Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 92: Starlight Sect ( 2 )

Chapter 92: Starlight Sect ( 2 )

With the scroll that Zhi Cao gave them and their unsure hearts, Hircen and Daiyuu walked towards the Raja's Sect HQ. It had been so long since Hircen last went to the headquarters. He never really liked the place, it seemed grand but he always felt like it was crowded. And the constant infighting between the disciples due to the harsh competition was a hassle to him. There was also the fact that most disciples eithe hated or feared him due to this powers. He most often than not ended up burning fellow disciples. He nearly killed a few that way, but his power was a difficult one to master. Now that he did, he was confident in himself....That hadn't been the case back in the time, and it wasn't the case now that he went past the fortifications was heading towards the headquarters.

The two elite disciples that had been with Zhi Cao had made sure no one would spot them, and they had easily reached the foot of the mountain. 

Both Hircen and Daiyuu weren't sure of how it would go once they entered the sect's headquarters. For Hircen it would be hard to face the patriarch given what he was supposed to do. Of course given that they had gone past the fortifications, everyone would wonder how they did it. Zhi Cao had already prepared for this. Which was why a disciple of the starlight sect wearing the robe of another sect was with them.

" You sure you can pull that off, kiddo ?" Hircen asked the much younger disciple. Said disciple snorted and made an ok sign with his hand.

"Don't worry dragon's bane. I am a professionnal at this kind of stuff." He assured Hircen who just chuckled.

"So the Starlight Sect does this shit often ?" 

"Well not really. It happened a lot sure, but it was back in the time. I was a kid at that time and the sect wasn't all that developped. The starlight sect is full of warriors now, warriors trained by our great patriarch." The disciple said with stars in his eyes.

"Haha, seems like another kind of sect right now. Anyway, I hope you can pull that off, or else I'll have to reveal the truth to my patriach. The plan won't be a disaster even If I do, since my patriarch might try to take advantage of this and your sect only wants to survive. But I don't think you want your great patriarch to mount your head on a spike, so do this shit right. " Hircen said while looking straight into the disciples' eyes as if he was looking directly into his soul.

"R-Right....Of course I won't mess this up." 

The two stopped talking after that, and Daiyuu finally found a topic to talk about with Hircen, so the trip wouldn't continue to be insanely boring and awkward.

"H-Hey, it's going to be the first time I ever visit your sect, you always talked about your friends there...You think I could meet them ?" Daiyuu shyly asked. She had always wanted to meet Hircen's friends, for reasons even he didn't know. She also always seemed to be really interested in his female friends, but it wasn't like he cared.

"I'll be talking to my patriarch to explain how we came here. Meanwhile, you can meet them. Just search for them, you already have their names." Hircen said. 

"Oh right.....Huang Lei, Peng Fu, Jin Wang, Wei Lu and Zhi Li....Did I get them right ?" 

"Yeah but you forgot one, Karasu Shina. Though I don't think you'll be able to meet her easily. She likes to act more important than she actually is, so it's really freaking annoying to have a talk with her. Unless you can get your hands on some top quality cultivation materials. Then she might want to meet you if you offer them to her." 

And with those words, the duo plus the disciple continued on their way. They quickly reached the south gate and were stopped by disciples who clearly hadn't slept in days.

"Halt t-there ! Who are you ?" A disciple asked while rubbing his eyes. 

"I am Hircen of the Dragon's Bane." 

At that, the disciples all rubbed their eyes and took a good look at the mountain of a man that was in front of them.

"Is it really him ?"

"I don't know I joined only a few months ago, he wasn't there at the time." 

The disciples talked among themselves, and Hircen quickly saw the problem. The south gate was never really protected simply because in front of it laid a part of the thousand flowers forest, which meant the spiritual beasts served as natural defence. Hircen had made sure to take the fastest path possible to dodge the beasts, but an army wouldn't be able to do it.

Since the south gate wasn't all that important, they only put fresh disciples on it, which meant no one recognized him. Fortunately for him, he had come only a few minutes before the gate was supposed to be inspected, and the inspector this time was known to always arrive early. 

"Oi ! The hell are you all doing ! Go back to your positions !" The loud femine voice scared the disciples who all ran back to their positions while the one at the gate got into a stiff pose while saluting with his open hand on his torso.

"Seriously, I get that you aren't used to this and that you didn't join the sect to be freaking guards, but put a little effort !" The inspector said before opening the gate and stepping out to see who had cause this small commotion.

She smiled as soon as she saw Hircen, and he did too. No one noticed the small frown on Daiyuu's face at that time.

"Lu'er !" 

"Hircen !" 

They ran as fast as they could before engulfing each other in a tight hug. This only served to shock the disciples further. 

"It's really Hircen of the Dragon's Bane ?!"

"Oh god...."

He was quite the figure in the sect. The dragon's bane had made him an important asset, but it was still a curse. Which was why Lu'er quickly broke off the hug before she started burning to death. 

"Been a while Lu'er."

"Indeed. I never thought I would see you before the end of this war....If we can even call it a war." Wei Lu said before heavily sighing. Hircen chuckled and slapped her on the back.

"What ? You wanted to finally experience a real battle ? You were always a bit too bloodthirsty !" 

"You make it sound like I'm a monster." Wei Lu said, pouting at Hircen who merely put an arm around her head and headed inside.

"Daiyuu and the other guy, follow us !" He exclaimed. 

Daiyuu immediately followed, although she wasn't very pleased by what was going on. The disciple from the starlight sect only followed a few seconds after whispering something to himself. 

Once inside the headquarters, Hircen headed towards a food stall in the outer court and bought some fire noodles. 

"I'm not touching this." Daiyuu said. She always extremely disliked spicy food. 

Contrarily to her, Wei Lu accepted and quickly devoured them. 

"You know, I remember a disciple from a few months ago who loved fire noodles as much as you." Wei Lu said.

"Oh really ? Then I definitely want to meet someone with such good tastes." 

"Well he isn't here. Like you he was out in the open when the war started. I remember his name though since he was pretty important...It was Zhao Shu." Wei Lu said as she finished her bowl. 

While the news about the dragon's bane return spread out in the entire sect and many disciples came to see him, Hircen sat there, looking in shock at Wei Lu.

"Damnit ! I completely forgot about those guys ! Uma, Jian and Zhao Shu !" He exclaimed, which caused Wei Lu to spit her last bite of noodles right on the starlight disciples' face. Or it would've been the case had he not dodged it skillfully while eating his own noodles.

"What ?! You met them ?" She asked, getting right into Hircen's face.

"Hmm ? Yeah sure. I met them when I was at my outpost. Well to be more exact, I kinda met them while battling against the zhao warriors. One of them, Jian, even killed a freaking member of the Indra Family !" Hircen exclaimed as if this was a good thing, but the look on Wei Lu's face told him otherwise. 

Well she was always one to worry over nothing, so he didn't mind it. 

"And are they still okay ? The three of them are very important to the sect." 

"I bet they are, the zhao kid is pretty damn strong and hates his family. That Uma woman seemed pretty strong too and that Jian kid...Pretty sure he is some sort of genius, he had such a terrifying technique. It released some black gas or some shit like that." Hircen explained to very shocked Wei Lu who had never heard of that. This wasn't something they saw Jian use, she was sure of it. Which meant, he still had much more to show them. A disciple who only used his willpower to enter the sect was actually this invaluable.

However this wasn't as important as the next thing Wei Lu asked Hircen.

"And the sword ? Did you see the Red Sky Sword ?" She asked. And Hircen dropped his bowl instantly. It shattered as soon as it hit the ground and Wei Lu understood that his answer wouldn't exactly be a good one. 

Daiyuu who had been sitting behind Hircen was as shocked as him, since she had never thought the sword the child wielded was....The Red Sky Sword.

"It can't be...Surely that couldn't have been the Red Sky Sword ! The Indra family would have already done everything to recover it ! Heck, the sect would have grabbed it a long time ago !" Hircen yelled at Wei Lu who gulped.

"T-The Indra family didn't know...The Red Sky Sword had been destroyed and many people tried to forge new swords with the small pieces of it they found.....I myself thought that the sword Jian had in his hands was just a fake made with small pieces of the real one....However it wasn't the case. We wanted to first get him to trust us before taking it, simply because a child with such a sword in his hands, couldn't be normal. We didn't want to upset whoever gave him that sword, because he clearly didn't know how important that sword is....As such we deducted that the sword was given to him, he didn't find it himself. " Wei Lu explained. This was the last straw for Hircen who exploded.


"Young ? I mean Jian is younger than you, but he isn't that young" Wei Lu said before Hircen grabbed her shoulders.

"That's exactly why you should freaking work on your Qi Senses ! This always was a weak point of the sect, and I'm pretty sure even to this day, only a few people in the sect have worked on it ! This is why none of you freaking noticed that Jian is much younger than he looks ! The kid is 15 years old at most !" 

".....What ?" 

"Yes you dumbass, you heard me ! And that 15 years old freaking destroyed the Red Sky Sword and used it's energy to heal himself ! I don't even know how the hell he did it , he just did it !"

"Wait wait wait a second. I'm already having a hard time with his age....Did you just tell me that...."

Hircen glared at the frightened Wei Lu and released such a heavy sigh, Wei Lu knew she hadn't heard wrong.

"You heard right, Lu'er. The Red Sky Sword is no more. The ancestral sword of the Indra Family is no more. The Indra Family hasn't heard of it yet I presume, but once it does..."

"....They'll stop at nothing to capture Jian and...We need to tell Jian ! We need to send him a letter or something !"

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