I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 97: 4.35 Third Blue Star - Aftermath [End]

Chapter 97: 4.35 Third Blue Star - Aftermath [End]

Gui Lan and Xie Ye completely retreated from the duties after retiring. They've stayed in the Gui Clan's estate spending all the time together. No one bothered them and everyone gave them full freedom. Though there are times where Yi Zheng would come over with the rest of the team to complain and visit them, there are no other problems aside from that.

Ke Lou, Lin Ye and Professor Sen worked together to pacify the frightened civilians during their plan's implementation. Thanks to Gui Lan's meticulous planning almost all espers that work for the syndicate were caught. There were some who escaped but what caught thanks to the wanted bounty list the Gui Mansion had released.

The president was brought to court for supporting such inhumane syndicates and was forced to abdicate from his position as the country's leader. When the voting for the new leader was implemented, it was decided anonymously that Prime Minister Gui Shi will take the throne as the president seat. Because of that the Gui Clan had been promoted from a minister's household to a presidential household. The Minister's seat was passed to Lin Ye instead.

It only took half a year for everything to return to normal. SID remains as a special unit in Metropolitan Police. After all there are still many unresolved supernatural cases. Most of this case was put into the category of cold cases in ordinary police departments. These kinds of cases were passed to the SID unit keeping Yi Zheng and Li Xing busy for another half of the year. Xu Lun still works for Xie Ye but because his boss chose to retire, his former duties of gathering intelligence reports change to gathering information about famous honeymoon spots and dating spots to visit. Yun Li still works for the institute as he loves the library of that place. He also helps with his lover's errand in listing a travel schedule for the honeymoon of their bosses. This couple is together most of the time as well, in the library.

Gui Lan and Xie Ye's wedding was finally scheduled to be done in the first week of the new year. It was just a few days after new years as Xie Ye could no longer wait. He even wanted to marry Gui Lan even without the ceremony and pulled the latter the next day after they've retired. Before Gui Lan was tired of the nightly exercise that day, Xie Ye had to carry him on his arm as they ventured to the place called the Civil Bureau. Xie Ye wanted their marriage to be concluded even without the ceremony. The staff of the Civil Bureau who didn't know the couple even thought that the beautiful lazy man was kidnapped and forced to marry this cold handsome man. Old Man Ke heard the news on the same day and immediately reported it to the president. Gui Shi almost beat up Xie Ye when he heard that he brought his sleeping son to the Bureau's office and asked his half asleep son to sign those papers.

Their lives continue until the next year.

When the new year comes, a few days later a big wedding with the president in entourage broadcasted his only son's wedding ceremony. This ceremony is so grand and luxurious as the two men who will be getting married are the heroes who decimated a large syndicate called Inferno. The marriage was recorded in history as the wedding of the century. Right after the wedding Gui Lan and Xie Ye left the country to roam around the world. Following them are their guide and subordinates, Yun Li and Xu Lun, who created the whole schedule of this long journey and the other couple who join for fun, Yi Zheng and Li Xing.

They've roamed around the world. From famous honeymoon spots, famed dating spots, to scenic gardens and beaches, rainforest to desserts and even took the adventure of visiting forbidden zones. it took them ten years to finish this action packed, thrilling and almost life threatening journey of their lives.

After finishing this adventure, Yi Zheng and Li Xing retired from the unit and passed their mantle to the next generation after them. These couples remained in the central city and lived a normal life in their middle age years until they got old. Yun Li and Xu Lun also left the institute to continue serving Gui Lan and Xu Lun as always. Gui Lan and Xie Ye went treasure hunting after their honeymoon as Gui Lan hates boredom more than anything. Xie Ye made sure to complete all of his wife's requests and never left his side the whole time...

At the age of 45, Gui Lan and Xie Ye returned to the country together with Xu Lun and Yun Li. They left the city in request of Gui Lan wanting to live in a quiet place. They've lived within a forest and had a quiet life as a couple.

At the age of 50, Gui Lan asked Xie Ye to return to the Gui Clan to see his father, Gui Shi, with a reason for missing him. They've lived back together with the old man making the latter completely joyous of such events. But Xie Ye knew that his wife has never been close to other people except for him in the other worlds. This time Gui Lan asking to return to Gui Clan made him uncomfortable but his wife never told him the reason and just smiled at him whenever he asked the reason of why?

At Gui Lan age of 51, Xie Ye finally understood the reason for his uneasiness. On Gui Lan's birthday, he suddenly collapsed. The famous doctors of their country and prominent international doctors haven't found the reason why Gui Lan's body suddenly withered in such a state. All doctors who've checked on Gui Lan only gave Xie Ye one answer.

"I'm sorry but we cannot do anything about this."


Evening of Gui Lan's birthday.

Gui Lan was lying on the huge bed with pale skin and lips. Sickly figure as of his withering. Seated at the edge of the bed is Xie Ye who is holding his wife's hands while trembling. His eyes were red from crying and anger. Even when Xie Ye used his Godly powers as Ye Xiajie, there was no effect on Gui Lan's dying vessel.

That night Gui Lan finally woke up from his deep sleep and saw his husband's ugly expression.

"A'Ye don't cry. This is something even... I couldn't change." said Gui Lan with a weak smile on his face.

Xie Ye with his voice hoarse as it is, said, "Tell me. What is happening, Jing'er?" he asked.

"Hehe~ Okay. I will tell you. You have Xie Ye's memories so you should remember. It was on that day I first entered your soul domain. Even before both of your soul fragments merged."

"I remember. That is the day I regret the most in this life." replied Xie Ye.

Gui Lan asked, "Why?"

"Because that is the day I first harmed you in this life." replied Xie Ye with a dark expression of regret and agony in his eyes.

"Is it? But that is the day I made the choice to choose you over everything." said Gui Lan.

Xie Ye was stunned with what he heard.

"W-What do you mean?" he asked.

Gui Lan smiled as if he remembered something. "It was the day that I chose to violate a Divine Law by telling an original resident of a world about the secrets of the higher realms."

"...!!!..." Xie Ye instantly understood the reason for his wife's current state. Knowing this, Xie Ye couldn't help but blamed himself after realizing that he is the reason for his wife's weakened situation.

Gui Lan, "That day I was so scared that you would hate me. Which is why I didn't want to lie to you and told you everything you wanted to know. At that time only your soul as Xie Ye is awake and the other fragment is still asleep. I was afraid that maybe it would leave a doubt in your heart that I didn't tell you any truth. That if I keep my silence it would be considered as lying to you and a seed of doubt would be planted in your heart."

Hearing this explanation the tears of Xie Ye could only fall as he held his wife's cold hands. Clearly this person is about to leave him again. Just like before, this person always chose to live just so he could protect him from harm. Whether it was towards people or negative emotions. This man had always kept him in his protection.

"I would never want to let feel even that tiny hint of doubt in your heart. Which is why I made that choice. I didn't regret that choice of mine. Never regret it. Only... I was a bit disappointed when... you didn't... recognize me at all. It was Yun Li... who noticed me before everyone else and even you. I didn't tell you about this and even used... my Authority skill on Yue... so he wouldn't... be able to... tell you... anything." explained Gui Lan.

Xie Ye, who was crying soundlessly, held his wife's hands while trembling.

The life within Gui Lan's eyes is slightly fading but he still continues to speak.

"It was... intentional. I... didn't want... you to... know... It's not... like... we wouldn't... meet again... in our next... live... be sure... to find... me first,... okay? So,... this is only... a small... punishment... A'Xia... I... lov--------"

Gui Lan took his last breath and wasn't even able to complete his words. As soon as his vessel died because his soul was injured the heavenly laws ejected him right away from that star's administration's control. System Yue even remained in that place for a bit to speak with his boss. Now that his host's body died in this world, the authority placed on him before is no longer applicable.

[I'm sorry my lord but... Sire had been ejected by this world already. I couldn't report everything to my lord because of the command sire had put on me.]

"Executioner 13th. I will not blame you. No, I couldn't even do so. Just tell me everything that happens while I am asleep!!!" said Ye Xiajie.

This time his anger is too much and his sadness is too unbearable as well. This is not the first world for him to wake Hei Anjing dead before him. But unlike before he couldn't follow him right away as the lifespan of his vessel isn't even half of its original lifespan. Because of his high level of attainment of his esper's ability, his body had strengthened to the point that he would only die when he is at the age 200. He couldn't even die prematurely as the world energy he worked hard to gather would be gone and his soul as Xie Ye would once again enter reincarnation if he chose to die right now.

He was happy to know that the lifespan of the esper in this little world could live until 200 made him happy. Just based on the fact that both he and his wife were strong enough to live past 100, delighted him that he could spend more time together with his wife in this world. Now his wife was only 51 when he left the world. within that 51 years, they were separated from each other for 15 fucking years. Now he is only 54 years old and he could only leave this body at the age ranging of 150 to 200. Leaving before that age means all his hard work would disappear. Now he will live in this damn star alone for 100 more years and so.

"Report! Executioner 13th!!!" said Ye Xiajie.

System Yue who was frightened by his big boss's anger could only tell him all the details that he knew. All the information that was held back because of his host. He didn't hide anything. Even reported that his host used a skill card: Limit breaker in this world twice. He even reported Professor Sen's identity. Everything. He told him every single detail!

Hearing the contents of his subordinates' report made Ye Xiajie face dark with anger and fury. He released his cultivation at peak and chose to destroy this little star that caused him to be separated from his wife and even cause him to injure his soul. It is because of the asshole heavenly laws of this world and that damn divine laws!

[My lord, are you going to destroy this world?!]

"By destroying this star means I could forcefully collect its world's energy. Don't bother me. Inform Warden Luo to bring out his prisoner of this world and that world hopper called Sen. They only have 10 minutes to leave before I destroy this world completely."

[Yes sir! Right away My Lord!] System Yue immediately leaves the place and passes the messages from their lord.

Ye Xiajie watched his crumbling surroundings with a calm and emotionless gaze. This world had no importance under his sight. After all the only important thing he had in this world had already left, leaving him alone in this useless world. The house and his surroundings had all turned to ruins in seconds then to ashes. The sky had fragmented like a broken mirror and a huge black cloud gathered on top of his head. These cumulus clouds are the avatar of every heavenly law in each world. This is the set of rules brought to life by this small star.

'Outsider? No result. Original resident? Not applicable! Scanning! Identity error! An error occurred initiating erasure mode. Delete the error to repair the world! Issuing elimination for this Unidentified being!'

A black sword appeared on Ye Xiajie's hands. This is the same sword which his wife had gifted to him. He only waves his hand once and slashes the will of this world.

"So noisy. You are just a collection of human wills." said Ye Xiajie.

With one slash from him the heavenly laws of this world was destroyed. Now without the protection of the heavenly laws the world's destruction had progressed even faster. The cracks on the sky had exploded revealing the empty space outside this little star. Ye Xiajie was looking at the horizon at the distance.

He then uttered as he looked above him.

"Baby~ I will meet you again soon~ This time I promise I will find you first." murmured Ye Xiajie.

The moment System Yue returned to his side, Ye Xiajie completely destroyed the star and gathered the world energy within it. Afterwards no one knows where he disappeared to. System Yue after escorting the Lord God out, he returned to his system space to continue his duties and serve as Hei Anjing's temporary system.

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