Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 95: Who he once was: The Monstrous Orphan ( 2 )

Chapter 95: Who he once was: The Monstrous Orphan ( 2 )

"Well..Sorry Jian, but orders are orders."

The man had said that before grabbing Jian. He was ready to knee Jian in the stomach, unfortunately for him said child blocked the knee with his two arms before literally spinning in the air and using a spinning kick to send the man stumbling back.

"That kid seems to hit like a truck...Not only that, but his technique and agility are top notch. I dare say he could be amidst the current recruits for the royal guard, and he would be at the top of the current promotion." The commander said. She continued to watch them fight, and Jian surprised her more and more. The kid was already exhausted, but he was just too angry to go down.

"ARGHHH !" Jian screamed while attempting to murder the soldier through repeated headbutts. The scream came out as quite guttural due to how much blood Jian had in and around his mouth at the moment. It looked like he had lost a few teeth too.

'Someone tells me this child is a demon, I'm not even sure I would doubt them.' She thought. 

The fight took a whole different path when the soldier was hit right in the stomach and had the air knocked out of him. This was the time for Jian to go completely crazy on him, especially since the soldier had slowly lost his stamina trying to grab the ever dodging Jian.

'This is the most important part.' Sena thought as she watched her soldier getting completely destroyed in front of her. If anyone else was there, they would be shocked to see the commander actually having a full smile on her face.

The soldier tried to grab Jian once more, but the child suddenly crouched and hit the man right in the chin with an uppercut. It was quickly followed by a flurry of punches right on the man's throat. After that, Jian jumped over the man, spun mid-air and fell right on his shoulders with his knees right in the position to destroy his shoulder muscles. 

"Argh !" 

This wasn't the end of it, the soldier was still good enough to not drop after that. He turned around and elbowed Jian in the right side. The six years old child responded with a brazilian kick ( Yes I use the names of techniques that exist in our world but shouldn't really exist or be named like, in this world. I can have the courage to create spells and all that, but I won't go through the pain of literally creating new martial arts and the techniques that go with them. At least not for now. )

The strengh behind that blow had the soldier writhing in pain. The man looked up to get the help of his superior, only to meet two merciless white orbs that stared back at him. He thought he understood the saying ' Don't stare at the abyss or it will stare back at you' when his blood froze after his eyes met hers and he lost conciousness right after that. He was told a day later that the finishing blow had been a sleep hold that ressembled a strangling attempt more than an actual sleep hold. 

Jian didn't lost his conciousness after that. He merely sat on the body of the soldier and looked at the sky with his empty eyes. They suddenly regained their colours and a smile bloomed on his face before he looked at the commander.

His face combined what he had said that day were the reasons the Commander Indra Sena blushed and had predatory look in her eyes as she listened to him.

" I can't wait to tell Chimi about this.....She will be so proud I didn't kill anyone this time." 

And that was the end of the dream. However it wasn't just Jian who went through this memory. Someone else did, someone who had been watching the scene unfold from the darkest corner of the alley. 

And Mara only had one thought after seeing this.

'...Commander Indra Sena ? Why in the name of Satan did I never see this memory ?!'


(Right after, in Jian's room.)

" This is insanely frustrating. I have no freaking idea what is causing this. Hell we didn't even notice it until the kid just randomly started forgetting things. And given how he sure as hell didn't know about the Indra family before, I'm pretty sure he forgot everything about that Indra Sena. " Mara exclaimed before grinding his teeth and tapping on Jian's desk repeatedly.

[ I understand your frustration, Monster. I have run multiple analysis on Jian, but this problem simply does not appear. It is just like something or someone is keeping me away. As if there is something that must remain hidden. ]

"Well that doesn't really help us given that we have no clue what this thing could be !" 

[ Let us think, Monster. There must be a link between all the things that Jian keeps forgetting...Or maybe there is a link in the time he starts forgetting things, like a cycle that repeats itself every once in a while ?] 

Mara thought about it, but it didn't seem like it was the case. Firstly he couldn't see any link between the things that Jian forgot, and most importantly....This couldn't be a cycle. If it had been, it would have happened at the same time every once in a while like the system said...Surely if that was the case, Mara would have noticed something already.

"This can't be it...Those informations that gets deleted must be handpicked. They must be chosen for very specific reasons. Maybe they are traumatic events, or events linked to traumas ? No that can't be the case either, not with the strong mental of that kid. I just don't freaking see why he keeps forgetting !" Mara said while throwing his arms backward and slumping on his chair.

Meanwhile, Jian slept soundly. Barely any light had penetrated the room due to the grey sky, and he was lulled by the sound of the heavy rain. Mara was too focused on his thoughts to see it, but when the thunder striked.....A shadow appeared on the window, a small shadow the size of a child and with a strange appearence. It, or she due to it's long dark blue hair, was wearing a long cape with a hood that did nothing to hide her innocent face and the huge metal cage she had around her mouth. God knows what this metal cage was supposed to hide, or save people from. 

[ Monster....There is something on the window....]

Startled by what the system had just said, Mara quickly looked on his left, but saw nothing on the window. He only the same city with the heavy rain falling on it like a flurry of arrows. If the situation became even worse than it already was, this could possible become a reality very soon.

"There is nothing on it, system. The hell are you talking about ?" 

[ Well I could doubt myself, but I never do that. I definitely saw something on that window, and before you say anything....I am not even sure I can be considered as a living being on the level of you and Jian...So no I am not going crazy. ]

"Damn bastard predicting my words..." Mara whispered before turning his head back to the desk....The only problem was that the desk had a mirror on it, and this time he definitely saw what the system had seen.


Before he could scream, the figure who appeared to be a little girl literally put her hand on his mouth to silence him.

[ How ?! This.....Did this girl just touch you ?!]

If the system was freaking out, you could imagine what Mara was feeling at that moment. 

"Hmmm ! Hmmm !!!" He kept screaming while trying to hit the girl, but it seems like the tables had been turned on him. While she could touch him, he couldn't hit her. But it wasn't like she was ethereal, no...His fists were stopping before he could hit her, as if something was preventing him from hitting her.

Looking into her innocent eyes, he faltered for a second before his true nature took back the control and he understood the problem.

'Damnit ! She's like goddamn Lilith, she is affecting my brain !' Mara thought as the little girl lifted him in the air before slamming him down on the ground, as hard as possible.

'The hell is that strengh too ?!' He thought while in complete disbelief. The girl had completely destroyed the pine floor and his body had actually felt the hit. He was actually feeling some pain from that hit !

"ARGHHH DAMNIT !" He yelled while putting his entire energy in his right hand. With all he had in him at the moment, he backhanded her and sent her flying against the wall, nearly crushing it.

It was the girl's turn to be in disbelief at the fact that he hit her, and it brought a smile to his face.

"Ah ! It ain't a good feeling, huh ?" 

Meanwhile Jian was still asleep for some reasons. In fact, he wasn't even making any noises, and the only thing that told Mara he was alive was the fact that he was still breathing.

"You....Hit...Me ?" The girl asked. And while they would never admit it, the System and Mara were momentarily frozen because of her voice. It sounded so...Wrong. It sounded like hundreds of people were talking at the same time, but not in an orderly way. Her voice was a chaotic mix of many voices, be it male or female, child or adult. She sounded so broken.

Mara was simply unable to say anything to her, and the girl suddenly jumped on the ceiling after hearing Jian groan. Now she was quite literally a spider stuck to the ceiling.

'This is getting a bit too creepy for me....And I spent a long time in Hell.' Mara thought. 

[ Wait..Monster...I am getting the same readings from her as those agents of the Void, like the royal family calls them. She feels a bit less human than they did, but she still gives me similar data. ]

'Well of fucking course it had to be an agent of the void !'

[Once again Monster, it would really appreciated if you could share your knowledge with me. ]

' No...One person knowing about the Void in this group is already enough...And since this Uma woman clearly knows a bit about them, we are already two people in this group knowing about them.' Mara told the system before having to dodge a knife thrown by the girl who was still stuck to the ceiling.

"Ah damnit ! Whoever you may be, agent, you have no reasons to attack me !" Mara exclaimed.

"You...Know...But....Agents...Don't...Have....Reasons...." She or...Well...They said. 

"Exactly ! Which is why you should stop !" Mara said , getting the girl to tilt her head on the side.


Since this was pretty much the only thing Mara could do without wasting his precious energy, he knew it had to work or else he was done.

"Well you guys don't really do logical stuff, but you also do logical stuff, right ? That's the whole thing, you are logical and yet not. You are everything and yet nothing, a chaotic organisation that constantly changes objectives and doesn't even know what it's supposed to do....But I tell you this, you have no reasons to attack me. Do you have a mission that requires you to attack me ? Even if you do, it does not matter...Right ? Even if it's just a personal want, it does not matter. " Mara said. 

[What the hell are you doing monster ?! ]

' That's one of the many ways to deal with an agent of the void, although their chaotic nature makes it so that any techniques does not have a one hundred percent chance of working. This is the first technique I learned....Overload them with bullshit that technically makes sense in their non-logical logic. Their chaotic nature could potentially, and I can't stress the potentially enough, choose one of the easiest answer to this problem...Which is....' 

Just as Mara was about to finish his explanation, the girl released a growl and quickly left the room, breaking through the window in the process.


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