I became Voldemort

Chapter 152: Ron: Give Scabbers back to me!

Chapter 152: Ron: Give Scabbers back to me!

If he wanted to, he could even kill Harry at any time.

{I'll catch him right away!}

{Wait, don't be impatient.} Cyrus stopped her.

{Don't rush tonight. Peter Pettigrew dare not act rashly. Wait until tomorrow. You can find a few more professors. If you let him run away, it will be difficult for Sirius to overturn the case. You can find Lupin and McGonagall. They will listen to what you say patiently. }

Hermione nodded heavily. Now she knew that the so-called ominous danger was actually Ron's rat.

{But this story is too long. I don't know how to tell Harry.} She was tangled.

{You don't need to bother with that. He'll be grateful after learning the truth. After this incident, the people who killed his parents will be punished, and he will have another family. Is there any better ending than this?}

Hermione felt a little relieved, and muttered/wrote, {I didn't expect that Scabbers was actually Peter Pettigrew. No wonder it always stares at him. I know that my Crookshanks is the smartest!}

{That being said, Hermione, I think you should apologize to Ron for this matter.} Cyrus reminded, {You now know Pettigrew's identity, but I think you didn't take Crookshanks's treatment of Scabbers to heart before, right?}

{But, Crookshanks did a good thing.} Hermione was a little unconvinced.

{But this is based on the premise that Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew. You didn't know this before, right? What if Scabbers was just an ordinary rat?} Cyrus asked patiently.

{What if it was just an ordinary rat, but Crookshanks killed it? Although we all know that cats have this habit, Scabbers has been in Ron's house for so many years. We should take care of our friend's feelings, right?}


{You are a good child, Hermione. Go and apologize to Ron, not for Peter Pettigrew, but just for Scabbers.}

"He is right.."

{I see, Mr. Cyrus, you are right.}

After that, Cyrus talked to Hermione about some other things, such as what he had experienced recently. How he escaped from the Dementors, and then talked about what the Ministry of Magic looked like.

He made Hermione laugh so hard that she had to bury her face in the quilt to ensure that she didn't make too much strange noise.

Her roommates thought Hermione couldn't help crying again, and unanimously decided to go and criticize Ron the next day!

Of course, when chatting with Hermione, talking about studies is absolutely indispensable. She asked a series of questions in one breath, almost turning into a hundred thousand whys.

Cyrus answered them one by one.

Hermione did not sleep at all that night.

In the end, their topic ended with Cyrus' promise to write to each of them at Christmas.

Hermione was satisfied, and then she was late for the first time.

She missed the whole morning class.

Of course, the professors saw that she was very tired, which was very common among similar students in previous years, so no one blamed her.

At noon, Hermione climbed out of bed contentedly, and after a simple wash, she looked around for traces of Harry and Ron. Finally, she found them in the Great Hall. Ron was eating toast with big mouthfuls.

"Hermione, I didn't expect you to miss class. Your roommates thought you had already left, but the professors didn't blame you." Harry said.

"Oh, Harry.. well, whatever." Hermione's face was full of worries, and she was hesitant to speak, and her hand subconsciously picked up the wand.

"How about it, did you borrow the diary from Ginny?" Harry whispered.

"Of course. I said I wanted to see the diary, and she easily lent it to me."

"Great! Take it out quickly, let's ask about the unknown things." Harry and Ron said anxiously.

But Hermione shook her head: "I've already asked. last night I talked to Mr. Cyrus all night. And Harry...things are a little complicated."

"No wonder you slept all morning." Ron said, "For you, talking to Mr. Cyrus is probably the only thing more important than class."

Hermione's face flushed unnaturally, and her cheeks were hot.

"Anyway, I need you to come with me. We have to find the professor, Professor Lupin, or Professor McGonagall. It would be even better if Professor Dumbledore is there." Hermione said solemnly.

Her look made Harry and Ron feel very uncomfortable and worried.

'Is it really an ominous sign? Otherwise, why would Hermione be so nervous? 'Harry thought. When he thought of the big black dog he saw when he had ran away from home, he felt very suffocated.

Will he die tragically like Ron's uncle? He was worried.

"Harry, can you find Professor Lupin? Tell him go to Professor McGonagall's office?" Hermione suggested. She thought it might not be so safe to have only one professor present.

Harry nodded woodenly.

"What's going on?" Ron followed Hermione.

Hermione was careful and didn't ask directly where Scabbers was: "I'm sorry, Ron. I want to apologize to you for what happened with Crookshanks."

"What?" Ron's eyes widened. He thought he had heard it wrong.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what Crookshanks did. In fact, Mr. Cyrus also thought I was not being a good friend to you." Hermione said apologetically, "I didn't take your pet to heart."

"Oh - I don't think it's a big deal. Scabbers is fine now anyway." Ron said a little embarrassedly. He probably didn't expect Hermione to take the initiative to give in and apologize.

Now that he thinks about it, he feels that he is not very good either. He almost broke their friendship for a little fight between their pets.

"I still feel a little sorry. Can you let me touch it?" Hermione held the wand tighter in her right hand. She was a little nervous, so much so that her voice was trembling.

"Oh, of course." Ron nodded solemnly, and said incoherently while rummaging through his schoolbag, "It's in my schoolbag. You know, I'm afraid Crookshanks will sneak into my room - of course, I'm not saying it's your fault, cats are like that."

After a while, he took out Scabbers.

It was a big rat, with a little yellow fur, and looked very dry and lifeless. Hermione remembered seeing it on the train when she first came to Hogwarts. At that time, it looked very moist.

"Why is it missing a finger?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know," Ron shrugged, "That's what I remember. It has been in my house for a long time. It's almost the same age as me. It has lost a lot of weight recently. I think it may not live long."

Ron looked a little sad.

"Do you want to touch it?"

"Yes." Hermione swallowed a mouthful of saliva, took Scabbers in her left hand, and tightened the grip of her wand in her right hand.


"Petrificus Totalus!"

Scabbers stiffened like a rat-like sculpture.

"W-What are you doing?" Ron was in disbelief. He screamed, his face flushed red, and his red hair jumped like his burning anger.

"Sorry, Ron," Hermione said guiltily. She was just sorry for Ron's grief at the moment.

"You dare to say sorry?"

Ron said angrily. This terrible woman said sorry to Scabbers one moment, and petrified Scabbers the next moment.     

"You're crazy! Give Scabbers back to me!"



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