Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 24: The Sect's First War

Chapter 24: The Sect's First War

Wei Lu panted, her breathing uneven as she failed to calm herself down. She had killed the last Kirioni, but had suffered a lot in the process.

Her right arm was broken, one of her legs had been bitten by one of those Demons, and she was sure she would get something nasty out of it. But she had to get up, she had to take it on herself and go help her father.

As powerful as the old man was, he couldn't really fight that well against his opponent. He hadn't brought his weapons due to their energetical signatures that would've allowed all living being in a 3 km radius to sense them. But that wasn't all, he had already used too much Qi on an ennemy that was actually able to dodge everything he threw at him.

"You...You little upstart ! STOP MOVING ALREADY !" Wei Feng shouted, a bolt of lightning shooting out of his fingers. This too was easily dodged by the traitorous disciple.

"Upstart ? Now, now, Wei Feng. Let's not get into that...For you'll be shocked to know my real age...Or maybe I can give you a little clue." The disciples said, his appearence shifted, his body deforming as a long bone appeared on his back.

Wei Feng watched in horror as the disciple threw his robe away and revealed his body that was now covered with bones. Those bones acted like an armor, covering vital areas. The disciple then interlocked his hands as his nails grew longer and sharp enough to cut a human body.

" Maybe that's enough of a clue ?"

Wei Feng wasn't really scared by the revelation of this armor of bones...No, what really horrified him was the new face that was now behind a Bone Helmet.

" Those long and sharp ears.....That long tongue, those cross eyes.....a TORHEK ?! That's impossible. You shouldn't be here, disgusting creature from another world !" Wei Feng shouted at the top of his lungs. The Torhek merely sighed before slowly walking towards Wei Feng, he suddenly lifted his hands and hummed. A sharp bone flew directly into his hands and Wei Feng glared at the creature when he realized the bone came from the corpse of a disciple.

"It's not your fault, kiddo....It's just that things are starting to get hectic, you know ? I could give you a little message, but you're gonna die....Then again I do want to see your face filled with terror before you die." The Torhek said.

Wei Feng tried to punch him, but got blocked by the bone, while the Torhek put a hand on the old man's stomach. A pulse of Qi was shot out from the Torhek's palm and sent Wei Feng flying up in the sky.

" Heed me, Kiddo ! Your Sect has been hiding a traitor from THAT organisation, and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. But the Organisation wouldn't slaughter you all, no that would be too easy for them. As such, I'm happy to announce that your Sect will now enter it's first war since it's founding !" The Torhek exclaimed.

Wei Lu looked at her father with her eyes half-closed, the bite of the Kirioni already taking effect on her. She wanted to help him, just as she always did when he was in trouble, even if his pride always forced him to refuse her help....But this time, she simply couldn't. She could only watch as her father neared death and a monster who shouldn't even be in this world announced something that all the elders of the sect had feared for years.

The Poisonous Raja Sect couldn't enter a war, for it didn't have the ressources for that. The Sect was extremely greedy and wouldn't spend any money they didn't have to. All the food came from the forests around the mountain, which meant that the amount was quite limited for the number of disciples. Other than that they only had cultivating ressources, and even then it wasn't a lot. Everything they bought, they would use instantly, all in an attempt to help the Patriarch reach the next realm.

If they entered a war, they would need to buy everything in bulk. They had enough money for that....But no one would sell anything to them. That's where the dream would dissipate for the disciples....The Poisonous Raja Sect was extremely disliked by all the neighbouring countries, except the Li Zhang Kingdom. But said kingdom was already at war itself...

' Are we really doomed ? Just like that ? Just because that damned organisation want to destroy us.....Ah, who am I even kidding.....Of course.....If the Void wants us dead, then we are all dead. The same goes for everything that lives in this forsaken world.' Wei Lu lost conciousness after those last thoughts.

"With your sect taking a young genius from the Zhao Warrior Tribe as well as the young prince from the Li Zhang kingdom AND hiding one of our traitors....The organisation has decided that the best way to deal with you, was to send your rivals after you. Of course they are hungry for what you possess, they covet your riches. As such you will happy to know, that.....All the sects of the Li Zhang Kingdom, Wukong Empire, Buddha Free States and Dokkaebi Kingdom have DECLARED WAR ON THE POISONOUS RAJA SECT !" The Torhek shouted with his arms extended and a huge smile on his face.

This was possibly the worst thing that could happen given the current state of the sect's headquarters.

But the worst thing was.....Jian and Li Kuo wouldn't even be aware of it before it started.

With these words, the Torhek caught Wei Feng before he could crash on the ground, chuckled and placed him on the corpse of a disciple.

" Sleep well for now, kiddo. I won't kill you for now. You should be safe as the Knights are finally arriving. Well....This is a goodbye for now."

And just like that, the Torhek disappeared, taken away by bones springing out of the ground like flowers.

An hour later, the knights would arrive and see what their lateness had produced.

"So that's why...I knew those damn Kirionis wouldn't dare attack us without a really good reason.....By the Levels of Hell ! We really came too late." The commander of the Akaryu Platoon sighed. But his ears perked up when he heard the quiet breathing of a few survivors.

" Wei Feng, Wei Lu and those three disciples here are still alive. Heal them before they draw their last breath. I don't want to have a pissed off Giran during these times." He barked out orders that were followed immediately. He then sat on the corpse of a Kirioni and looked at the Demon's eyes.

" It's really weird. These inferior demons who don't even deserve to live with the others...They always lived in shame, forsaken by their own species and forced to survive on their own....Why did they decide to come here.....That makes no sense."

"Nyahaha ! That's why people like us exist, commander !" A cheery voice exclaimed. The commander grunted and put up a hand to stop the person before they could approach him.

"Just tell me what you want. We're gonna destroy this whole damn forest in a few minutes, so speak fast."

"Okay, okay. Now you most certainly know that I am part of the Glorious and incredible AWESOME Vishnu Institute. And you also know that our job is to explain strange phenomenons in our world. Now the appearence of various types of demons was really a strange thing. We called some monsters ' Demons' before, because we had never seen real demons. And then they just randomly appeared. Our theory was that a higher ranked demon ordered those legions to come down here and get a certain.....Thing. But as you know, they never found it.....And yet they are still here. We have a new theory now. Of course we still think they are after this thing....But we have learned that all those inferior demons are supposed to have only one Leader. A supreme Leader. And as such....." The person spoke, coming closer and closer with each words before being kicked away by the commander.

"And as such it seems like they are all searching for that weapon because it's what will make them the supreme leader. So basically if we destroy that weapon...They will all get back to Hell ?" The commander asked as he finally faced the person, a strange looking man with messy blonde hair and a long white robe with red around the collar and sleeves, that he and his colleagues at the institute called ' Lab Coat'.

"Exactly, Commander ! Which is why the Institute has an offer for you ! We will give you a certain something to help you in your quest to push back the forces of hell....And in exchange.....We want you to give us the anchor when you get him or her. Ah, yes....You don't know about the anchor. Well the number of demons in our world is just too big, and to make sure they can still have a connection with hell, which is apparently vital for them, or else they become crazy and kill themselves....They need anchors. However we found out that this time, they only have one....An anchor so strong it can maintain the connection for all these demons." The man said, his face dangerously close to the commander's.

"Ugh....We're gonna need some help if that bastard is so strong. Anyway for such a thing...I really hope what you're gonna give us is worth it." The commander said. The man started to laugh like a maniac, scaring away all the soldiers who had been listening to the conversation.

" Now, now...Of course it is....The Vishnu Institute presents....."

The man tool out a scroll and unrolled it. Before the commander could even ask what the hell this scroll covered in blood could be, the man finished his sentence.

"THE LONG AWAITED: DEMON CONTRACT !!!!! Yes ....With the genius of our Institute we were able to create a way to make contracts with demons the same way a cultivator make contracts with beasts and martial spirits !!!! THE POWER OF THE LEGIONS OF HELL IS NOW AT YOUR HANDS ! Do try to use it well, nyahahaha...."

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