Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 104: More for the Order ( 6 )

Chapter 104: More for the Order ( 6 )

Moonsoo eyed Jian warily as he readied himself for whatever the boy was about to do. The gas was a bit annoying, but it wasn't anything he couldn't resist. 

The halberd wasn't of a high rank and could barely leave scratches on him unless the boy weakened him once more. The only problem was that his body was now full of wounds and he was bleeding from everywhere. 

He needed to end this quickly, or else he would actually end up defeated by that boy. Of course he wasn't going all out, but he was using at least half of everything he had, so the boy was definitely good. 

It was time to use something more.....Dangerous. 

Jian found himself in shock as the man suddenly had white threads coming out of his arms. Those threads extended until they reached the ground, then they started to move as though they were alive.

'Those are...Qi threads. Of course, he is a cultivator of the Laws Realm !' Jian thought. He didn't know exactly what those threads could do, but he was sure they were more dangerous than they looked.

'You need to be careful Jian, a single mistake and you'll be in a grave sooner than later.' Mara told the boy who was trying to predict what Moonsoo would do. 

Contrarily to what he thought, Moonsoo didn't attack with those threads. Instead he used them to close his wounds, one by one. Jian watched him do in complete awe. That was one of the many possibilities with the Qi Thread and they suddenly sounded much more interesting to the boy. 

However Moonsoo didn't have the time to finish. Jian snapped out of his stupor and lunged at the man. He came flying with his knee extended and it connected with the man's head. Jian could swear he heard a bone break at that time. 

Moonsoo went flying and stabilized himself mid-air before landing on his feet.

"Damn boy...You're a real fighter ain't ya ? Not even waiting for me to finish...Ahaha, this is really enjoyable. Unfortunately, this won't continue. The fight ends here." Moonsoo said. In a flash he lifted his arm and the threads shot up towards Jian who barely had any time to react. He did have the time to move his head, and in the end he got slashes right in the face, cutting up his lips, nose and eyes. 

"Arghh !" 

"Damnit, I was trying to behead you boy. "Moonsoo said while smiling. Since Jian was left on the ground agonizing, the man started to slowly walk towards him while finishing the closing of his wounds. 

As he reached Jian, he was ready to separate the boy's head from his body, but that's when Jian smiled wickedly and acted. 

*Whoosh !*

The boy used his arms to propulse himself from the ground and went for the man with his leg extended. The kick connected with the man's chin and sent him stumbling back. Still standing on his hands, Jian spun around and kicked the man right in the throat before jumping on him. 

They both fell on the ground and the man was assaulted with punches after punches, elbow strikes after elbow strikes and headbutts after headbutts. Hi face was quickly covered in blood as Jian just wouldn't let go, he was ready to murder the man here.

'Jian, there is a group of people coming your way !' Mara warned the boy, but he didn't hear anything. He was too busy destroying the man's face.


"You're annoying me kid.." Moonsoo suddenly said, freezing Jian on the spot. 


The two skulls collided as the man delivered a devastating headbutt that sent Jian straight to the ground. 

Spitting blood on the ground, the man stretched and started to feel his face with his hands.

"Freaking hell, this is gonna be a paint to fix. The boss ain't gonna like that." Moonsoo said as Jian got back on his feet. The two once again glared at each others, they wanted to end this and at the same time they were enjoying it. This was why they hadn't gone all out...However it was starting to drag on, and it was truly time to end the fight. 

"Sorry kid, your life ends here. You were good though, I'll remember you." Moonsoo said as the threads came back to life, appearing like tentacles on the man's arms and back. 

The threads shot towards Jian who started to run away. It stunned the man, but he kept chasing him with his threads. Jian quickly reached his halberd and took it out of the ground. He didn't have the time to swing it so he merely used it to propulse himself in the air and dodge the threads. They turned around instantly and once again shot after him. With their speed they reached him when he was still in the air.

"....Well, that is indeed impressive. This kid is getting better and better as time passes." Moonsoo said to himself as he watched Jian slash each of the threads with his halberd. He moved it skillfully enough for none of the threads to hit him, that was until one of the threads slashed the hand that was on the Halberd's handle. 

Jian dropped it and was forced to block the threads with his arms as he landed on the ground. They carved his flesh, leaving behind huge gashes that were bleeding abundantly. 

Jian grit his teeth, knowing that the situation was turning sour, but then his blue eyes glowed and he glared at Moonsoo. The man felt a shiver and lost control of his threads. 

An intense fear found it's way into his heart as his eyes widened. Droplets of sweat coursed on his forehead while he grit his teeth. He didn't know what was happening, but he felt as though his mind was about to break. Before it could though, Moonsoo took out a dagger and...


Jian had taken the occasion to dash towards the man, but he stopped when he saw Moonsoo stab himself right in the guts. This was the man's attempt at getting away from the Eyes of the Blight. In the end it succeeded.

'Damnit. At least it bought me time !' Jian thought as he came charging once more. He was lucky that the man seemed more able with the threads than at hand to hand combat. He was good, but he moved in weird patterns, he wasn't all that fast and moved like a beginner. The man was clearly used to fighting differently. As such Jian felt like he had to keep him fighting hand to hand, this was his only chance. 

Coating his fists with his gas, Jian savagedly grinned at Moonsoo who gulped.

"I ain't getting hit by this stuff anymore." He said as he tightened his grip on his dagger. He wouldn't get hurt by the gas if he could dodge and block Jian. As long as he hit the boy with the dagger, he also wouldn't get the counter-attack from the gas. 


The two glared at each others, their faces mere centimeters away as the boy's fist clashed with the man's dagger. Their hands trembled as they put all their strengh. In the end it was still Moonsoo who was stronger and he slashed the boy's hand before stabbing him in the shoulder. 

Suddenly, Jian grabbed the dagger and used a quick elbow jab to the side of the man's head to get him away. He took out the dagger and smiled at Moonsoo who was breathing heabily.

"I can last longer than you, old man....This fight will end with your death even if you're stronger than me. Now even if you use your all, you're just too exhausted to win....." 

Jian then did a leg sweep to force the man down as he crouched to get on his level. With the dagger in his hands, Jian pointed it at the man's eye and grinned.

"Do you perhaps wish to die ? I think most people would be begging for their lives or something..." 

"Would you have spared me had I begged for my life." Moonsoo asked. Jian tilted his head and frowned.

"I think...I think I would've allowed you to get away. I would've asked something in exchange, but you'd have lived." Jian answered the man who laughed.


"You're right, I'm damn exhausted. I may not look like it, but I haven't trained in a while, I lost most of my damn stamina. Haha, you're lucky I didn't have my actual weapons with me, boy." Moonsoo said as he closed his eyes. He was actually getting ready to grab Jian as soon as the boy tried to stab him. 

However things weren't about to take the path either of the fighter expected. Something came flying and passed besides Jian's head to finally hit Moonsoo right in the face.


Jian turned around and saw a group of people running towards him.

' I did tell you a group was coming...Should've listened kiddo. You have a tendency to get lost in your mind, and it's annoying.' Mara said as Jian put the dagger in front of his face with his other hand at the ready to grab people. 

He still had more than enough energies to take on anyone who wasn't as strong as the man he just fought, and those people didn't feel like they were powerful...Although as soon as he saw their faces, he felt like they were actually hiding their power...Because those people didn't look weak in the slightest. 

"Argh..Damnit !" Moonsoo yelled as he got up. In his hand, Jian could see the object that had flown all the way here and striked him in the face...It was a sandal. 

The group came to a stop as the leader walked towards the two fighters. Jian was shocked to see Moonsoo run towards the leader before bowing in front of the younger man. 

"Greetings, young lord !" Moonsoo exclaimed as Jian gasped.

'Oh.....Ahahahaha !' Mara started to laugh like a maniac as he pieced together what was going on. 

"Moonsoo...Could you please tell me why you're fighting a target of the crowned prince...When you're a servant of said crown prince, which would be me ?"

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