Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 47: Blood Pact and Monster

Chapter 47: Blood Pact and Monster

Since the woman already seemed to have agreed to his proposition, as shown by the fact that she called him little boss, Jian had decided to get to know her a bit more. He wouldn't die that day fortunately.


[ Name: Su Biyu

Age: 38 

Race: Human-Beastman (Chiroukin)

Rank: Mortal Realm 6th form

Talent: 80 (Human) 400 (Beastman)

Martial Spirit: Non-Existent

Soul Heritage: Chiroukin's Flesh and Blood Curse ( Rank: Impossible to define )

Unique Technique: 

-(Locked) Beastman Form: ????-Woman

- Ties of Blood ( Rank: Laws Realm, 4th law )

State: Excited, Sad, Bloodthirsty. ]

'Holy damn.....She's 38 ?' Jian thought as Mara nearly fell from the rock he was sitting on inside Jian's inner world.

' What the hell kid ?! Her being 38 ain't that important ! Beastmen live longer than humans and age slower. But damn, 480 talent in total, could be a true powerhouse in the future ! Plus I kinda guessed which type of beastman's blood she has in her. And trust me...When she unlock that form, you'll like her even more. A great catch kiddo ! Ah....Reminds me of when I created my little mercenary group...Oh, what I would give back to those happy days !'

Jian ignored Mara as he started to ramble about random stuff.

"So, little boss...Since we're on the same page, at least I'd say so...Why don't I introduce myself, and you do the same and then we go onto to actual details !" She said, rubbing her hands as she drooled. It seems she was more eager to kill someone than talk, so Jian quickly agreed.

"Okay, so I am called Jian, I am 12 years old as you guessed, I am from the poisonous Raja sect, though you don't need to worry about that. They won't know about you. I'm here to train for a year before going to another city and train some more. By that time, someone else from our sect who wasn't there when the siege started would've come to help the sect...Or my plan will be the sect's only hope. Anyway no one shall know about this...Except maybe a certain bro of mine, you'll get to meet him someday...Perhaps. " 

"Well, my part is a bit smaller. I'm Biyu, I'm 38 years old, and I'm currently killing targets on a hit list provided by the flies, and the worms actually. Instead of killing people related, they just take groups that pisses them off, choose a random member with importance in it, and they do the same with many groups. No one can see an actually pattern, because all those groups are unrelated and I have to kill random citizens too. Basically I just look like a very psychotic serial killer. While I'm an assassin. I was doing the same thing before actually...It's just that before, I was really just a deranged serial killer. Times change as they say." Biyu said.

'Biyu ? Just Biyu....Oh yeah, right, the memory wipe. Well, I guess I'll have to tell her at some point....Just not now. I'm rather found of not getting suspected by a serial killer.' Jian thought, shivers going down his spine.

As they finished their little silly presentations, they started to go on the serious talks. It was quite easy to come to an agreement. Biyu would basically never get caught, and even if she was caught, the flies would do everything to get her out, because she knew too much and wouldn't hesitate to betray them. As such, for an entire year, she would continue killing the people on her hit list, and instead of killing random citizens, she will kill targets given to her by Biyu, which would be her first mission for him. He would take advantage of that and the fact that he knew in advance which nobles would die, to get benefits from Biyu's killings. After all, if he could predict which clan will be affected by the killings, he could go to their rivals and say he would hire the Man-Eating killer to strike a blow at their ennemies. 

He could also use that to create his persona that would serve as his group's leader. Because as Biyu explained, it was best to play on two sides, and never reveal that he Jian is the leader of whatever his group would be named. He hadn't thought of a name or even of what the group would be like, but in the end it didn't matter at the moment. 

He knew one person he could talk to the about. Speaking with Biyu about it, they both came to the conclusion that Uma would make a very good second member, but only after a little test. Jian had to be sure she was truly on his side. And for that he will use something he never thought he would ever use on anyone...He would use her own feelings against herself. She would either come to his side or he wil cut all ties to her. It was cruel, insanely so, but Jian just knew she would accept....At the bottom of his heart, he knew the kind Uma he saw as a mother never truly disappeared. She had just more darkness to hide than he thought.

Before they parted ways, there was the finishing touch. Jian had to make a blood pact with Biyu. It worked exactly like a pact one would do with a beast, or spirit. However with this one, Biyu wouldn't enter Jian and become his martial spirit or something similar. No this pact would tie Jian and Biyu in blood, placing a curse on their heart that would make it explode should they not respect their part of the agreement. Biyu would serve Jian, and Jian would get Biyu her revenge, no matter what he had to sacrifice to get the Worms and the Flies on their knees, ready to be cut down. 

After that last part was done, Biyu shook Jian's hand and smiled at him.

"You'll surely regret this, little boss. But your first ally is a nightmare....That ought to make sure your ennemies take you seriously at least...I can't wait to kill in your name and let you take the blame for it ! By the way, as I said you only need to leave letters detailing your orders at the various locations I gave you...No need to search for me. I'll come for you after a year !" She said. She then left while laughing, as Jian sighed.

' You won't regret this kiddo ?' Mara asked while running his hands through the roses.

" Regret ? I already have enough regrets as it is. No need to have more. I will most likely recruit people based solely on instinct. I'll recruit those I like, those I have a good feeling with. Had Biyu proved not to be what I looked for, I wouldn't have gotten her on my side. But she is exactly what I need. An enforcer. A soldier willing to accept any orders." Jian said somberly, just as Mara too started to laugh.

' My my kid, I didn't look into your memories from back then, so as to not spoil any potential surprise, but now you make me wanna check...You seem much more somber than I thought you were. Maybe I should've awakened when you were just a child...From what I get, you seemed to be quite the little monster back then !'Mara said as a joke, however Jian's face showed him something quite interesting. Jian was looking much older now, the weights of some of his actions dragging him down as he slouched on the bed.

"I can't bring myself to care anymore. I haven't even made it far yet. I could abandon it all...But I won't. Chimi once told me she had a dream...She wanted to live freely, in a world where all of her insanity could be released. She will get that when she ultimately ends up in hell, at least I think so. I have a dream too...I wish to soar like a dragon through the sky, I wish to stand tall like a mountain in front of all those who ever mocked me....I think my true wish is just to reach the peak of the world...No matter the cost. My sould could end up becoming black at the end of it...But the shine of my power and riches will cover it...At least I hope so. Because if it's not the case...Then I'll just become a monster just like Chimi....Hey mara, you think I'm going to become one...Or maybe, am I already one ?" Jian asked, some tears running down his face without him realizing it. 

' A monster ? Hhahahahahah ! Kiddo the definition of what a monster is changes depending on where you are in this vast universe. But let me tell you, I was in hell you know ? I was there. I went down the deepest levels of hell, where horrors best kept secret are chained up. I once saw a creature coming from the one place in all of existence that has the darkest definition of what a monster is. I saw a creature who was considered a monster evne by his brethren who were themselves considered as the most terrifying beings to ever exist. I saw a true monster kiddo. Even after killing a billion of souls, after enslaving entire nations, after destroying whole worlds....You wouldn't even being to feel like a monster, if you saw what one truly was like. Keep at it Kiddo. No matter what, no matter the cost, for there will be rivers of gold or blood at the end, and your choices won't truly change the outcome, trust me...Maybe there will even be two rivers, one to remind you of your power and one to remind you of what was sacrificed for you to reach it. ' 

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