Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 46: First member, Crazed Pale Eyes

Chapter 46: First member, Crazed Pale Eyes

Jan had absolutely no time to react, and neither did anyone who had been in the room at that moment. As soon as he called the woman a Chiroukin, her eyes widened and blood seemed to literally pop on them, creating red dots everywhere on those two pale orbs. 

She immediately took ahold of him and moved with insane speed. She jumped over the stairs and lead Jian to a room full of drunkards. Before Jian could ask what she was doing, he watched in silence as she proceeded to scare off the drunkards who were still sober enough to listen to her, while slashing at all the ones who were too drunk to even register her words. After the room was emptied and got a lot bloodier than before, she grabbed a chair it in front of the bed she had thrown Jian on. 

She then sat and put her arms on the back of said chair. Two knives dangling in her hands, she seemingly glared at Jian as his blood ran cold.

"Speak up, kiddo. How do you know about the Chiroukins ? Except if I somehow slept for a decade and now suddenly everyone knows about us, I'm pretty sure we are totally unknown around here. You are...12 ? Thirteen to fourteen at most. You aren't that strong, there is an unholy stench to you, but nothing comparable to demons, demonic cultivators...Or those damn thanatos priestess.....Why the hell did you come to see a serial killer, and how do you know about my race ? You have 3 minutes to explain. After those 3 minutes are up, if your explanation isn't satisfactory, you die." She said before closing her eyes.

"Hmm...Okay, I'll explain I guess. Firstly.....Pretty much everyone knows about the Chiroukins actually. Well....I did hang out with weird people when I was younger, but the worms and the flies sure know a lot about you, and they run their mouths a lot with some booze." Jian said, hoping this would suffice as an explanation as to how he knew about her race...Because that actually was the whole truth. Worms and Flies members weren't exactly the most secretive guys. They rarely ran their mouths in public, but they did when they were with their colleagues...And Jian did hang out with a few members of those two groups, he had a lot of masters after all...And Chimi was quite sought after by those two groups. They usually hired her to steal some things from nobles...Though Jian always knew she was also hired to kill some important targets, it's just that neither of the two ever spoke about it.

The woman opened her eyes and sighed. 

"That will do. Now...Why have you come to me ?" She asked. Jian stared at her for a few seconds before continuing his explanation. She was strangely pretty. She looked insanely intimidating and all that...But Jian really found her more attractive than most girls he ever met. Then again she had some silky short silver hair and a rather cute face. Her eyes were off putting and her aura was as demonic looking as they come, but Jian did always have a little thing for women like that....He fell in love with a monster such as Chimi after all, so he couldn't really deny that dangerous women were his thing. 

He was still young however, so he never truly thought about it. Cultivators grew up fast though, and such interests would become much more important in the near future. But for now he had to make sure he wouldn't die because he went past the allowed time.

"As for that part...Well, I'll have some use for your talents. " 

"...Kid..I can see your disciple robe. That's the poisonous raja inner disciples' robe.....Now I repeat my question. Why would a 12 year old kid coming from such a sect try to meet me in a place like this one ?" She said, a dangerous edge to her voice. Though that disappeared when she saw how excited Jian seemed to be.

'I don't like this...This kid is entirely too excited by this situation...The hell is wrong with him ?'

"Well, you see.....What would I need to do to get you to join me ?" Jian asked. The woman blinked a few times, before tilting her head to the side, a gesture that looked creepy due to her eyes that were still filled with the red dots, but Jian still found it cute.

" Join you ? As in join your sect ?" 

"No no no...I'm creating a group you see. I still don't know what it will be like, but I know it's first mission." He said, trying to get her interested. And she clearly was. 

One has to know that she already was quite infamous before she started to murder many random people in the span of a few weeks. She had been unactive for a year or two, but she was quite certainly one of the most famous criminals to have existed in this land, if not the most famous. Though the government and the citizens didn't know her face, given that she always killed anyone who had seen it, the Man-Eater of Peizhi was already part of the kingdom's culture at this point. She had been killing people for close to 30 years now. 

"Speak up kiddo, you got me interested."

"Alright....Here's what I want to do." 

Jian then proceeded to explain his immediate and long term objective for his group. The immediate one being stealing money from the sects, and the long term one being even simpler.....Get his group powerful enough to rival the Worms and the Flies and then destroy them. He didn't tell her anything about his actual plans, but she was already hooked...She was a bit too interested actually.

"Great, kiddo. I like this. I get that you won't give me any further informations...But I need to know why exactly you are doing this...Because if your real goal matches mine...I'll sign right away. If it doesn't...I'll kill you anyway." She said, playing around with her knives a bit more to enforce her words.

"*Gulp* Very well...I happened to love a girl once. She was called Chimi. She was a demented girl, a wolf who didn't try to act as a sheep. She was horrible, but I could never shake her off my mind. I loved her, and it was not your random child's love...Because it never left. Even to this day, I think about her every day. The Worms and the Flies didn't make her like that, at least there is that...But the worms sold her to a group I knew nothing about...A group that I now know sold her to another group who got her who knows where while I thought she was dead during all that time. Well I'm only guessing that the Worms sold her...However it just has to be the case, because otherwise they would have never let her go away. She was simply too important. The flies are even worse...Because they took away one thing from her, one thing that should've never went away..." Jian said, gritting his teeth in rage. 

He couldn't see it, but the woman's eyes widened as she readied her knives.

"They took away...Her memories."

"Her memories !" 

They looked at each other in shock, having said the same thing at the same time. She instantly put her knives back on her belt, while Jian looked at her eyes wide opened.

"They...They took away your memories too ?!" He exclaimed as she snorted.

"Let me guess...She was a little demented monster who just so happened to kill people with extreme ease and also wouldn't be missed by too many people, right ? So they had her kill people, steal from people, and do all the horrible things she seemed to have been born to do.....But she just so happened to have an anchor in the world....Someone who represented the last bit of sanity she actually had, the little bit that allowed her to remain humain. So they took that away, thinking that would make her a better tool for them. However she became less easy to control, and they decided to get some last profit from her before throwing her away...Am I right ?" She asked, her eyes trembling as she kept them closed.

"Well...It's the case but two things seem incorrect.....Chimi always said she wasn't a human, that she didn't feel like us...That and you...Aren't you still working for them ?" Jian asked. He didn't know what to think about the woman, but she did remind him of chimi. A less dangerous and maybe a bit cuter Chimi. 

"Ah ! Of course she felt like that...Honestly she could be my damn sister for all I know, as she has the exact same story....I too felt like I didn't belong with the humans. However Chiroukins are still humans, even though a part us is something else....Something that makes most of us unable to go a single day without drinking blood or eating the flesh of certain species. And as you, the ones that were chosen for me are humans. It's the exact reason as to why I felt so damn different ! Of course I felt like that, I'm a Man-Eater from a race that was already seen as man-eating demons. It's quite funny to think that we, the actual man-eating Chiroukins, aren't hated by the rest of our race. We are part of the reason as to why everyone hates us, and yet the others never ostracized us for that...The 'normal' humans as one would put it, on the other way.....You get where I'm going." She spat out.

"Well...I didn't expect the serial killer to sorta have a reason for all the killings." Jian said, feeling a bit better with his choice, though that all came crashing down by what she said next.

"No no no, little boss.....I kill because I like it. Don't pin me as a monster with a sob story. It has nothing to do with all this. I came back to the Flies because I wanted to keep killing people and be protected by those bastards. Though if your group can become as powerful as them, I'll still be protected, and I'll get to have my revenge.....Perfect....However know this. I eat more than I need to, I kill more than the voices in my head tell me to, the horrors I bring with me are entirely unnecessary....I just like all of this. So if you want some sort of heroes in your group, don't get me. You'll be sorely disappointed !" She exclaimed. However what Jian said following that, would remain in her mind until the day she finally got to see what he meant.

"Don't worry, monster....I like Chimi and I'm starting to like you. There is a reason as to why I'm drawn to people like you two....I don't like to admit it, after all the beast that can change into a human during the day, never wants the hunters to follow it's trail at night....And no one ever found my trail." 

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