I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 173:

Chapter 173:

Otto and his party narrowly made it out alive on a flying carpet.

However, they weren’t entirely out of the Sahara.

About three hours into their journey.

“Huh? Eeehhh?”

The altitude was gradually decreasing, and the carpet started to descend.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think we’re running out of fuel.”


“It’s rechargeable.”

Otto said, pointing to the carpet.

This carpet, called the [Flying Carpet], was not an item that could be used permanently.

This meant it needed to be infused with either a magic stone or the user’s own mana before it could be used.

In addition, there were Otto, Camille, Kairos, the Soul Knights, and the Magic Swordsmen.

No matter how big the carpet was, there were nearly 50 people on board, so it was kind of overloaded.

The mistreatment of the magic carpet was so severe that it was not at all surprising for it to lose its ability to fly due to fuel shortage.

“At least we survived the crisis.”

Otto didn’t show much dissatisfaction after they landed.

He was perfectly content.

After all, just getting away from Sheerazad and the ghouls had been more than worth it, so he didn’t feel too bad about not being able to fly anymore.


Otto rolled up the flying carpet and stowed it in his subspace inventory.

Charging the carpet and then flying back was extremely cumbersome.

Not only did it take a long time to recharge, but the amount of mana it consumed was ridiculous.

They hadn’t even crossed the border yet, and there was no time to idly charge the carpet.

Pouring mana into the magic carpet now, given its fuel shortage, would increase the risk of being unable to respond properly to an attack and getting caught.

Even if they were to fly again on the magic carpet, the immediate concern was crossing the border before considering their next move.

“From now on, we’re going on foot. We need to move fast. There’s no telling what’s going on in Al-Salam.”

Otto’s thoughts were racing.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay if we don’t rest?”

Camille asked worriedly.

“You don’t look good. Shouldn’t you get some rest?”

“It’s okay. Just fatigue. Don’t worry about it. Let’s focus on crossing the border first. It’s not far. We can rest after crossing the border.”

To be honest, Otto could really use some sleep.

Over the past week, he stayed up all night telling stories to Sheerazad, and then spent hours planning out what would happen next, so he suffered from severe sleep deprivation.

But he was anxious, and couldn’t keep his eyes off it.

‘The conflict between Saladin and Abdul II was also much faster than I expected. Sheerazad’s reaction was also different from the original scenario. The tables have already turned, and maybe… Saladin might die before I can do anything.’

Otto’s worst-case scenario is that Saladin is killed in a senseless manner by Abdul II.

Then Saladin will truly meet his demise, and the political landscape of the Caliphate Kingdom will undergo significant changes, veering into unpredictable directions.

“Let’s go. There isn’t a moment to lose.”

Otto urges them on.

And so the group traveled to the Caliphate, not by air, but by land.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

As Otto had guessed, the conflict between Saladin and Abdul II had reached a critical point.

Sultan Abdul II locked Saladin, who was covered in blood, in a very small cage and left him there.

Saladin was allowed only a bowl of honey water a day.

Saladin was confined to a narrow cage and had to survive on a bowl of honey water for ten days.

By day, he was tormented by the scorching sun.

At night, suffering from a frigid night breeze.

“Father, Father”

The young crown prince, Masud, called anxiously to his father, Saladin, who was imprisoned in the cage.

“Come to your senses, Father! Father!”

“…My son.”

Saladin, who had been slumped asleep as if dead, smiled faintly.

“This father… do not worry.”


“Pray to Anan. Son, so that the Sultan, my Father, your Grandfather, may stop the war… This father is all right.”

Saladin, despite festering wounds on his back oozing pus, swarming flies, and swarms of putrid maggots gnawing at his wounds, did not waver in his faith.

“Father! You have to tell Grandfather that you did something wrong! Father! You must follow Grandfather’s words! Father! This son doesn’t want Father to die!”

“That’s why it shouldn’t be…”

Saladin shook his head.

“War shall not be. Only peace and mercy…”

Until then.


Exhausted, Saladin lost consciousness and his head drooped.

He was completely worn down.

“Grandfather! Please forgive Father! Grandfather!”

Masud rushed up to Sultan Abdul II and prostrated himself before him.

“You wretch, How dare you even try to disobey this Grandfather!”

“Gra… Grandfather!”

“I don’t care how much I adore you, if you do the same thing as your father, I will punish you for treason! Go away, or I will punish you greatly! What are you waiting for, drag the crown prince away!”

Despite Masud’s pleas, Abdul II was unwavering.

“My son, you must never disobey your grandfather’s orders.”

The crown princess, Zelnar, held Masud’s hand and pleaded repeatedly.

“You are the crown prince. You cannot step out of line like this, even you. Understand?”


“You must survive. Even if this mother and father die, you must survive and become Sultan. That is the only way to live. You must remember that. You must never defy your grandfather. Only obedience will keep you alive.”

After telling Masud so, Zelnar went to Abdul II and begged him.

“What, you wretched wench, do you think I don’t know that it is because of you that my son has been glazed over, and I will punish you for your treason as well!”

“Su… Sultan!”

“Even though you come from a humble family, if you have attained the position of crown princess, you should at least play the part of the princess! What are you doing, lock her up in a high tower at once!”

And so Zelnar was reduced to the same fate as her husband, Saladin.

Though she was spared the punishment of being flogged, she was still going to wither away.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

A couple more days have passed.

*Thunk* *Thunk* *Thunk* *Thunk*

Soldiers began piling dry firewood around the cage Saladin was in.

“Ple.. Please save him!”

“Please let him live!”

“Please spare the child! Spare at least the child!”

Soon after, women and children from the Nuristan and Hanafi tribes, chained together, were dragged to the cage where Saladin was kept.

“Cast a healing spell on him.”

“Yes, Sultan.”

Sultan Abdul II, who had finally made his appearance, directed the mages.


Saladin, having been healed by magic, regained his consciousness and looked at Abdul II.

“I will give you one last chance.”

Abdul II said in a cold voice and held out his sword toward Saladin in the cage.

“Take it.”

“Why would you… offer me a sword?”

“If you behead those wicked Nuristanis and Hanafis with this sword, this Sultan will forgive you for the treason you have committed.”


“And I will restore you as crown prince. Your wife will also be spared. But if you defy this command again, I will….”

Sultan Abdul II motioned to his soldiers.

*Crackle* *Fwooosh*

Soldiers gathered around the cage, carrying flaming torches.

“I will burn you to death with these scorching flames.”

“F… Father!”

“This is your last chance. Behead those Nuristanis and Hanafis with this sword. And when you have recovered, promise to wage war on behalf of this father.”

Sultan Abdul II pressured Saladin.

A de facto ultimatum.

At this point, it was impossible for even Abdul II to back down.

His subjects in the capital, Al-Salam, were watching.

If he pardoned Saladin here without consequence, he would suffer a major political blow.

His authority as Sultan would be greatly undermined, and he would lose the justification for the war.

It comes to a point where Abdul II cannot forgive him even if he wants to.

“Show your loyalty to the Sultan by beheading those vile criminals. Fulfill your duty as the crown prince of our dynasty.”

“I can’t… do that.”


“I would rather not be loyal… than prove my loyalty by slitting the throats of innocent women and children.”


“Anan has said that violence against the weak is a sin in itself, and the loyalty thus demonstrated is no loyalty at all, but evil. This son cannot follow his father’s word.”

“Y…. YOU!!!”

Abdul II’s face flushed red.

He was furious that his son Saladin had thrown away the last chance he had given him, even citing God and refusing to be loyal.


Abdul II roared.

“I understand very well! You are indeed a traitor! You cannot behead those devilish Nuristanis and Hanafis, and how can you say such a thing unless you are equally a traitor, my son!”

“Yes, O Sultan!”

“Burn him up!”


The words that should not have been uttered flowed from Abdul II’s mouth.

“Burn him! He is no longer my son, only a wicked devil and a traitor! How dare he defend the Nuristans and Hanafis in the name of God! I will burn him to death as the Sultan!”

However, the soldiers hesitated to ignite the torches.

Even if it was Abdul II’s order, they were reluctant to burn Saladin, who had once been the crown prince.

“What are you waiting for! Set the fire quickly! Those who hesitate will also be punished for treason!”

Abdul II roared.

“Forgive me.”

“Your Majesty the Crown Prince… Please do not blame us.”

Soldiers approached Saladin’s side in the cage and were about to kindle the piled up firewood.


Otto and the others on the flying carpet swooped down on the scene.

“Camille, Kairos. Buy me some time.”

Otto leapt from the flying carpet and dashed toward Saladin.

“W-What are they doing? Seize them!”

Abdul II bellowed.

“You dare!”

“How dare you interfere with the execution of the law in this country!”


The knights of Caliphate Kingdom charged towards Otto’s group.

*Clang* *Clang*

In the midst of the battle.

“Crown Prince.”

Otto approached Saladin and spoke to him.

“Uh, benefactor.”

Saladin was taken aback by Otto’s sudden appearance.

He hadn’t expected Otto, a foreigner, to interfere with the execution of his sentence.

“You shouldn’t do this.”

Saladin said to Otto.

“I am already prepared for death. Why would you try to save me? Benefactor, you should value your life. This is not how it should be.”

Saladin was worried for Otto.

Indeed, Saladin knew that there was little chance of his survival.

Even if they had a flying carpet, they would eventually be captured.

And then not only would Saladin be executed for treason, but so would Otto and his men.

Otto knew that too.

“I know I can’t save you.”

Even for Otto, there were things he could do and things he couldn’t.

Saladin’s situation was a precarious one, one that could not be resolved by any measure.

“Then why do you throw away your life in vain? My benefactor is a wise man. You know you can’t save me….”

“Take this.”

Otto handed Saladin the [Revelation] through the gap in the cage.

“This is a scripture containing the words of Anan. Hold it.”

“You risked death to give me this scripture?”

“It is my final courtesy to Your Highness, the Crown Prince. It has been… an honor… to have met you, however briefly.”

At that moment.

“How dare you!”

“How impious!”

Several knights of the Caliphate Kingdom dragged Otto away.

“You incompetent bastards, you can’t even execute a sentence properly, and allow foreigners to intrude? I will execute the sentence personally!”

Abdul II, completely lost in rage, threw down a torch.


Flames leapt from the dry, oil-soaked wood.

In the blink of an eye, the flames grew uncontrollably and engulfed Saladin.

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