Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 89: The sisters reunited

Chapter 89: The sisters reunited

The process of body purification was really painful, Zhao Shu had forgotten to mention that, or maybe he left it out on purpose. Anyway Jian ended screaming at the top of his lungs while Zhao Shu played with the diamond fang wolf who had come out. It didn't like feeling it's master's pain so it preferred to stay out. 

"Now I gotta say, this one is weak but quite interesting. With the right training it could be a true force. It's fangs are truly dangerous, same with the claws. And it's pretty big too." Zhao Shu said as he continued to pet the wolf. 

It simply laid on Shu's crossed legs while watching it's master wince and grit his teeth. 

Zhao Shu heard it whine and started to play with it's cheeks.

"Don't ya worry wolfie. That dumbass is much more resistant than me. Hell he has much more impurities in his body than I did, and yet he is screaming much less than me. Actually his body seems the be handling the whole process much better than mine did. Must have something to do with his soul heritage. " Zhao Shu commented.

"Could y-you stop talking while I'm doing t-this shit ?!" Jian yelled in between painful screams. The wolf whined once more and tried to move away from Zhao Shu to help it's master, but the warrior stopped it.

"It's good for him. It will allow him to grow much stronger. I never thought of telling him about this method because I didn't think he would have much impurities.....Now that I think about it, it's weird that Uma didn't mention it to him. Fang and Biyu I get it, they are not really cultivators, but Uma.....Strange." 

"Arghhh...Talking about Biyu, you saw her ?" Jian asked before resuming his screeching.

Zhao Shu sweatdropped but answered nonetheless. " Last I heard about her, she was fighting with the sect disciples and the knights to protect the city or some shit like that. I don't exactly know what happened." 

"W-Well, it doesn't matter. I'll leave in a week and then come back after three days at most. M-Maybe she would've showed up in the meantime." Jian said as he slowly started to scream less and get back the control over his body. He was getting use to the pain.

'What a goddamn freak....'

" What do you mean ? You're staying for a week and then leaving for three days, right ?" 

Jian looked at the window, the only sort of lighting in the room, and watched the clouds dance around the full moon.

"No. I'll be leaving tomorrow. I thought of a little something.....I need to train in my kishin powers. Thing is I tried to play with them on the way here....I found out the first time was pretty lucky...I could've killed you all by mistake. The gas is difficult to control and pours out in all directions. If I train here, I might drown the entire freaking city." Jian explained as Shu gasped.

"That shit is that dangerous ? Well yeah, go train somewhere else. But damn...This could be useful to kill entire armies....Armies of disciples for example." Zhao Shu said, looking intently at Jian who froze.

"Didn't I explain my plan already ? I want to drain their money. "

"I know that....However you might never have the occasion for that. If the Zhao Tribes get to the HQ, they'll start giving supplies to the sects themselves, and then the whole plan becomes impossible to pull off. Those are the tribes we're talking about. You'll need way too much firepower to rob them. I say we just exterminate all those fuckers and then steal everything that's left. The spoils of war go to the winners." Zhao Shu said as his eyes seemingly burned with the fire of determination. 

"....We'll see. It's a good idea....But I don't want it to end that way." 

"Don't tell me you feel like that's cowardly or some shit like that !" Zhao Shu yelled as the wolf suddenly jumped away, starting to get freaked out by the two disciples who had gotten much stronger with time and could easily kill it now.

However Zhao Shu didn't get the response he expected from Jian. The boy slowly turned around and smiled softly.

"No.....I don't like it because it's like a soft punishment. They are all ganging up on us because of their greed, they even pulled the zhao tribes in....They need to suffer. And eye for an eye...A war for a war." 


(With Biyu)

A group of expensively dressed people walked amongst the ruined streets of the capital. They had no protections other than the intimidating man walking at the front...And the man-eating serial killer walking behind them.

In fact it didn't even look like she was with them with how far she was, but they had expressed how uncomfortable they were with her. The man at the front who was known as Master Guan had told them that this woman was indeed, the legendary serial killer of the capital. 

All of the nobles then started to behave differently with her. They weren't disgusted or anything, but they found it difficult to interact with her, or even walk alongside her.

In their defence, she smelled like blood a bit too much. So much so in fact, that a bunch of stray cats were following her.

However, there was someone in that group who was awfully close to Su Biyu at that moment. She was so close, a few centimeters from her face, that even the serial killer was freaked out.

Well she was freaked out by the fact that she was so close to a potential member of a a family she thought long lost. 

That someone was Su Ai, the matriarch of the Su family and a woman who was so stunningly beautiful that people could almost forget how scary she was. She was a drill sergeant with the face of an archangel. 

Biyu had to admit, she would have been seduced if Su Ai wasn't potentially her sister.

"So, Miss scary psychotic man-eating serial killer. How you doin' ? Master Guan told us you were his pupil, and I for one really want to get close to someone with such a bright future. Serial Killer or not, someone close to Master Guan should be close to me as well." Su Ai said with her usual scary smile. A part of her mouth was higher than the other, so it was weird to watch and a bit creepy. Especially since one of her eyes got more closed than the other as a result. 

Biyu kept her silence while Su Ai's smile only got wider. 

"Ohhh, this one is pretty interesting !" 

"B-Big sis.....It's a cannibalistic serial killer....You shouldn't get too close." Her meek little brother said. Looking at him, Biyu almost felt compelled to smile softly. So her family did contain people like that. She was scared for a second, she thought that everyone in her family was like her.

But it was still quite weird. Because she knew, she could feel it....None of them were chiroukins. Which meant that....

'I wasn't born that way.....I wasn't.....THOSE DAMN FLIES !' She raged internally. It had to be the flies who made her that way. So they actually robbed her of everything and molded her to be the perfect little psychopath. Maybe it was even the same case for that girl whom Jian loved...Chimi she was called. Biyu had to admit she was quite jealous, she would've done many extreme things to get someone to love her despite her condition....Not that it was impossible, she knew it wasn't now. 

"Huh ? Firstly it's a she, not an it. Ain't really smart to call her an it when she could cut off your head in a second. And secondly...I don't give a damn ! If she was dangerous, Master Guan would've done something already." Su Ai told her brother who, like she thought, only focused on the head being cut off part and cowered back into the group. 

He was such a flower boy, but at least he looked the part with his feminine traits and attractive face. He was still good enough to be married to some matriarch or something like that. At least that's what Su Ai thought, but she was always the type to think like that. The Su family was lucky Su Ai was still getting used to her responsabilities, or else they would all be married to some random people already. 

"Huh....Master Guan ?" Su Ai suddenly frowned as the whole group stopped. Guan was looking around for something, but no one knew what it was, except Biyu.

Before anyone could react, she was already standing beside Guan. 

"You sensed them like me, dear pupil ?" Guan asked as Biyu blushed.

"I'm not a child anymore...." She whispered softly. Guan tilted his head and she quickly coughed.

"Uhm, yes I sensed them. Let me deal with them." She said. Guan looked around once more to assess the threat and then moved behind to put himself right in front of the huddled group of nobles. 

"What's going on master Guan ?! Are those monsters after us ?!" The soft little brother asked as Su Ai slapped him on the back of the head.

"Stay behind and shut up, dumbass." She said, taking out a small dagger and getting into position. 

The tension grew as did the number of silhouettes observing the group from the roofs of the different buildings. Actually, there were silhouettes everywhere. In every singe corner of the street, there was a pair of eyes observing them.

A laugh was heard, then ten...Then a hundred.

Demented laugh, from women, men , children....Some of those laughs didn't even sound like they came from humans.

"...The hell is that...." Su Ai whispered as her whole body trembled. Seeing his big sister suddenly starting to get scared, the soft little brother was about to pass out. 

The whole group was terrified, until one of those silhouettes appeared in front of them.

A man, tall and pretty common. Nothing stood out about him, except his suit. It was the same as the agents of that organisation. He didn't have a pin on his collar contrarily to some agents. But Biyu knew he was part of it when he suddenly smiled and took out his tongue.

"Ahh !" 

The nobles huddled up even more behind Guan as the man's tongue started to bleed. The blood formed the symbol of that organisation and Biyu immediately put her daggers away.

"What are you doing ?" Guan asked, his brow creasing as he failed to understand why his prized pupil would do something so risky....

That was until Biyu smiled....And showed her own tongue, her own bleeding tongue with the symbol etched into it.

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