I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 250: Dolls 1

Chapter 250: Dolls 1

In the Esper Associations headquarters in the United States, Avos was sitting in the office given to him by Johnathan. It had been a day since he went to the underground to see the Dolls. They were ready to be deployed, two types with 150 units each.

The office was simple, consisting of a working desk, two couches, and an armchair. There was no table between the couches as this was only a temporary office for Avos to monitor his sealed room with his holo phone.

He wouldnt want to miss what was shown on the monitor screens in his office, especially the screen that only showed some static. If somehow he could see something on the static screen, his plan would have no hole at all. He was confident about it.

Nothing again

The screens showed the usual movement of changing images with nothing special on it. While the screen showed the movement of the future, nothing was really fixed.

Sometimes, the images changed because of the interference of someone, and sometimes, the image would keep showing the same images for a few years.

At that moment, Avos felt a movement outside of his office room and raised his head. The presence that stood outside the door was familiar.

Enter, Lucilla. He said before the one outside the door could even knock on it.

The door was opened, and there, Lucilla appeared while looking grim. She stood silently for a moment, closed the door behind him, and greeted him.

Pardon my intrusion, Lord Avos. But There is something that I want to ask about.

Of course, no problem. You can sit anywhere you like. Or, maybe you want to sit on my lap? Just kidding. Hahaha.

Avos greeted Lucilla back in humor. He loved messing around, that was for sure. Not sure if it was because his brain was damaged from using his ability too much, but he felt like acting like a child sometimes.

Fortunately, his subordinates, especially the executives, had already gotten used to his sudden change into a childish attitude and still respected him greatly.

I will sit on the couch. Please excuse me.

Make yourself at home.

Lucilla sat on the couch on Avos right. She chose the position where she was the closest to Avos, as she wanted to ask some rather sensitive questions.

Lord Avos, I

Want to ask about the Dolls, right?

Before Lucilla could even ask, Avos had already guessed what she came here for. A natural question for someone like Lucilla, the youngest Executives of the Esper Association.

To fill the gap left behind by Melaine, Avos appointed Lucilla, who not only had a rather similar ability to Melaine, but her personality was also similar to her.

Lucilla herself also understood that she was merely a replacement. Hence, she felt rather insecure when doing her job.

But Avos didnt really mind about Lucilla. Because no one could replace Melaine, no one could replace his sweetheart, someone that he thought was his equal. To say that Lucilla was Melaines replacement was blasphemy for him.

So, he thought of Lucilla, not as Melaines replacement. But as someone to fill Melaines gap in his plan. He needed someone who moved fast, and Lucilla coincidentally had that ability. That was merely how he thought of Lucilla.

He didnt blame her for feeling small, nor would he tell Lucilla that she was not a replacement. He was only an observer, and he enjoyed watching people.

Even this situation where Lucilla came to him was a part of his amusement. He knew about it from the images on the screen, so he wasnt surprised.

Yes. Lucilla nodded seriously. If I may be blunt, Lord Avos.

Go ahead.

Then What the hell were those Dolls? They are

Similar to Melaine and me in appearance.


Hmm, how should I explain it?

Avos stroked his smooth chin as he smiled slightly.

He could explain the Dolls to Lucilla in a simple term, but he knew that Lucilla wouldnt be satisfied with such an answer.

Lucillas ability was still needed. And as an Executive, she also had the right to know what the Dolls actually were.

First of all, I need to explain about Cloning technology.

Avos put his chin on his hands, looking at Lucilla with a serious gaze. Gone was the childish air around him.

You know that we can make a pill to strengthen our Power Level, right? And that the Esper had their bodies changed by a Virus that I call E-Virus.

Lucilla answered with a slight nod. She was given a book about that knowledge when appointed as the Esper Association Executive. A shocking knowledge that was hidden from the public.

Esper blood is such a strange thing. They carried all information about the Espers body and, with it, their abilities.

If such ability can be infused to a pill and consumed. Then by theory, it could also be infused to an item, to a Doll, and to a Human.

Avos stopped for a little, and Lucilla appeared to understand where he was going as her eyes widened.

Someone, my friend, has the ability to create Clay Dolls. Then, another friend of mine has the ability to create life from the Doll by using someones blood. Thus, the first Doll is created. We named it B-1 because the A version couldnt even open its eyes. To be honest, it was a failure, as the Doll's ability was different from what I expected.


Then we scraped her and put her into a lab before someone broke her out.

Lucilla heard Avos story closely. She knew the friends that Avos talked about.

They were her colleagues, the other two Executives that were always working together.

Because B-1 was a failure, we researched more and created B-2 using my blood. That B-2 was originally a human who grew in our facility. We thought the source of our failure originally came from the fact that we used a Doll, then we used a human. That experiment was conducted around ten years ago, roughly. You dont know about it because, at that time, I asked you to recruit some kid to enter the school, right?

Avos smiled before looking at his holo phone. He operated it to show an image of a girl with white hair similar to him and showed it to Lucilla.

Her reaction when she saw the picture was rather amusing for Avos. Her mouth was opened wide as she turned to Avos.

S-She is a Doll too?

No, shes a human. Because of her, our cloning technology became close to perfect, and we managed to create those Dolls using Melaines blood and mine just by using Lam and Molpars abilities.

He smiled as he turned his holo phone, looking at the holographic screen.

Yes. Its thanks to her. The only human that shared my white hair and a mutated ability from my blood. The only Esper that can stop me, the Doll B-2, which I later gave her a name

Avos stopped, grinned, then continued.

Belyaeva. I take the first three later from Doll B-1, which Melaine called Bel. A name with no meaning came out in the spur of the moment. But, still, the only threat that I am worried of nonetheless.

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