Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 87: Seed of Doubt ( 1 )

Chapter 87: Seed of Doubt ( 1 )

It always hurt to be reminded of something you so dearly buried deep in your past. Lost loved ones, happy moments who turned bitter over time.....It was hard, at least for most people. Su biyu was a serial killer, a monster who barely even hid her true nature. No amount of crying could ever wipe away her actions, but anyone who saw the way she behaved when the trapdoor opened would've wanted to hug her.

She had never looked so weak in her entire life. She was there, kneeling in front of this man who chuckled while she bawled her eyes out.

"No need to cry, little dog." The man said as he patted her head like she was some sort of pet. The members of the Su Clan hurriedly left the underground tunnel, but they all appeared quite confused by this new situation.

"Hmm...Who the hell is that ?" Su Ai asked. She was the current matriarch of the Su Clan. She was by no means the strongest member of the clan, in fact she wasn't even in the middle of the ranking, but she was clearly the one with the most leadership skills and charisma. She carried herself with so much presence. It was impossible to miss her.

She was nothing special really in terms of appearence, she was simply a tall blonde woman with brown eyes. She wore the most basic yellow silk dress you could find on a noble's lady, but there were some things about her...Things that made her stand out. Be it her vicious eyes, the wicked smile always plastered on her face or the way she walked around like she owned the entire world...She was the very prime example of a young mistress. A vicious and cunning woman as opposed to the arrogant and easily offended man a young master was supposed to represent. 

This was the Su Ai that Biyu had met when she decided to check Jian's informations on her own. Looking at her now, she could definitely see there was some form of ressemblance. Biyu had the same eyes as her. Of course Biyu was still different, but the ressemblance was here, and Biyu was quite honestly too desperate to try and see if this whole theory was fake. She wanted..No...She needed those people to be her family.

"This person right here...Is someone I never thought I would see while being with you guys. How truly laughable. And it doesn't even look like it's a mistake too. She was looking for us...Or rather, for you." The man explained. The wimpy little brother of Su Ai suddenly gasped as he hid behind the man who just spoke.

"That's...That's the man-eating serial killer of the capital ! I'm sure of it !" He exclaimed. Su Ai's brows rose as she took a look at the pitiful form of the broken Su Biyu, before she slapped her brother.

"Just shut up and walk. That's already enough humiliation for me. I don't want you to embarass me further. You did exactly the same last time at the dinner with the Qin Family. Seriously...You can't just be frightened by anyone who looks even slightly dangerous. " She said. Her brother put his head down before nodding and walking away, leading the other members away. 

They stopped before entering the wide streets and looked at the man for his approval. He looked at the sky, took a whiff of the air that smelled of burnt wood and blood, before doing an ok sign with his hand.

"So...Who is she exactly ? Because you sure as hell didn't answer my question." Su Ai asked as she knelt down besides Su Biyu. She didn't know who this random woman was, but she looked completely destroyed. She was crying while clamping her arms around the man who was supposed to protect the Su Clan at the moment.

"This is...My precious pupil." 


( With Jian and Silverfish )

It was finally done. The preparations were complete. The plan had been explained to the savage band, and while many of them didn't understand it...The mere fact that it was like giving the Flies the middle finger was enough to have those savages party all day long. 

Jian and Silverfish quickly found themselves sitting on a log, watching the savages party. Jian knew...If he played his cards right, those monsters would be his. They were strong and their savage nature didn't make them dumb in the slightest. They just allocated their intelligence to fighting. Other matters were unimportant. 

"They are amazing, ain't they ?" Silverfish suddenly asked while sipping on his drink. It look and smelled like green tea, but for some reason it was all black. Jian always trusted the colour of all things to indicate their dangerousness. A black drink that smelled like green tea was bad news. 

"They are. And they'll be mine someday." Jian said. 

' Well said kiddo. Not like you're sure to get them, but confidence is good.' Mara said.

"Hehe....Maybe. Those guys are simple. Give them a target, give them good food and good alcohol and they'll be eating in your hand. Thing is...Their leader ain't like that." Silverfish said, his smile disappearing as he turned to look at Jian.

"Sure, whatever you say. You explained the plan and if I remember right, the only time you smiled during the explanation was when you mentioned that we could possibly have to fight against the dragon. Even though the dragon is weak enough to not be sensed by anyone, it's still a dragon and yet I remember your smile. So either you were born a savage like them, or they rubbed off on you more than you let out." Jian bit back.

They both laughed, before Jian was once again interrupted by the very annoying beings that resided inside of him.

' Oi kiddo. After this whole thing is done, I say we leave this awful kingdom. Everything is taking the worst possible path and I'm not very much a fan of threats popping off every second. Deal with this expedition, deal with this Qin Family who threatens the royal family and get your ass out of here. I think the only thing that should matter right now is securizing the royal family as an ally. As soon as it's done, let's go to the Li Zhang Kingdom. I remember that Queen, whatever her name was, with how much power she was packing, there ain't no way we'll have nearly as much problems as here.' Mara spoke.

'Qin Family ? What are you talking about ?' Jian asked. Mara stayed silent for a few minutes, before a question came to his mind.

' Kiddo....Do you remember about the whole Dao of Wukong thing we talked about ? ' 

'Wukong ? As in the wukong empire ? What's that got to do with anything ?' Jian asked once more, he was getting really confused by what Mara was saying.

' .....System...We have a problem.'

[....I do believe you are right for once, imprisoned monster. We have a big problem on our hands. I'll scan his brain right away. ]

' I'll search in his memories. Maybe something happened and I missed it !' 

Hearing those two panic like that, Jian wasn't really put in a good mood. But in the next few minutes, no matter how much he yelled and yelled internally, they wouldn't answer him. And so he was left alone like that, wondering why the hell they were panicking like something insanely bad had just happened. 

"Well....Go back to your comrades, Mister Crow. We'll leave in a week. I still need some of my strongest guys to come back from a mission. The expedition shouldn't be long, but do tell your comrades you'll take at least three days to come back. " Silverfish as he got up. He yawned before bidding Jian goodbye.

After all the talking they did and after hitting Fang for an entire hour, of course Silverfish would be exhausted. Jian would be lying if he said he wasn't. 

Well, to hell with it. He would ask those two dumbasses what this was all about tomorrow...It wasn't like anything would change during the night.


( An hour later, inside Jian's inner world.)

"So, anything on your side system ?" Mara asked. 

[ It appears that Jian does not from any ailment. He does have some areas of his brain damaged, but they were always damaged. I won't fix those. At least we are now sure nothing is wrong with his memory. He never had a great memory, but even with those damages, he shouldn't forget such things so easily. ]

"Yeah well....I think I have a lead. Ya see....A memory found it's way amongst all the others. I would have missed it, if I didn't make sure to remember all of his memories. This one had nothing to do here. It wasn't his memory. It was placed there by someone and I have no idea who. I got three important informations from this memory:

1- There seems to be an event called the Reset Moon that is coming soon. I don't know what soon really means, so it could be in ten years, but it does appear to be insanely important. It does ring bells, but I can't remember where and when I heard it. So to put it simply, I have no freaking idea what this thing is.

2- This memory has taken a lot of places and is pressing against the others, effectively affecting Jian. I think this is the reason as to why he just randomly forget important things. Problem is, this isn't something you and I can fix.

3- This memory belongs to a man who was or still is, I don't know, called The Crow. So possibly that Crow from the Flies. 

However I prefer to think they can't just place memories inside Jian's mind. Because that would be frightening. However if the Void is in anyway linked to the Flies, it could explain this. " Mara said.

[ The Void ? You seem to know some things about this organisation. I happen to be in the dark when it comes to them. None of my memories mentions them and I have never heard of them before, except in the rare moments they were mentioned recently. It does appear that even the royal family doesn't know what they truly are. I overheard some royal guards voicing their worries. They said it was too risky for the royal family to place all their hope on an organisation they knew barely anything about, other than the fact that they are dangerous...More dangerous than anything the royal family has ever heard of. ]

Hearing this, Mara laughed. He laughed and laughed, he even started to cry. But then he stopped abruptly. He stared at the infinite field of roses and sighed.

" That they are...Trust me on this, robot. I am dangerous. The being who created you is. The Gods are dangerous...The Void is beyond this level of dangerousness. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about the universe...However I do not know of any other organisation in the ENTIRE universe that could best the Void...Or even manage to gather enough courage to truly stand up to them while knowing the full risks. "

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