I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 27: [Free Exploration] No Name

Chapter 27: [Free Exploration] No Name


In an explosion of light, I transitioned through the gate and found myself standing on the well-trodden pier of a lakeside. Before me, the deep blue expanse of the lake flickered.

This was the monsters birthplace. A living hell, spitting out demons.

The Black Lake, standing guard in the south of the world.

Flash! Flash!

The following party members emerged, their eyes wide as they surveyed the astounding scenery.

This place... Its indeed that lake.

Jupiter muttered, her voice trembling as she studied the vast surface of the lake. I glanced her way.

Seen it before, have you, Jupiter?

Twenty years ago. When the Imperial forces held their position at Crossroads. They attempted to fill the lake with soil.

Fill this enormous lake with soil? It appeared that moronic commanders were not a novelty of the past twenty years.

They called upon the entire magic corps, utilizing magic to levitate soil into the lake. But...

What happened?

It didnt fill. Regardless of how much soil and rock we dumped, the lake swallowed it endlessly.

An indistinct fear crossed Jupiters face as she reminisced about the past.

Rumors swirled among the Imperial troops at the time, suggesting that it truly seemed to be a pathway to Hell.


A week into the operation, monsters began to surge out in droves. Eventually, the entire army retreated. The operation was deemed a failure.

Jupiter extinguished her cigarette and cast her gaze over the lake.

This is the closest Ive been since then.

You ought to be.

I turned my attention back to the party members.

Because were about to delve deeper.

Despite the lakes foreboding aura, the surrounding landscape was, quite honestly, stunning.

However, we were not here for the scenic views, so lets quit marveling at the surroundings.

Lets move.

I took the initiative, with the party members sticking close behind.

By the gate, next to the lake, stood a pier. But no boat. As I strode casually to the edge of the pier,

[Do you wish to enter Lake Kingdom?]

> Yes

> No

A system message appeared out of nowhere.

Of course, Yes.

[Warning - You will not be able to return until the next checkpoint is unlocked. Do you still wish to proceed?]

> Yes

> No

They even threw in a warning to double-check.

Unperturbed, I chose Yes again. Did they presume I was a novice at this game?


The lakes water parted in a circular motion, revealing a yawning chasm at its center.

If the gate we traversed earlier simply led us to the lake, this was the actual doorway to the dungeon.

Alright, lets dive in!

Without further explanation, I was the first to plunge into the lake.

Taken by surprise, the party members trailed behind, one by one.


Into the pitch-black lake, where not a shred of light penetrated, I was drawn in.


[Now Loading...]

[Tip - The primary cause of game overs is carelessness. Never lower your guard, regardless of the circumstances!] (TL Note: Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer)



That was the initial perception. Absolute darkness.

So profound that one couldnt see a hand held before the face. A tangible darkness, as if one might grasp it if they stretched out a hand, swallowed our surroundings.

Rustle. Rustle.

A sound echoed in the darkness.

The crunch of insects nibbling at something.

Rustle, rustle...

The noise intensified. The creeping sensation of the encroaching darkness grew stronger.

Perhaps it was a mere trick of the mind, but I could swear I felt a breath whispering against my nape.

Chills swept across my entire body.

"Your Majesty?!"

Then, from somewhere behind, Lucass panicked voice rang out.

No, was it really behind? Or to the side? The direction was unclear. My senses seemed to float, unmoored.

"Your Majesty? Where are you, Your Majesty!"

"Over here. Dont fret."

With a firm voice, I soothed the frantic Lucas.

"Everyone, stay calm and light up the area."

Moments later, points of light began to flicker into existence.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Each member of the party ignited and held aloft the torches they carried.

Lilly, in her haste, summoned a flame spell to fend off the enveloping darkness. She must have been utterly terrified.

Rustle, rustle...

As the light pushed back the darkness, the gnawing sounds of insects receded.

I, too, pulled a source of light from my backpack.

My lantern, sturdy in construction. It seemed Aider had chosen this with care.


Igniting the lantern and hoisting it high, the surrounding area finally came into focus.

"What is this...?!"

"Oh my God, whats this?"

The stunned voices of my party members echoed in the cavernous expanse, and I swallowed a lump of apprehension as I absorbed the sight that sprawled before us.

A vast, weather-beaten stone city teetering on the brink of collapse.

This formidable city was submerged at the bottom of a murky lake, and we were standing at its northern gates.

The rust-coated iron gate was sealed tight.

Rustle, rustle...

An ominous ambiance oozed from the city. Lucas, swallowing hard, looked at me, his expression taut with unease.

"Your Majesty, where on earth..."

"This is the submerged Lake Kingdom. Its a dungeon beneath the waves."

Gazing at the firmly closed city gates, I let out a mirthless laugh.

"Its a nest of monsters well need to systematically purge."

My laugh was laced with tension, a cold sweat forming on the back of my neck.

It appeared slightly eerie when viewed in-game, but it was truly terrifying to stand here in reality.

It felt as if malevolent energy was flowing from the city itself.

Ancient magic enveloped the city in a dome, recreating an environment identical to the surface world. We could breathe, and there were no impediments to our movements.

Nonetheless, there was no denying that we were underwater. The undulating surface of the water was visible far above us.

Only the faintest traces of light managed to pierce the gloom.

Lilly, dumbfounded, stuttered.

"How can such an immense city hide beneath the lake? And how can we move so freely..."


At that instant, Lucas hastily shushed Lilly.

"Someone approaches."

Everyones gaze turned in the indicated direction.

Thump. Thump.

Somewhere in the distant darkness, a soft sound of footfalls echoed.

Lucas unsheathed his sword, Damien prepped his crossbow, and Jupiter charged her gloves with electricity.


Only Lilly, seized by fear, quaked and tried to retreat in her wheelchair.

Hold on, where do you think youre going? I grabbed Lillys wheelchair handle to halt her.

"Everyone, relax. Theyre likely not hostile."

Thump. Thump.

As anticipated, the approaching figure wasnt a monster, but a human.

A woman, her hood thrown back to reveal a cloak worn with age. She walked up to us, her gaze leisurely assessing our group.

"Are you treasure seekers whove braved this Lake Kingdom?"

Her voice, clear and vibrant, was deceptively youthful.

"Theres nothing here for you. Retreat to the surface while you still draw breath."

Down in this abyss, against all odds, wed encountered a living soul.

Stunned, the party froze. But I remained collected.

This was a typical tutorial event designed to guide players who had just stepped into the dungeon.

In the first dungeon, an NPC leads the way.


Even in this hellish underwater dungeon, there were those who hadnt succumbed, who persisted.

Sometimes aiding in dungeon exploration, sometimes obstructing it.

They might momentarily ally with you, become hero characters, or morph into adversaries.

Over a hundred such NPCs were dwelling in this dungeon, one randomly chosen to guide the player party to their first base.

But, shes unfamiliar.

Despite having played the game 742 times, Id never encountered her.

Does this game even have this NPC?

Intrigued, I studied the figure before me.

She was a curious woman.

To call her ragged was an understatement. She was enveloped in a cloak so tattered it resembled a sack.

Her face concealed under a deep hood attached to her cloak, her white hair was knotted and swept the ground.

Her feet were bare, caked with dirt and grime, far from a clean appearance even as a jest.

And on her back, she bore a battered long sword.

A questionable choice of weapon for her slight frame, and it was in a woeful state of disrepair.

In my 742 rounds of Protect the Empire, I thought Id met virtually every NPC one might encounter in the dungeon.

But this woman was an entirely new encounter.

Tamping down my unease, I stepped forward and addressed the woman.

"We hail from the surface. Our quest is to eradicate the source of the monsters that emerge here."


The woman fixed her gaze upon me. Although shrouded by her robe and tangled hair, I felt the intensity of her stare.

"The surface world suffers under the onslaught of monsters birthed here. Were here to bring this to an end."

"...The Lake Kingdoms nightmare persists, an unending sleep from which no one awakens. Never."

The woman slowly shook her head.

"Numerous mighty warriors and countless heroes have attempted to break this places curse, but all have faltered. You will be no different."


"Do not dare to tread into this places darkness. Retreat to the surface while you still can. Before the abyss engulfs you, before regret drives you mad..."

Had we been swayed by such admonitions, we would have long since abandoned the game and returned to Earth.

But instead of recoiling, I stepped closer to her.

"I am the lord of Crossroad, a fortress city opposing the monsters. It is my duty to shield my city, no, humanity, from these beasts."


"I dont fear the darkness. We must venture into this city and eradicate the monster source."

I gestured towards the citys firmly sealed gate.

"Thats why were here, but the locked gate blocks our entry."


"If there exists another path, could you show us the way?"

The woman, who had been silently scrutinizing me, eventually nodded in agreement.

"It will be intriguing to discern whether your words spring from genuine bravery or pure recklessness."

With swift precision, the woman turned and led the way.

"Follow me. The entrance to the city lies this way."

As she confidently disappeared into the shadows, I called out to her.

"What do I address you as? Whats your name?"

Hoping to glean clues about her identity by cross-referencing the information I knew if I learned her name.

However, her reply caught me off guard.

"I have forgotten my name."

Her voice tinged with melancholy, she added.

"If you must address me... call me No-name."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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