupils quaked.


In the distance, some lunatic was running at terrifying speed, carrying a blond, handsome man in his arms.

Did I drink too much rum, too?

When youre a sailor, drinking rum is a matter of habit.

Questioning himself, Drake opened and closed his eyes rapidly.

Its real.

As it turns out, his eyes werent deceiving him.

There was indeed a man running across the water.

Moreover, it was ridiculously fast.

Before he knew it, they were right in front of the Red Goddess.


The person broke the surface of the water and landed on the deck of the Red Goddess.

He was carrying a blonde young person like a princess.




The entire crew was dumbfounded by this unbelievable phenomenon and could only stare, unable to react.

It was too much for them to handle, and their mental process broke down.

Perhaps if it hadnt landed, they wouldnt have been so surprised.

The first person to come to his senses was of course Captain Drake.

W-What the hell, kill them!

Drake shouted urgently.


Attack them! Attack!

The crew, having finally come to their senses, pulled out their weapons and charged at the men.

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Kairos was completely worn out as soon as he boarded the Red Goddess.

Running on the water had used up all of his mana and stamina, and he was completely exhausted.

Youll have to clean up the mess, Pansy, huff, huff.

Kairos gasped for breath.

His entire mana reserves had been depleted, and he couldnt even bring himself to activate the [Phantom Armor].

In his prime, Kairos would have been able to run around on the ocean all day and still be fine.

What the hell?

Otto glared at him in disbelief.

It was nice to have him on board.

But it was hard for him to tell if he was helping out or leaving him for dead in the middle of enemy territory.

Have have lost your mind!


Drakes men charged, brandishing their weapons in a frenzy.


Otto grumbled.

But it wasnt as bad as it looked.

Drake in a naval battle was terrifying.

However, when it came to close combat on the deck, it was a different story.

Besides, at this point in time, Drake was still a fledgling pirate.


Shall I go for the subduing option?

Otto pulled out his wooden sword.

He was more than capable of subduing Drakes men with a wooden sword.

*Thwack!* *Smack!* *Wham!*

The wooden sword smashed into the heads of the charging enemies.



The enemies let out a single audible scream and rendered unconscious.

*Smack!* *Wham!*

Facing Drakes men, Otto was like a fish out of water.

A one-sided thrashing.

Or rather, a beating.

Not even feeling the need to use the power of the Invincible Emperor, Otto used only his sword skills to beat up Drakes men.


Drake pulled out his pistol when he realized it couldnt continue.


Otto knew how frighteningly powerful Drakes firearm was.

All firearms in this world were powered not by gunpowder, but by magic stones, which made them very expensive and slow to fire.

However, their firepower was immense.

Drakes pistol, Blood Vengeance, is a legendary item that fires only two shots, but its power is enough to make even the largest cannon weep.

If one gets hit by it, no amount of mana shielding can save them.

At Ottos current level, it wouldnt be surprising if his upper body was completely blown apart.


Otto spat out as soon as he saw Drake about to pull the trigger.



The [Vile Death Bead] struck Drakes gun.


Drake let out a low scream, dropping his gun.

*Smack!* *Wham!*

Otto took out two more enemies in the meantime, and in a flash, he was in front of Drake.

As fluid as water, yet lightning fast when it was needed.

It was the essence of the skills Elise and Kairos had taught him.


Startled, Drake hastily drew his own sword and slashed at Otto.


Out of nowhere, Ottos own sword intercepted Drakes blade.

*Clang!* *Skkrr!* *Clang!*

Three collisions.


Drakes sword sailed into the distance and lodged itself in the deck.

Following that.


Ottos sword rested at the base of Drakes neck.

Hold still.

Otto cautioned Drake.

Unless you want to die.

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