I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 98: 5.0 Prologue - In the System Space before the Fifth World

Chapter 98: 5.0 Prologue - In the System Space before the Fifth World

Back in the System Space.

As soon as Hei Anjing's soul was sucked out of the little star, he opened his sapphire eyes in the usual pitch black space overflowing with stars and galaxies before him. But this time Hei Anjing wasn't able to enjoy it as nonchalantly as before as his leg's suddenly weakened and he fell seated on the black water like floor under him. In his soul's original form he wouldn't be able to spit blood like in a human vessel. Instead he could see that the figure of his hands and legs was a bit translucent unlike his solid soul form from his original healthy state.

Hei Anjing sat down properly and pinched the space between his eyes, clearly showing his stress and lethargic state.


"I didn't expect that the Heavenly Laws of that little star would suddenly pull me out without permission. Such rudeness! Tsk! I wasn't even able to say goodbye properly. Dammit!" complained Hei Anjing. Even ignoring his current translucent state because of his injured soul.

After looking around Hei Anjing didn't see his round and cute moon system, Yue. He thought of things for a moment and realized that his husband must have caught his little system to be interrogated.

"That is not my fault right? Getting Yue in trouble~ Hm~ Though I don't believe my husband is going to get angry at me or Yue. Since Yue haven't returned means something must have happened in there. Anyway forget it. Let's go meditate to heal my soul and cancel the punishment the Divine Laws had bestowed on me. Thank God it only had an effect while I am in that little star now I could heal myself~"

Hei Anjing whistled for a few seconds as if bored. Only when he got in a state of meditation that he closed his eyes while sitting in a lotus form as he circulated his qi all over his body. He only needed to meditate for a few hours for his soul injuries to be cured. Though his memories haven't completely unsealed, just that information he got from Liu Yan's system is enough for him to rationalize his current situation and his real origin.

With those facts in his brain, he now doesn't need to worry much about his sealed memories and choose to focus on unsealing his original abilities and cultivation instead. As he meditates, Anjing uses his qi to slowly pierce through those seals in his cultivation. Slowly upgrading his cultivation stage from being a mortal state to an awakened cultivator. He continued to meditate in System Yue's space.

Meanwhile System Yue, who just got back from that ruined little star is now glowing dimly at his moon avatar form. He took half a day before he could return. Obviously he is so tired from the events that happened after his host left the star.

[Tired~ I never thought the Lord God would destroy the little star due to anger. That's the first time I've seen him that angry~ Scary! It is good though that the Lord God wasn't angry because the host kept that a secret. Instead seeing him slash that Heavenly Laws like a piece of paper is so horrifying.] grumbled by System Yue as soon as he returns in his space.

After he finished talking to himself, he finally remembered his host's existence and looked around. He let out a breath of relief when he saw his host meditating in the middle of the space. The qi he emits is stable and there is no other problem at all. Seeing this System Yue decided to leave the host for a moment to report.

[Host. Yue is going to report to the boss for a bit. I will be back soon.]

No one replied to him but System Yue still waited for a few seconds before leaving the space to report to his higher ups. After a few hours more, Hei Anjing once again opened his eyes as he finished his meditation. His former translucent state turned solid once again. In the middle of meditating he heard Yue's voice but didn't reply as he couldn't just cut off his concentration. After checking that his current state had returned to normal, Hei Anjing stood up and waved his hand once to create a fissure in space. Put his hand in and pulled something out.

The thing that was pulled out is that man he captured in the last star. It is a man who called himself Hei Wanyu. Someone from the Hei Clan. Hei Anjing's paternal clan. Hei Wanyu was still unconscious when he was pulled out from Hei Anjing's personal domain.

After completing his 4th world Hei Anjing's memories are now unsealed about 40 percent. He could unseal 5 percent at each world normally but if it's a high tier world he might be able to unlock a higher percentage instead. Anyway he doesn't need to worry about his memories except for a few personal ones, the main ones can be understood through the data he got from the God System's database.

Which is why he knew about Hei Wanyu. This man is from the clan of his father, Hei Sian. But aside from his father being a Hei. He had no other connection to the Hei Clan after all his father is a banished person from that clan. He grew up under his mother's clan instead. Moreover his bloodline from his mother is stronger than that of his father. As for the reason why, this is because his birth is not through natural way but through gene combination of his father and mother. Because his mother is a male as well. In short is he an artificially borne being.

He is someone with the bloodline of Mo Clan. This is the reason why in his human form he had an azure eyes while silver eyes in his God form.


Mo Bloodline Features:

Hair Color: Silver or Brown | Eye Color: Blue

Hei Bloodline Features: Black Hair and Silver eyes.


This is why in his human form, Hei Anjing had raven hair paired with sapphire orbs. On the other hand in his God form he had long brown hair and silver irises. It's a mixture of two bloodlines.

Hei Anjing glacial blue eyes stared down on Hei Wanyu's sleeping figure and unhesitantly gave his stomach a mean kick.


The strength hidden within that kick is not normal. Hei Wanyu instantly woke up from the pain coming from his stomach.

AH! Hei Wanyu's eyes were covered in tears because of just one kick. The pain that originates from that kick of Hei Anjing isn't normal. He used his qi special's initiative. He is born with Yin qi which is rich in Ice elements. That kick just now slowly froze Wanyu's internal organs, veins and meridians. In short Hei Wanyu will become a half crippled with his lower body completely useless if he didn't circulate his qi to stop the cold qi from invading his body.


Hei Anjing smirked at him as if he couldn't see his pain. "Wake now? You sleep well for a prisoner." he sarcastically said.

With tears filled eyes, Hei Wanyu glared at Hei Anjing. He couldn't speak well because of the pain originating from his veins and meridians.

"Y-You... b-bas...tard..." responded Hei Wanyu.

Gui Lan treated him indifferently, "I suggest that you tell me everything that you know. Why are you targeting A'Xia's soul fragments when he has nothing to do with you so holy Hei Clan. Or is it because of me? No... if it is because of me you wouldn't dare do so. After all, dad wouldn't mind eliminating your so-called clan if he heard you've touched me."

Hei Wanyu's contorted breathing resounds in space. Hei Anjing calmly watches the man on the floor twist his body in agony.

Hei Anjing's face remained stony despite his sly smile. "If you vowed to answer my questions honestly I would temporarily suppress the cold qi in you. Otherwise then you can just wait to die slowly after being crippled." he gave him an option to choose.

The trembling in Hei Wanyu's body became uncontrollable as he knew that the one before him would never joke around because he is nothing but a stranger to this person. Remembering the Mo bloodline this guy possesses the unimaginable fear that spreads in his heart. Cold Temperament and Mercilessness towards their enemies. They would never hesitate to take action towards those who oppose them. This family is only kind to their own and treated the rest coldly. Even if he is someone from Hei.

Hei Anjing never treated the Hei Clan as his own family as his father had long been banished from their clan. They were even more than strangers and close to the boundary line of being their enemies. Just one wrong step and they would be treated without any mercy when getting punished. This is what the Hei Clan is afraid of. Hei Sian no longer cares for the clan and stays with his wife 24/7. To him they are nothing but strangers with the same blood.

But Hei Anjing is different. He wasn't banished or anything. He just grew up outside the clan. He had no feeling towards the clan. No affection and no hate. He treated them as distant and shameless relatives but at least he still saw them as a relative even in name only. To the Hei Clan that much is okay for now but they still wanted more. This is why they wanted someone from the Hei Clan to court Hei Anjing.

This is because they knew about Mo Clan's special trait towards their other half. A Mo can only love one person in their eternity. Their heart beats only once in their whole existence. As long as someone from Hei Clan is able to capture Hei Anjing's heart they would be able to promote themselves as a royal clan like the sole Supreme Clan like the Mo Family, whose authority even equals the origin of all realms which the God of Creation, Siwang.

Hei Wanyu nodded in desperation. Hei Anjing waved his hand once to suppress the cold qi in the former's body allowing him to be able to speak without problem.

"Explain to me everything that you know." said Hei Anjing coldly.

"...I am only following orders from above. I do not know the details about what the clan wants to do. The order only says to capture that man's soul fragments." replied Hei Wanyu.

Hei Anjing's face turned dark, "Who gave the order to cease A'Xia's soul fragments?" he asked.

"The Clan Ancestor, Hei Jue!" replied Hei Wanyu.

For the first time Hei Anjing's smile fades from his face not because of anger but instead of disbelief. He staggered for a moment as he covered his forehead as if he suffered a revelation he would never have expected.


In the first place. Hei Jue is his only friend. The only one in his whole life. He grew up treating this person as his closest confidant and his elder brother figure. This person is also the only reason why he never completely desolated the Hei Clan in his heart. It is because Hei Jue exists that Hei Clan still exist.

His face was full of skepticism. "You are lying! Jue-ge would never do that!?" exclaimed Hei Anjing.

He tried to convince himself but was unable to do so. The turmoil in his heart even causes ripples inside the space as it causes enough disturbance for it to shake as if a huge earthquake strikes on it. Hei Anjing's mood completely turned sour to being akin to murderous. He grabbed Hei Wanyu's collar as he lifted him up. His eyes turned to leaden in the same shade of the moonlight. His eyes glinted in wild rage as he glared at Hei Wanyu.

Hei Wanyu who didn't expect Hei Anjing to react like this was dumbfounded and speechless. He could hardly breathe with the tightness of Anjing's hold in his collar. He felt being choke akin to some grabbing his throat directly.

"You lied. Tell me the truth!" said Hei Anjing.

With his face slowly turning purple from choking, he tried his best to respond.

"It's true. I answered you honestly!" replied Hei Wanyu.

This is the situation System Yue had witnessed when he returned to his space. But this time he isn't alone. A man with light blonde long hair and purple irises with one of them hidden in a glass lens firmly held by the bridge of his nose while wearing a white and violet colored robes appeared in the space.

This man is called An Liang. He is a Nether God who works as a substitute lord god while Ye Xiajie is gone. He is Zhi Yue's [System Yue's real name] Superior.

An Liang grabbed Hei Wanyu out of Hei Anjing's grasp, saving him from getting killed. But this action of his made Anjing's anger move towards him. An Liang flinched when he saw those pair of murderous silver orbs falling on him. He felt that his whole body was covered in ice but he choose to ignore it as he couldn't let Hei Anjing to lose himself in anger.

"Sire! Please calm down. An Liang will explain the whole thing after you've returned to this space once again. Please forgive me for my sudden rudeness. Excuse me." said An Liang who controlled the space to pull over a violet star from the horizon.

It was a star that was not among the usual varieties of stars where Anjing could choose from. It is a newly arrived star. He directly pushed the furious Hei Anjing to be sucked in that star as he captured Hei Wanyu. System Yue was stunned by the whole event. He could not believe that his boss dared to do that to an esteemed being like his host. Even their Lord God never dared that before.

A savage glare from Hei Anjing was given to An Liang before he got completely pulled inside the violet star.

Hei Anjing yelled. "You fucker! Surnamed An, I will kill you!!!" those were the last words Hei Anjing spouted before he disappeared from the space.

The moment Hei Anjing disappears except for Hei Wanyu's disorderly coughs there is only silence in the space. Zhi Yue looked at his boss with a pitiful gaze as if looking at a dead man. An Liang used his free hand to squeeze his throbbing temples.

"Don't look at me like that. If I didn't do that he would have destroyed this space in anger and those group of annoying old men will think that his memories and strength had returned when it wasn't yet." said An Liang.

Zhi Yue didn't completely believe his boss's excuses.

"Since you force him that way. I need to coax him with something or his anger wouldn't subside." replied Zhi Yue.


"Unseal one or two special ability or talent he has. Only at the extent his soul could bear. His soul isn't completely awake yet and his current vessel wouldn't be able to support his full strength yet. Just one of each." said An Liang as he cuffed Hei Wanyu with Anti-god chains. This will completely restrict his cultivation and make him a mortal.

Zhi Yue looked at An Liang. "How much could I say to the host?" he asked his boss.

"Not everything but don't lie to him. Be sure to ask that person's soul fragment to talk to his lover about it. Tell him that I offended his lover and I don't really want to die young yet. Say to A'Ye that! Haa~ my head has been aching too much lately. Is it stress? This is definitely stress~" said An Liang before disappearing from the space with the new prisoner, Hei Wanyu.

"You guys all left all the hard work for me to do. Don't you know only the Lord God can coax that Sire's anger. I also don't want to die yet." murmured Zhi Yue who turned himself back to his full moon avatar and followed his host to that violet star his boss threw him in.

After he left, that space had become quiet once again.

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