Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 86: The Six Secret Beasts

Chapter 86: The Six Secret Beasts

"Could you please continue strangling Fang or something like that ?" Jian asked as Silverfish stared at him. 

Of course after his outburst, the others couldn't just ignore him anymore. Fang and the girl looked like they would rather just leave than ask Jian what that was, but Silverfish was the curious one. 

" I mean I could, but I won't do that...Unless you do explain why you just screamed like a dumbass. I first thought you were thinking about the expedition, but I don't see why you would scream after thinking about that..So what is it ?" Silverfish asked, staring right into Jian's eyes.

"Well...It's a secret. The contract does not stipulate that I must explain absolutely everything to you, right ? I mean, if you want me to reveal all of my secrets...You'll have to reveal yours, is that something you can afford to do ?" Jian asked, returning the whole situation on Silverfish who smirked.

"Smart....But It won't last. I can hide things better than you do, and at some point you'll have some explaining to do. Not just to me, but to all those who'll be working under you. And at that point, you won't be able to avoid it anymore. I'll just wait for that occasion and listen from afar." Silverfish said before moving away.

"Now....You absolute moronic dumbass ! I'll repeat my plan once more, you won't interrupt me and at the end you'll say how amazing my plan is. If you complain once more, I'll have to dirty a blade. And you know I don't like to do that." Silverfish said to Fang. The tall man looked like he wanted to say to something, but whatever he had been dying to say was, it died in his throat and he simply nodded. 

Jian was once more snatched away from the current situation by the system who had one more thing to give Jian.

[ User you have received a new Quest : The Grand Army of Nothing ]

[ Description: Get at least a thousand subordinates before the Sect War ends. ]

[ Rank: Tier 3 ]

[ Reward: System Evolution, Huge Boost in Relationship with a random Faction, Divine Candy ]

' Divine Candy ? The hell is that even supposed to be ? A candy that tastes super good ? I mean I like candies, but still...Looks kinda bad compared to the other rewards.' Jian thought. Of course he knew it hid something if it was amongst those other rewards, but given how bad the system was, Jian wouldn't put it past it to attempt such a poor joke.

[ Firstly, you better start respecting me before I decide to stop talking to you for entire months. Secondly, the Divine Candy is a special type of soul pellet that can force Spiritual Beasts to evolve. It is not something that exists in this world and as such, I have no idea what it's actual effects will be. You can only discover them by testing it. ]

'Sounds kinda random to be honest. Well I might as well test it on the diamond fang wolf. I don't have much uses for it, and I can't test it on an awesome spiritual beast...If I even get one until then. The risks are too high....You know, I just can't get myself to trust you fully. Sounds like you don't have the slighest idea of what you're supposed to do....'

[ I don't. Quite clearly I don't know anything. I go with the flow, just as you want to do but can't since you feel like you should take things more seriously. I mean, I did get some of my memories back, but they just gave me more questions than answers. ]

' Feel like sharing what you've learned ?' Mara asked. He was insanely curious about this system. Jian noticed that the term system wasn't foreign to Mara, but he also noticed that Mara had no idea where the system actually came from. Basically they were both confused about it.

And if some sort of evil god or whatever Mara was, didn't know about the system, well a random orphan surely wasn't about to stumble upon the answer just like that. The system itself had to explain.

[ Well, I can only share the parts that you can understand. It seems like I was created, just like I thought, to oversee your progress. I cannot push you in any direction and no matter the path you take, I can only accept it. My creator doesn't care whether you become good or evil. He only cares about the changes you'll bring to this world. You don't seem to be at the middle of any great changes, but you are definitely linked to said changes. I can only guess it's about the worm treaty or whatever you discussed about with that emperor. ]

'...Interesting I guess. Doesn't really answer any questions like you said. Well, as long as you are confused like me, I can't really complain to anyone. But I gotta say...You're damn useless Mara !' 

' Huh ?! The hell you're on about kiddo ?!' Mara asked, suddenly feeling as if Jian and the system were judging him. The system wasn't a being, or at least it didn't appear to be one, but Mara could still feel like it was looking at him with a disgusted face.

'Well...You're supposed to be some sort of super strong unholy...Thingy. And yet you know nothing and you just lay around all day, making useless comments and annoying me. You said you were gonna help me, remember ?' Jian said.

'Well....You're already on the right path. You can train in your kishin abilities, you can cultivate, the materials won't be that hard to get for your current level, no really...You don't really need me for now. And I'll better keep my strengh for whenever you truly need me. I can still do a lot of things whilst inside of you. However half of them would have me spotted by entities you don't want on your back, and the other half would drain my energy. And in case I forgot to explain to you, I don't have a lot of energy left and from inside your body, I can't absorb anything. Even if you were to touch things that contained energies I can absorb, I won't be able to do shit. Last time with the red sky sword was insanely risky and I won't bother explaining why. Just know that if it didn't work, dying would have been the least of your problems.' Mara explained, getting Jian to gulp. Those entities Mara mentioned sounded like gods, and Jian wasn't really a fan of attracting unwanted attention....The attention of the Gods themselves was unwanted for way too many reasons.

Although he wondered....What were they like, the gods ?


(Unknown Location, somewhere in the Li Zhang Kingdom)

Five figures sat on the ground with their legs crossed. They weren't in a room, or any places that had been built. It looked like they were inside a gigantic tree. 

They were all sleeping, none of them making any kind of noises, until another figure stepped inside. All at once, the figures froze and five pair of eyes lit up in the darkness. The new figure chuckled before sitting at the middle of the 'room'. Since the figure hadn't closed the hole it had used to enter the room, one of the sleeping figures got up and did it, before glaring at the new figure.

"Not only you came here too early, you also act as if you own the place. That is what I consider bad behaviour, Crow." The figure who had closed the hole said. 

Wang Meilin, The Crow, removed his jacket and sat down too. He relaxed before flashing a lazy smile to the figure who had just spoken to him.

" Stop acting like a goddamn guard, Spider. I came early because I have important news and...Well I technically do own this particular spot. I mean I'm the one who discovered it and said it would be a great sleeping spot. By the way, was I right ?" Meiling asked excitedly. Since the others were used to seeing him acting like a child, they all simply sighed.

"Yeah. Great place to sleep. Love it." A bulky man said. 

"I can't say I really like the fact that we are copying the leaders of the Void. " A petite woman said with no small amount of disdain. She avoided looking at the others, since she knew they were glaring at her as soon as she said that. And she was right.

"Well forgive us Miss 'I'm so much better than everyone'. We admire them. We aspire to be them. We are but small children and they are like our parents." Spider said. 

" Let's not delve into a ten hours long conversation about the incredibly incredible leaders of the Void whom we regard as our parents, like last time. It was especially tiring for me. Give us your report, Crow." A child with deeply unsettling eyes devoid of any emotions said. 

"Crow, Spider...We are even copying the Void for the code names..." The petite woman whispere before getting elbowed by the child. 

"Alright ! I got the son of raja in our pocket and he will work with us. As expected, he doesn't really like the zhao warriors and the revelation about the dragon really shocked him. However like a true son of raja, his greed spoke up and he couldn't resist my offer. Unfortunately, this is not the main topic of my report. This report more focused on another matter. The Peizhi Kingdom is currently the theater of many conflicts and important events. Our little man-eating serial killer was recruited by the void, I know I know she's so lucky, but there is also an Asura coming out of nowhere who is marching towards the kingdom's capital. What's more, agents of the void are wrecking havoc in the capital AND the royal family is using them to wipe out their enemies. Feels like someone is pulling the strings behind all those events." Meiling said. As soon as he ended his report one of the figures, a young man who looked like he hadn't slept in an entire year, lifted his hand.

"Uh .....Yeah, what's wrong ?" Meiling asked. He had to resist the urge to face palm at the fact that one of his colleague had just lifted his hand to speak, like he was some sort of student or something. He always wondered why he had to work with a bunch of weirdos, but the answer was simply that..He was a weirdo too.

" I wanted to ask something....Are we really going to ignore the latest issue that was reported ? Because I don't think anyone spoke about it, except if maybe I missed a reunion or something." The man asked as the figure froze. Meilin who saw their reaction smiled wickedly and took advantage of the situation.

"Well, that's a great question. Now, guys, should we talk about the girl we sold all those years ago ? You know...The girl who now threatens the very freaking existence of the Void, Chimi !"

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