I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 243 242: The Epilogue Part 1 : A New Beginning

"Adam, still no luck in finding the mother of your child. Are you sure that she even wants to be found out by you? What if she grew tired of waiting and decided to not come back?"

Adam's instincts asked him to grow at Eve's question but his throat could not make that noise without hurting itself. He was getting tired of this question again and again and Eve knew it as well.

"Eve, you know that this kid's mother exists out there as well. She was your best friend as well once upon a time. And it's not like you can remember her as well."

Eve fell quiet at Adam's reply since he was right.

They both did not remember a good chunk of their lives but they both knew that there was supposed to be a third person between them they both had been in love with. This kid was also proof that this third person existed.

But no matter how much they looked around for any photo or any other evidence, it did not exist.

"Don't worry so much. I am sure we will find her soon. And once we do, we can take our time asking her questions."

They both had a feeling that they knew how Adrain's mother looked. She was supposed to have black hair and blue eyes. She must be a beauty because Adrian was a good-looking child.

The said child was also turning 5 soon and it felt like just yesterday when they had woken up to find a child in their house.

"Dad, are you not ready yet? We need to get going now."

Despite being just five, Adrian's speech pattern was as clear as any teenager and he was tall for his age as well.

He also showed signs of maturity that no kid his age should show. Eve was proud of this kid but he was also such a tease for her.

"Oh, Eve is here as well? Hello."

The kid bowed to Eve and she quickly straightened him back up. It was not like she was here rarely. She was here often enough for Adrian to consider her as family and this was a little joke between the pair.

Adam, the only person privy to their private inside jokes, did not seem to find it funny at all. He looked on as his friend and his son got along better and better every day.

One day, they both would gang up on him as well. And he dreaded to see that day happen.

"Alright, that's enough. We should get going for our meeting now. Adrian, you will be alright while staying in the daycare, right? You don't have to come if you don't want to. We can hire a babysitter for you if you want us to."

Both Adam and Eve came from loaded families and they both had their businesses to look after. They had no shortcomings when it came to cash.

But despite that, they both still chose to focus on family and Adrian. And even now, this deal did not matter if Adrian did not want them to go.

"I will be alright. I want to go with you both."

Adrian insisted and the pair had no choice but to take him along. It was rare for the kid to insist like this and they both did not have the heart to say 'no' to him.

Adrian knew this and that was why he grinned a huge smile toward the pair.

"Now remember, the Diracs might look like mean people but they were nice. It took me a long time to get Lucas Dirac to agree to this meeting so hopefully, it'll go well this time."

Adam admitted as he drove through the city. The traffic was heavy on the road and he was in danger of running late.

"Frankly, I'm just surprised that he agreed to hold this meeting. You know, they said that Lucas Dirac retired after his sister was put in a coma. I also heard that she is finally awake again so maybe we will see her as well?"

Adam shrugged, not sure if that would happen or not. His main focus was to sign the deal after all.

Adria, who heard all this from the beach seat had a mysterious smile on his face. Every time Eve looked at this kid, it seemed as if he knew something she did not. But he was also shrewd enough to not let it slip.

"Alright, we are finally here. Adrian, go with Eve and be good for her."

Adam pointed his finger up as if he was making a point and Adrian just nodded. He was a really cute kid with black hair and golden eyes.

He watched as the pair left but he was not the only one who did.

"Your life and kid area beautiful. But they don't look alike, right?"

"Eve is not my - you know what, forget it."

Since this misunderstanding had happened a hundred times already, Adam did not even dignify this with a rebuttal. These people were free to think whatever they wanted to.

He just needed to get inside and get this meeting started.


"Ah, what a cute kid you have here. We will certainly take care of him for you. You can leave him here without any problems."

The lady at the front desk promised as she extended her hands toward Adrian. Surprisingly enough, Adrian did not take that hand.

He did not even look at the lady in front of him as he looked around the room. He seemed to be searching for someone inside the room only he could notice.

"Adrian, don't be rude to the lady. Hurry up and take her hand since I am getting late."

Eve pleaded with the kid, hoping that he would take her for advice. But the more she tried to get Adrian to agree with her, the more he resisted her.

He was even able to pull his hand out of Eve's and run around the room. He seemed to have a specific path he wanted to take which left everyone else baffled.

"I am so sorry for my son's behavior. I will make sure nothing like this happens again."

Eve nowed in front of the lady and hurriedly ran after Adrian. The lady at the front desk watched it all happen with a dazed expression.

By the time she realized that she should stop the two, they had already entered the restricted section of the building.

"I am so going to get fired for this."

The counter lady mumbled as she looked away from the scene.


Only Adrian could smell that nostalgic smell. He was sure that it was a scent he had imprinted on in the past before this world had changed.

He wanted to, no, he needed to know who that person was and how they were doing. His instincts called forth for him to find the holder of this scent and bask in their embrace.

"Adrian, stop. You cannot just run like this. You need to"

Eve had almost caught on to Adrian when he evaded her hand and crashed into someone. Luckily, the other person caught Adrian before he hit his head on the ground and a familiar blue looked back at the pair.

Eve was so surprised by this that she even forgot to scold Adrian for running away. All she could do was to gap at the familiar face above her head.

A familiar shade of black hair and striking blue eyes. This lovely combination was causing Eve to melt and she no longer knew what she had to say to not be seen as mentally retarded.

"Oh, are you both lost? What are you doing in this part of the building? You do know that it is restricted for personal entry, right?"

Even the voice was amazing and it melted inside Eve's ears like sugar. She wanted to hold this person and this time, she let her impulse take her over.

A pair of arms sneaked around that familiar waste before Eve picked up the owner of those black hair.

"H-Hey, what are you doing? I will call security if you do not let me go right now."

Even the threat could not make Eve let go. She also called Adam to tell him that he needed to get his ass back into the car. This meeting could wait an eternity now.

"Don't worry mommy. We are just taking you back to where you belong. You might not understand what is going on, but you will pretty soon."

Adrian was the one who explained things but even his explanation was not helpful at all.

Elysia Dirac could only watch as she was picked up and kidnapped in the span of a few minutes.

But somehow, she was not afraid at all. Everything inside her was telling her that this was what she had been missing in her life.

From above, Lucas watched it all happen with a small smile on his face. He felt relieved that these people had finally met once again.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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