Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 107: A little visit of curtesy

Chapter 107: A little visit of curtesy

Jian had ended up bringing Wang Bei and Vehr with him and they quickly got back to the mansion. Moonsoo had accompanied them until they left the battlefield, and the man had looked extremely stressed while doing so. It seemed like he had received quite a harsh lesson for what he had previously done.

Then again he couldn't very well know in an instant that Jian was the Crow, someone that really interested the Crown Prince.

"That's a big house....How many of you are in there ?" Vehr asked while looking all around the house. It was usually in moments like that those that Vehr and Jian were more likely to show their childish sides, and it was the case for the little savage boy. 

"Not many for now, and I think there isn't anyone inside...Just come with me. I'll make you sign a contract and we will done with it." Jian said as Wang Bei chuckled.

"A contract eh ? Seems like you weren't as unprepared as I thought." She said. 

' That woman knows my age....I don't know how good she is at sensing, but she is clearly better than anyone in my order except for perhaps Biyu. I should really list down all of that woman's abilities. Hell I should make lists for everyone's abilities, it will be useful to plan for battles.' Jian thought as the loud unholy immortal once again intervened.

"Ah, already preparing for the big stuff huh ? Do remember that you don't have that many guys yet. You have like what....A few hundred undisciplined recruits ? Ain't good for a real battle. Unless your enemies are some dumb bandits." The immortal said as he observed Vehr and Wang Bei. 

'I gotta say, this kid looks entirely too much like a viking for me to like it...I don't even remember there being savages up in the far north.' 

"Yes a contract. Let's go to the living room, this will be easier. By the way, I'll leave in a few days, and won't come back for like three days at least. " Jian said, not providing any explanations, though no one was going to ask for any. 

The contract was signed swiftly and had been provided by Mara once more. It was definitely easier and much more useful than to just make contracts and write them down themselves. It did make Jian think that Mara was a demon since there was this saying...A deal with the devil...Perhaps Mara had been the devil all along, whispering sweet nothings in his ears and manipulating him. 

Though Jian couldn't think this way for much time since Mara continued to act like a child and destroyed that possibility. If he was the devil, then humans had nothing to fear. 

As soon as the contracts were signed, Jian went searching for Shu but found him nowhere. That's when he heard loud grunts outside. Looking over one of the windows, he saw a shirtless Shu training with a sword.

"Oi dumbass ! Why are you training with the sword instead of cultivating ?!" Jian asked. Had it been months before, he would've never wanted for Zhao Shu to get stronger, but the other disciple was now working with him, and for him technically, so now he wanted him at top strengh. 

"Huh ? I told you I need to have equal skills ! I can't forget my other skills or else I'll lose my versatility !" Shu answered after looking behind his back to see Jian peeking out of a window. 

Jian frowned and jumped over the window, landing a few meters away from Shu while glaring at him.

"I told you, you need to cultivate more ! You're falling behind in terms of cultivation and I don't even cultivate that much !" 

"Yeah well you can cultivate whenever you want because of your damn soul heritage ! It ain't my case !" Zhao Shu yelled back as the two glared at each other. If anyone had been looking at them, they would've seen sparks of lightning being created between them.

"Alright, looks like you don't want to freaking listen." Jian said as he rolled up his sleeves. It got him a laugh from Shu who readied his wooden sword.

"And seems like you think you're a teacher or something. You're younger than me, bastard." The warrior spat with enough venom to make Jian smile. This was making his blood boil for some reasons, but not in the angry way...He was getting excited to destroy Zhao Shu. He knew the two of them were nearly perfect equals at this point, though he should be slightly lower than the Zhao Warrior who was way too proficient with weapons and had two martial spirits. Jian's wolf wasn't about to do anything with how weak it was. 

"Alright....Come at me then." Jian said as he welcomed the zhao warriors with opened arms. It would have looked good if it wasn't for the black gas seeping out of his arms. 

"Oi oi, no abilities ! Just our bodies and a weapon of your choice." 

"Oh, look at you...Adding rules because you know you'll lose !" Jian taunted the zhao warrior.


Zhao Shu said nothing as veins popped on his forehead. He smiled and in an instant, both of his martial spirits were out.

"You came looking for it, bastard. Let's move somewhere else..I don't want to destroy the mansion." 

And with that, the two disciples started looking for a place to fight. Everyone moved out of their way once they laid their eyes on the very angry looking cultivators. Especially since Zhao Shu still had his monkey and butterfly out. 

That was someone called out to them.

"Hey ! Aren't you two the disciples from the Raja's sect ?" A woman with a blue and white sect robe asked them. Jian instantly recognized the robe of the Sea Sword Sect and told Zhao Shu to relax. The warrior had looked like he was ready to tear her apart in a split second, and her slight twitch of the hand told Jian she sensed it too. 

The Zhao Warrior did let out an amazing pressure for his level. 

"Yeah, and what's it to you ?" Shu asked. The female disciple smiled politely although she looked like she wanted to get the hell away from here.

"Well my patriarch wanted to invite you two, he said he couldn't wait to meet the boy who was like a son to the woman he was interested in. I don't know what he meant though." She said, scratching her cheeks.

'I remember now, the sea sword sect's patriarch talked with Uma and the third prince. Uma is the representative of the sect technically since she is the oldest and a member of that weird sons of raja group...I guess the sea sword sect wants to get closer to us.' Jian thought as Shu huffed.

"Your sect has a place where we can fight ?" Shu suddenly asked as Jian grinned at him. They both knew they had to fight, or else they would be unsatisfied. 

The female disciple was confused but still answered them and they both started following after her. 

Now the headquarter of the Sea Sword Sect looked nothing like the Raja's one, simply because they had an insanely tall tower made out of blue stones. There were many compounds all around the tower and the entire area belonged to them.

"This tower you see isn't really our headquarter. The compounds are where everyone lives. This tower is very restricted and most people can only visit the first few floors. I have no idea what it contains though. " The female disciple said, poking Jian's interest.

' A mysterious tower owned by a sect....That's just teasing my curiosity.' He thought. 

"Is your sect any good ? I haven't heard a lot about it." Zhao Shu asked the female disciple who was clearly uncomfortable talking to him.

"W-Well, people don't really talk about the sects out in the open, they are quite scared. It's the case in most countries, so you can only hear about it from the other sects or the governments." She answered as they entered the first compound. It looked like it was supposed to be the outer disciples' court. 

A crowd of disciples had formed and was following them. It was normal since they had been invited and most disciples should've been told about it. It didn't change the fact that Jian wasn't all that comfortable with all those people looking at him. They weren't allies, so they could only be potential enemies. Jian was growing more paranoid as the days went on. It was important for him. 

"Hey, aren't those guys a bit too young ? They said they are already at the mortal realm and quite far into it too."

"Damn, really ? They look like they are 18, maybe even a bit less."

"Of course they are geniuses, else the patriarch wouldn't have called them."

The disciples talked among themselves as the group of three reached the foot of the tower where a middle-aged man was waiting for them. The female disciple looked a bit surprised when she saw that said man wasn't alone. He was drinking with an insanely tall person who had Jian gasping as soon as he saw them. 

"Isn't that...." 

The group approached and the patriarch welcomed the two disciples.

"I have been meaning to see you two for quite a long time. However things kept happening as you must already be aware..If that wasn't the case, you would have much more people following you, my sect ain't small after all ! Hahaha !" The patriarch exclaimed as he tapped the two boys on the shoulders. He quickly noticed however that Jian was focusing on his drinking partner and not himself. He looked back at said partner and smiled.

"You guys know each others ?"

"You could say that, I guess." The man said as he got up, shocking everyone with his actual size. This was a giant amongst men.

"B-B....Berum ?!"

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