Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 49: Killings and Politics ( Part 2 )

Chapter 49: Killings and Politics ( Part 2 )

Su Biyu was a woman of many talents, all of them having to do with her favourite activity, murder. Now, as she had to obey the Flies' orders, she was usually forced to interrogate her targets or spy on them. Of course those required her to learn some actual skills that weren't just slashing around with a sharp blade. 

She became extremely good at hiding in the shadows, and she also became able to tell when one was lying. Of course she couldn't use her skills on actually skilled individuals, but Uma wasn't exactly trained for those types of things. She was strong, yes, but never had any experiences with interrogations, and as such Su Biyu was able to use her rather dark skill to tell Jian whether or not the woman was lying.

It was exactly why Jian was now conflicted. Because after talking for close to an hour, Su Biyu revealed by glaring at Uma for the hundredth time already, that Uma hadn't told a single lie.

Su Biyu had looked forward to the woman trying to fool Jian and thus having the boy give her the order to tear Uma apart. However the occasion never showed up. Then again Biyu knew there was just no way he would give that order so easily. He could look fierce, but he was still a 12 year old kid who knew too much, but was still too kind for his own good. After all he had been through, he should have turned into a monster already, especially in that deranged place called the Red Sky Continent, where one just couldn't live peacefully forever. You were bound to encounter a situation where you had to survive, it was just like that. And Jian was forced to do that ever since he was born. 

It seemed like this Uma woman meant more to him than what he let on in the letter he had sent. It was...Interesting, at least Biyu saw it like that.

She was already used to being ordered around by monsters, but by a 12 years old kid who still had a bit of humane feelings left in his heart ? No, this was totally new.

As such, while she was obedientely waiting, hidden in the shadows, she watched as Jian continued to ask Uma all sorts of questions. He started to look more and more conflicted as time passed, for the old woman proved to be incredibly honest.

" I already told you Jian, I have no idea what happened to Chimi, and my colleagues wouldn't know either. And yes, of course I never wished to hurt you ! I have done all I could to survive, and during all that time, I just never thought you would randomly show up on that mountain ! Had you remained in the kingdom, nothing would've happened. I am sorry to say it like that, but you brought this upon yourself. Now you know everything, and you're gonna have to decide. I'm not lying, everything I said was the pure truth, and so.....It's all on you now." She said, crossing her arms as Biyu gave Jian a thumbs up, showing that once again, Uma hadn't lied.

Jian suddenly got up, and immediately walked to the balcony. He looked at the starry sky, and sighed to himself.

' Mara ?'

'I don't know what to tell you, kid. She actually seems trustworthy. I mean, it's your decision and all that, but I think you shouldn't trust her, just in case ya know ? Women are dangerous creatures, I know that.....But well, it's your call.' Mara said. 

[ The woman named Uma seems trustworthy. I would recommend trusting her. Her status indicates that she feels very anxious about your answer, she also seems to feel guilty. ]

'You dumb machine ! Those mean nothing ! Feelings are complicated, and they can be faked. Not only that, one can easily hide their feelings. You said many times you needed to evolve for that status thing to get more precise, so until you do evolve, don't judge anyone based on their emotions !' Mara yelled, veins popping off on his forehead.

[ Understood, imprisoned monster. ]

'...Did that fucker just insult me ?!'

Jian tuned those two out, and turned around, looking at Uma with a determined face.

"Alright, Uma....I'll trust you. I'll make an effort, but I'll always be on my guard. I won't ever be able to truly trust you, at least I don't think so. However....I trust you enough to tell you about certain things. I may come to regret it. But Chimi did tell me to live without any regrets, to fight each days as they come, for no amount of planning and schemes can prepare me for what life has in stock....I'll follow her advice for the first time of my life. However, I consider you are now on my side. Let's just say that I truly hope you don't appear to be against what I'll tell you...Or else....." Jian let it at that, the threat hanging with Uma wondering what he meant. He was still too weak to do anything to her, for she knew that this weird transformation couldn't come out at any time, it would only come under certain conditions.

Biyu on the othe hand, knew exactly what she had to do. Her blades were inches away from Uma who had no idea of what was behind her. The sight of Biyu still partly cloaked in darkness and ready to slash at Uma while drooling was particularly scary to behold.

Jian braced himself, and repeated Chimi's words in his mind. He had to go forward, Uma would be a great addition, and in the end, if he had to go on while considering her as a potential enemy, he would have gone crazy at some point. 

Gritting his teeth, Jian slowly calmed himself, and then looked at Uma with the most serious expression she had ever seen on his face.

"So....This is what you need to know...."


( A day later )

Jian was found training alongside Zhao Shu who had been there for a few hours already, before the younger boy decided to join in. They were currently practicing close combat, going through different stances and repeating the same attacks again and again. Zhao Shu was going for a style that used the feet more than the fists ( Something similar to Muay Thai, just much more focused on the legs than on the elbows and such. ), while Jian was praticing the style Biyu herself used. Zhao Shu didn't even notice it, being too busy focusing on his own training, and Uma already knew everything after that night.

She had taken it quite well, especially since his plan would help the sect a lot and could actually work. She had actually proposed to help recruit. Jian accepted quickly, but also ordered Biyu to look after Uma, to make sure she wouldn't do anything...Unwanted, behind his back. If she was serious about it, she could bring some good recruits. Uma was quite a sympathic woman, and she her way with convincing people. She was always the only one who could calm him when he was throwing tantrums at a younger age. And if she could deal with the him of that time, she could deal with most people.

However Uma's proposition had reminded Jian of the fact that he should be looking for recruits at all time. He had to train, get recruits and build relationships with the different people who held power in this kingdom. Actually, Jian only had to train and build some relationships with the families. The Crow on the other hand needed to recruit the best he could find, and also get closer to organisations, sects and most importantly...The government. Some wanted to get rid of the sects, while others wanted to truly fuse with them. If the Crow could get close to some important officials who accepted the sects AND a few important sect's members...He was sure to be in a good position. 

However Mara quickly reminded him of an important fact. One he seemed to be consistently forgetting about. He could very well be the lone wolf. His group could be that. Creating relationships was great, but he could also just recruit, get his group on it's feet and then wait for people to come into contact with him. He had all the cards at hand honestly. A very good card would soon enter his hand actually, however he had other things to take care of at the moment, namely his own training.

Just repeating the same attacks over and over wouldn't bring the desired results. He had to experience more fights, to get used to them. And that's why he did something crazy.

"Argh ! What are you doing ,!" Zhao Shu yelled after Jian punched his head with at least half of his strengh. After the boost he got from unlocking the Kishins' powers, he was now able to injure Zhao Shu easily. It went the other way though.

"Guh !" Jian gasped and tried to regain his breathing, clutching his stomach after getting kicked by Zhao Shu.

"If you wanted to fight, you just had to ask !" Zhao Shu exclaimed, getting into a position immediately after Jian got up. 

"Yeah yeah....See that as a little personal desire. " Jian said, smirking at Zhao Shu.

"You little.....Come at me now, I'm gonna kill you." The Zhao Warrior spat out, his face getting red instantly.

"Stop right there you two dumbasses !" Uma yelled as she got between the two, stunning them.

"Don't tell me you wanna stop us, Uma ?" Jian asked. However Uma's smile just after that served to prove how wrong he was.

"No no no. I want to put up some rules. If you fight, it's best to use that time to actually get better through shedding some sweat and blood ! Now here's how it's going to go....." She said, her smile getting wider as Jian gulped.

"You'll fight three times ! First fight, close combat ! Second fight, weapons, and I mean your actual weapons ! Third fight...Just go at it with everything you have and stop when the other is knocked down !"

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