Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 68: Crown Prince's Birthday ( End )

Chapter 68: Crown Prince's Birthday ( End )

It was truly amazing just how chaotic the situation became as soon as the incident was made public. The fourth prince had been attacked and would've died if one of his followers didn't find him quickly and healed him. 

Said follower said nothing on this incident and merely took the fourth prince away while the royal family panicked. This sort of incident was sure to impact the tournament, but in the end it all revolved around the crown prince. Said Prince was known for loving fights.

He had been watching people fight ever since he was a child, and so everyone thought he would continue the tournament. However he announced that the tournament would be held later.

It was a surprise to everyone, except those who knew the real reason. How could there be a tournament if the prizes had been stolen. They could've selected other prizes, however the noble families whose heirs were participating had been told about the different sort of prizes their heirs could get.

The royal family couldn't just change the prizes randomly. That and the treasures being stolen was an horrible news on itself. Not just because it made the royal family look weak and would make the citizen panick....No, the real reason was something else entirely.

And Jian got to hear about the reason as the crown prince dragged him around alongside Vehr and the other promising talents of the previous battle. They all arrived at the main balcony that overlooked the arena. The entire royal family was there and Jian got his first look at them. 

He tried to use his buddha eyes and the system, but could only analyze the guards around them. The royal family seemed too powerful to be scanned.

[ That is not the case, User. It seems that they can block it....How interesting. I cannot analyze those who hides their energy. And your buddha eyes seems to be the same. Now If I could evolve....]

'I will allow you to evolve, System. Go on.' Jian said. He knew that if the system was a person, he would be smiling like a madman. And even though Jian knew that it could be a bad idea, he also wanted to see what the system would be like after evolving. He was aware about the quests, but he didn't know what the other additions would be. Of course he remembered that the lottery rolls would be more difficult to get after the evolution, but Jian didn't plan to depend on the lottery. He couldn't depend on his weird luck to grow up. He needed to grow up on his own and Mara assured him that the kishin powers would get him at least in the law realm at some point. That was a good starting point. 

The law realm was considered like the first elite realm. Entering this realm was like becoming someone on this continent. You were a nothing below this realm, after reaching it..Your life would start to have a semblance of importance. Nothing much, but you would be different from the legions of weakling whose names would never be remembered.

And contrarily to the first realms, the law realm actually came with some advantages. The first two realms that Jian had reached merely made him more powerful and stabilized his core, allowing him to passively absorb Qi. However they didn't bring anything else. 

The law realm came with the comprehension of the laws that ruled the universe. It allowed the user to manipulate the threads of Qi that couldn't normally be seen, felt or touched by any humans. Not only that, it could also allow some rare users to use abilities linked to the four laws of the law realm. Now Jian didn't even remember what those laws were supposed to be, but he knew those special abilities were amazing and he wanted to get them. Then again, of course, he could get all he needed from the system...But the more the system evolved, and Jian at the same time, the more difficult it will be to get lottery rolls. Had he been luckier, Jian would've abused the lottery as much as possible, but the last months showed just how unlucky he was. He only got medium or mediocre cultivation materials, some enhancing pills and of course, his rare potion. He had already used it while the crown prince was dragging him around.

And as the nobles kept yapping all around him, Jian marvelled at the effects of that potion. It had been a law realm grade potion, or as the system said, a Tier 3 potion. Jian had no idea what those tiers were supposed to be, but they kept popping up every once in a while. The system also seemed to be unaware of what they were, and kept repeating that he knew nothing about it.

However Jian couldn't ponder about this too much, for something unexpected happened. A ringing sound started to bug him. He then realized he couldn't hear anything. The nobles were still yelling, arguing with the royal family while the crowd left the arena, but Jian couldn't hear their voices. And then the smell of parfumes coming from the crown prince who was standing besides Jian, disappeared. 

' The hell is happening ?! Mara, system ?!' Jian thought as he panicked and trembled. And just when he tried to move....

'No no no no !' 

He found he couldn't too. He couldn't smell, hear or even move. Even his eyes couldn't move and he was forced to stare right in front of him, that was until his vision shut down too.

He couldn't communicate with the system or mara anymore and all his senses were failing him. He fell to the ground just as his sense of touch also disappeared, and so he felt nothing as he crashed on the cold hard bricks.

"Crow ?" The crown prince started to shake Jian around after the boy fell on him. At that moment, no one paid any attentions to the two, except Vehr who had just started to wake up after Jian shared a bit of his potion with him. His blurry eyes could only make out the outlines of the crown prince and Jian, but he could hear everything and since he was right behind them, he picked up what the prince was saying.

"Now that's awful. Little Crow seems to be in a very bad state....An after-effect of that potion perhaps ?" 

"*Cough* I wouldn't say so, your highness." An old man said.

The prince's head snapped around as he stared in shock at the old man who appeared behind him without anyone noticing. Even the prince picked up his presence at the last moment. 

"And who might you be ? I don't remember any old man looking like you. I would've remembered an old man with so much scars on his face..Although....I do recognize that dark purple military outfit from somewhere...The secret services ?" The prince asked, getting a nod in response. He put Jian on the ground and allowed the old man to examine him. 

"Hmm....I cannot pinpoint the exact origin of the problem. However it does appear to be coming from his brain, I just can't see the exact part. He simply...Shut down. It looks like that thing the Hydrodracoons do." The old man said, confusing the hell out of the crown prince. The old man saw the expression on the prince's face and quickly apologized.

" Sorry about that, I have a tendency to ramble around. I was just saying that I already saw this type of behaviour with spiritual beasts that are found all around the Buddha Free States. If this is the same behaviour, the child is merely rebooting itself. He is purging something from his body and then he will wake up afterwards.....That or he just entered a coma state for no reasons, but that seems unlikely." The old man said as he got up.

Both him and the prince were surprised when another person came out of nowhere and grabbed Jian, putting him on her shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Seeing the woman, they both instantly kneeled as she walked away, completely ignoring them.

"Hmm...Can I ask, what are you going to do with him ?" The prince asked as he sweatdropped. She had quite literally just snatched Jian away, but he couldn't say anything to her. He merely asked to make sure that new interest of his wasn't going to get into troubles. He put an arm around Vehr to make sure the child wasn't going to get away too. 

Said child was entirely too surprised by the appearence of the woman to even register how the crown prince just started to hug him close to his body. 

The woman didn't say anything, and just stood there as the sect elders noticed her. They quickly ran to her, waiting for her orders, since her husband looked way too bored with the situation and wouldn't say anything no matter how much they whined about it. This was a grave matter, and yet no one in the royal family seemed even remotely panicked. And everyone knew why...That was because the royal family had predicted it, well one of the princes had predicted it. And so since it had been predicted, they obviously knew who the culprits were.

The sect elders just prayed that the culprits weren't sect members as that would worsen the image of the sects in the people's minds.

"Send everyone you have, you are searching for masked and cloaked individuals with little pins on their outfits. The symbol on that pin ressembles the paw of a dragon, with three clawed toes. Arrests them, but do not try to kill them, or they will get crazy and the fight will get impossible. Do not use any elements on them and don't fight with bladed weapons. Basically, make sure you can't possible kill any of them, oh and.....If any of them has that pin with a colour on it, or has a second pin with an animal drawn on it...Just report them and don't engage." She ordered the guards who immediately set to work. The sect elders knew the distaste the royal family held for the sects, so the woman wasn't going to order them around as if they were working together...However they also sent the same order to their disciples.

This was an important matter and even they wanted to know who exactly had stolen such important treasures....That and they wanted to see if they could snatch a treasure or two. No one could say anything about it if the sects ended up bringing the majority of the treasures back.

"We will help too, your majesty." The sect elders said in unity as they too set to work. Only the nobles and the royal family were left, but the nobles were quickly dismissed. 

And when only the royal family was left, everyone looked at the queen with unimpressed stares.

"What are you doing, wife ?" The King asked. No one said anything, but it was evident due to the way everyone's eyes widened, they were shocked to hear him speak. The King was a cold man. He talked very rarely and nothing seemed of any interest to him...But this time, his eyes held a fire no one had every seen. 

"I'll be meeting with someone that caught my eyes and this child has something to do with said person. I'll leave everything to you. This seems like many foreign forces have decided to toy around in our country. " The Queen said before leaving with Jian still on her shoulders. 

The Crown prince looked at his sibling and let out a loud laugh. They quickly joined as the king sighed. They all looked at him with sparkling eyes, and his sigh became even heavier.

"Yes, children. We can start operation ' Thunderclap'. The Void has given us the opportunity. Trap it's members in our country...We shall use them as our pawns.....The time of reckoning has come for those puny sects." He said as his children began to tremble. This was all too troublesome for him....What psychopaths his children all were, it was beyond him.

The first ones to speak were the third prince and the crown prince. The others were too busy trembling with excitement.

"YEAH !!!!!"

"Charge my siblings !"

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