I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 53: 3.12 Second Small Star – Midnight Visitor

Chapter 53: 3.12 Second Small Star – Midnight Visitor


Underworld City

Mo Yijun's Mansion

Mo Yijun and everyone returned back to the mansion and had a heartfelt dinner with all of Yijun's subordinates welcoming their Lady Boss and his confidant, Lin Xia. After a late dinner meal, the group decided to get drunk as they celebrate.

Most liquors and alcohol were just taken from the warehouse under Ye Baiyu's orders. It didn't take long for most of them to become drunk. Ye Baiyu was the one in lead among the drunkards.

A drunk Ye Baiyu raised a wine bottle on his hand with flushed cheeks, "Drink more. Drink. The Boss allowed us to get wasted for tonight!" yelled this red faced man under the intoxication of alcohol.

Seated beside him, Lin Xia is looking at him with a stern eyes, "Did you even check the drinks you've taken from the warehouse before drinking senseless?"

"Hic! Un... no worries. All items from inside the warehouse were checked through properly. Xiaxia you should drink more. Drink with me~" said the drunk Ye Baiyu who pasted himself on Lin Xia's back like some kind of sloth.

Lin Xia scolded him, "Can't you seat properly while you drink!?" while trying to push away the drunkard on his back nudging him with his elbow.

Everyone in the area mostly drank except for a few. Lin Xia controlled his drinking. Meng Anya refused to drink as it doesn't meet his taste. Mo Yijun who seemed to just take a few glasses held himself back as his wife was looking so sleepy on his lap.

Looking at the wasted appearance of his people, Mo Yijun decided to end the party on his side while letting the rest continue drinking on their own. He carried his wife to his room. After taking a short bath, they both laid on the bed with Mo Yijun back flat on the bed's headboard and Meng Anya's head on his lover's lap.

Enjoying the gentle caresses of Mo Yijun on his hair, Meng Anya laid on his lover comfortably.

"Aren't you going to ask why my father kidnapped and ordered to kill you?" asked Mo Yijun to his wife who moved his head and looked at him while borrowing his lap as pillows.

With a playful smile on his face, Meng Anya replied. "No need. I know the reason. It is because you are his only legitimate son, but doesn't wish to continue his lineage and... he doesn't remember who I am."

"You know my father?" asked Mo Yijun with slight surprise.

Meng Anya, "Of course! I am the only person in this country that almost killed him."

Mo Yijun could vaguely remember that one time before his father seated on his throne as Prime Minister. His father kidnapped a stunning elegant lady with crimson eyes like his wife. That lady is the only woman that his father is deeply infatuated with. He abducted her despite the fact that the lady is a married woman and a mother of a young boy.

At that time he didn't know what really happened, all he could remember is that an adorable young boy who looks like an angel descending on earth ordered a group of muscular men to beat up his father despite knowing he is a prime minister's candidate. He did remember vague memories of that chaotic scene, but for some reason the news of what happened in that place never comes out to the public.

Afterwards he heard rumors that the government sent out a sealing order to keep whatever happened in that place a confidential secret. And those he was there at that time were forced to sign an agreement to stay silent. As he was still a minor that time, he was spared of that contract.

At that time Mo Yijun's mother's standing in the house was not good. His existence was not even nicer than those illegitimate children of his father. Even his father himself doesn't accept his existence as his mother was never loved by his father. He was born because of a drug and alcohol's fault.

If not because his mother's family is within the elite clans, his father would never marry his mother. Yijun knew his standing as his mother was also at fault because it was because of her schemes that he was created. His mother drugged his father's drink in one of the parties and so he was made.

After freeing his mind of his thought, he looked down and saw his beloved focusing his gaze on him like he is the only one worthy to enter his sight. Those pairs of crimson orbs were filled with avid love and tenderness, which was completely different to those apathetic eyes full of mirth and playfulness when he was having fun with those group of traitors in the warehouse.

When he saw that scene in the warehouse through his holographic video from his phone using Galaxia's Surveillance System, he felt that his beloved is not only playful but also extremely dangerous.

The Meng Anya of that time seems to love blood and destruction. As if death itself was a natural thing for him, especially the death of others. The disdain and indifference for the world can be seen in those crimson eyes.

Mo Yijun looked straight at those loving eyes, "Wife do you care about the world?"

"Not really." Replied Meng Anya without hesitation.

"Wife… What do you hate the most?"


"What do you love the most?"


Mi Yijun asked, "After me what do you like next?"

It took a while before Meng Anya answered that last question. An entertained smile appeared on Meng Anya's face as he wrapped his hands around his husband's waist. "Destruction."

Silence ascended in the room. Though Mo Yijun had already expected it, he never thought that his wife would give him a straight answer that rendered him speechless for a moment.

Meng Anya on the other hand noticed his husband's reaction and thought that maybe he frightened him. He could only tighten his arms around his man while trying to explain things in his own way despite his sleepiness assaulting him.

"But… as long as you are around, I won't go destroying things. To me… you are my only shackles. My solitary love." Replied Anya as he closed his eyes as he let his dreams hunt him in his sleep.

Mo Yijun's hand keeps on gently ruffling his wife's soft hair, but his original silvery irises changes to deep obsidian which glints with stars as if the galaxy converged within it. His expression softens as he observes the sleeping enchantress within his reach, lovingly wishing to imprint the whole figure of his other half to his mind. Mo Yijun is currently his name at the same time not.

"Shackles… ? Indeed, I am your fetters because you are my chosen prisoner. My one and only obsession, Jing'er…" Whispered by this man who called himself Mo Yijun in this world.

Mo Yijun moved to change his position preparing to sleep. After turning the lights off and pulling his love to his embrace he let sleepiness succumb him and entered a deep slumber. When his breathing relaxed and fell into deep sleep, Meng Anya who was in his embrace suddenly opened his eyes.

In his mind he ordered his system to get something in a mall. It's a special type of incense called Soul Slumber Drop which affects even a God's soul and forces it to deep sleep. He had plans that had to be done tonight. Some things needed to be done alone which is why he put his husband to sleep.

One is to allow him to rest and second is to check on something.

'Exe, how long would this incense last?' asked Meng Anya to his system.

[I've redeemed the strongest type of inducing sleep item as the Host requested. It will make a human enter deep sleep for the whole night and no matter what happens he won't wake up. Please don't worry. Host is still able to redeem 4 items from the mall.]

Getting the affirmation from his system that his love will not wake up for the whole night, Meng Anya reluctantly lifted the arm wrapping his waist and sat on the bed looking at his love in slumber beside him.

Gently caressing Mo Yijun's cheeks, his action was full of adoration and love. He truly loves this man unconditionally.

[Host, do you wish for Exe to ask the main system about your husband?]

"Are you going right away?"

[If the host still needs me here, then Exe will stay.]

"I have few questions. After answering you can go."

[Please go ahead and ask Host.]

"Before, you've said that I can kill the Protagonists if their halo was undone. Will stripping the gong his company and the shou losing his love route of the gong enough for the remove their halo?"

[For this small star, that much is enough but please be warned for the bigger stars it is harder to completely remove their halo unless Host completely destroys their fates.]

"Is it possible to pull an outsider out of this star with me after death?"

[...It is possible. I can tie their soul to me and be pulled to the system space upon death but...]


[This option is only applicable to a complete soul. For Host's husband whose souls were the same but just fragments, Exe doesn't think it will be possible after all he is a miniscule fragment soul. It is impossible to pull him out of a world without breaking. Souls are extremely fragile objects. But I will ask the main system for another option that will make sure that the host can choose only the stars where your husband's soul fragments exist.]

"Please do so. By the way Exe is it possible for me to use my original skills from my original world?"

[It is possible, Host. Which one of your special skills do you want to unlock? but unlocking a skill to this world means that despite completing this world Host wouldn't be able to unseal a part of Host's memories. Is this alright?]

"Part of my memories were unlocked at each world completion? No wonder. How much of my memories were unsealed?"

[Currently Host had already completed two worlds adding the original 5 % of memories retained, Host now had unsealed 15% of your full memories. Does the Host wish to unblock an ability instead of your memories?]

A playful smirk uplifts the corner of his lips, "Unlocked my special ability to teleport, Exe."

[As you wish, Host.]

Meanwhile in the Prime Minister's Estate,

The news about the failed mission to kill Mo Yijun's beloved had reached the ears of the Prime Minister. But it was not a report from one of his inside spies who worked under his son.

As those people were killed in the warehouse under Mo Yijun's orders. The one who reported to him is one of his spies that works as a resident of his son's city, who heard the rumors about what happened at that warehouse.

"Are you saying that it wasn't the brat who killed my people, but his lover who was kidnapped!? Are you fucking with me!?" said the minister as if shouting his lungs out.

Cowering in fear, "Y-Yes Master. It was a young man. They say he is the new CEO of Starlight Corporation."

The Prime Minister's anger quails down when he hears what his spy just said. "S-Starlight? That Starlight under the Mengs?!? You said it was a young man. Was it Meng Lan?" asked the minister but his voice was quivering as if afraid of something.

Seeing his boss's frightened face made the spy feeling bewildered, "Ah... No, it's not Meng... Lan...?" The man was unable to continue speaking as he felt something piercing his body.

Spurts blood* The man then looked down and saw a knife stabbing through his heart, blood flowing out from his mouth as he felt stunned not knowing what just happened.

Only when he heard a playful and bewitching voice from behind him that he showed a shocked expression as he recognized who was behind him.

"Ai~ you can't just~ say this lord's name~ without permission~" An enchanting voice was heard from behind the stabbed man.

The dying man mustered his remaining strength to look behind him only to be surprised in what he saw. The man was only able to utter one word.

"...D-Devil..." before he took his last breath and laid on the floor, pooled in his own blood.

Standing not far from him is a beautiful figure that could haunt everyone's dream wearing a mischievous grin on his exquisite face as he stares at the dead body under his feet with eyes full of mirth and indifference.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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