Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 90: Monsters of the Void

Chapter 90: Monsters of the Void

With disbelief written all over their faces the nobles of the Su family walked on, leaving behind Su Biyu who was still engaged in her battle of staring with the agent of the Void who had shown out of nowhere.

"Master Guan, you know something about this ? I'm pretty sure this wasn't supposed to happen." Su Ai asked Guan who was doing his best to mask the fact that he was shaking inside.

'The Void ? They sent more agents in the capital ? Do they actually have a goal here ? And Biyu....The symbol, why did she join them ?!' He thought, looking back at his prized pupil briefly before sighing heavily.

" Just move on everyone. Ignore what happened." He said, although he couldn't even ignore that himself. Memories kept pouring in as he moved away from Biyu who was now....An agent of the Void, the most dangerous organisation on the continent. 

He could still remember when she was a child and he was training her. He was perhaps the only person who was kind to her, and it showed in her reactions. She would bawl her eyes out at any acts of kindness from him.

He would be lying if he said she had been a sweet child, but even then he wasn't able to regard her with disgust or fear....She was so.....Fragile, both physically and mentally. A child who thought she was born a monster, but if only she knew....If only she knew just how much had been robbed away from her.

'Now that she joined those guys...She will end up knowing, she might even know already.....That this is her long lost family.' Guan thought as he looked at the different members of the family. They would be shocked too if they knew....He dreaded the reaction Su Ai would've.

Biyu couldn't even begin to understand what she was to Su Ai, to her sister. Many people had created rumors after the disappearence of Biyu when she was just a child, they said her older sister had tried to kill her, they said she had sold her off and her family hadn't cared enough to buy her back....They were so far from the truth it wasn't even funny anymore.

If any of those two were to know the truth, he would be teared apart, even with how strong he was.

But back to Biyu, she was watching her family slowly disappear in the distance with the Void's Agent right next to her.

"So....They gave you your codename ?" He suddenly asked. 

"...No.....Do I need one ?" 

"If you don't want to be just another random who can be easily sacrificed, yeah. Codenames are given by superiors, or they can be given by the top dogs of our organisation, but don't count on that...They don't even know you exist...Not that they know I exist either. Well anyway, I don't have a codename myself, so I'm just a pawn. But I happen to be reliable and so I was asked to pick you up. " He explained. Biyu tilted her head like she usually did when she was confused and he chuckled.

"It ain't anything important, but it may take a few days and we need to go now. Sorry if it's really sudden, but things aren't exactly...Organised in our organisation. Heck the guy who recruited you only told us a few minutes ago. " 

Biyu was about to tell him she needed to do something before going with him, however she only had to time to give a last glance at her family. Then she saw nothing else.

She hadn't lost conciousness, it was just the place she had been transported to. 

"Yeah, sorry for the lighting of that damn place. But it was made for a certain someone to rest, so it doesn't have any natural lighting, let me get us some light." The agent said and after a few seconds, an orange light shone on her right. 

Before she even turned around, she knew it was fire. The sound was easy to recognize and she could feel the intense heat. Though she was still surprised when she turned around and saw the man with the fire in his hands. It was clearly the result of an ability, and that was pretty impressive. She was incapable of wielding any elements, so that man was clearly stronger than her.

"Good, so....Right this way, follow me. Oh and don't wander off. If you lose me, you'll find yourself devoured in an instant." 

"Devoured ? I don't get devoured, I am the one doing the devouring." She responded, earning another chuckle from the agent.

"It's good to be confident, but you'll lose that confidence quickly, simply because...."

He suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Biyu with a look full of pity, something that puzzled her to no ends.

"You ain't special anymore. You ain't the man-eating serial killer to the organisation, you're just another random criminal. And you clearly ain't as bad as most of the guys we have." He said before resuming his walk. But what he said really intrigued Biyu.

"If you have people worse than me, how does this organisation even function ?"

"It does, and yet it doesn't. Nothing makes sense, and it's not even supposed to anyway. Just get used to everything a human can possibly get used to, because you'll experience it with us. Don't search reason here, you'll have more chances finding an innocent guy in the flies than finding any kind of sense in the Void. But remember, the Void also makes a lot of sense." He said, doing nothing more than confusing Biyu further.

"You say it makes no sense, and then you say it makes a lot of sense....Seems pretty weird and frankly crazy." She said. And for the third time, he chuckled.

"Precisely newbie, precisely." 

One would have thought the rest would be normal, with Biyu following the man who was leading her who knows where. However just as the man, she should really get used to everything possible, because as soon as she joined the Void, her life took a sharp turn in the most random direction.

And what happened right after the man spoke was a prime example.

"Huh ?" 

Biyu looked around, she couldn't believe her eyes. He....He was right there half a second ago ! She was looking right at him ! And yet she still lost him. What was going on ? Did he just get attacked by something so fast even she didn't see it ? 

'Damnit, this isn't the type of situation I thought I would get myself in right after fighting that freaking monster.' She thought as she grabbed her daggers. Since she couldn't even see her own feet with how dark the place was, danger could come from every single corner.

However Biyu had great spatial awareness, no one could sneak up on her. If a living being was anywhere near her at the moment, she would feel it. Or at least that's what she thought before sensing not one being.....But thousands of them, a few centimeters away from her. 

She decided to act, and she immediately regretted it. She threw a random punch at the darkness...And it hit. It hit something soft enough to be flesh. 


Low growls could be heard everywhere, and judging by how many of those growls she heard.....She was surrounded from all sides by thousands of potentially dangerous beings. Then the being she just punched opened it's eyes. Oh dear did they shine, she would never forget those eyes, for they weren't normal. Those shining blue eyes weren't normal. They spoke of madness beyond her comprehension and alos...A dark past. They spoke of immense remorse, grief, those were the eyes of someone who had went through an awful lot....Someone she had just pissed. 

Or rather once, it was just what she thought to be the case. But like she would quickly learn, nothing made sense with the Void. In the instant that followed, thousands of bodies started to rob against her own, clothed bodies and naked bodies. Some felt like humans, some didn't at all. 

And then she was grabbed by something, something that had a hand bigger than her entire body. Another pair of shining eyes opened, but those ones were pink and way too big.

'I...I don't like this situation at all...Do I attack or not ? They had the occasion to tear me apart, but they are acting like curious animals....They are clearly humanoids though, so I need to be on my guard. ' She thought right as the gigantic being spoke.

"Human punched you.....You alright, Sukaretto ?" It said before dropping Biyu. The same blue eyes that belonged to the being Biyu punched, shone once more.

It responded, in a language that Biyu didn't understand, however she did recognize it. It was the second language of the land of the everlasting sun. They mainly spoke the same language as the rest of the world, which was weird since the world wasn't united at all, but they still had their own language.

"Ahh....Do you understand me, girl ?" The owner of those piercing blue eyes spoke, this time in the same language as Biyu.

"Y-Yes...Who the hell are you ?" She asked. She could feel the other beings shift around her, for some reasons it felt like they were running away now. After a few seconds, she could only feel the giant one and the one who had spoken to her.

"I am called Sukaretto, although that is just my family name. You don't need to know my actual name. I'll be, for a long time at least, the only one of those beings you'll be able to talk to." He said.

"Those beings ? So they aren't humans ? And aren't you one of them ?" 

"That is sure, they ain't human at all, they existed before mankind even did....Although they were invented after humans....Ahhh, this whole thing is complicated. What happened before the universe was always a hassle for me to understand, but I was never a great listener I guess. My own companions used to tell me that...I think. I don't remember well, my own story. The time when I was a main character myself." He said. She couldn't really understand what he was saying, but a quick check to the energy he was emitting told Biyu she should be listening as if her life was depending on it....Because it could actually be.

'This....This is a monster unlike anything I have heard of....This goes beyond even the level of the Flies' leaders ! Maybe even beyond the level of the high-ranking members of the Indra Family !' She thought.....And that's when things started to get much, much weirder.

"Oh the Indra family huh ? My kiddo has been hearing that name an awful lot, you happen to know anything girlie ? Ah that damn kiddo, he should have asked you, now I gotta do the work !" A voice said from the darkness.

Biyu watched as the shining blue eyes got smaller and Sukaretto clicked his tongue. 

"This voice, this presence...How have you been doing ,Mara ?"

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