Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 106: More for the Order ( 8 )

Chapter 106: More for the Order ( 8 )

"....You're really accepting that quickly ?" Jian asked the boy who nodded as though it wasn't that big of a deal. But he was the only one who felt like that, Wang Bei and the Queen looked equally shocked while the King had the same expression as always. 

"I have no reasons to say no. I want adventure, I want to fight, I want to be in dangerous situations...My people have been for that, for this desire to always feel more thrill. You are perfect for that. Or at least, I haven't found anyone who would give me more thrill than you if I joined them. We will have to see if I remain with you if I ever find someone else. The Royal Family doesn't interest me, neither does any faction in this kingdom." Vehr said as he took a bite out of an apple.

"Ahh, what can you do about it...Seems like he doesn't want to join us, Husband." The Queen said. The King simply glanced at the boy before chuckling. It came off as quite weird since he had no emotions in his voice, it sounded hollow.

"We can always force him anyway..." The King said, chilling Vehr to his very bones as the man released a bit of his aura. He quickly got slapped by the Queen who glared at him.

"Hey ! That's good conduct at all ! They are guests, you can't just threaten them." She said. 

"...I can threaten you though.." He said, looking at her with those empty eyes that conveyed nothing else than a promise of violence.

"Tch, always so quick to use violence. You're still the same kid. " She whispered.

"Uhm, I'm kinda wondering why I was called though. Sorry for asking your highness, but this doesn't seem to make any sense to me. " Wang Bei said as the Queen started to sweat heavily.

"Yeah right...Uhm, that would be something that requires a more private setting to talk about." The Queen answered as she looked left and right. She heard the servant chuckle and she glared at them, but it did nothing to stop them from mocking her.

"Wang Bei, I think you should leave if you don't want my wife to pounce on you." The King said as he continued to slowly sip on his wine. The cup was knocked out of his hand when the Queen jumped on him and grabbed him by the collar.

"Ah why did you have to say that ?!" She asked as she moved him back and forth. 

'This is definitely a duo of lively people.' Jian thought.

"Yeah, you mean a duo of weirdos." Mara commented as he stealthily took some grapes and popped them into his mouth. Jian wanted to complain about how annoying the unholy immortal was, but it was starting to get tiring especially since said immortal never really listened to him anyways. 

"I don't really see what you mean, your Highness." Wang Bei said. She was honestly quite confused about the situation, not that Jian understood what this was all about. Weirdly enough, it was Vehr who answered her.

"It seems like the Queen here wants to mate with y-"

"SILENCE !" The Queen yelled as she jumped on the child and put her hand over his mouth. Jian nearly burst out laughing while Wang Bei who finally understood found herself completely red.

Meanwhile the King was still minding his own business and had started to eat the magnificient steak of unknown origin that laid in his plate. 

"Hmm, I have been wondering....What is this meat ? I didn't taste it because I usually never try new food, but this doesn't even look like it comes from an animal I know. The meat has a blue hue." Jian said as he poked the steak in front of him with a fork. 

"Oh this ? It's meat from a spiritual cow. Basically it's just beef, but with traces of Qi in it. Also spiritual animals are usually carnivorous or just absorb the Qi contained in the soil. Cows are the latter, so it gives this blue hue. Their way of absorbing it makes it so that Qi transforms into liquid form and enters their stomach. Hence the colour." The King explained. He seemed a bit more lively now that he was talking about this. Maybe he was passionate about food. 

The King was actually making a motion with his hand, as if he wanted Jian to taste the steak. Since Jian wasn't really one to refuse a King, one that was his ally at that, he took a bite out of the steak. 

It was....Interesting. Not only was it insanely juicy but it had a really strong flavour, not strong enough to disgust Jian...It was just strong enough for Jian to recoil a bit. It was tasty, that much was certain, but it also wasn't something that normal people could eat easily. Jian understood that it was the remains of Qi that gave off that strong taste, a normal human would do more than simply recoil. 

"Ahhh, let's not talk about that boring stuff ! Little Crow, since you're here...I think it's time for you to explain what that whole organisation thing is about. I have barely any informations on it, and I doubt it's because you are too good at hiding them." The Queen said as Jian froze. Now everyone here knew about it, except Wang Bei that was. She knew he was The Crow, that was a certainty since it wasn't a really well hidden secret...However she certainly didn't know about his order, and even Vehr shouldn't know much.

"I would refrain from doing so, given that Wang Bei has no connections to me. Vehr will be joining me, so it's alright...But not her." Jian said as Wang Bei looked between the boy and the Queen. Said woman just smiled as if an idea had just hit her and she banged her hands on the table.

"Why don't you just recruit her as well ?!" She exclaimed.

"W-Well...I have no reasons to do so...Vehr is quite talented and has a mindset I like...Wang Bei is powerful but-"

"Do it ! I want in...." Wang Bei suddenly yelled, forcing Jian to quickly swallow what he had in his mouth. After coughing for a bit, the boy was left to wonder what had motivated this sudden outburst.

"Don't forget she is connected to two people you met in your life...That criminal guy and the kid who was once your friend, Wang Meiling I think it was." Mara said as he moved behind Wang Bei and started to mimick her outburst. It nearly made Jian giggle, but he forced it down and started to think about this matter while everyone looked at him.

' It's Wang Meilin, and it's true that she is connected to them. I get why she would want to join me..But should I accept her ? She has nothing really interesting to offer me. 

"Actually she does...In case you forgot about it, you don't exactly have a lot of people working for you. Plus she is an official from the government, she could be a good..Secretary, or something like that. Instead of focusing on her, focus on why the Queen wants to hand her over. That damn Queen instantly understood it was for the best to let you get Vehr and Wang Bei. She wants you indebted to her." Mara said as he focused on the Queen. She acted like a stupid woman with way too much freedom in her hands, but she was simply a chaotic AND cunning person...The worst to deal with in Mara's mind. But he always had troubles with those kind of people, so it was only his view.

"Very well then, I can take Wang Bei with me...But what do you want your Highness ? What requires me to be indebted to you ? You are handing me one of your subjects AND an interesting child you had your eyes on....Seems a bit suspiscious." Jian said as the Queen's expression froze. It was quickly replaced with a small grin.

"You could've kept it for you, you know ? When you learn about the intentions of people , you don't have to confront them about it instantly. In most cases, it's better to plan secretly then be too straight forward. Learn that quickly, because not everyone you'll be dealing will already be allied to you. Anyway...I am simply preparing for the future. I sense some potential in you, you're recruiting interesting people..Your order could become useful in the future, and I was always someone who prepared instead of reacting when it was too late." The ruler explained. 

Jian smiled at her words, completely agreeing with her on that point. It was always best to leave yourself with lots of cards that could be useful in the future even though they weren't really good at the moment. And in the end, she could use him..Since he was using her and her entire family, it was only how all of this worked. 

"Then it seems like we have nothing else to tell each others. I gained two new recruits and you now know I am indebted to you...So you can feel safer in this alliance." Jian said, trying to sound a bit like Mara. That time he got possessed by the unholy immortal taught him a few things about negotiating. Not that mara was even an expert at it, he was simply better than the child. 

However as Jian got ready to leave, Vehr and Wang Bei bowing to the rulers before going after him, he thought of something.

' Hmm...She knows I am indebted to her...She doesn't know if I repay my debts though.....'

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