Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 78: The Legendary Serial Killer ( 1 )

Chapter 78: The Legendary Serial Killer ( 1 )

Between searching for Zhao Shu or going after Biyu, the bodyguard decided it would be a better idea to simply go after his first target. He simply had to climb on a building and located Zhao Shu easily.

The Zhao Warrior was trying to push his way towards the east part of the city, however the guards had been containing the citizens, making sure they couldn't get past them. The situation was easy to understand, they couldn't allow the chaos to spread to other parts of the city and they could protect the citizens by simply containing them at one point.

It looked at least a few hundred guards had been deployed and that was enough to tell everyone just how bad the situation was. Even when the whole chaos had started, the king hadn't sent nearly as many soldiers. 

It made the bodyguard wonder who this Su family was. During his stay here he had gotten informations about Zhao Shu, but everything was pretty much non-important to him. Maybe he should've tried to get accustomed to the sects and noble families of the kingdom, even just a bit.

That could've gotten an explanation for what was going on, because he sure as hell couldn't get his head around the fact that a sect would attack a noble family while the whole capital was plunged into chaos by a third party.

Either this was a planned attack that took advantage of the chaos, or it was a case of internal fighting like he had seen so many times within the tribes.

But his goal was to get Zhao Shu, not worry about the state of the capital. He simply jumped in the crowd and made a dash for Zhao Shu. Sweeping the boy off his feet, he lifted him over his shoulders and dashed back to his building.

"Let me go !" Shu yelled, before getting dropped right on his head.

"Where the hell were you going ? I'm pretty sure your house ain't that way." The bodyguard asked.

Zhao Shu glared at him and spat on the ground.

" I was going to buy some materials at the black market you dumbass. I ordered some golden roses a few days ago and was simply going to pick them up." He explained as the bodyguard chuckled.

"Look at ya, after all those years you finally take cultivation seriously. Hey, I might even give you a few pointers !" The bodyguard said, But contrarily to what he thought, Zhao Shu didn't scowl at him. Instead he nodded and looked at him intently.

"Huh ? For real ?!" The bodyguard exclaimed. He was so shocked he blinked a few times before shaking his head.

"Arghh, later, okay ? We got other things to do. Some family named Su is getting attacked by a sect...Sea Sword Sect I think I heard. Rings any bells ?" 

Zhao Shu sweatdropped and was about to ask the bodyguard why he was even here, but an explosion in the distance cut him off. This was...Slightly more chaotic than what he thought.

"The Su family is just another-"

Any further words that could've escaped Zhao Shu's mouth died in his throat when a gigantic explosion was heard and blinded both him and the bodyguard.

"THE HELL WAS THAT ?!" The bodyguard yelled. He looked behind him at the crowd and saw that the citizens were all running away while the guards that were supposed to keep them here were all rushing towards the explosion.


Hearing this, the boydguard looked at Shu and gasped when he saw the boy had something sticking in his shoulder. It appeared to made out of wood, but he couldn't tell what it was. The explosion had nearly swept them away from the roof, so this piece of wood had most likely been sent flying away by it and stabbed Shu.

"Y-You good ?" The bodyguard asked, worried for the boy who simply winced as he touched the piece of wood.

"Yeah, I should be. I just need to....Just need to medidate a bit." He said, sitting down in a lotus position before closing his eyes.

"Wait....You got some sort of healing technique ?" 

All he got in answer was a nod from the boy who started to slowly breath as his aura became visible. 

"I'm gonna need you to take off that piece wood at my signal." Zhao Shu said. The bodyguard nodded and put his hand on the piece of wood, ready to take it off in an instant.

Whilst this was going on, one could only imagine just how chaotic it could be at the place where the explosion had occured.


( With Biyu )

She had dashed away instantly when she heard the name of her family thrown around. Of course, her link to them was still impossible to make out for sure, but she knew...She just knew it was indeed her long lost family. To think the flies would turn a member of that family into a serial killer and have her act in the same city....It was ballsy she had to admit. 

She could've discovered the truth at any time, and yet they simply knew she would have no chances of discovering it on her own. But now that things had changed, she could see why it was a problem to have a family.

She had been thrown right in the middle of an extremely dangerous battle because of that exact same family. And to protect them, she might have to sacrifice more than time and energy. 

The explosions had completely annihilated the mansion of the family, however they had already been hiding underground. All noble families had secret tunnels under their territories, it was simply a must-have. However it was a fact well known to everyone and their current enemies had been destroying everything around them to locate said tunnels.

When Biyu heard that the sea sword sect was attacking her family, she simply couldn't believe it. She had kept tabs on her family, and she was well aware that Su Ai, the current matriarch, was close to a member of the Sea Sword Sect, an inner disciple whom she was infatuated with. So it was simply impossible for said sect to attack them.

And when she arrived on the battlefield, Biyu immediately saw the problem.

The Sea Sword Sect had been fighting against members of the Su family, that much appeared to be correct. But said members were actually the current threat that was throwing explosions left and right, trying to exterminate the Su family. 

It seemed like the startegy of that batshit crazy royal family was working. Keep the members of that organisation in the capital and have them exterminate all the enemies of the royal family. There would side casualties, like the Su family, but it wasn't like the queen or the king cared.

They would look like insanely weak leaders and the people would lose their faith in them, Biyu was sure of that. But then again, in the end, they would stand alone with no potential rivals. They would reign indisputed. 

But she couldn't let that happen. Biyu knew Uma wanted the group to be on the royal family's side and it was understandable. The royal family had mountains upon moutains of cultivation materials that they barely used. They had a gigantic army that was only used to keep their allies safe, allies that never had any problems at that. So effectively, all the ressources of the Peizhi Kingdom were safe and had no uses. The sects and noble families were just stains to the royal family, stains that should be wiped away if they refused to join them. She had been given a list by Uma, a list of sects and noble families that the royal family would tolerate because they had given in. The Sea Sword Sect was on that list, which might explain why the royal guards could be seen coming in to help. 

The Su family wasn't. It would have been if the matriarch had decided to marry that inner disciple....But you couldn't really marry anyone once you were dead.

But Biyu knew what she had to do. She was sure of it, after she left this kingdom with her new group....There would two things she would remember, their order striking an alliance with the royal family, and her family joining them. 

That was her goal. To save her family and then force them inside Jian's order. The royal family didn't care about them and they were on the verge of getting exterminated, so they had little to no choices.

However she had to enter those tunnels to give them that ultimatum.

Those enemies were strong, insanely so. Most of them looked like they were on the laws realm and the one throwing explosions around was perhaps even stronger than that. 

But they didn't matter. No one could stop her, once her urges became too strong. In the last few months she had killed much less than usual.

Her urges had been eating her brain for days, and now...Now, the onlookers were about to get a huge surprise in the form of that infamous serial killer. 

Back in the days she used to paint trails on her face with blood. She would then put on the half-mask given to her by the flies and go on to her murder sprees.

That's exactly what she had done at that very moment. Once she was done, she simply walked towards the crater where the Sea Sword Sect's disciples were getting slaughtered. 

More and more people started to see her, and after she reached the crater, one of the royal guards that had come to help pointed at her.

"....Guys. Am I dreaming or....Isn't that who I think it is ?!" He asked, his hand trembling as he took a step back.

"Huh ?" 

His colleagues turned around and all froze when they saw her. The disciples, seeing their allies freeze in fear, turned around too and some of them nearly fainted.

In the end, everyone was either gasping or was too busy not fainting in terror to make a single noise. The enemies were the last to spot her. They had been too focused on searching for the tunnels, but the one who was making all those explosions saw her and yelled.

"Oy, guys ! Who the hell is that woman ?" He asked as his colleagues turned around in confusion.

She stopped between the guards and the disciples and grabbed her two daggers. 

A deafening silence took over the scenery. No one knew what to say, but the enemies were sure of one thing....If everyone be it the citizens, the guards and the disciples were terrified...This woman wasn't on their side at all. 

And yet, they knew she wasn't a member of their organisation either...So who was that woman ?!

But it simply didn't matter. Their leader, the man who had caused all those explosions, stepped towards her. 

Seeing him, Biyu also moved forward and time seemed to have stopped for all the onlookers.

To the guards and the disciples, this was obviously a nightmare....One that they never wanted to experience and one that would leave them scarred. 

That man, the apparent leaders of the mysterious group, was stronger than anything they had seen. If they had to take a guess, he was at least as strong as the patriarch of the Sea Sword Sect .....And that was a level they simply couldn't fight against.

But that woman. To think they would encounter her on the battlefield. None of them could even begin to comprehend what was happening. However they all had the same thoughts.

'What is she doing here ?! Is she with us or against us ?! Is she here to kill everyone ?!'

And those thoughts all stopped when the two came face to face. The man was much taller so he had to look down to meet her gaze. This was such a terrifying moment to remember. The clashing gazes of the two monsters.

Unfortunately the nightmare was only starting and no one was prepared for what was to come. They all knew seeing the legendary serial killer out in the open was bad news...But they also knew what was even worse news..

The legendary serial killer salivating. She may have had a seductive body and the only part of her face they could see, which was from her chin to her nose, clearly indicated that she was in no way ugly. She didn't look like a monster, until saliva left her mouth and she tilted her head.

"What the hell are you, woman ?" The leader asked, his face merely inches away from hers. She moved her face even closer and they were now nearly touching each others. Her answer however was the only thing that interested the leader and he wasn't disappointed.

"I.....I am starving."

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