I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 242 241: The Final Battle [Pt2]

Elysia knew she was going to get caught sooner or later. She was taking too many risks but the reward she had been promised was too much for her to miss out on.

The godmother was tired of Axia's ambitions and she needed to take Axia out. That was what she had tasked Elysia to do and Elysia was not foolish enough to turn it down.

That was why she was at the final step of her journey. She would awaken the godmother's real body and then it would all finish. Her role, this struggle, would all turn back to the way it was supposed to be.

However, she overlooked one crucial factor when she had been planning everything. And it was that Axia would not let it go through.

"You! How dare you interfere in all my plans. From the first time you were born, you were a thorn in my side. I knew you would be in trouble if I let you be and that was why I gave you such a destiny. But you refused to behave time and again."

Axia attacked fast and swiftly. But he is not as skilled as he would like himself to believe. It was just his magic that was overwhelming.

Had this been the real world, Elysia would not have had a chance to win. But this white space was not ruled by anyone and anything was possible here.

Even Elysia's win against a god who was much more powerful than her.

"It's all your fault for having such big ambitions. Why are you trying so hard to make things happen in the first place? Can you not sit back and enjoy what you have?"

Elysia asked as she parried a few attacks that reached her. It hurt when she was hit but it was nothing compared to the disturbance that was happening around her.

The more magic that was being used, the more it was being absorbed by the godmother. It would not take long before she would wake up and put an end to everything.

"Stop getting in my way. If not for you, everything could have gone so much smoother. I knew I should have killed you the first chance I got."

Axia sounded mad and Elysia wanted to grin. She was about to accept getting hurt for a chance to counterattack when the light shined all around the area followed by the smell of blood.

Elysia's eyes instantly turned toward that scene and she was not alone.


It was Adam and Eve, bleeding out of the self-inflicted wounds on their bodies. The space around Elysia was responding to their magic, just as it was supposed to in the original vision.

"Heh, now you finally know how it feels when someone you know sacrifices themselves. Don't worry, we will make it in the end."

Adam's face was fully white when he spoke and he even reach out toward Elysia. She tried to reach back when she heard a burst of insane laughter.

It belonged to Axia who looked beyond happy to see what was happening. There was a maniacal look in his eyes that unnerved Elysia.

"In the end, nothing changed. I will still get their magic and I will win this fight. No one can stop me now."

Axia seemed convinced that things would work out as he had envisioned them to be but Elysia was not so sure about it.

Axia was getting a bit of magic but more of it was flowing into the godmother's side. However, Elysia was not in a mental state to appreciate this. Her eyes were wet with the thought of what she had lost.

"Now, let's get rid of you as well. Farewell, Elysia Dirac."

Elysia felt the magic come toward him but it never reached her. Something brilliant had stopped that magic attack from killing Elysia and who else could it be but the godmother?

The brilliant white was filling the space and the blank face looked back at Elysia. She did not know where to look at that featureless face in front of her.

"You did the good child. Now, rest and think of the wish you want to ask me for."

Elysia felt the tension in her body snap. She knew what she wanted to ask for but she did not know how to voice it out loud.

On the other hand, Axia looked like he was losing his mind. He was even attacking the godmother, something no saner person would have done. It was clear that he had lost it and this world was done for.

The Godmother made short work of Axia, and everything looked far too easy suddenly.

"Now child, ask what you want and you shall receive."

Elysia was not sure if she should even ask for anything at this point. Everyone was either dead or in a state of despair at his point. Nothing was going right in her life.

But still, she could not allow the two people she cared the most about die like this.

"Save their lives. I beg you to save their lives please."

Elysia begged. For the first time, she begged with everything she had. She was ready to sacrifice whatever was needed as long as both Adam and Eve could get to live.

"That is a difficult request and one that requires a greater price than you can pay. Your world would change forever and it will be a new beginning for you all. But still, are you sure you want to risk it all?"

Elysia felt her heart skip a beat.

Just because it was difficult did not mean it was impossible. There was still a chance to save everyone that mattered to her in the end. And this was a decision that could be made because Elysia was desperate.

"I know I am asking for too much but I don't care. I will sacrifice what needs to be as long as everyone I love stays alive."

Elysia was sure that this was what she wanted to do with her life. This world was done for anyway but the people here still deserved to live their lives and get a second chance.

They deserved the chance her home world did not get and they also deserved to be happy. For this chance, Elysia was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to get there.

The godmother smiles a mysterious smile that did not sit well with Elysia. She felt like she had been cheated on by someone but she did not know what happened.

"I see. Since my child is asking for such a thing, how could I refuse her? But remember, this new world might be confusing but is the one born out of all your desires."

The godmother's smile did nothing to invoke confidence inside Elysia but she still did her best to smile. The white space around her had started to shatter and all her memories seemed like they were disappearing and being rearranged.

'No one except you will remember what happened in his old world and the new world will be your chance to live how you want to. So make sure you enjoy it to the best of your abilities.'

This was what Elysia was going to do. She hoped that it was a world where she will not have to worry about magic and such things. She just wanted to live a happy and carefree life with the people she knew.

It was beyond frustrating how so many things never got solved and how people who were caught up in her mess were being rewritten as well.

But it was a chance for all of them as well. It was a new beginning for everyone involved.

"Be happy my child and never be ashamed of the choices you made."

Elysia knew that and she finally closed her eyes for the last time in this new world. The next time she would open them, she was sure she would be in a new world that would follow different rules.

Everyone else felt this chance occur as well but no one knew what was happening.

All except Lucas Dirac, who was holding on to Adrian tightly. The child was roaring out in displeasure and his small fingers grabbed tightly onto Lucas's coat.

"Ah, so you are protecting me once again? What an incredible nephew I have. Always taking care of me."

Lucas Dirac also looked up toward Noctis who had an apologetic look on his face.

"I am sorry for what happened before. But maybe I will finally have a chance to make it all up to you. And if I do, please do not push me away."

Somehow, Lucas had a feeling Noctis knew what was happening but he was keeping quiet. Everyone else looked equally confused and the world was fading away.

The next time anyone opened their eyes, the world had changed into one they had never seen before. The landscape was dominated by machines and tall buildings.

It was a world without magic or magical creatures and life has picked up speed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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