Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 23: Fairy Tale Hero

Chapter 23: Fairy Tale Hero

Wei Feng found himself in a very bad position after a horde of Kirionis surrounded his group. Lu'er wasn't a close combat fighter so she was very disadvantaged, and the other disciples just weren't good enough to resist against that many Kirionis.

So the old master had to take a decision.

" It's the second time now....The treasure elder is going to kill me....Ughh... Well I have no other choices. Daughter ! Keep those damn demons away, I will contact the treasure elder and ask for a set of High-Grade weapons to be sent here. I can't use my techniques here, or else I would kill all those disciples !" Wei Feng yelled.

Lu'er nodded and then shouted at the disciples for them to regroup and get into a circcle surrounding Wei Feng. As they executed her order she set into motion and grabbed the first Kirioni she could get her hands on.

She then bashed his head on the ground, cracking it open. A smelly dark green liquid poured out as all the Kirionis around stopped to look at what Lu'er was doing.

When one of them gasped in understanding it was too late.

" I heard a long time ago, when I was no older than 8, that the blood of a Kirioni was similar to that of a human, except the blood located in your brain. That blood is filtered in the heart before being sent to all the parts of your body, because it contains a poison created by your brain that constantly attack your nerves and help you ignore pain. But in the end...It's still a poison, and you aren't immuned to it....Right ? Not only does it help you ignore pain, it also deals damage over time. You can counter it because your body is used to it and can fight against it enough to prevent the damages, however if I were to cut you with a blade coated in this poison. It would hurt you at least until your body understands what is attacking and respond. Can you survive that long ?!"

" SHAHHHHHH !!!!" One of the Kirionis let out a shriek before running away to hide in the mist. It was the only one lucky enough to have reacted that quickly though. While she was talking, Lu'er had been coating her dagger with that poison, and as soon as she finished.....She threw it in the air.

She then glared at the closest Kirioni who gasped before the dagger flew towards him and pierced his skull.

"The dagger is flying ? She is....Wei Lu unlocked the Qi Threads before stepping in the next realm !" A disciple yelled, while Wei Feng who was meditating in a lotus position opened one of his eyes and grinned.

'That's my daughter, hahaha !'

Wei Lu continued to look at one Kirioni after the other, her dagger piercing their skulls in no more than a second after she would set her sight on one of them.

However, even if the dagger moved insanely fast, the Kirionis themselves were known for their speed and reflexes. As such, some of the older Kirionis were able to predict Wei Lu's attacks and dodge the dagger.

" Very well then, you want to take it further, huh ? You just won't die this easily I guess. " Wei Lu said while nodding her head. She sighed before placing her hand before her chest and closing it except for two of her fingers who remained in a claw position.

She then whispered so quietly, even Wei Feng couldn't hear her with his enhanced senses.

" Gecko..."

" SHAHHHH !" Another Kirioni shrieked as Wei Lu completely disappeared. The dagger however remained. It flew around for a second before piercing the skull of the Kirioni that had shrieked.

" The Qi Threads used on her dagger to make it fly around, and her Gecko's ability to turn invisible.....Wei Lu truly deserved to become one of the youngest Elite Disciples of the sect." The same disciple that had yelled before said. The disciples around him started to look at him in a weird way after they finally saw a glimpse of the weird tattoo he had on his tongue.

" Wait, who the hell are-Urghh." Another disciple grabbed him by the collar and was about to question him, when his tongue got ripped apart.

"ARGHHHH !" The wounded disciple rolled around on the ground, blood spilling out of his mouth as Wei Lu who had been surprised by that lost her invisibility and was suddenly attacked by all the Kirionis at the same time.

"Damnit !" She could only exclaim before one of them sank his teeth in her legs and started to shake his head around.

Wei Feng immediately reacted when he heard his daughter scream. However at the same time, the connection he had tried to make with the Treasure Elder finally went through.

"Guhh ! What the hell ?!" The old man found himself on his knees when the telepathic connection only sent him incredibly loud and frankly terrifying screams.

" Oh, sorry bout' that, old man. I forgot to transfer the connection to me, so you heard the screams of that useless husk." A voice said.

The voice was actually broadcasted in the minds of all the disciples, so even Wei Lu heard it....And she immediately saw red.


Back to the sect, Mercury who was sitting on the corpse of the Treasure Elder kicked the head of the old man, and chuckled.

" Sorry bout' that, Lil Girl. But it seems like the old man kicked the bucket. But you gotta understand me, it was in my mission orders. You know I would've never wanted to hurt him, right ?" He said as Wood Shadow entered the Treasure Hall through the huge hole in the wall made by none other than Mercury.

He then threw a body at Mercury's feet. The agent chuckled once more as he saw the face of the one Wood Shadow had brought him, before going back to his connection with the disciples at the demonic forest.

"Well, well. Seems like our mission here is finished. We got all the people we came for. So this is a goodbye...For now. Don't forget about me though Lil Girl....I might show up once more. Tomorrow, in two weeks, in a year....Or just before you die...Who knows ?"

The connection broke instantly after that. In a sudden rush of extreme anger, Wei Lu was able to get out of the mass of Kirionis surrounding her and proceeded to slaughter them herself...Her dagger in one hand while the other held a sword she had gotten from another disciple.

Wei Feng glared at the traitorous disciple who merely inclined his head to the right and widened his eyes, chains patterns appearing and circling around the irises.

"The abyss of Madness, the World of Nothingne-"

" Oh no you don't, you damn monster ! VERMILLION TIGER ! DEVOUR HIM !"


( With Jian )

Jian's eyes and Li Kuo's met. A pool of blood formed under their bodies as they looked at each other, their eyes not even blinking once.

A fly landed on Jian's eyes, but got away instantly as a spear was stabbed in the ground, going through Jian's shoulder at the same time.

" Ugh....I should've kept sleeping honestly....Why did I even bother. It's always the same with those damn cultivators. Then again...What did I even expect from some Humans ?"

" Can't you just shut up ? " A bored male voice said. The Asura looked around in a flash, trying to detect a new presence, but he couldn't see anything.

" A worthy prey, finally ? Where are you ?! I would've played cat and mouse with ya, but I'm just too hungry !!!!" He screamed, his teeth growing longer and sharper while blood trickled down from his mouth.

" Damn, blood trickling down from an Asura's mouth due to gluttony....I could've done with a prettier sight. Tell me, young one, what's your name ?" The voice said, while the Asura still couldn't locate it.

" Huh, you know about the Asura's secret ? Interesting... My name is-"

The Asura was suddenly interrupted by a sharp pain. He looked down and gasped as he saw his right leg encased in a violet ice.

"What ?! Zero King ?!" The Asura screamed in confusion. He tried to get out of the ice, but Li Kuo's left arm suddenly moved, and his hand closed. This resulted in the ice breaking, taking the Asura's right leg with it.

" ARGHHH ! Wait, wait !!!! WHY ?! I know I kinda insulted you, but it's normal...After all we are- ARGGHHHH WHY ?!!!" The Asura continued to scream, hot tears spilling out and evaporating before they could touch the ground.

Li Kuo got up in the weirdest manner, as if his body was nothing more than a puppet, his movements mechanic and his eyes devoid of life.

His head turned into an impossible angle and he admired his handiwork as the Asura laid on the ground, swords of violet ice stabbed in a way that made sure he wouldn't die instantly.

" Oh..So that's the sun...I had forgotten about it. Oh how I hate this light...It's really not good for my skin you know ? Oh wait...It's true, I lost my body millions of years ago....Oh look at me, I am really losing my mind." The same voice said Li Kuo's lips not even moving.

The Asura cried even more and tried to move away, but the Zero King appeared right atop of him, a cold aura coating one of his hands, turning it slightly blue.

" No, No, No ! Please !!!! Not that !" The Asura pleaded.

" What did you say again, my dear Korus...Oh don't be so surprised, I know the names of every SINGLE Demons to have ever existed....I remember it now, you said that Li Kuo wasn't a Fairy Tale's Hero...You know what ? He may be, I may turn him into one...If only to corrupt him afterwards and laugh at the consequences...Just like I used to do in the good old days.....With...." The voice now ressembled a woman's, as Korus' eyes widened.



The screams were no more. The Asura looked at Li Kuo for the last time, before his eyes closed forever.

" The Naraka....It has been so long since I went there...Ah how I missed my frozen hell." The Zero King said before taking a good look at the Asura's face.

" Oy, Mara...I know you can hear me. You shouldn't be able to control your host's body in his current situation...But that Asura was actually quite powerful. If I absorb his energy and transfer it in your host's body....Can you change it in Death's Breath ? "

All she got in answer was a flower dying in an instant before her eyes, but it put a smile on Li Kuo's face.

" Perfect. Here I go then ! Been a long time since I've last done this.....A shame really, a succubus should never stop absorbing energy in her life !"

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