I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 52: 3.11 Second Small Star – The Devil Descends

Chapter 52: 3.11 Second Small Star – The Devil Descends

From the tablet, they could see Mo Yijun's face darkened with anger, his eyes turning red from immense hatred, fear, and rage.

"If you… harm Anya… I will kill you." Said Mo Yijun with a zero-degree emotionless voice.

There's only a moment of silence as the people from the opposite side trembles when they see the fury and ugly expression of their big boss. They had never seen him this angry to the point his eyes were red in fury. Instead of his casual dangerous feeling from before, the Mo Yijun they are seeing right now is not only horrifying but extremely deadly.

Mo Yijun coldly spoke, "For every scratch that I found on Anya's skin will be the number of people important and connected to any of you that will be dead.

For every drop of blood my wife will bleed will be the hour of living you will wish you were dead.

If you kill my wife...

you won't be able to die for as long as I am alive!"


There's a long silence inside the warehouse when they heard what Mo Yijun just said from the video call. The man who was grabbing Meng Anya's hair just now wavers as his hands were now shaking uncontrollably with fear. Obviously he was shaken by the words this lord of underworld had spoken. After working as a spy and working under this person, they know what kind of man he is. He is extremely cruel and merciless towards his enemies. Every single word this person said, none of it was unfulfilled. When he said he will kill you tonight, there will no longer be another morning for you to witness. He is a man of word and rarely he changes his decisions.

Every word Mo Yijun had spoken was like a nail being hammered in their hearts. The greatest anxiety filling their mind, their body shaking with disturbing fear. But within that long silence everyone else had forgotten someone's presence. Someone whom they should never ignore.

While Mo Yijun is blinded by his own anger, those who were watching by the side can see more than those involved. Among the ones on Yijun's side only Lin Xia's attention never moved from his young lord. He saw the whole process of his young lord wearing a fake expression of fear changing to an ecstatic smile of madness. As if a devil was enjoying the whole show before him. He saw him grinning while those around him pales in comparison.

Suddenly his started laughing, [Hahaha~] Laughing*

Meng Anya was laughing so loud that it echoed within the warehouse. He even held his stomach with both of his hands as his feet were stomping as if doing so would let his laughter end faster, but within that silent warehouse his laughter was like demon's snickering in the ears of the men with him in that enclosed space.

They looked at the young man with seductive laughter with shaking eyes in disbelief and they felt the shadow of death looming over them. If they've remembered it right, this young man was supposed to have both his hands and feet tied on the chair.

Meng Anya said with a true smile from his heart. "I love you too you know. A'Yi."

With those pairs of flirting crimson irises looking at the figure of Mo Yijun from the tablet, an enchanting smile appeared at the corner of Meng Anya's lips as he looked at Mo Yijun endearingly.

Like the man was the most precious in his eyes. The apple of his eyes. He was the only one that existed in his world. It was this sick obsessive man who never changed that always made his empty heart beat out of control.

Yes. Only this man gives me endless entertainment and love.

Lovingly looked at Mo Yijun, "I will clean this place up. Pick me up soon my dear~ muaa!" said Meng Anya who ended the video call from their side. He even used his own hands to end the call before him.

As soon as Meng Anya ended the call, the man who was holding the tablet let go of the gadget in fear, which immediately fell on the ground, broken as he tried to pull the gun on his waist only to feel the empty holder on the side.

Then he heard a seductive voice of Meng Anya. Anya who stole the man's gun pointed it at the man's chin vertically to the latter's head. "Is this~ what's uncle's… looking for~~ [BANG*]… Hehe~"

Meng Anya pulled the trigger without hesitation, making the man's head explode as the bullet entered from his chin passing through his head. Like a rotten watermelon, his head burst with his brain shattering on the floor. A bit of his blood fell on Meng Anya's soft, white skin face. Which he wipes nonchalantly making it spread on his face.

On that alluring face, an enchanting grin appeared as his crimson eyes were filled with ceaseless mirth while holding a gun in his hands, he faced the group who dared to tie a rope on his hands and feet leaving a mark on his snow-white skin. Meng Anya's current appearance was filled with ecstasy as if what he killed just now was not human.

He is now looking at the group of men standing like toys from him to play with. On the other hand, in the men's eyes of both groups, whether the ones tied up with rope kneeling on the ground or the group of spies back currently stepping away before the boy. To them Meng Anya looks like a drunk devil wishing for more blood.

Everyone inside the warehouse shivered when they saw Meng Anya's face. The spies looking at Meng Anya saw the madness and playfulness within his eyes, but the gaze that came from those pairs of crimson eyes was staring down at them like they were not humans but toys that meant nothing at all.

In Meng Anya's eyes they were nothing, but pigs to be slaughtered by him. Cold goosebumps resurface on their skins as they tremble uncontrollably. Fear filled their whole body and their minds screamed of only one thing: Run.

"Don't worry~ My husband~ still has uses for you~… You won't die~ at least not by my hands~~" said Meng Anya as he started his hunt while the men scattered in the room in different directions running away for their lives.

With speed beyond human, Meng Anya ran after the men in the middle while waving the gun on his hand pulling the trigger of the gun constantly.

For every gunshot he unleashed a groan, or a scream was heard. He only needs to kick the guns littering on the ground whenever the bullets are all fired, changing his weapon regularly. His movements were swift, fast and beyond normal.

All bullets he fired accurately hit the escaping men's kneecaps and ankles which immediately made them squirm on the ground in pain covered with their own blood. Those who tried to fight back were either shot on their shoulder blades making them unable to lift their hands or had their pair of hands cut off.

It only took half an hour for Meng Anya to break all his toys. Only group screams and painful groans resounds in the warehouse. Blood and cut limbs were spilled all over the place and only the tied up loyal men were unharmed. They were still kneeling, but you could see that they were all trembling like a group of chickens cuddling to share warm with each other.

Their eyes were swimming around as they witnessed such a terrifying scene of a young man chasing after a group of huge men running away from him but in the end, no one was able to successfully escape. This boy is extremely beautiful. His fair skin and clothes were now tainted with red blood. While the sly smile on his face never disappeared as he dismembered the hands and legs of his enemies.

Unlike their big boss whose presence is enough to overwhelm them. This person's delicate appearance made them unable to look down on him. He looks soft and weak as if a single hit will hurt his slender limbs. But seeing this scene before them, they knew how wrong they were. This is not a weak young master at all, but a playful little devil that could take their lives on whim. Someone even more fearful than their big boss. At least this lord wouldn't kill them for fun and will only take their lives if they betray him or such.

But this sweet looking young master, Meng Anya, is different. No one could really see his emotion on his face as he could smile even when he was angry and his eyes remained cold and indifferent to all except towards their big boss. Now they are even wondering if this little devil's temper is good or not. No wonder their captain, Ye Baiyu, warned them to not anger this lady boss of theirs.

After incapacitating all his toys, this time instead of insanity, boredom appeared on Meng Anya's face. He finished his fun and even showed his husband's people his skills. With one glance, he can see that he had overdone it this time, seeing this group of foolish but loyal men of his husband look at him with a pleading gaze. He casually threw the two knives on his hands to cut the ropes of two lucky men nearest to him. This action of his freed the two from being tied up. He looked back and saw the freed two men looking at him stiffly.

His right eyebrow raised as he looked at them with calmness in his eyes which made the remaining group feel relieved when they saw him yawning. One of them immediately cleaned up the dusty couch and covered it with a thick clean blanket from the warehouse. They even prepared a huge pillow and extra blanket for Meng Anya.

Yawning, "Sigh~ Freed the rest and cleaned up. A'Yi will be here soon. I wish to take a nap for a moment." Said Meng Anya.

"Lady Boss… please take a nap. We'll do the rest of cleaning up." A man from the loyal group said.

Handed a huge pillow to Meng Anya, "Please have a nice rest, young master."

Meng Anya accepted the pillow and hugged it as he laid on the covered in silk broken couch from before, but this time it was repaired and cleaned on spot, which made it unbelievable that they were in an abandoned warehouse.

Closing his eyes to sleep, "Yawns~ Wake me up when… A'Yi arrives~ Zzz~" said Meng Anya who immediately fell asleep as he hugged the huge clean pillow prepared for him. One of the men even covered him with the extra blanket, extremely careful with his movements.

Speaking with a low tone of voice, "Go… Clean up and be careful not to wake up the Lady Boss until the Big Boss arrives."

"Yes~" They all answered in the same volume of voice.

The men from the loyal group did their job in silence. Even covering the spies mouth when they were about to scream in pain as they were moved to be gathered in one place.

Their actions were all done carefully and precisely in a quiet manner. Completely afraid of waking up the sleeping lady boss within the place.

After another hour, they finally heard a car coming over. As soon as the car stopped the men inside the warehouse lined up to greet their Big Boss, but before the greetings came out of their mouths, they were frozen by the fierce glare Mo Yijun welcomed them with. They could only swallow the words by the tip of their tongues and lowered their heads in guilt.

Mo Yijun ignored his men and walked further inside looking for his wife. Everyone can see his urgency in his large strides as he walks forwards. Following a few steps behind their boss is their leader, Ye Baiyu and a cool man in a suit called Lin Xia. As soon as Ye Baiyu spotted them, he scolded them immediately.

"Didn't I've warned you not to do it!?" reproached Ye Baiyu.

They lowered their heads even deeper.

"…S-Sorry leader…"

"We won't do it again."

"W-We… No, I will serve the Lady Boss with all my heart."

"I will as well!"

"Lady Boss is a God!"

"Right! Right! Me too. Served God!"

Fuming Ye Baiyu, "Who is serving whom!? The only person allowed to serve Saozi [Sister-in-law] is the Big Boss! Do you want to die by the Big Boss' hands!?" shouted Baiyu.

Lin Xia hit the back of his head. "Shout and wake the lord up. Then you will really die." Said Lin Xia which immediately shut Ye Baiyu up.

They saw Mo Yijun walking towards them with a huge human cocoon in his arms. Everyone kept quiet in the presence of two Great Gods. Meng Anya, who was carried as a human cocoon continued his sleep undisturbed in his husband's arms. He played enough that he fell in deep sleep from tiredness. After all, his current vessel is unlike his original one. This one is weak and untrained, that action just now is just Anya exerting the body's limits to its fullest. Mo Yijun understood his state and let him keep sleeping.

Mo Yijun said, "Punishment. Triple your training regime for a month. Failure to do so I'll send you to Africa to mine!"

The punished people accepted their punishment without any disagreement. They knew that if not for Meng Anya, tonight would be their death day. There is no way those spies will leave them alive.

"Boss, what to do with the rest?" asked Ye Baiyu.

"Separate the one who grabbed the hair of my wife. Thousand cuts and feeds him to the sharks. The rest, end them and burn the warehouse." Ordered Mo Yijun who walked back to the car with the human cocoon on his embrace.

This time no one followed him to the car. Even Lin Xia stayed in the warehouse with Ye Baiyu. The car left without waiting for anyone else. Leaving Ye Baiyu and Lin Xia to take control of the remaining men and clean up the place. After they saw the car of their boss leave, few men from the group who witnessed the scene of Meng Anya's slaughter, Outfield, or Infield, all scattered in the wild to puke. Few men with strong stomachs like Ye Baiyu and Lin Xia only have pale faces and chills in their bodies.

Forget the ones who had witnessed such inhumane scenes with front row experience. Those who were in the car were given special access to their Boss' phone which allowed their phones to be connected to the live feed of what happened right after Meng Anya ended the video call. At the beginning they've watched such a slender weak looking young master move fast beyond human means, steal a gun and shoot a man's head with a smile on his exquisite face.

After that the whole scene where the men of their size run away in different directions to be hunted by this smiling man. Treating them like toys to give him entertainment. They were all men of the dark side but such cruelty where the hunter treats his enemies like moving sandbags. A normal knife in the hands of this young master had become a deadly weapon that could cut limbs like tofu. What's scariest in that scene is that the young man had an ecstatic expression on his face as if he enjoyed such hellish scenes.

Pale face Lin Xia and Ye Baiyu, "Xia'er… did you know that your lord is a devil?" asked Ye Baiyu pallid look.

Lin Xia frowned. "I only knew he changed but… not to this extent. But I don't think you are in the right to ask. It's not like your boss is any different."

Ye Baiyu can only smile bitterly when heard what Lin Xia said, "Indeed. They are really a match made in hell."

"Humph! The one who would be dragged in hell will be you if they heard that. Do your job, it's already almost dinner time." Said Lin Xia who looked for somewhere to rest while waiting for others to finish their errands as he can only return to the mansion with them.

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