Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 22: Gate of Death

Chapter 22: Gate of Death

If you ignored the sudden mission that Wei Feng's group went on, that day had been pretty normal for the sect.

The disciples left their pavillions at 8 am and trained until 1 pm. Then they spent an hour on launch and they would set out to complete tasks until the night came. They would normally end their day with a bit of meditation, but no one really did any of it.

That day however was different. As some disciples began to drop on the ground for no reasons. And in a matter of seconds the entirety of the outer disciples' zone was cleaned out. After the violin stopped playing, a piano took it's place and cleaned the Inner disciples' zone.

However the song soon stopped, just as a violent explosion was heard and something fell out of the sky.

That something was the Sect Head, Sun Lin. Sun Lin was his actual name, but he had had many names to hide his identity for some reasons, no one really questioned him, but no one ever got to know what the reasons were.

It was quite funny then that the two beings that came to cause trouble in his sect knew of his secrets. And Sun Lin understood quite quickly, just how bad the situation was when he saw those two.

"You...It's you guys ?! I don't understand, why ? Judem didn't do anything to any member of the organisation ! Shina has had no problems whatsoever, and we are still delivering the right amount of golden roses to you guys ! So why ?!" He asked, his hands trembling as he tried to contain the terror he felt at looking at those two.

A quick look into Mercury's eyes saw Sun Lin bow his head, refusing to look directly at the agents. The Sect Head had been followed by some disciples who had finally decided to intervene now that someone with actual power had come.

They were greeted with a surprising sight as Sun Lin, the Sect Head of the Poisonous Raja Sect, and a cultivator strong enough to be feared all across the continent was bowing to some random weirdly dressed people who didn't even have auras. Not only that but one of them, the one with the long green hair and orange eyes who went by the name of Mercury, was actually patting Sun Lin's head.

"Why, huh ? I have no idea to be honest, boy. We just received the order and as always.....We obey." Mercury said. He was crouching to look at Sun Lin directly in the eyes as the man gasped.

Mercury then got up and tapped the man on the shoulder. Wood Shadow passed right by the Sect Head and chuckled. Whilst he did that, the man who was quite certainly a big shot of this continent dropped on his knees and stared at the ground with his eyes opened as wide as humanly possible.

The disciples instantly got the message. If the Sect Head acted this way with those two men then it meant they could only do one thing.

"RUNNNN !!!!"

As the disciples began to flee like chickens, Mercury mockingly bowed and extended his arm towards the fleeing disciples. Wood Shadow frowned as he took out a glowing blue stick.

As he tightened his grip on the stick, it began to crack before a ray of light phased through the Agent's hand and the stick transformed into a bow of blue energy.

" It's time for some good old hunting time." Mercury jokingly announced as he sat on Sun Lin who had been gasping for air on all fours.

Wood Shadow began to shoot the disciples in the back of their head with deadly precision. He wouldn't miss a single shot, every arrow hitting it's target.

He was soon forced to stop however as an immense pressure was released and forced both agents on their knees while Sun Lin passed out.

" You come to my home, kill my children....AND YOU THINK I WON'T MAKE YOU SUFFER ?!!!"

" Damn, he got here quicker than I thought he would !" Mercury exclaimed as they both bore witness to an incredible pissed Giran glowing due to the complete activation of his golden veins.

"Uhmm....Agent Mercury. You previously told me that if Giran was to tremble while his body seemed to grow and his veins pulsed, it meant something bad. What did you mean by that ?" Wood Shadow asked. He then gasped when Mercury grabbed him out of nowhere and began to run away. However due to Mercury's speed it was more akin to jumping down the mountain in a few seconds.

He looked behind them and saw a buffed giran with golden spikes covering his collarbone following them closely.

"Agent Mercury. As he is a cultivator, this Giran must be using only Qi....Which means that he just entered his..."

" Mantra state, I FREAKING KNOW YOU MORON !!!" Mercury screamed while panting. Wood Shadow gulped and looked back and forth between the terrified Mercury and the raging Giran, before he nodded to himself and jumped out of Mercury's arms.

" Woodie ?!"

Wood Shadow looked at Mercury just before Giran hit him with a lariat and smiled.

" Eslem Finim, Brother." He said before Giran's connected with his body and sent him flying right back to the top of the mountain.

Giran turned around to glare at Mercury but quickly went running after Wood Shadow when he saw that the other agent had already fled.

Mercury had vanished out of nowhere, only leaving a small pentagram with the strange symbol in the middle of it.


( With Jian )

The boy ran while keeping an eye on his target. The Kirioni was fast, but Jian could still see him moving across the thick forest. Kirionis were quite big, so he couldn't really hide.

The only problem was that Jian continued to go deeper into the forest and he had been running for at least 10 minutes. At that point he was sure he wouldn't be able to find his way back to his group.

He could sense it however, he was getting closer to the source of the evil energy that could be sensed throughout the entire forest, or what was left of it. Because while Jian was going through a thick forest, it was only part of the original forest. The forest that was previously there only retained a fifth of it's original size.

The other part was either encased in ice or burned to the ground, and Jian couldn't say he appreciated the mix. The cold was biting his skin whenever he got too close to a block of ice, while the ground under his feet was still burning hot and he could feel the heat getting to him.

After a few minutes of chasing, the Kirioni finally stopped, or rather was stopped. A shard of ice flew in it's direction and pierced it's head before it could dodge, killing it on the spot.

Jian gasped before moving closer and finally seeing what had caused the forest to get in such a state.

'....Oh lord....This is just too much !!' He thought as he looked at the transformed Li Kuo who was fighting against a rather tall demonic figure wielding a spear.

Li Kuo was quite....Different. His hair had turned silver while the tips were encased in ice. He also had a strange snowflake pattern on his now exposed back, it would've been hidden had his robe not been partially burned.

He had grown a lot too, now easily towering over pretty much everyone Jian knew. His eyes had become much sharper, and his aura too. If Jian didn't know Li Kuo, he would think he was some sort of Ice Immortal.

His opponent was also quite impressive. Tall, muscular and yet lean, wearing some black deep pants while he had strange black ribbons strapped to his forearms and floating in the air.

Strangely enough his face looked quite human, if not for his grey skin and his eyes akin to two burning blue suns.

Now as much as Jian would love to just look at their cool appearence and just stay out of those two beasts' fight, he quickly noticed the massive hole in Li Kuo's stomach along with the blood trickling down his mouth and unto his torso.

While his transformation remained, he fell to the ground and started to violently cough while the Asura looked at him and yawned.

" This was...Barely fun. Now I know that you are no fairy tale's hero and you won't get some crazy power to defeat me....But this is embarassing. I mean that for you , Zero King. This was quite bad to be honest. I feel like my grandmother could hit harder....And I killed her a long time ago...So it's just incredibly bad. Well it's no use crying over it. Maybe you'll get a stronger host next time. " The Asura said before lifting his spear high up in the air and bringing it down on Li Kuo, effectively piercing the man's heart.

"Li...LI KUO !!!!"

Screaming so loudly while only a few feet away from an Asura would soon prove to be a fatal mistake....

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