Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 79: The Legendary Serial Killer ( 2 )

Chapter 79: The Legendary Serial Killer ( 2 )

A man eating serial killer against an unknown agent from a mysterious organisation who could cause explosions by simply snapping his fingers. This could prove to be a legendary fight. 

However the odds weren't exactly in biyu's favour. She was fast, she was deadly, but he could simply wipe her away with explosions. After creating a massive crater, he still didn't look exhausted in the slightest and Biyu surely didn't know how power worked.

And yet she was confident. Because she was so used to observe her preys for entire hours to discover their every little secrets. By simply observing the agent when she arrived, she noticed something about his power. The explosion affected him too. Some people who could use fire were completely immune to it, but not everyone that could use fire was. And so this man could cause explosions that would kill him if they were sent too close to his body. 

'The strategy to go for is quite simple. He can't use his explosions if I'm too close to him, as such I simply need to stay sticked to him no matter what. If I'm too far away i'll be dead in an instant. The only problem is that he is so close to me now.....Why.....He should know his weakness so why....' She thought and got her answer as soon as the man opened his mouth to speak in her ear.

"You think you can get me by simply sticking to me ? It wouldn't be the first time someone tried this on me. However I'm no cultivator. Cultivators tend to focus solely on a single ability as long as it's their strong point. One of my junior is a cultivator and spends all of his day meditating to go further up in the realms and unlock new abilities. It's quite crazy now that I think about it. He is one of the only cultivators I know who actually tries to be diverse in his abilities. Others are content to stick to one thing and do that their whole life....It ain't my case. I'm even worse than that....I diversify everything. " He said as Biyu heard small noises....Like small explosions. 

Looking down, her eyes widened as she watched him create mini explosions in the palm of his hand. He had complete control over that power and could even change the way he applied it. That was something....Unexpected. Even the cultivators who learned how to control elements rarely ever tried to diversify themselves, create new techniques yes, but most would never try to make their powers as situation-proof as his. No matter what she decided to do...She had a feeling he had a way to counter anything. 

However...Even she had some tricks up her sleeves. As everyone watched the two glaring at each other, they waited for the first hit to go off. Whoever attacked first could have an advantage but would be damned if their attack missed. 

The man, doing honor to his power, attacked first and showed to Biyu that he wasn't the most patient man. This could be good for her. He would be too impatient to learn her patterns or try to anticipate, he would just go head first and hope for his attacks to annihilate her. What she hadn't been prepared for however, was the man suddenly using his explosions to propulse his arm and send a destructive hook to her face.

She barely even dodged it and she quickly found herself with a bloody, broken, nose. 

"Damnit..." She said, snorting some blood out of her nose as she continued to glare at him. Just like she had thought, he continued attacking her, thinking his speed was enough to completely overwhelm her. Yet she was able to dodge his attacks, and she even got better at it each attacks he sent her way.

Problem was, he wasn't showing any signs or tiring and she knew she couldn't keep dodging to try and get him exhausted. He obviously had high stamina, and she didn't. Assassins had speed, stealth, planification, patience but stamina...Not really. 

In that very moment, she was quite grateful for what had happened a few months prior to this fight. Most people forgot about it, and even the royal family was too busy with the Void situation to care...But she had still stole the prizes that were supposed to be offered for the tournament. In the end the tournament had still resumed and other prizes were offered, but Sun Sheng hadn't managed to get far anyway, so it had been unimportant. 

Talking about Sun Sheng, the heir was still indebted to the crow and seeing the progresses he had made in that short amount of time under Biyu, he had come back for more. They couldn't take him with them, but at least they had an ally in the Peizhi Kingdom...It could come in handy in the future.

Anyway what was important was the prizes she had stolen. Of course as one could have predicted, the prizes were mostly cultivation materials that she couldn't quite use since she wasn't very much of a cultivator herself. Even Zhao Shu hadn't used them, but it was mostly due to the fact that he refused to take anything anyone offered him. The pride in that kid was nothing to scoff at. Fortunately for Biyu, the prizes still contained some interesting objects. Like for instance, the small pills she had in her hand.

"My, my. You think whatever you are hiding behind your back is going to save you ? Would you mind revealing it to me ? " The man asked, giving her what could've easily been the scariest smile she had ever seen.

But she wasn't against revealing what she had in her hand. She put back the pills in her pocket, except one that she showed him before popping it into her mouth. He tilted his head, not having recognized the pill she had just swallowed. Had the disciples been closer to the fight, they would have instantly recognized the pills. They were quite famous all around the continent and were part of collection of pills. The four sacred animals' pills. That collection was made by a certain sect in the north of the continent and had gained massive amount of fame due to the insane effects of the pills. Sadly they were too expensive and the after-effects were, like with most pills of that level, really hard to handle.

But as long as she could kill that man and save her family, Biyu didn't give a damn to whatever would happen to her. 

As the effects kicked in, Biyu released a savage smile and opened her two hands to show to the man who appeared confused.

"Ten minutes....During the next ten minutes, My physical attributes will be enhanced to my current limit." She said. She forgot to mention that consuming this pill had pushed to the very limit of her current level and she could breakthrough at any time, an insane advantage to have and one she wasn't about to reveal. 

"What did she say ? Physical attributes boosted during ten minutes.....Did she just swallow what I think she swallowed ?!" A disciple of the Sea Sword Sect with keen hearing exclaimed. 

" What did you say ?! Do you think....Oh freaking hell ! Of course, it has to be those pills...She is the one who stole the prizes of the tournament !!!" A disciples screamed, pointing at Biyu as her head snapped to look at him. 

He immediately fainted after he saw that face marred with so much blood and that crazy smile. But the others had heard him and they knew just what she had swallowed.

The black turtle's pills. Able to boost all physical attributes for up to ten minutes....But also known to cause atrocious pain afterwards. They could even burn the nervous system of a cultivator. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with potions or meditation...But the pain wasn't something anyone was ever willing to go through...They were known as the less popular pills in that sacred animals collection. 

"Hahahah ! Interesting woman ! I think I need to give cultivators some credits...Their arts and crafts are impressive. But will it allow you to beat me ? I highly doubt i-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the man had his stomach perforated by Biyu's dagger. 

He looked down to see her smiling at him and he responded with the same smile. This sent chills down the spine of everyone watching, they knew this was a duel between two psychotic monsters. However the subordinates of that man all began to watch with renewed interest. This was going to be a bloody battle, they just knew it. 

After she stabbed his stomach, Biyu tried to stick her other dagger in his shoulder, but the man placed his hand on her arm and blew it away.

She winced as she felt the pain but still rushed him again. She couldn't give him room to breath.

"Don't be too hasty woman, you won't get me that easily !" He yelled putting both of his hands against the other, triggering a massive explosion. One that Biyu easily dodged by jumping over it. 

Those explosions were like rays of energy, something she had faced before. Powerful yes, but it moved in a straight line and could be avoided by going on the sides, crouching or jumping over it.

"FOOL !" He yelled as Biyu cursed in her mind. He had expected her to dodge by jumping and she was now faced with his second that had moved away in a split second after he unleashed the first attack.

'Damnit !' 

Whilst in the air, she couldn't quite dodge, so she simply used her hands to protect herself, expecting an explosive blast to hit her. However instead of that, she found herself pierced by five projectiles that tore apart her flesh and left five holes in her body.

'ARGH ! The hell was that ?!' 

As she landed, she had no time to try to understand what had hit her as the man was already upon. He hadn't wasted time explaining his ability to her to make her feel despair as some other enemie she had faced in the past had done. No, this man was hell bent on killing her as soon as possible. 

He made a swiping motion with his hand, as though he was slapping someone and the explosion blast that came out sent her flying at the other side of the crater, right behind the knights who ducked when they saw her.

"Did you see that ?! She was like a freaking arrow !" The knight that had nearly been hit by her flying body exclaimed.

The subordinates were about to rejoice, until they saw their leader wincing and dropping on his knees.

"Ah...That bitch." He said looking at his leg. 

In the short moment where he released that explosive blast, she had sent one of her dagger to his leg.

He quickly removed it and took out a small bottle.

"Hmpf, ya ain't the only one with medicine, woman !" He yelled so she could hear him before uncorked the bottle and poured the content on his wound.

That left Biyu enough time to get up and launch herself towards him. She flew by like a straight arrow once more, propulsed by her boosted muscles, and reached him before he could protect himself.

Instead of hitting him, she did something everyone should've expected of her.

"ARGHHH ! Let go you damn bitch !" The leader yelled falling on his back and repeatedly hitting his back against the ground to get her off. She was strapped to his body, her head bobbing left and right as she ripped apart his flesh.

His eyes widened once she lifted her head and he saw her bloodied mouth with bits of flesh between her teeth.

She released a guttural growl before jumping away. He watched her chew his flesh in disbelief before touching his shoulder. He could feel the burning pain, he could feel the blood on his hand, he could see her chewing on his flesh, standing on all four like a beast...Yet he couldn't quite comprehend.

"...Woman...I heard about you. They said you were a man eater, but I couldn't quite believe it. Now, I don't want to kill you anymore...I want to do something much more cruel." He said, looking at her with something new in his eyes. She lifted her head once she swallowed the flesh in her mouth and gave him a toothy grin, showcasing her reddened teeth as blood flowed out of her mouth.

"Alright, you wanna play like that ? Let's play." He said, ripping off his top. His body now out in the open for everyone to see, they all noticed the strange markings on his body, and the disciples collectively gasped.

"Isn't that..."

"The marks of.....He is a demonic cultivator !"

"But didn't he say he wasn't a cultivator ?!"

The subordinates laughed mockingly and started to wheeze. 

"Hahahaha, time for the boss to go on another rampage !" One of them exclaimed. Both the knights and the disciples wondered what they were talking about, but as long as the subordinates didn't attack, they could whatever the hell they wanted.

Biyu and the leader glared at each other once more before lunging forward.

"Time to die beast !"


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