Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 51: Killing and Politics (4)

Chapter 51: Killing and Politics (4)

Zhao Shu and Jian woke up a few hours after Uma had left. Jian himself found it pretty funny that she would let them here, but then again they had had a really good sleep. 

Surprisingly enough, the odd noises ressembling screams of anguish hadn't been a problem to them. They slept like babies and woke up full of energy. They got ready to leave after grabbing their weapons and taking care of their martial spirits who had fallen asleep too.

Jian turned around and watched as Zhao Shu jumped in the river. He got out a second after, groaning as the cold water ran through his body.

" Feels good !" He yelled while extending his arms. Jian chuckled at him before doing the same. He had to admit, some cold water was exactly what he needed at the moment. 

"Hey weakling." Zhao Shu said as he sat on the bridge. Jian looked at him while sitting on the grass. 

" Ya know, I wanted to ask something. I heard you and that Uma woman used to be slaves a few years ago.....What was it like ? Life as a slave ?" The Zhao Warrior asked. He didn't seem really embarassed by the question he just threw at Jian. Then again while Zhao Shu wasn't the most annoying person Jian had met, he was still quite arrogant and all that. It was easy to forgot after what had happened, but Zhao Shu hadn't really changed. 

"What is was like, huh....It was boring at times, some masters just used us for simple tasks, and we didn't have a lot to do. At time it was nearly an impossible way of life, being worked to the death was common.....I mean being treated like I was nothing more than an animal wasn't exactly pleasing....I think the worst thing was the knowledge that was put into mind ever since I was a baby...That everyone around could die at anytime, no one was protected.....But in the end it never truly changed. I lost many people....I lost the girl I liked, Chimi. I lost the rare friends I had, Xi Xi, Wang Meilin and all the others. I made it in the end, and it's the most important. " Jian said as he watched the city in the distant. He wondered how Biyu was doing. She should have the checked the capital's Su family by now.

He truly hope it was her actual family. For not only it would make her indebted to him, but he would also have a strong family as an ally....And Biyu would be happy. He wondered how she would look with a smile of genuine happiness on her face. 

So lost he was in his own thoughts, that he missed the look of sadness on Zhao Shu' face.

"Must've been hard....Lil sis." Zhao Shu said. Jian turned around instantly and asked him to repeat what he said. 

" Don't worry....I'm just rambling. I miss some people too you know ?" The Zhao Warrior exclaimed before walking away.

Jian was about to do the same, however his mind was pulled away for a second. He heard them clearly and then heard nothing anymore. The noises were truly screams....Screams of countless people mixed in together. 

Jian looked around frantically, however he saw nothing. He couldn't see anyone, and he couldn't pinpoint where those screams were coming from. He noticed only after looking around for a few minutes.


" I know Mara....I searched everywhere....Except that place. I have been ignoring it everytime my gaze was nearly getting on it. I don't know what this is all about.....But I'm not looking at waterfall on purpose and I don't like it." Jian said as droplets of sweat fell off his face. It was simply nervousness, as if his entire body was screaming at him not to look at the waterfall. 

However he did, with great difficulty yes...But he looked in the end. He truly shouldn't have. He just couldn't even begin to imagine how it was possible.

"There...There is no waterfall ?!" He exclaimed out loud as Mara did the same. 

[ This seems to be quite a powerful illusion. It is supported by a seal, but I do not have that specific seal in my data bank.....Weird.....It seems to have been placed here by a cultivator who has gone past the Laws Realm.....Actually this seal is incredibly complicated. Either the cultivator was insanely strong, or he had a heaven-defying talent when it comes to seals. ]

' I can confirm that. Seal-Making is quite difficult with Qi...In fact I rarely ever saw Qi seals this complicated. ' Mara said as he furrowed his brows. He kept tilting his head left and right while keeping his hand on his chin. He seemed deep in thoughts.

"Well.....The seal was there to keep anyone from discovering the truth behind the waterfall, right ? But I did end up getting through it, so it can't be that good." Jian said, but Mara quickly sighed. 

'Jian...You are one interesting bastard, I give you that.' 

"Eh ? What ?" Jian asked, completely lost. The system's response confused even further if that was possible.

[ I concur. This is beyond my own expectations. I wonder if it has to do with this Kishin thing. ]

"What are you talking about guys ?"

' No. I would've seen such thing before had it been the case. The Dao of Dasheng is what I have in mind...But damn if it's really the case. A talentless child with the Dao of Dasheng. Kiddo, I can only say one thing....The World itself made you to be a trouble-maker, I am sure of that now. Some are born to shake the world to it's very foundation, but not all of them do it in the same way, and you are one of those whom Heaven loathe the most....Those who stand on the Normal Path as they would call it. The path history should follow, if the damn trouble-makers didn't make it their mission to completely ruin everything.' Mara declared before bursting into laughter.

[ This would certainly explain why he was chosen...Yes, that must be it. If one had to be chosen randomly, it was better to go for a trouble-maker. ]

'GUYS ?! What are you even saying ?! I don't understand !' Jian screamed in his own mind. With how flustered he was, he would've been heard by someone had he actually screamed out loud.

'System...Explain yourself. I have to deal with the irony of the kiddo being exactly like me.' Mara said before the connection was cut and Jian couldn't hear his creepy laugh anymore. 

[.....Damn Demonic Deity, pushing such things on me...Well, I have never been great at explaining those things. They go well beyond my understanding. The Dao of Dasheng is a way of life if you would. The way of life of trouble makers. It was named after Sun Wukong who was perhaps one of the greatest trouble makers in history. It was made up by an angel who was fed up with such beings always messing up with the order of the world. At least the legend says so. My own creator never truly go to know where this Dao of Dasheng came from. ]

[ However it is said that such beings are bound to find those like them, no matter where they are in the world, they are attracting each other and are said to be truly unstoppable when in group. What you need to remember is this.....To balance their chaotic nature, the followers of this Dao will always, ALWAYS, be your allies....No matter what, no matter when, no matter how..You will find solace in them. You might find yourself going against one of them one day, and you will be able to tell who they are right away. Follow my advice User, for this is the way my creator lived.....Trust those whom you'll find on the other side. ]


( Inside of the Gorudenryu Knight Order's HQ, a few days later)

The normally unshakeable walls of the HQ were now literally groaning due to the shock of countless trained soldiers. One had to know the walls were once pearly white, with not a single stain on them. Now it seemed as if the white parts were the stains, whereas red was the natural color of those marble walls. 

" DON'T LET THEM IN !!!" A man wearing the robe of the Raja's sect exclaimed. He had a hand clutching one of his eye that was freely bleeding, while pushing the enemy forces with a mace in his other hand.

"HUANG LEI, GET INSIDE !" A voice shouted. Huang Lei looked behind him and saw that nearly all the Knights who had been fighting besides him were now laying dead on the ground. The rest had quickly moved back and were holding the gates for Huang Lei while using bows to shoot at the incoming horde.

'Damnit !' Huang Lei cursed. He knew he wouldn't make it. He had little to no stamina left. He had lost an entire limb and an eye, and while he could somewhat resist the pain, it was getting to him. 

He nearly lost his footing when the entire base trembled. An eerie calm was installed when everyone stopped moving. They all knew something big was coming. 

" Authority of the Golden Dragon !" A powerful voice exclaimed. It wasn't yelled out or anything, and yet everyone heard it. The voice was majestic and carried such charisma, it awed all those who heard it. However some knew exactly what the words let out by this voice meant. They knew just how terrible the situation just got.

"That.....DO YOU WANT TO KILL US AL, OLD MAN ?!" Huang Lei used his last ounce of strengh to yell before falling behind and hitting a wall. Whilst his body slowly inched down due to the blood splattered all over the wall, his eyes closed on their own as another powerful voice countered the first one.


This voice was quite different from the previous one, for it carried out malicious intent, the like of which most people weren't ready to face off against. That voice spoke just in time, just before the previous attack that had been launched reached the inside of the HQ. As a powerful shockwave swept everyone and threw corpses on the walls, the Zhao Warriors were protected by thousands of Threads catching them as they flew around, acting as a net of some kind. However not only did it catch them, it also affected their bodies.

Hissing sounds were heard as the countless warriors suddenly had steam coming out of their wounds, like they were being cauterized. And once it was over, lo and behold.....Their wounds were closed, as if they had never been attacked to begin with. 

Huang Lei who had been crushed against the wall by the shockwave only managed to let out a small 'Cheater' before passing out. Or nearly passing out, as a hand grabbed his face and lifted him in the air. 

As the pain following his skull slowly getting crushed registered, his eyes opened wide and he found himself looking at what was perhaps the most prim looking Zhao Warrior he had ever seen.

He quickly corrected himself when his eyes fell on the Crow Tattoo the man had on his left cheek. He was a man of short stature, but who looked intimidating due to his insanely sharp yellow eyes. He also stood out from the Zhao Warriors due to his noble way of standing and.....Moving actually. Everything screamed noble about him, noble and dignified. But his eyes held a certain amount of pity, something that Huang Lei never thought he would see in the eyes of someone working with the Zhao Warriors. 

He had some rare hairstyle, in the sense that while his hair were cut short all around and behind, they were still long on the front, hiding the right part of his face slightly. The only thing normal about the man's hair was the colour, a basic onyx black. He had a black and yellow vest over his shoulder, while what he actually wore was a black and yellow smoking jacket and some elegants black and yellow pants reinforced with some black iron plates. He seemed to truly care about his appearence, which was relatively weird for someone working with the Zhao Warriors.

This man was truly fishy, and Huang Lei knew he was more than met the eyes. 

"Why hello there.....Huang Lei, right ? And before you ask, of course I know your name. Out of all the seven, the crow is perhaps the one who knows the less, but he still knows some stuff ! Hahahaha !" The man let out a warm laugh. It was filled with childlike mirth, which instantly threw Huang Lei off. This man gave off a feeling that Huang Lei immediately knew not to trust. He was entirely too warm and happy for the disciple's taste.

"You might be wondering who I am, right ? Oh I know that, for what you on the other hand don't know, is what this whole crow thing is even supposed to mean ! Why, I am the amazing, the awe-inspiring...." The man stopped right before revealing his name, and he got dangerously close to Huang Lei.

Their faces now merely a few inches away, the man chuckled and whispered his name in Huang Lei's ears.

" The slaver slave, Wang Meilin~"

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