I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 249: Above the Cloud Final

Chapter 249: Above the Cloud Final


I will take 2 days rest from writing Naomi as the arc ended. I need some new inspirations first! I have some burn-out so I plan to focus writing Magical Girls and Sins and Tragedies in these 2 days.

Enjoy the chapter!

Rekka was sitting on the bench at the park of Akasa Inc.s main building, looking at the sky with a listless expression.

He was tired.

The preparation for a war was tiring, and he certainly got hit the hardest because of what everyone in the Moon of Akasha expected from him, Naomis right-hand man.

Even though there was a person more suited for the position, such as Chi and Melaine, everyone still called him Naomis right-hand man because he was the first person to be recruited in the Moon of Akasha.

Their expectations were crushing him mentally.

Sipping the can of coffee in his hand, Rekka muttered quietly.

Is this what Princess felt like all this time? This is too hard for me to handle Way too different from the time I headed a company.

A mocking smile appeared on his face.

He really couldnt handle the expectation alone. If only Chi, or even his friend Hyun-Woo, was missing. Then he would surely run to Naomi to tell the others in Moon of Akasha that he wasnt really her right-hand man.

Heck, he even made it clear in the press conference. He said that he wasnt her right-hand man, but look at the result

They even respect me further because of my situation. What should I really do?

Even when he sat alone like this, some people who walked past him stopped for a while and greeted him. Those people werent even a part of the Moon of Akasha. Instead, they were employees of Akasa Inc.

He noticed that some of the single women were actually looking at him with longing gazes. Unfortunately, he wasnt interested in them; he already had someone special in mind.

Although he seldom met with the girl of his dreams because of his busy schedule, he would sometimes call her at night. However, his little sister would always chime in to make fun of him every time he called her.

The last time he had heard about his little sister was when he was called by her earlier. She was freaking out, saying that Princess was gone when she woke up. He swore he could hear laughter from across the phone that belonged to someone that he liked, but it must be his imagination.

A small laugh escaped his mouth when he remembered what happened before he went to sit at this park to rest.

For the sake of my little sister and to repay Princess for what she did for me, I can only give my best, no?

Complementing things was useless. He could only move forward with his boss. He placed his utmost trust in his boss, a genius girl who apparently didnt understand or realize that she was actually really smart compared to normal people.

Rekka had already seen a lot from Naomi that he could understand her that much. She had underestimated herself or overestimated other people. Maybe she only wanted to have fun; Nobody knew except for the girl herself, who never told anybody about her actual plan and moved along with her subordinates plan.

At that moment, when Rekka gathered his will to continue walking down this path, a voice called out from the side.

So youre here. I have been trying to find you everywhere.

Rekka looked to the side and noticed someone he called a best friend in secret, Lee Hyun-Woo, walking toward him with a silly smile while holding a can of cola in his hand. His other hand was in the pocket, acting all cool while actually looking rather stupid.

His complexion was better than when Rekka met him two years ago, and he didnt look like an old man anymore. Though his gray hair still remains.

His friend stopped and sat beside him as he moved to the side.

Opening the can, Hyun-Woo drank it with gusto and exclaimed.

Hah! This is great! Drinking cola after work is the best. Dont you think so too, Rekka?

Not really. It is coffee for me. Rekka answered as he raised his coffee can.

You really like that coffee, huh?

Hyun-Woo gulped the cola and exclaimed happily once again before continuing.

So, Rekka. I think I will ask Princess to move Dan-Bi here.

His friends words were so surprising that he instinctively moved to look at him.

Why? He asked, confused.

The island base was surrounded by Hyun-Woos strongest barrier to hide it from anything, even from technology. Only those who knew the island beforehand could visit it. Only a few people knew about the island, including those from the first batch of recruits.

So the island was the safest place to hide from the War. Not to mention, Mischa and Julia were there, adding more safety to the island. The last line of defense of the Moon of Akasha, so to speak.

I think she has enough hiding. I want her to enjoy this life, you see? Now that the Moon of Akasha is famous, I dont think anyone will hurt my sister. Hyun-Woos smile turned into a sad one as he gripped his can tightly. But, if she wants to stay on the island, then I will let her stay. Its just my selfishness as his older brother.

I see I think I understand that.

Rekka also had a younger sister, so he understood how Hyun-Woo felt. If possible, he also wanted to let his sister roam around freely.


Hyun-Woo looked at the cloudy blue sky.

I think it should be possible if Princess wishes for it. I mean bringing the island base to this country.

Rekka looked up at the sky and nodded.

Thats right.

Both of them went silent, smiling as they looked at the cloud that drifted along, being blown by the wind.

It was calm, as if there was no silent War ongoing.

But, Rekka knew better. This calm situation wouldnt stay for so long. As proof, his holo phone rang at that perfect moment. Another sound came from the side, and Rekka noticed that Hyun-Woo also held his holo phone.

The words Princess were written on the screen, and her voice followed suit.

[To all people who hear this. I hope you guys are ready.]

A forced call from Naomi was implemented to their holo phone to respond to an emergency coming to their phones at the same time.

Rekka and Hyun-Woo looked at each other and nodded.

They understood that it was the time without even hearing Naomis following words.

Everyone who heard this announcement also understood what happened. However, Naomi still continued with a cold tone.

[The War will begin momentarily.]


At the same time, an island could be seen flying in the sky above the cloud, slowly making its way toward Germany. The ones who were on the islands, four girls, were outside of the house while looking worried.

One of the girls, Mischa, held a holo phone that was connected to Naomi. It was Julias holo phone. She also heard the call together with the others, and then she muttered.

It begins, huh Be careful, Naomi.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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