Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 50: Killing and Politics ( Part 3 )

Chapter 50: Killing and Politics ( Part 3 )

(With Su Biyu)

Watching behind her back to admire her handiwork, she chuckled to herself. Those guards truly needed some more training. They weren't bad per say, but she had dispatched them so easily, it was rather laughable. She hadn't killed them however, for they worked under someone important to her new boss.

' I wonder how little boss is doing ? He should train hard, it's weird for me to have a boss weaker than me.....Really weird now that I think about it. It will be hard to recruit 'those' monsters if little boss doesn't become stronger really soon. He did say he had a year and a half though. We could come back even later actually. It's not like those monsters can go anywhere else.' She thought, her memories taking her back to when she was a bit younger and a Flies' member had to explain how everything worked to her. He showed her how the organisation itself worked, and then introduced her to some of the allies they had, one of their trump card catching her eyes.

If her new boss could get those guys, their group would have a strong base and that was perfect. She still wondered what this group was going to be like. He seemed to like the Raja's sect, so it wouldn't be a new sect. A clan would be weird, many tried to create clans while being apart of sects and they don't usually end up good. It could be an organisation like the flies, but then again he would be recruiting a lot of criminals, so it wouldn't look much better than the Flies or the Worms....

He could make their little group anything he wanted, but she was sure he wouldn't choose something boring. The kid proved to be quite surprising, especially with that unholy stench that followed him everywhere. She could smell it, if only briefly. But it was there, and it was disgusting enough for her to know....He was hiding a terrible secret and she had to know what it was. She was curious just like that.

However there were some important stuff she had to take care of. So she quickly hid the sleeping guards and started to climb up the walls of the gigantic mansion.

Reaching the balcony on the third floor, she hid behind a pillar as a maid passed by. She quickly strangled the maid, just enough for the girl to fall asleep, and then she also hid her, but not before stealing her clothes.

After getting the clothes on and laughing at the cute look it gave her, she quickly applied makeup to her face, to make it look less scary of course, she wasn't the type to want to look good anyway. 

Trying to imitate the stance and way of walking of the maid, she practiced a bit before deciding that her disguise should be good enough. She wasn't really required to go through that, as the master of the house could simply silence the servants, but Su Biyu took that as training and thought it would definitely help her.

She just tended to slash her way through every situations, which wasn't necessarly good.

She passed by quite a few maids, and none of them seemed to think anything was weird about her. And yet she faced a problem when the head maid showed up and started lecturing two young maids. The head maid would surely know the faces of every maids, that was after all the bare minimum for someone who held such a position. 

Grabbing a plate full of soft drinks, she set off and walked towards the master's bedroom. The Head Maid had her back towards said room, so Biyu could walk by without getting seen, and the bottles would hide her face anyway if the head maid was to turn away. It would look awkward for her to hide behind the bottles, but the head maid was already lecturing other maids. Biyu would just come off as a scared maid who wanted to avoid the scary old hag's gaze. 

Fortunately, the head maid was too busy yelling to notice Biyu, and so the serial killer slipped by easily. Knocking on the door, a rather soft male voice was heard.

" A-Ah yes ! C-Come-"

" Come in !" A strong female voice interrupted the soft male voice. The man sounded quite flustered by it, and it brought a smile on Biyu's face. She opened the door and stepped in.

"I have brought soft drinks, Master." Biyu said. She quickly turned to the woman and bowed, letting out a quick ' Mistress', before placing the plate on the table. 

Biyu appeared to be quite happy looking at the two. And she actually was. However there was a problem about that, something that brought an immense amount of dread to her. She couldn't believe she had never checked, then again she had never known what her full name was. It was rather amazing that the little boss found out so quickly. She didn't know how he did it, but it might have been easy for all she knew. She just never tried, it hadn't her even graced her mind.....But now it was so obvious. She had always gone with what the other scums had told her, that she most likely only had a few orphan friends the Flies erased any memories about. She had been furious about it , it had given her nights of grief. Those were possibly the only people to have ever loved her. If she was in such a state for some random orphan kids whom she now knows never existed...What she felt now in this situation couldn't simply be explained. 

"See this maid, Lil bro ? She is smiling. She has to serve your worthless self and she can smile. If she can do it, you can too. Learn to smile instead of looking all shy all the time and avoiding people's eyes. Anyway, what is it maid ? Why do you look so happy ?"

"Oh ? For no particular reason, Mistress Ai" 

"Mistress Ai ? Please stop with that, I loathe all those titles. Call me by my name...Call me Su Ai." The woman said. As her memories flashed past her eyes, felt something quite unusual. She had no way to verify that all this was the truth. There were so many Su families in the Peizhi Kingdom and she hadn't even been found in this city. Those could be only false hopes, and they most likely were....And yet she allowed herself to feel it for a few seconds....Hatred

" Of course, Su Ai." 

She would crush the Flies...No, bar that...She would devour them whole.


(With Jian, Zhao Shu and Uma)

Feet against palm, head on knee, an elbow strike getting through the defense and hitting Jian right in the face. This fight was oddly satisfying to watch, contrarily to the last two. The last two had been one sided slaughters, quite surprisingly actually. It seemed that both Zhao Shu and Jian lacked skills in some areas. 

And it showed once again. Their weapons having been thrown around, Jian and Zhao Shu were fighting hands to hands, the boy's Wolf trying the bit off the warrior's butterfly wings, while said butterfly spat lava around. 

Uma had allowed Zhao Shu to use his martial spirit to it's full potential, given that they were training in a rather secluded area where no one ever went. They had gone to a spot recommended by one of Uma's new friends. The woman was working quite fast, having created connections with many officials. It wasn't all that shocking actually for one who knew just how desperate those officials were to get rid of the current sects plaguing the kingdom. Anyone was better than them in their eyes, and a sect like the Poisonous Raja who was known to never enter conflicts or create them was naturally a gift from heaven for the officials. 

They didn't care about the Sect's current position, having been assured by Uma that this was just temporary. To them it seemed believable, after all they had been one of the rare countries who saw just how devastating the knight orders could be, and if one of them intervened, the poisonous raja's sect was as good as saved.

They did know about the Zhao Warriors' problem, but they didn't actually know about said warriors' might. They were in awe of the knights orders, like many people were, so they just didn't think those all-powerful figures of justice could lose. It was simply ludicrous.

Anyway, one of those officials had recommended this secluded place to train. It was a small plain in front of a river. There were tall trees behind them, a waterfall on the right and a broken bridge on the left. Apparently the bridge was never repaired because it seemed to be cursed or something. Uma didn't exactly get the full story as she was busy devouring all the food the servants of the palace served her, so in the end she didn't care much about this bridge. Jian had found it funny since it reminded him of the stories he had heard as a child, Chimi herself was rather fond of horror stories. However he paid no attention to it, even ignoring the small, distant noises that he could hear. Noises that oddly reminded him of screams for some reasons.

"Look out dumbass !" Uma yelled at Jian who had gotten lost in his thoughts once more and had nearly missed Zhao Shu going for his daggers. For those were indeed the weapons Zhao Shu wielded. He usually never used them, but Uma insisted on him using them. And Jian could see why he used them rarely. 

Jian wasn't all that good with weapons, and he was quite bad with his new halberd, but Zhao Shu was just terrible. He must have been given these daggers to learn actual finesse and perhaps something he knew next to nothing about: Using your head to fight.

Zhao Shu had dominated Jian once before, and had done so again today, however it was clearly due to the difference in power, and now that the gap had become quite small, Zhao Shu could only win due to Jian's own weaknesses. However the young warrior was simply bad. He was painful to watch. He had no skills, he was just using his superior speed and strengh to get through everything. 

However Jian had grown faster and stronger, not only that but he had the poisonous envy mist. Those things coupled with his new Kishins' powers gave him quite a bit of an advantage. 

Zhao Shu could now compete only because he was still a bit stronger than Jian, and he had good defense. 

"Oh no you don't !" Jian yelled as he lunged forward and kicked Zhao Shu's hand away. The strengh behind the hit was high enough for it to turn Zhao Shu's around. However he used this opportunity and delivered an elbow strike to Jian's face. He had been hit by that elbow twice now. 

Zhao Shu was covered in wounds, they were still open and were bleeding out. Jian on the other hand was just covered in bruises, as Zhao Shu hadn't hit the young boy even once with his daggers. 

Getting away from each other, the two quickly retook their stances and glared in the other's eyes. A bird passing by suddenly perched itself on a tree branch, and cawed, getting the two disciples to move as fast as they could.

'Hmm..This should be the final hit.' Uma thought. She knew Jian had a high pain tolerance and had way too much stamina. However he was forced to continue training after each matches, while Zhao Shu was allowed to rest, to make sure the young boy didn't get an advantage there. As such he was exhausted, and his entire body, however he proved her wrong. He could go on for a little bit longer, and as such too Zhao Shu blow with only a low grunt, before throwing him away and sighing.

' This won't work....This bastard is nearly as fast as me. His defense is just too great, I need something powerful enough to finish him instantly. I did learn the first technique of the Black Heart Style, however it's just impossible to pull out on Zhao Shu, it's supposed to be a stealth attack, so it's useless in this situation...Hmmm...I got it !' Jian thought. He smiled widely, his teeth showing as Zhao Shu gulped. 

The young warrior knew exactly what Jian had planned when the black gas started to come out of the boy's fists. 

' This bastard is enhancing his gauntlets with that thing....Damnit !' The warrior thought. He knew by now that Jian couldn't just use that black gas to enhance his own body. Uma must've understood it too, as she had taken his gauntlets away during the first match. But not that he had them, they were about to become devastating weapons.

He had used this ability on his halberd at the beginning of this first match, and not only had it become impossible for Zhao Shu any blows, the weapon also seemed to slash through the air faster and it had this vicious aura to it...He was sure it didn't just put a poisonous gas on his equipments, it truly enhanced them. 

His two fists now covered in black gas, Jian cracked his knuckles and laughed.

"Get out of this, rival !" 

His legs had always been Jian's problem. They were a problem for many cultivators, as they were less trained than the other body parts, but after months of training, Jian could now use them to lunge forward at top speed.

'Shit !' 

Realizing that Jian was just moving too fast for him to dodge the next blow, Zhao Shu decided to act like a true Zhao Warrior.

If Jian took him out....

He would take Jian's out too !

The young boy unleashed a devastating hook that destroyed Zhao Shu's face, sending him flying away a few meters away.

However Zhao Shu's attack connected too. The uppercut sent Jian flying too, however the boy was sent flying vertically, and crashed on the ground a few seconds after.

".....Well....Damn." Uma said as she looked at the two. The climax of the fight had been intense even for her, a single error could've ended this match with only one of them knocked out, however the attacks were unleashed with swift precision, and didn't miss in the slightest. Uma went to check on the two boys, and ended up laughing when she saw Zhao Shu's state. He would really be angry in the morning. His face was important to him and it was easy to see why, the boy was certainly handsome. Jian on the other hand was rather good, he would recover fast in the end, se he would be back to training in two days. 

Uma was ready to use that time the two were out to teach them some theoretical stuff. Politics for one were important, and maybe she would also teach them about sects. Because she was certain they knew only about the Raja sect and that was it. Uma got up after checking on them, and as she heard some noises behind her, she chuckled and started to speak to herself.

"Hhmmm....I guess Zhao Shu wins this as he won the last two matches, but woah. Those two have some potential. This felt like mortal realms cultivators fighting, not qi cores cultivators. Wouldn't you agree, Fourth Prince ?"

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