I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 251: Dolls 2

Chapter 251: Dolls 2

Naomi was back in her car, driving it back to the base.

The War Meeting was eventful for her. She was expecting her idea to be shot down by the veteran, but surprisingly, they didnt even say anything each time she presented her idea. Not that she opened her mouth more than once because the meeting itself was interesting.

They talked about Avos movement and preparing the measure for him. As for now, Germany Military had already trained some Squads to be put on the frontline of the War.

Naomi was a bit surprised by their preparations. She never thought the War would cause such a big movement from the Military.

It was not her intention to involve them. At first, she moved because of her anger. When she met Avos, she knew she couldnt agree with him for some reason, and she flamed him by telling him her real reason for creating the Moon of Akasha, even though that reason had changed over time.

Back to the content of the meeting, the Military guessed where the War would take place based on Avos movement.

Because Avos was last seen in the United States and possibly still staying there until a further report from the Stealth Squad that moved to a safe place.

The Stealth Squad from Germany Military was told to stay at least 1 KM away from the building. If Avos detection range was similar to Mischa or Melaine, then 1 KM would definitely be enough to avoid being found by him.

In each country, two people from the Stealth Squad were deployed. One with Stealth ability, anything related to it, and the other one was an information collector that trained to detect the movement of the Esper Pressure from afar and had an ability related to running away.

Right after the Stealth Squad relocated, they detected some movement from inside the Esper Associations headquarters. They couldnt be sure because they were far away.

The Officers inside the War meeting were content about what they found out though, because that meant the Esper Association had already made the first move in the War. So if they began to move their Military personnel, it would only be seen as a Self-Defense movement.

And due to this, Naomi called her trusted subordinates to prepare themselves for War. The date of the start of the War had gotten close. That subordinates were Rekka, Hyun-Woo, Chi, Jorden, Melaine, and Selena as representatives of the other five, and lastly, Julia, who was on the island base.

She also asked Julia to use her Ability to make the island float before moving it with her Telekinesis to Germany.

Avos was dangerous. His Ability was even more so.

He could control space. Naomi thought he wouldnt make a move like her, but she was wrong. The boss of the Esper Association had already involved himself in the War, and she couldnt leave the island alone in the middle of the sea in that case.

If, by chance, the Esper Association found the island, Avos would surely use his Ability to teleport it to him. That would render Mischas Ability useless, and Naomi would lose them. She didnt know whether Hyun-Woos barrier would be able to stop Avos, but better be safe than sorry.

She only moved the island slowly, so it would arrive at night, giving her some time to prepare for some defense in the base.

Arriving at the base, Naomi exited her car. Upon exiting, she was immediately greeted by Rekka and Hyun-Woo, who were in the parking lot by chance.

Princess, welcome back.

Yeah. Where is Chi?

Chi? Rekka asked, I believe shes in the underground base with Jorden or Melaine.

Alright. Tell her to move Hanz and his subordinates to the United States and collect information about the Esper Associations movement. I believe 6 people are enough. Naomi instructed as she walked toward the underground base, followed by Rekka and Hyun-Woo.

Certainly, Princess.

Rekka pulled out his holo phone and called Chi. He told her about Naomis order. At that moment, Naomi spoke again.

Hyun-Woo. How about the barrier around the base and the island?

Its safe, Princess. Why?

I will need you to put on another layer of barrier later. Can you make a barrier that blocks Teleportation? Or Ability related to space?

Hmm Hyun-Woo grunted as he stroked his chin. Thats impossible, Princess. My barrier can indeed be used for almost anything, but blocking the use of a certain ability is not part of that.

I see. Then, can you at least make a barrier that detects foe? Not someone with a hostile intention, but someone you or I consider an enemy.

If its like that, then I would need to put some identification on our allies. I can make the barrier react and warn me if someone without that identification enters the area of my barrier.

Then do that.

Certainly. But, may I ask for the reason?

To Hyun-Woos question, Naomi only had one answer.


If what she thought was correct, then Avos would be someone who had no hostile intention toward them.

For him, Naomi and the others would be considered as some nuisance at most. Some hindrances needed to be destroyed. Such arrogance was what she expected from Avos.

Heck, because he knew that she couldnt hurt him in that Taxi, he wouldnt take her seriously in a fight. And Naomi knew about that herself and racked her brain on how to beat Avos. She admitted she had one way, but it was a bit dangerous even for her.

Controlling space is such a cheat ability. What the heck is space anyway? How far can he control the said space? Naomi mused, thinking about the limit of Avos Ability.

The three of them arrived at the underground base. In a word, the underground base was hectic.

Stephen and the others were standing in full equipment in the hall that connected the hallway to almost every room in the base. They were standing near Hanz and his subordinates, who were clad in black, being briefed by Chi. She was wearing a suit, making her look like their boss.

Some people in battle uniforms were preparing their guns. They wore bullet proof vests and helmets, looking like SWAT members that were about to attack someplace.

As soon as Naomi entered, all the people in the hall went quiet and looked at them. They immediately stood straight and shouted.

Welcome, Princess!

Naomi stopped in her tracks and nodded seriously.

Gentlemen. She spoke. Her voice rang in the hall loudly even though she didnt use a microphone.

Her lips curled up into a grin. Saying that she was excited was understatement.

War was indeed scary. A lot of lives would be lost in this War. But, she was excited nonetheless. Her childish dream of participating in a great Esper duel would be fulfilled shortly.

And the world had prepared a worthy opponent for her. Someone who could control space. Someone that she couldnt hurt.

I will be thanking you, Avos. This is the first time I am glad to meet someone. You managed to render my Ability useless, making me think about how to utilize what I have in my hands to the limit.

Naomi's growth was stalled. To be precise, her abilities had never grown since she awakened her Ability at seven years old.

Unlike other Espers, Naomi was special. She awakened early, and her first Ability to awaken wasnt her Telekinesis but her Adjustment. Her Telekinesis came later when she thought she wanted to move an object without touching it.

Controlling space, huh? Then, it would be fine if I just adjust my body to be able to move through space, right? So Naomi found the answer to breach into Avos defense.

It was just her theory, but worth trying. Her Adjustment was different from other Espers, it was versatile.

And so, with a big grin on her face, she declared.

Its time for a War.

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