Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 103: More for the Order ( 5 )

Chapter 103: More for the Order ( 5 )

Now that he was done with the Sun family, it was time to look for Vehr. Now the child could be anywhere, but he knew he was most likely at the palace since the Crown Prince was interested in him. This was a problem but then again the Crown Prince himself did say that his personal soldiers were pretty much useless and since The Crow was an ally of the royal family, Jian had a plan to get Vehr and maybe even more. 

The Royal Family could help him out a little, as a gesture of friendship. 

The Royal Palace was easy to find, but Jian quickly realized that he wouldn't be able to go there easily. The whole area in front of him was a battlefront and he had to go through it since even if he tried to go around it, he would end up on just another battlefront. It as like the battles were happening at calculated locations to make sure no one could get to the royal palace. And knowing that the Royal Family more than planned all of this situation, this was most likely a scheme of theirs. 

Anyway Jian would have to fight in order to get to the palace, but well...He could do with a little training. Of course he would dodge the most powerful enemies because he could clearly sense people on that battlefield, who were much stronger than he was. 

Readying his halberd, Jian moved through a dark alley to enter the battle. He sensed people on the roofs of the two buildings on his left and right, but he didn't focus on them. They were already fighting and didn't look like they had sensed him.

He was making sure to release as little Qi as possible to erase his presence. It wasn't like the actual technique that could hide your presence, but it would have to do for the time being. 

After he went past the alley, he entered a half destroyed bar and moved through it to reach....Nothing. 

He was stopped before he could move further. 

"Howdie there, boya. I'm sorry but I can't let you get pass that bar. " 

Jian heard the rough voice and turned around in a flash, but he still was slower than the man who had just talked. 


A dagger pierced through the air at a frightening speed and nearly stabbed Jian had it not been for his timely block. The dagger was left imbedded in the floor and the man sighed. Out of all the people Jian had met in his life, this was easily one of the most impressive one.

The man was a giant, a litteral one. He wasn't overly big, just insanely tall and with a good build for his strengh. He was wearing some sort of white scarf over his shoulder that went down his whole upper body and reached the level of his belt. He had nothing else on his upper body and he simply wore a very extravagant short. It had flower patterns on it and was white and red, which did match his white eyes and blood red hair. His hair were extravagant too with how long and spiky they were. It looked like a lion's mane but a lot spikier. 

The man himself could be compared to a lion, but the comparison would be a bit harsh for the man, he was much more dangerous than that. His eyes looked like they could pierce a hole in Jian's body, and his arms did look like they were strong enough for that. The man also had multiple golden rings that pretty much did nothing but hide his fingers with how numerous they were. 

".....Who are you supposed to be ?" Jian asked as he used one hand to point the halberd at the man while his other started to release the black gas. 

"Me ? I'm Jin Moon-Soo. Not that you would understand the name since I wasn't born on this continent. " The man responded while pouring himself a drink at the destroyed bar. Well pouring himself a drink was a bit weird to say since he was filling an entire barrel with the most expensive wine the bar had.

"I did hear similar names in my life...Don't you people hail from the East ?" Jian asked as he circled around the man who looked like he wasn't ready to fight. Perhaps he had just thrown that dagger as a warning not to get closer, but Jian wouldn't exactly let his guard down. 

"Ah, looks like ya know your geography kid. Well this ain't the time for a chitchat. Let's fight to the death, I guess." The man said as he downed the entire barrel in one go and then smiled widely at Jian.

This was going to be a tough one, he knew that. 


[ Name: Jin Moon-Soo

Age: 38

Rank: Law Realm, Third Law

Unique Technique: Non-Existent

Martial Spirit: Non-Existent

Soul Heritage: ?????? 

Thoughts: Bored, Annoyed ]

He was definitely right, this wouldn't end well. However he could use everything at his disposal on the man. 

His whole body started to release the black gas and before the man even so much as moved slightly, Jian started to look like a gassy demon. 

"..Damn, this is some neat tricks you have there boy. Won't really protect you though." The man said as he took a step forward.


In a flash he was standing right in front of Jian and had punched the boy right in the guts. The blow had been so hard, Jian was sent flying out of the bar and landed in a crater where the battle was raging. 

No one paid him any mind, and he didn't even take a moment to look at where he was. He spun his halberd around and coated it with his gas. He looked left and right, but couldn't see man. Based solely on his instincts, Jian turned around and blocked. He had been right as the man had just tried to attack him from behind.

Moonsoo looked surprised for a second before smirking and kneeing Jian right in the stomach. It seemed like his goal was to knock the air out of the boy, and he had done just that.


Trying to regain his breath, Jian got up and gritted his teeth. The man was far too strong and fast. Jian didn't have that many options, but the man did make a fatal mistake, he attacked Jian directly with his body.

The next attack, a spinning back kick, wasn't even blocked by Jian. He had stabbed his halberd on the ground so as to not be blown away this time as he coughed up blood.

"Huh, the hell are you-Argh !" The man released a scream of pain before realizing where that pain came from. By kicking Jian, the man just touched the gas and now had his feet covered in the stuff since he only wore sandals and they had slipped away as soon as the fight started.

Jian took the occasion to slash directly at the man, giving him a huge gash on the torso. 

"Damn boy ! You're definitely interesting ! I'm starting to get more into it." Moonsoo said as he swiped away the gas. 

The man wasn't ready to receive smoke right in his face. Jian had just released his poisonous envy mist. It wasn't a technique he used all the time, but it was quite useful. Jian was simply too used to fighting directly with his weapon and body instead of using techniques. 

"The hell is tha....That...." Said Moonsoo as he fell onto his knees.

The envy mist had better effects if the enemy was stronger than the user, but it didn't last for long. Jian had to finish this fight right now.

Spinning his halberd, Jian slashed the man vertically on the face, and then he slashed both of the man's arms. Spinning his whole body as well as the halberd, Jian started to release a flurry of slashes that simply destroyed the man's body as he was left unable to do anything, or at least that's what Jian thought. The poisonous envy mist was good, but it wasn't an insanely effective technique that Jian should've used on every enemies. He had forgotten that it's effects weren't all that powerful, and it seemed like Moonsoo had taken those slashes for a reason.

As another slash came his way, Moonsoo stopped the halberd while it was swinging towards him. He then grabbed it out of Jian's hand and threw it away. 

"It's time to go a little bit more physical, kiddo." Moonsoo said as he cracked his knuckles.

Jian smiled at the man, although he was unsure of how he could win. But he had confidence, simply because he wouldn't allow himself to lose. He hadn't lost many fights ever since he became a disciple and it wasn't about to change. 

Lifting his left leg while placing both arms in front of his head for protection, Jian gave Moonsoo a toothy grin. It was mirrored by the man smiling at him while getting into a into a similar stance only with the arms a bit lower, the hands forming fists while he constantly jumped. 

In a flash, the two dashed towards each others and clashed, sending rubbles flying away. 

"Not bad kid ! You're a cultivator who didn't forget to train his body, huh ?!" The man asked. He then kneed Jian in the stomach once more while blocking his head between his two arms. Jian did try to block, but Moonsoo used his grip on the kid's head to move him. With this he was ableto release a flurry of knee strikes, getting Jian to puke more and more blood. 

That only ended once used a low kick to make Moonsoo falter for a second. The man was kick to ignore that blow though and grabbed Jian by his clothes. 

He was getting ready to slam Jian on the ground, but just as he spun and lifted the boy, Jian got out of his clothes and jumped away. 

"Ahaha ! Clever boy, but this doesn't change anything !" Moonsoo yelled at Jian who cracked his neck. This was going to be a tiring fight, but an enjoyable one. Especially since this Moonsoo clearly wasn't going all out. 

Now that Jian was shirtless, it was easy to see that just like Moonsoo had said, the boy hadn't neglected his body at all. A strong upper body made for explosive blows that perhaps carried less strengh than someone like Zhao Shu, but definitely carried a lot more speed. He had abs that had just started to show themselves a few month ago, but they were definitely here. Even his back looked nothing like it had a year ago. It now looked like the back of a powerful and experienced fighter. 

Though Jian contrarily to the man in front of him....

Didn't have a single scar on his body....That was soon to change.

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