Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 93: The Return of Dragon's Bane

Chapter 93: The Return of Dragon's Bane

It was the sixth time this month that the patriarch had called for a meeting. The list of participants to that meeting had been communicated an hour after Hircen and Daiyuu had entered the sect.

Since the meeting would only start an hour later, Hircen decided to introduce Daiyuu to all of his fellow disciples, at least the ones he actually talked to. Even when he was still training in the HQ in the early days, he never talked to anyone that much.

Hircen liked to act as if his dragon's bane had never been a bad thing to him, however that wasn't the truth at all. He had always feared it, hated it. But leaving pretty much alone in an outpost and just yell orders at people every once in a while had allowed him to see the advantages.

He didn't have a lot of interactions with other people at that time, so the dragon's bane hadn't exactly been a problem and at least it made people listen to him easier. Yet it seemed like the old days of fearing his power were returning. He could already see some disciples avoiding him at all costs due to said power, and he wasn't even fired up at that moment, his body was at the normal temperature. 

"Hey, where are you taking me ? We've passed a lot of buildings already. " Daiyuu asked. She never knew that Hircen had been a loner, so she thought he would introduce her to a lot of disciples. In fact he only had a few people to see and he would be done, the others didn't look like they wanted to have anything to do with him.

"I'm taking you to the Inner Discipl's pavillion. I'm going to see the inner disciples first, since I have no idea where Shina is." Hircen said.

"Oh....And this Shina, how close are you to her ?" She asked. She was looking at the ground so she didn't see how Hircen immediately stopped after that, she only noticed after she bumped into him and nearly burned her face on his burning body.

"Shina is special to me...She's the one who taught me all I know about the dragon's bane. The elders and the sect head were all too scared of what I would do, so they wanted to wait before explaining it to me. Shina just grabbed me a few weeks after I joined the sect and taught me a lot of things. For a long time, she was my personnal teacher. At some point I started to grow so fast I didn't really need her anymore, and she moved on to another disciple to train. " Hircen explained. Seeing the little smile he had on his face, Daiyuu couldn't even find the strengh to be pissed. 

It was so rare to see him smile like that, it nearly made her heart jump. 

A few minutes later, they arrived at the pavillion. Daiyuu could only be in awe at it's size while Hircen asked around for informations. All the disciples avoided him so he pretty much talked for nothing, until a disciple actually responded.

"Huang Lei isn't here at the moment. He went out for a mission before the siege started and the last time we heard about him was when the Zhao Tribes attacked a knight order." A disciple who was feeding a small cat said. 

Hircen recognized that voice and turned around instantly. He smiled and grabbed the disciple before hugging the life out of him.

"Arghh ! Let me go you dumbass !" Peng Fu screamed, feeling his skin sear like a steak.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Hircen said, letting go of Peng Fu and scratching the back of his head.

"This is the Peng Fu you talked about ? He looks even more like a snake than you said he did." Daiyuu said as she looked up and down. She had to say, Peng Fu was quite creepy but he also had a calm and warm aura. He looked like a villain but didn't feel like one.

"Oh, and who is this ? Have you finally decided to stop being immensely shy and got yourself a woman, Hircen ? Be careful though, don't want to burn while doing....You know." Peng Fu said, hiding his mouth with his sleeve while chuckling. 

"Ugh, I forgot that about you. Well nevermind that, where are the others ?" 

"Weeeeell....Zhi Li should be somewhere around here, I saw her medidating on a bench a few hours ago. Jin Wang is training Jin Bao since the guy really needed to shake off some rust. I heard you saw Wei Lu as soon as you got here, so only Shina is left....Oddly enough, I saw her like an hour ago. She was yelling at Judem while he was playing around with a butterfly. " Peng Fu said. Hircen sweat dropped after hearing that, while Daiyuu froze when she heard the name 'Judem' .

"Still the same, huh ? Can't go a single day without having her scream at him while he is doing his best at completely ignoring her. I think he is the only one who can pull that off. She nearly destroyed my ears the first time she screamed at me." 

"Yeah, Shina always had an insanely loud voice." Peng Fu said, chuckling once again while hiding his mouth.

"Wait a goddamn second you two ! You just mentioned a guy named Judem....You mean, Gatsuga Judem ?" Daiyuu suddenly asked while getting really close to the two disciples. 

"Uh, yeah. You know him ?" Hircen asked before getting slapped on the arm by Peng Fu.

"I remember now ! Judem did say he was known in a few countries, but he always only mentioned the Wukong Empire. Maybe he is famous in the buddha free states too." 

"Fu, I have been in the buddha free states for a pretty long time. I have never heard anyone talk about him." Hircen assured Peng Fu.

"Well there is a reason for that, Hircen. Only the military's top brass knows about him. You remember that I didn't know about the Indra Family a few years ago, right ? You never talked about them, but then when Qiang showed herself, I knew about the Indra family and easily recognized her. Well it's not because someone in the army told me about them. It's because Gatsuga Judem showed up with the token of that family. He randomly showed up to the palace of the capital and walked in like a king because of that token. " Daiyuu explained, getting the two disciples to look at her with wide eyes.

"What the hell ?!"

"How is that possible ?!" 

They both exclaimed at the same time, speaking so loudly Daiyuu had to cover her ears. She was about to respond after they calmed down a little, but someone beat her to it.

"Why would it be surprising for that dumbass to be linked to such a family, Judem always was one mysterious fucker." A woman said from behind Hircen. With his mountain of a body, nobody saw her, so he had to move away. Both he and Peng Fu gasped when they saw her, but it was Hircen who had the strongest reaction.

"Teach !!" He yelled, trying to get ahold of her. She merely jumped over him and landed behind Daiyuu.

"After so many years, you still hug people you dumbass. With your condition you should hug your enemies, not your friends." She said while moving a lock of hair away. 

"But Shina-Sama...It's Sama right ?" Peng Fu asked for confirmation and got it in the form of a quite nod.

"Uh, alright so....Shina-Sama, isn't it surprising that Judem is somewhat linked to the Indra family ? I mean, aren't we in cold water with them due to our neutrality ? Plus If I remember right, the elders and other elite disciples talked about Jian having the red sky sword, and I'm pretty damn sure that's the sword the Indra Family has been searching for so long." Peng Fu said. Shina released a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"This is why I was against spreading those informations, now everyone freaking now about everything. Judem is mysterious, just remember that. Trying to understand his connections or his actions is completely dumb. I know an awful lot about him, and I still can't understand most of what he does or says. Anyway, I have been listening to you two. You want to see Jin Wang and Zhi Li ? I know where they are, follow me." Shina said before walking away.

The three quickly followed after her, and all the while Daiyuu had only one thought in her head as she looked at Shina's body.

'If this is a rival, I have absolutely no chances of winning....'


(With Jian and Zhao Shu.)

"Concentrate your Qi on important areas. Don't let it go to waste on parts that can't refine it. I told you from the navel to the head, then separate it into two streams and do the arms and legs. It starts in the navel and needs to go back in the navel if possible. If not, refine the Qi stream on the centre high point." Jian said. He was currently overseeing Shu's cultivation because the warrior was clearly too used to extreme methods and physical trainings.....Pretty much like Jian. However Jian had actually learned how to cultivate, albeit only because of random books he found and by observing other disciples, so he was the one doing the teaching this time.

"Centre high point ? The hell is that ?" Zhao Shu asked while frowning. He had his eyes closed but Jian could see them moving around quickly and with the amount of sweat on Zhao Shu's forehead, this was obviously taking it's toll on him. Meditation and cultivation looked quite similar but they were completely different process. Meditation was a bit like the cleansing thing Zhao Shu had been put him through, except it was the cleansing of the spirit, not the body. 

Cultivation was meditation with extra steps. And it seemed like the most basic step, which was absorbing Qi and refining it, was still a bit hard for Shu. It was a wonder the warrior even got that strong without doing things correctly.

"I told you, the navel is the center point. The center low point would be your crotch while the center high point is your heart. " 

"Why do we even have a Qi point in the crotch ?!" Shu asked before getting smacked in the head.

"I told you to focus, don't speak. I do the speaking , that's it. The point in your crotch is more important than you think. It's the reservoir of Yin Qi...Not that I know a lot about this stuff. Women have the same point, except they have Yang Qi. Basically fusing Yin and Yang Qi can strenghen you like crazy, but the only to do it is either to pluck the Qi out of someone...So you pretty much rip it away, potentially crippling the person in the process, or you fuse them the natural way. It's process called Dual Cultivation or Qi Fusing, it depends. " Jian explained.

"I know I'm not supposed to speak, but I am not really seeing how I can fuse my Yin Qi with a woman's Yang Qi, given that my Yin Qi is in....In...It's mating isn't it ?" Shu asked, his cheeks getting a bit of a red tint." 

"Mating ?" Jian asked while tilting his head.

"Ah yeah, sex. The Zhao Tribes are savages so we don't exactly use the same words, but mating is the same as sex..Only it's the term used for animals." Shu explained before getting smacked once more.

"Ah ! I just explained it because you were confu-Ah !" 

Since he got smacked once more, Shu decided to keep his mouth shut. Meanwhile Jian grabbed his chin and hummed.

"Well I can't exactly tell you if it's the same process, since I don't know a lot about sex. I mean I learned how babies were made only two years ago, and it was by pure accident.....But I guess the process must be very similar due to where the Yin and Yang Qi are. "

"Wait....You only learned two years ago ? What are you, twelve ?!"

"...Uh...No ?"

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