I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 174:

Chapter 174:


Inside the blazing flames.


Saladin awaited his approaching death with a calm expression.

The scorching heat burned his skin, but Saladin’s expression was serene.

“O Anan, Heavenly Father. Your humble servant now comes to your side.”

Saladin recited a prayer and opened the scripture Otto had handed him.


“How could the benefactor have given me such a scripture?”

Saladin was perplexed to see that the scripture was blank.

It was supposed to contain the words of Anan, but there was nothing written on it.

It was just a blank sheet of parchment.

‘Benefactor must have had a purpose.’

Saladin thought to himself, and closed his eyes in silence.


The flames burned through his hair, consuming the hem of his clothes.

Saladin could feel his skin burning.

An unspeakable, indescribable pain seized Saladin.

Burning alive.

Being burned alive was an agonizing punishment.

Yet Saladin was unfazed.

“In the name of Anan, the Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to him.”

“I pray,” he said, “that you may guide the foolish to wisdom.”

“Look down upon us with words of peace and harmony.”

“Please grant us the grace that there will be no more tragedies of the fellow countrymen in this land.”

“Most merciful and gracious Anan. Pardon my father’s sins, and plant peace in his heart.”

Through the roaring flames.

Even as he was burning alive, Saladin did not stop praying.

Suddenly, he felt no pain.

His heart was at peace.

‘May my death turn my father’s heart. Father. Forgive me for being an unfaithful son. Be a holy warrior, and look upon the unfaithful with mercy and forgiveness.’

Even as his body burned, his flesh melted, and his bones began to show through, Saladin felt no pain or fear.

He was able to open the unwritten scripture, sit upright, and wait quietly for his death.

Then at one point.

“…O Heavenly Father.”

Saladin lost consciousness after finishing that prayer.

Before anyone knew it, his body had turned into a charred lump of flesh.

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Death was not the end.

“…This place.”

Saladin marveled at the sight before him.

Saladin was in a celestial temple.

Here, it seemed, he could pray to Anan for a thousand years.

– Have you found me, believer?

A radiant figure appeared and spoke to Saladin.

“Y.. You are?”

– I am the One who responds to your faith.

“Anan! Are you Anan?”

– I am not Anan, but I am the conduit of his will.


Saladin thought the radiant figure before him was an angel, an agent of God.

– Your earnestness and deep faith, called out to me.

“Aah! Holy Representative!”

Saladin fell to his knees.

“I receive the word of the Great God, Anan!”

– I am not God’s agent. I am merely a messenger to convey his will. See the scriptures, my child of faith.


Saladin was stunned to see the scripture Otto had handed him laid out before him.

– The scripture contains all of Annan’s will. You shall read and study it.

“Yes, I understand.”

– You must read and contemplate the Scripture for 3,650,000 days.

“Even if it takes an eternity, I will study.”

Saladin opened the scripture, and embraced the will of Anan within it.

The scripture, which was once empty, was now filled with the words of Anan.

A day went by.

Then two.

He turned the scripture page after page, but there was no end to the words.

The scriptures were filled with the will of Anan.=

The will of the divine, which cannot be recorded in writing, was contained within the scriptures.

Saladin delved into the scriptures, forgetting even the passage of time.

– 3,650,000 Days have passed.

The radiant figure awakened Saladin, who was lost in a trance.

– Have you studied all of God’s Will?

“Yes,” said Saladin, “I have studied the entirety of the Divine Will.”

– Then go and preach that Will. A great power shall keep thee in the land.


With that, Saladin’s body began to slowly turn a golden color.

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Around that same time.


Otto was stunned as he realized he was in another place.

He clearly remembered being dragged away by the Caliphate soldiers, but he had no idea why he was in such a strange place.

‘Where am I?’

He spun around.

Countless worlds unfolded before his eyes.

It was like he was on a control tower, observing the entire universe.

‘Why am I in such a place?’

He asked himself.

‘Prince Saladin?’

In the distance, Saladin could be seen.

Saladin was in the Celestial Temple, studying the scriptures.

“Wait. Here is…’

Otto suddenly realized.

‘This place. It’s empty, but it’s also full of information. The past, present, and future of all universes and all dimensions are recorded in it. In here, I can see everything.’

At last, Otto understood.

This is the cosmic space called the Void Realm.

‘I gave the Book of Revelation to Saladin. And the power of the Revelation drew Saladin into the Will of Anan.’

Otto could also see why Saladin had gone to the Celestial Temple.

‘Anan is not a God. Thousands of years ago. He was an ancient leader of many tribes in the land where the Caliphate was founded.’

‘Anan was revered as a wise prophet during his lifetime, and then after his death, he was elevated to the status of a God.’

‘Saladin accessed the will of Anan recorded within this void-space through the Revelation.’

Having said that…

‘So, what about me? What’s my situation? Why have I come to this world? What lies ahead for me in the future? I need to find it out.’

‘Though I don’t know why I ended up in this place, the Void Realm, I might as well take this opportunity to learn about my past, present, and future,’ thought Otto.

However, it was impossible.


In an instant, Otto was thrown out of the Void Realm and returned back to reality.

This is the [Void Realm].

The laws of the universe did not allow Otto to glimpse into the past, present, and future.

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When he returned to reality, he was still being held down by the soldiers of Caliphate.

Was it because he had just been briefly introduced to the secrets of the universe?

“Hmph, Urgh, Arrggh.”

Otto was in agony, hyperventilating.


His whole body trembled like an aspen tree.


A trickle of blood ran down his nose

The mere visit of the soul to the Void Realm had inflicted tremendous physical damage.


Kairos, who was kneeling beside Otto, spoke up as he looked at Otto in that state.

“Did you really go to that place?” Kairos asked, looking at Otto.

“There? Aa-Aargh.”

“Didn’t you go where you shouldn’t have?”

“How did you know that, Kairos?”

“I went there for a while while practicing my mind’s eye in the past.”


“The information there is something no human should ever glimpse. It is where the past, present, and future of all universes and all dimensions are recorded, but if you look into it, you will forfeit your destiny as a mortal.”

Kairos’s expression was deadly serious.

“How on earth did you manage to get a glimpse of that place?”

“I don’t know.”

Otto answered hesitantly.

“Maybe it was the scripture.”

Just then.


In a blinding flash, a pillar of light began to shine down from high in the sky.



Saladin emerged from the burning pyre, his head bathed in a golden halo of light.

With the Book of Revelation, handed to him by Otto at his last moment.

– O people of Anan!

Saladin’s voice echoed through the capital city of Al-Salam.

– I now speak the words of Anan, and you must take them to heart and put them into practice.

Then something even more incredible happened.

**Flip** **Whisk** **Whisk**

As the Book of Revelation unfolded before them, the words of Saladin were meticulously recorded on the very first page.

That was the end of the Saladin Scenario.

Saladin, who sacrificed himself to oppose war, spoke the words of God, and those words were inscribed in the holy relic, The Revelation, uniting the tribes.


“His Highness the Crown Prince is Anan’s representative!”

“Yes, We hear thee!”

“Hail, Anan!”

“O great Anan!”

As the miracle took place, the people of the capital city of Al-Salam prostrated themselves in unison and prayed to Saladin.

The Sultan Abdul II, was no exception.

“My God, Anan! Hast thou spoken in the body of my son!”

Abdul II dropped flat on the floor and shook with terror.

It was natural for him to be afraid, for the son he had burned to death with his own hands had risen from the dead as a saint who spoke the words of God.

– My people, my children, you shall not be hostile to one another, nor shall you fight. Let all the people of this land reconcile with one another and submit to each other. Then there shall be no shedding of blood.”

– Forgive each other. Wash away hatred. A life filled with resentment will turn the present into hell.”

Saladin continued to preach Anan’s words, filling the Book of Revelation.

“Yes, Anan! I will stop the wars! I will treat the other tribes with mercy and forgiveness! Please forgive the sins of this weak and foolish man!”

Abdul II burst into tears and repented of his sins.

The embodiment of ambition, which sought to establish a unified dynasty through ruthless warfare, no longer existed.

Before God, there was only an infinitely feeble, aged old man.

With this, one thing was certain.

Abdul II would no longer wage war, and he would refrain from the merciless slaughter of tribes that did not submit.

In the future, he would deal with other tribes with inclusiveness and mercy, in accordance with the will of Saladin.


Meanwhile, Otto slowly pushed himself to his feet.

No one held Otto down.

The knights of Caliphate who had captured Otto’s men had also prostrated themselves before Saladin, listening to Anan’s words.

‘Crown Prince Saladin.’

Otto honestly didn’t understand Saladin.

Saladin was a Saint who sacrificed himself to prevent a civil war in his kingdom.

Otto, on the other hand, was a man struggling to stay alive.

Otto and Saladin were two very different people, with beliefs and values that didn’t mix like water and oil.

Nevertheless, Otto admired Saladin.

He saw him as a saint, a noble and dignified figure, sacrificing oneself for others.

‘I cannot understand you. But I respect you. I am only human and cannot act like you. Your noble sacrifice will eventually bear fruit. Your son, Masood, will become a holy warrior and continue your legacy.’

As Otto thought this, he knelt down on one knee in reverence towards Saladin, who was finishing his Revelation.

At that moment.

[Notification: [Saladin] has ascended!]

[Notification: The scenario for [Saladin] has been deleted!]

Saladin, one of the 100 Lords, became a Saint and was removed from the Scenario.


[Notification: [Masud] has inherited the will of Saladin!]

[Notification: [Masud] has become the new main character and joined the 100 Lords!]

A new monarch was born.

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