Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 67: Crown Prince's Birthday ( 5 )

Chapter 67: Crown Prince's Birthday ( 5 )

(With Biyu)

She had been waiting for the treasures to be brought to the arena. Some random she paid had been standing outside the arena for an hour, waiting for any signs of the prizes. She could've tried to get them directly in the royal palace, but even she couldn't escape the fiery eyes of the king's guards who were the only good soldiers the kingdom has, and still more than made up for the others. 

As such, when said man sent her signal through a certain type of scroll that was mainly used for such means of communications, she immediately took off.

The treasures had been stocked inside some huge box. Actually, it looked some big black square rock, and it had no means of opening it. That's why Biyu started to panic when she reached it.

She had been dodging the guards by jumping from wall to wall, but once in front of the box, she didn't feel satisfied at all. Then again it made sense. The box was so heavy it couldn't be transported and it had no means of being opened. They didn't need to bring too many guards for that. 

However Biyu had seen her fair share of securities in her time, and she quickly figured out how the lock worked. There was a little rough surface on the otherwise smooth box. That surface was meant to have a member of the royal family put their hand on it.

To sum up, this box was secured with an array that would only open it if royalty touched it. Now this was bad news, but not entirely so. Of course she didn't have any royal member under the hand, but Biyu had something else. 

" Even if I can't get it opened now, it doesn't matter." She whispered as she sticked some red papers on the box. She stuck a dozen of those papers all around the box and then did a weird handsign with her fingers interlocked except two fingers on each hands. 

She then placed her hands on the box and whispered.

" Switch." 

A small light erupted from each of the papers as they went up in flames. Only the patterns drawn on the papers were left on the box as it suddenly disappeared. In it's place stood a sword that Biyu grabbed.

'To think those seals I placed on my sword would prove so useful. Those flies really have some interesting techniques.' She thought as she looked around. No one had spotted her, and now she only needed to get out the same way she got in. 

However it just couldn't go that smoothly, something just had to go wrong. She should've foreseen it, but she didn't. So confident in her abilities she was, that she forgot the most basic thing. If people were guarding a treasure, they were bound to come every once in a while to check on it. 

As two guards approached, Biyu blended in on the darkness and made sure to breath as slowly as she could. And yet, she had to gasp when she realized that the two guards hadn't come alone.

Liu Khatem, the third prince stepped in the room with two guards in tow. While Biyu and the two guards panicked, the prince seemed all too relaxed.

" And once again, seems like I'm a fucking genius. I told them, did they listen ? Of course not, nobody ever listens to Khatem. Oh Khatem you are so smart, oh Khatem you are so good...They keep praising me, but when it comes ot actually following my advices oor listening to my counsels....Nope, not a single soul." He ranted as the two guards looked at each other.

" You knew the prizes would get stolen, my prince ?" One of the guards asked. 

Biyu's blood ran cold as she realized the implications. If the royal family knew, if the nobles knew, if the sects knew...If the flies knew.....This whole new beginning in life wouldn't have lasted long. Then again she never stopped being a spy, thief and serial killer....But she rather liked the prospect of travelling with the little boss and recruiting people. Plus granting people's wishes like that knight order of old might have helped her get rid of the slightest bit of guilt she began to feel over the years.

However the prince's next words confused her. Then it brought a huge smile on her face as she realized just how much the heavens must love her.

" Of course I knew ! I spotted some members of a certain organisation in the crowd. I told my parents, they didn't listen. I told my two brothers, they didn't listen. I guess I can only go to them and gloat about how I was right....This does sound rather awesome to be honest. I'm glad none of my own treasures were in this box. My sister though" The prince left it at that as he left while the guards paled. 

"So...It was true that most of those prizes belonged to the princess....She'll be so pissed !" 

" Man...We better leave before she just erupts like a volcano." 

The poor guards quickly left too as Biyu reappeared in the room, sweat glistening on her forehead. 

" I can't decide whether this is good or horrible." She said as she prepared to leave the room, that was until the door opened once again and Biyu froze like a deer.

"My, my. So that's why he was walking around all proud. So he was right and someone did steal the treasures...Huh ?"


(With Jian )

Jian woke up soon after the fight had ended. Contrarily to Vehr, he had a soul heritage to support him, and as such he ended up in a way better condition. Now that Jian thought about it, he should've used the system analysis and his buddha eyes to see Vehr's informations.

' Yeah, that child was truly interesting. Given how immensely powerful he is for his age, many sects will try to poach him and since he is physique-oriented, they'll have to grow back his arm. He should be good really soon, and in the end he didn't even get angry at you for that. A true warrior at heart that child. But that name though....Seems like we both got it. That's a northern name. Past the area controlled by the Zhao Warriors. I think those snowy countries are called Arenn. You don't find any cultivators there, but they have the most warriors, even more than the Zhao. 

I think they don't have cultivators because they hate the main continent and they consider Qi to be a demonic energy. Quite weird for a child originating from there to find himself fighting in the peizhi kingdom.' Mara said as he pondered over the situation. That child couldn't have any parents, since no one looked even remotely sad or angered when he had his arm severed. Actually he didn't seem to have any family, so that would explain why he had been participating in this tournament. Orphans were easily recruited by the sects after all. 

But a child this good and with no connections. It would make a good recruit for sure.

As Mara thought about all this, Jian relaxed on the bed he had been put on, before he stood up instantly as the door opened with a bang. Jian's eyes widened as he saw nobles, sect members and what looked like an extremely rich young master, enter the room.

"My prince, I keep telling you, the child isn't in a good enough condition ! Except if any of those gentlemen and ladies besides you have medicines to help the child, I'll have to ask you to leave." An extremely old man with way too much energy yelled. 

Jian immediately recognized the crown prince when he saw his face and he couldn't help himself but gulp. This was the biggest fish he had met besides Zhigang. But then again Zhigang was entirely too easy-going, so it didn't leave a strong impression on Jian.

"Well I do have such medicines." A sect elder said before the other sect members behind him went up in a frenzy, yelling at him. The one who healed Vehr would be the one who'll receive the child's gratitude. That was pretty much a guarantee of recruiting the young talent. 

They couldn't let that opportunity go. But even those greedy foxes had to stop themselves when the prince lifted his hand. They quickly went back behind him while keeping their heads low. 

The crown prince walked towards Vehr and tapped the child on the forehead.

"He should wake up in a day....But with the right potions, it would take only an hour. Well I'll leave you to fight like dogs. This child got the interest of only one of the princes and that prince isn't me." He said before looking at Jian who felt goosebumps all over his body.

'Oh shit.' He thought as the prince made his way towards him. He watched as the sect elders argued with each other like children and chuckled, right before the prince reached him.

"Those old guys are rather ridiculous aren't they ? What is there to bicker about ? They should just fight and the winner gets the prize. That's how things work." The prince said as he sat on the same bed Jian was laying on. 

Said child instantly shot up and looked with wide eyes as the prince put his back against the wall, completely relaxing. In that position, it almost looked like the two were old friends , but Jian's expression pretty much ruined it.

"You two were amazing, I have to admit that. I always admired two things ever since I was a child: Strengh and Spirit. Neither of you have the strengh to impress me, but when it comes to spirit.....While I was watching you two, I got that feeling.....That feeling of wanting to get my hands on you two. To capture you like pets. I think most people in this country have heard about my collection of warriors. They are called the king's guard because my father decided to employ them for something other than looking good besides me. I gotta say, it's a good idea. They usually just walked around with me and did nothing all days. But they do belong to me, they are my precious little warriors." The crown prince said. Jian and Mara both cursed as they saw where this was going. 

They both knew refusing the prince could come with bad consequences, but accepting his offer also came with consequences. Of course they could've been wrong, maybe the prince wasn't about to propose what Jian thought he would....But the next words that left his mouth certainly didn't help.

"I think you get what I'm saying. Under me you'll grow stronger than ever, with the best ressources at that. You'll be untouchable. You are supposed to be a figure of the underworld, but I can assure you...You'll be safe with me. I mean, no one tried to unmask you to see who you were, and it's only because I warned them when they took you. They bitched about it until I decided to come visit you, but they can't disobey. I don't care about your secret identity...As long as you join me. So what do you say, Crow ? Will you joi-" 

"MY PRINCE !!!!" 

Everyone looked at the door that had just been sent flying. Then they looked at the man who sent said door flying. A muscular middle-aged man wearing a qipao that seemed all too small for his huge body. The crown prince sighed and got off the bed before allowing the man to rise.

"What is it ? " The prince asked with his calmest tone. However even he couldn't help but blink as he heard what came next.

"The prince...The fourth prince....We found him in a puddle of his own blood !!!!" 

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