I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 134:

Chapter 134:


Drake dared not move at Ottos warning.


The glint of Ottos purple eyes was so eerie, it caused him to freeze.

Who are you?

Drake asked Otto.

Did Avery sent..

Dont compare me to that snake.

Otto cut Drake off.

I am Otto de Scuderia, King of the Kingdom of Lota, and I am not Averys subordinate.

Otto de Scuderia? The Kingdom of Iota? Is there such a thing as.

It exists! It does!


Careful what you say, ok?

Ottos purple-colored eyes glowed even more menacingly.

He was about to poison Drake with [Poison Gaze] if he didnt stop.

If were done here, lets have a nice, friendly conversation.


We werent the ones who attacked first, were we?


Be glad its only this much. I almost killed everyone, but I held back.

With that, Otto retracted his sword, which had touched the base of Drakes neck.

Drake made no move to attack Otto.



Ouch, my head.

His men were beaten, but none of them seemed to be dead.

If hed wanted to kill them in the first place, the other guy would have used a real sword, not a wooden one.


Drake wiped a hand roughly at the trail of blood running down his neck, then turned to Otto.

Who the hell are you?

I told you.

Otto rolled his eyes.

Dont make me repeat myself, will you?


Youre annoying me. Fuck. I might just kill you.

Drake was honestly a little puzzled, wondering if Otto was the same man who had threatened him earlier.

It was as if the menacing figure had vanished, leaving only a jovial prankster in its place.

Youre the kind of guy who when they open their mouths, they screw around.

Drake thought Otto was not worth his face.

Why? What? Why are you doing that?


Are you thinking Im the kind of guy who opens his mouth and then screws around?


Work on your facial expressions, before I smack you.

How quick to notice.

He wondered if he could see right through his mind.

My expression gives it all away.

Drake thought to himself.

Yeah. It says it all.


Drake felt the hairs on his arms and legs stand on end.

So watch your facial expressions. Unless you want to get killed.


Youre pissing me off.

Drake thought he might have met a psychic with the ability to read peoples minds.

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The misunderstanding with the vengeful Drake was put to rest by the great work of Otto and Kairos.

The fleet of the Kingdom of Lota closes in on the Red Goddess, completely dominating the deck.

And Otto began his crash course on Drake.

No, you should have checked before you opened fire.

Im sorry.

And what if our ships get sunk because of it? How will you take responsibility?

Im really sorry.

Aside from the money. There are people who will be killed, people.

I apologize again.

Does an apology end ones pirate life, or rather a piracy career?

Not really, but.

What if someone died?

Im really, really sorry.

For once, Drake wanted to die.

Damn it. Im going to get scabs on my ears.

He swore once more.

And then another.

Repeating the same sentiment over and over again until his blood ran dry, causing Drakes mental stress levels to skyrocket in real time.

Around two hours in.

S-stop. Please, stop. Enough. I was wrong. I admit it. Please, Im begging you. Stop.

Drake pleaded to Otto in anguish, throwing up both hands and feet.

If you want me to kneel, Ill kneel. So please, just stop. Im begging you. Please.


Otto smiled triumphantly at the distressed Drake.

I guess youve had a chance to reflect, huh?


Huu.., Im feeling a little better now!


Those words.

No way

He did that on purpose?

Drake shuddered.

Id have preferred to be beaten to a pulp, you lunatic! Dying would be better than this!

And then.

No, no.

Otto stared at Drake and shook his head.

If you got beaten, it would only hurt for a minute.


Who doesnt know that its better to get hit once? Ask any guy, Would you rather be scolded or just get pummeled? Nine times out of ten, theyd rather just get hit.

Drake felt like hed been stripped to the very core of his soul, and he didnt want Otto to see through him.

You did well.

Camille placed a hand on Drakes shoulder, comforting him.

I know the feeling.


Two hours? Its usually over in an hour. If it were me, Id probably commit suicide.

Drake didnt have the strength to respond, so he just stiffly nodded and sagged against the wall.

Cap-Captain. Take this.

Drake gulped down the rum his subordinate handed him and stared blankly at the sky.

The sky, shining with warm rays of light, was unusually clear today.

Quite unusually.

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Around the same time.

Qasim, who had traveled to a nearby port city on a special mandate given to him by Otto, succeeded in safely dropping off the people captured by the pirates.

Thank you, Thank you so much!

Sniff, I never thought Id be able to go back home, so thank you so much!

I will never forget this grace for the rest of my life, sob sob!

With tears in their eyes, the people repeatedly thanked Qasim and the Lota Kingdom Army.

In their minds, those of the Lota Kingdom were a lifesaver.

Whats more, Otto had generously provided them with enough money to get them back home safely.

Truly, the situation could not be more magnanimous.

Well, then, return safely. His Majesty the King is also keenly anxious for your safe return.


As Qasim started to leave after seeing them off, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Only one person.

Sob. Sob.

A young girl stood there, all alone.

The same girl Otto had comforted in person.

Why are you crying?

Qasim asked the girl.

Are you afraid to go home alone?

Sni Sniff.


I have nowhere to go back to. Sob.. Sob.


Qasim realized why the girl had not gone and looked devastated.

What must it be like to have nowhere to go back to.

Most likely, the girl had no extended family either.

Do you want to come with me?

Qasim knelt down on one knee and looked up at the young girl, smiling broadly.

Is that okay? Sob Sob.

Im sure His Highness would be delighted.

Thank you. Thank you so much. Sniff Sniff.


Qasim smiled and held out his hand to the girl.

And what is your name, young lady?

Marianne you can call me Marianne.

Lets go.

Qasim led the girl named Marianne back to the ship.

Ill tell Head Maid Olive and shell take good care of her, because shes a good person.

The influence of Head Maid Olive in the palace was absolute.

Of course, her overwhelming physical presence was a big part of it, but it wasnt the only part.

Olive is respected by all the servants and maids who work in the palace.

She could be stern when she wanted to be strict, but she was usually very gentle, attentive, and caring.

It was clear that she would accept Marianne and take good care of her.

And Otto, the king, would be supportive of Marianne.

So, having successfully completed Ottos mission, Qasim set sail for the Claw Island.

And suddenly.


*Rumble!* *Crack!* *Rumble!*

The weather began to change drastically, and dark clouds swiftly overtook the clear sky.


Fierce winds.

*Crash, crash, crash!*

And towering waves.

Unfortunately, they were caught in the path of a small typhoon.

Everyone hold on tight!

Everybody take shelter in your cabins!

He barked.

Move quickly! Hurry! Its dangerous!

As the ships commander, Qasim was the last man on deck, leading the crew and the troops of the Kingdom of Lota.

Only when he was sure that the last member of the crew had gone into their cabin did Qasim take his leave.

He had fulfilled his responsibilities as a commander until the end.

But it came at a cost.

I have to hurry.

The moment Qasim was about to run.


A high wave slammed into Qasim.


The surge pushed Qasim completely off the deck and into the raging sea.

And just like that, the deck was bare.

As if no one had ever been there in the first place.

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Meanwhile, Otto contemplates what to do with Drake.

I didnt expect to encounter him here.

At this point in time, Drake is just a young fledging at the beginning of his journey.

He has yet to grow into a formidable pirate lord.

It makes sense that his pirate crew is small and his own individual power is rather limited.

In the first place, Drake himself was never the kind of Lord who could use a lot of military strength.

What are you thinking about?

Im thinking about what to do with that redhead.

Otto answered Camilles question.

Shouldnt we just hand him over to the navy?

On what grounds?


Hes only been a pirate for a month, and theres no bounty on his head.


Camille nodded in understanding.

So what are you going to do then?


Otto mulled it over, then spoke up.

Im having a hard time deciding what to do.

Im trusting you to make a wise decision.

Wise choice. Should I raise him and eat him?


Camilles face contorted.

What do you mean, raising him and eating him? Is that pirate some kind of chicken.

Its a chicken, yes. Its still a baby chick, but itll grow up to be a great fighting chicken.

As Otto said these words, he made up his mind.

Drake is unbeatable in naval warfare, and among the pirate lords, he has the best tactical and strategic skills.

Drake is in the top three naval admirals among the 100 Lords.

Conceptually, hes more of a naval admiral leading a fleet than a Lord.

In fact, his main scenario was more about revenge against his familys enemies than about faction management.

Ill recruit him.

Since Otto was thinking of starting a navy, he decided to make Drake his subordinate.

This was another variable that wasnt part of Ottos original plan.

However, he felt that Drake was worth the gamble.

Acquiring one of the most brilliant naval admirals in the world would be a tremendous addition to the naval power of the Kingdom of Lota.

That is, of course, if he succeeded in recruiting Drake.

Well take him.

You mean youre going to recruit him?


What makes you want to hire a pirate?

I guess you would say.

Otto nodded at the perfectly valid and rational counterargument.

But you can tell the worth of a tree from its sprouts, right? Whats the point of figuring out what its made of? You could end up missing out on a gemstone.


Ill talk to him first.


Camille didnt object anymore.

He knew that when Otto got serious, it was because he had something on his mind, and every decision he made that way was the right one.

Ill be blunt.

Otto grabbed Drake aside and announced.

Youre going to be my subordinate.


Im going to make you Chief of Naval Staff.

Fuck off.

Drakes tone was suddenly fierce.

A moment ago, he might have been meek because hed done something wrong, but now was a different story.

Fuck that shit.

Drake cut him off, dismissing Ottos offer.

I have work to do.

What if I help you get your revenge?


Ill let you get revenge on Avery in ten days. How about it, do you like that?

Stunned into silence, Drake was unable to answer.

He could get his revenge in ten days?

And against a pirate lord, like Avery?

Even as a joke, it was the kind of ridiculous bullshit he couldnt bring himself to voice.

But Otto thought differently.

Ten days should be enough.

Otto was confident he could hunt down Avery in ten days.

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