I became Voldemort

Chapter 151: Spoiling the plot of the 3rd Movie

Chapter 151: Spoiling the plot of the 3rd Movie

{I can't be the Minister of Magic, Mr. Cyrus. Have you forgotten that Malfoy called me a ....'mudblood' last year?}

{Most of the people in Slytherin think of me that way. And it just so happens that their families have advantages in the wizarding world.}

{That's hard to say. It's obviously incorrect to determine superiority by bloodline. And this outdated idea will be discarded sooner or later like rotten meat.} Cyrus replied, {I hope you can look at wizards and Muggles from two perspectives and think about the relationship between them. If you haven't forgotten how Harry and Ron came to school last school year, you will know that magic and science are not completely mutually exclusive. }

Of course, he knew that Hermione would become the Minister of Magic in the future, and this identity would actually be useful to Cyrus.

In fact, Cyrus was already thinking about the future. When one day he became the leader of the wizarding world, would he allow the wizards to hide? Cyrus did not desire war, and in fact did not like blood and killing, but he planned to break the Statute of Secrecy.

The Statute of Secrecy was like a piece of gauze, which was originally used to bandage the bloody wounds of wizards. But for a long time, this piece of gauze has been connected to the flesh and blood of the wizard's wound. While the scar has not healed completely, the wizard must uncover it himself!

Even if uncovering it will bring bloody pain!

Otherwise, when the wound is completely healed, the gauze will grow into the flesh, and everything will be too late.

Of course, breaking the Statute of Secrecy is not a simple matter. It is tantamount to going against the entire wizarding world, and the Ministry of Magic all over the world will stand on the opposite side of Cyrus. More than half a century ago, a loser was imprisoned in Nurmengard because of this.

{Okay, let's not think so far ahead. What about recently? Are there any troubles? }

{Too much! Too much!} Hermione said immediately.

{Studying 12 subjects is too tiring. I don't know how I can stick to it. I feel like Divination is total bullshit! But when you told Harry that Professor Trelawney is a real prophet, I was not so willing to give up. And about Harry, Ron insists that Harry has encountered bad luck. Hagrid is also going through some troublesome things...}

Hermione complained bitterly.     

Especially there were some things she couldn't talk to Harry and Ron about. For example, schoolwork and Crookshanks.

Cyrus could understand Hermione's pain during this period from the text. The heavy schoolwork made her mentally tense, and the conflicts with her friends almost made her collapse.

{Trelawney does have a little gift for prophecy, but you can't learn anything from her. Prophecy requires a 'third eye', which is a kind of talent, just like Parseltongue. I think giving up this course is no loss for you. Neither I nor Dumbledore have the gift of prophecy.} He comforted.

{As for the unknown - Hermione, you need to remind Harry and Ron, let him not forget what I told him before, sometimes the omen that seems dangerous may be the opposite, and things that are together day and night will show their fangs.}

{But if you know something, why don't you just say it clearly?} Hermione asked this fatal question.

Cyrus was silent.

He suddenly felt that what Hermione said made sense.

{Okay, Hermione, I think you are right, but this is a very long story.}

Cyrus thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

Dumbledore obviously has his own ideas. He knows that Peter Pettigrew is the traitor. However, after reminding Harry and Hermione, he did nothing and let Peter escape.

This is obviously intentional. Dumbledore needs a servant beside Voldemort to help Voldemort resurrect.

If he is not alive, how can he really be killed?

It is not a wise thing for Cyrus to break Dumbledore's layout. Dumbledore has a general view of the overall situation. Except for a small mistake, he can make everything develop in the direction he wants.

And all this is also beneficial to Cyrus. As long as the plot can develop as in the original book, Dumbledore and Voldemort will die, and no one can restrain him.

But Dumbledore is cold and ruthless.

He treats everyone as a chess piece. As long as the final result is favorable, he doesn't mind how much the chess piece suffers, and he doesn't even mind letting the chess piece get sacrificed.

But Harry is not a chess piece without feelings and pain. He is a good boy. And Sirius had helped Cyrus before. They were both good people and deserved to live a happy life.

{You can talk slowly.}

{Ok! First of all - Sirius Black is actually innocent.}

Hermione had prepared to listen slowly, but Cyrus' words made her fall into silence. It was like throwing a bomb into a calm lake and detonating it!

Although Hermione didn't understand the connection between Sirius and ominousness, it was enough to surprise her.

{But, this is impossible. I heard that he killed many people, and there are many people who can testify—} Hermione subconsciously refuted.

{That's true, but sometimes what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears may not be the truth.} Cyrus explained slowly, {Sirius is innocent. The real guilty person is Peter Pettigrew. He betrayed Harry's parents and became Voldemort's lackey. It was because of his betrayal that Harry's parents were killed.}

Hermione stared blankly at the words that appeared in the diary, and she didn't know how to respond.

Cyrus explained the truth of the past to her word by word:

He talked about the inseparable group of marauders during school, about James Potter and Sirius being like brothers, about James making Sirius Harry's godfather, about Voldemort's determination to kill the child in the prophecy, about them exchanging the identities of secret keepers...

{In the end, Peter Pettigrew blew up a street and more than a dozen lives, and Sirius was willing to go to Azkaban and voluntarily accept the punishment he thought he 'deserved'.}

Cyrus put an end to this old story.

Hermione did not respond to him for a long time. Her mind was full of complicated thoughts.

If what Mr. Cyrus said was true - no, since Mr. Cyrus said it himself, it couldn't be false - how should she tell Harry the truth of all this?

At the same time, she also had another question.

{You said Sirius Black went to Azkaban voluntarily, so why did he escape now?}

{It's because he found out that Peter Pettigrew was still alive.}

"What? How is that possible?!" Hermione almost shouted, and she bent down and wrote quickly, {But you said that he used magic to blow himself up, and only one finger was left at the scene.}

{Yes, that's what they saw back then, but I also said that things seen with the eyes are not necessarily the truth, right? Peter Pettigrew was just faking his death. He cast a spell to confuse people and cut off one of his fingers, and then he turned into a rat in the explosion and hid in the sewer to escape.

He didn't dare to show up because the information he provided led to Voldemort's "death" and many Death Eaters wanted to kill him. During the summer vacation, Ron's family won a lottery, and this incident was on the news. Sirius saw their family photo. Do you remember what I just told you, what is Peter Pettigrew's Animagus form? }

{..A Rat! You mean Scabbers..." Hermione opened her mouth blankly, and the rat with dry yellow hair appeared in her mind. Yes, it was missing a finger.

{Otherwise, which rat can live for 12 years? Think about it, after Sirius escaped from prison, has Scabbers been very uneasy?}

Hermione felt like she was falling into an ice cellar, and her whole body was cold. Such a terrible dark wizard had been lurking around them for so long, and they were completely unaware of it.


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