I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 26: [Free Exploration] To the Dungeon!

Chapter 26: [Free Exploration] To the Dungeon!


- Time until start: 9 days 20 hours

The next stage was primed to kick off in just under ten days, yet the wall repairs would consume a fortnight, if not more.

At this pace, the castle walls would be rendered useless by the onset of the next stage.

"Soldiers who escaped injury will commence with the wall repairs tomorrow."

I instructed Lucas.

"Expedite it as much as possible."

"I shall obey Your Majestys command."

Lucas respectfully lowered his head.

I wished to keep the soldiers on full alert, but the circumstances were such. The wall repair work required haste.

"On that note, whats the current condition of the soldiers injuries? I didnt receive a thorough report."

"Roughly 50 have been seriously injured, with around 200 minor casualties. Theyre all receiving care at the temple."

There were scarcely any losses among the regular soldiers. The majority of the combat had concluded during the long-range artillery phase.

However, we did lose four hero characters....

Regardless, we were deficient. As it currently stood, wed face the next stage with an insufficient army.

"Aider, whats the status of our troop reinforcements?"

"Were arranging to dispatch soldiers from neighboring cities. The scout sent to the headquarters should return by tomorrow."

"So, any substantial progress will only materialize by tomorrow."

While I could interfere in other aspects, the reinforcement of troops was beyond my control.

All I could do was yearn for the reinforcements to arrive. It would be beneficial if we could recruit a good number of rookie mercenaries in the remaining nine days.

"Alright, Aider. Ensure you report promptly if theres any development. Then, Lucas? Lets proceed with what we can in the meantime."

"What can we do?"

Smiling slyly, I winked at Lucas.

"We should make for the dungeon."


"We need to obliterate the source of those beasts."

Lucas, his composure slightly rattled, cautiously questioned me.

"Like the previous occasion, will you utilize the teleport gate to the Black Lake?"

"Precisely, Lucas. But this time, were heading straight underneath the lake with our team."

Under the lake.

Straight to the epicenter of the teeming monsters.

It was the moment to switch the game genre from tower defense to dungeon offense.

"Lucas! Summon the main team."

Still grinning, I clapped my hands together.

"Finally, its time for an adventure."

In other words...

It was time for leveling up and item farming!


I rallied the team members.

We would rest today, then delve into the dungeon tomorrow morning. It was time to gear up.

Soon, everyone responded to my summons and congregated at the lords mansion where I was based.

"Im pleased you all could make it. Have you had ample rest today?"

I surveyed the gathered members. Despite imbibing late into the night, everyone was accounted for.

The summoned members included myself, Lucas, Damien, Jupiter, and...

"Why was I summoned here...?"


Lilly instinctively sensed that danger was afoot, her shoulders quivering as she surveyed the room with unease.

"Didnt you previously assure me that I would no longer be on the front lines?"


Instead of responding, I allowed a grin to spread across my face.

What could I say, Lilly? Currently, I could only incorporate five heroes into my formation, and your contribution was pivotal.

Deciphering my intent from my smile, Lillys face blanched.

"Your Highness! I cant move around, remember?! Im wounded, remember?! I insisted on retiring, remember?!"

Lilly gestured energetically towards her wheelchair, highlighting her injury.

"If Im this incapacitated, Ill just be a liability wherever you take me! Ill just stay here peacefully and repair the artifacts! I quite enjoyed that work anyway?!"

"Im truly delighted that you find the artifact tasks enjoyable, Lilly. You seem to be having so much fun that you could carry on indefinitely."

"No, thats not what I was implying!"

I pondered whether to seize this opportunity to secure her on a lifelong contract.

I wished to tease the crestfallen Lilly further, but I opted to soothe her at this juncture.

"Lend me your assistance this one time, Lilly. I genuinely wont involve you in fieldwork after this."

"You made a similar promise last time, didnt you?!"

"In order to safeguard this city, no, to safeguard all of humanity on these front lines, your strength is indispensable."

I emphasized the larger objective, and Lilly, finding no more ground to argue, fell silent.

Despite being a mercenary who neednt concern herself with such matters.

"Ugh, alright... but only this time..."

"Thank you, Lilly."

I turned my attention to Lilly, expressing my gratitude as she reluctantly concurred.

"Are Jupiter and Damien holding up well?"

Jupiter had incurred an injury in a battle a couple of days ago, albeit minor. Considering her age, was she in good shape?

"Im in excellent health, Your Highness."

Jupiter lightly tapped her forehead, freshly rid of its bandage. Her recovery had been swift. Good, she appeared robust.

"Then, Damien is..."

I pulled a face as I glanced at Damien.

I hadnt observed it earlier, but he appeared dreadful. His eyes were hollow and his complexion ghostly.

"Hey, Damien, are you alright? Are you feeling under the weather?"

Could this be an adverse effect of excessively using his foresight ability?

"I-Im alright, Your Highness."

Damien waved his hand dismissively, then promptly covered his mouth.

"Im merely hungover... Hurl."


"Its not my first experience with alcohol, but its my first time drinking to the point of oblivion... Hurl."

I fixed Jupiter, who had tempted Damien with liquor, with a penetrating glare.

Jupiter casually whistled, feigning ignorance. This insensible adult...

"I believe Ill be alright by tomorrow. Dont fret."

"Okay. Get a good nights sleep."

Regardless, it appeared there were no hindrances to deploying the five-member team.

I briefed the party members succinctly.

"Tomorrow, our team will embark on a slightly remote expedition."

"An expedition?"

"Yes. Ill delve into the details during our journey tomorrow."

Sometimes its easier to comprehend something by witnessing it firsthand rather than having me describe it a hundred times over. Concepts like the existence of a dungeon beneath the lake and its resident monsters, for instance. So, I opted to gloss over these specifics for now.

"My intention is to depart in the morning and return by nightfall, but the plan might shift. We may need to set up camp."

"Camping...? It sounds like were heading quite a distance."

Lilly expressed her worry in a low murmur. Yes, it is indeed a considerable distance. Or, it might appear quite close, depending on ones perspective.

"Ill take care of all necessary provisions and gear. All you need to do is assemble here tomorrow morning, armed and donning light armor."

I refrained from detailing the exact destination, the motive behind the expedition, or the route we would be taking. Yet, none of the party members raised any queries.

That was comforting. Demonstration often proves simpler than elaborate explanations.

"Excellent! Lets call it a day. Look after yourselves and Ill see you tomorrow morning."

"Understood, Your Highness! Until tomorrow morning."

Jupiter, offering a crisp salute, was the first one to exit. She guided Lillys wheelchair, who wore a lingering expression of melancholy, out of the room.

I intercepted Damien just as he was about to trail behind them.

"Damien, hold on for a moment."


Damien, his complexion pallid from a hangover, glanced my way.

"What is it, Your Highness?"

"No... nothing serious."

During the last skirmish, Damien had progressed to level 20 and was now qualified for his first class change. I intended to verify the outcomes.

I had already inspected Damiens progression via the system window.


- Level: 20

- Title: None

- Profession: Intermediate Healer

- Strength 5, Agility 17, Intelligence 14, Stamina 8, Magic Power 12

Perhaps due to his persistent utilization of long-range weaponry like cannons and bows, his stats were primarily concentrated in agility. His stats werent particularly impressive for an N-class character.

And his skills...

[Possessed Skills]

> Passive: Light of Healing

> Skill 1: Light of Detoxification

> Skill 2: ??? (Unlocked after second job change)

> Ultimate: ??? (Unlocked after third job change)

The passive skill, Light of Healing, is a staple for healers. It enables the healing of allies using the users Magic Power.

The newly acquired skill, Light of Detoxification, can alleviate various poison status ailments.

These were rather typical skills for an N-class healer.

However, Damiens role now is that of a sniper.

Truth be told, he didnt possess a single skill that would aid in sniping. Yet, something is better than nothing.

"Since our last battle, have you noticed any changes? Perhaps in your skills..."

I inquired, aiming to confirm if he had properly acquired his skill.

In the game, one would immediately gain the next skill upon leveling up, but I was unsure how it would manifest in reality.

"Yes. I wanted to mention this... as we continued fighting, I experienced a sort of revelation?"

Damien mimicked a thoughtful gesture, rubbing his fingers together, as he replied.

"Ive gained an additional healing ability. It seems like Ive intuitively learned to operate it. But I havent actually put it into practice yet."

So it appeared that building up combat experience could potentially lead to the acquisition of new skills. Fascinating.

I gently clapped Damien on the shoulder.

"That ability could potentially stave off death for our party members. Granted, your primary role is now that of a sniper, but make it a point to refine your control over this skill."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

I dismissed Damien to get some rest.

I then signaled to Lucas, who had been silently observing from behind me.

"Lucas. You should also take today off, no need to continue guarding."

"Eh? But..."

"Were venturing into the monsters den tomorrow. Youll need to protect me more effectively then, right? Dont be obstinate, recharge your energy by resting."

Lucas acquiesced, albeit reluctantly.

"...I will heed your advice."

Lucas retreated to his quarters, leaving only Aider and myself. I gestured to Aider.

"Aider. Prepare the supplies for our expedition."

"What kind of provisions should I prepare, sire~?"

"Preserved food. Camping gear. Various potions. And..."

I listed the most vital items for dungeon exploration.

"Illumination devices. Lanterns. Torches."

A joyous grin spread across Aiders face. I let out a soft sigh and reiterated.

"Anything that can emit light, really."


The following morning.

The backyard of the Crossroads lords mansion.

All five members of our party assembled, and I distributed equipment to each. It was a backpack loaded with food and medical essentials.

Jupiter, slinging the backpack over her shoulder, arched an eyebrow.

"This appears quite serious. Exactly where are we headed?"

"Youll discover soon."

I guided them towards the teleport gate.


As I laid my hand on the pile of stones arranged in the backyard, the teleport gate sprang to life.

With a peculiar humming noise, the stones levitated and spun to manifest a magical portal.

Jupiter seemed genuinely taken aback by the true nature of the teleport gate.

"This is...teleportation magic, isnt it? But teleportation magic was lost centuries ago, how...?"


I feigned ignorance, brushing off her query. Everything would fall into place during our expedition anyway.

I addressed the party members and declared.

"From this point on, well employ this teleport gate to reach the monsters lair. Our destination lies beneath the Black Lake."

Save for Lilly, who stood agape, everyone else maintained their composure. It seemed they had all anticipated we were en route to a perilous location.

"The kingdom of these beasts lurks under the lake. Our mission is to investigate it and uncover why monsters are emerging from there."

This was the ultimate objective of this game.

"This is the only strategy to put an end to the monster invasion permanently."

The obliteration of the monsters origin point.

It was time at last to truly embark on the second phase of this game, Dungeon Attack.

Everyone seemed intrigued, but first, I engaged the teleport gate.

[Teleport Gate]

- Please select your destination.

> Lakeside Pier

> (Area not yet unlocked)

> (Area not yet unlocked)

> ...

As was customary, we would first head to the preliminary checkpoint, Lakeside Pier.

The magical gateway whirred into motion, bringing the teleport gate to life. I took my place at the forefront of the gate.

This passage leads straight to that lake. Well fill you in as we proceed, just follow my lead.

Your Highness! Allow me to go first...

Yeah, whatever!

Disregarding Lucass proposal to lead the way, I dove headfirst into the gate. Its secure anyway!


[Now Loading...]

[Tip - Hero characters evolve through leveling up. You can advance levels by accumulating experience points, and you can amass experience points from all forms of combat.]

Couldnt they offer a more valuable tip rather than stating the obvious? Eh?

I mumbled to myself. But then again, how many of the suggestions that flash on the tip screen are genuinely useful?

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