Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 94: Who he once was: The Monstrous Orphan ( 1 )

Chapter 94: Who he once was: The Monstrous Orphan ( 1 )

After the cultivation session with Shu ended, Jian returned to his room and started to cultivate himself. Since Uma was asleep and Biyu wasn't anywhere to be seen, Jian had pretty much nothing to do other than that.

He would cultivate during the whole night before drifting to sleep early in the morning. He literally went to sleep when everyone else woke up, but he had a week to prepare for the expedition, and he honestly had little to no preparations to do. 

Actually, he did want to get himself some equipments and since Biyu had stolen the prizes of the tournament, he was bound to find something interesting there. It was weird how he totally forgot about those prizes though....It was weird how he kept forgetting about so many things, and it was weird for mara and the system to be silent during an entire day. 

But it wasn't the time to think about such a thing, it was time to sleep. Ever since he became a disciple, he hadn't had that many nights of sleep that went good. He usually only slept four hours or maybe six when he was really relaxed. 

He felt like he could sleep for ten hours at the moment, because he was oddly relaxed for some reasons. He was quite literally getting lulled to sleep by the distant sounds of screams and explosions, but he was calm. The situation in the capital was chaotic...But just like many people, he was starting to get used to chaos. He just didn't know yet that getting used to chaos had another meaning, a horrible meaning that really wouldn't make things easier for him. 

Thinking about the expedition and what he would get from the dragon's soul if he could get it, Jian drifted off to sleep peacefully. And that 'night', he had his first dream in a very long time. Although it was more of a flashback than a dream.


( Six years ago, in an Unknown Nation near the Li Zhang Kingdom. )

"Come on Jian, destroy him !" A fat man with a very long black beard yelled at the six years old child while throwing coins at him.

Jian looked at the coins with sparkling eyes and greedily grabbed them. Before he could get to the last one however, something bumped into him and sent him flying. That something was an older child named Bao Bao. He easily stood two heads over Jian and had an unusual body for a child. He looked like he could go toe to toe with an adult. 

However that same child suddenly seemed very fearful when he saw what he had done.

"Oh...I-I'm sorry Jian ! I didn't see what you were doing !" He exclaimed while making grand gestures with his hands. Meanwhile Jian just watched as one of the coins rolled away and got lost in the thick crowd of soldiers who were watching the fight unfold.

"Why are you apologizing Bao Bao ?! Finish him ! I bet three hundred coins on you !" A tall soldier with blonde hair yelled at Bao Bao who flinched. Now looking at the angry faces of the soldiers, Bao Bao was reminded of what would happen if he made them lose money for no reasons. Losing wasn't bad, unless you lost because you didn't fight correctly. 

Just as Jian got back up on his feet, a horse suddenly ran into the dark alley where the soldiers had brought the children and a tall figure jumped off the animal.

"Shit it's the commander !" A soldier barked before snapping his feet together and saluting the woman who had just randomly made an appearence in the alley.

The other soldiers followed him quickly and in a few seconds they were all standing against the walls, saluting the woman while making a clear path for her.

Bao Bao had been frozen after hearing the soldier mentioning the rank of the woman, and he was unable to fight...That wasn't the case for Jian.

"MY COINS !!!!" 

"Huh ?!" 

Bao Bao only had the time to turn around and see a demonic looking Jian before a knee came crashing into his chin. That was it for him, that hit made him lose conciousness instantly and he fell right on his back with a loud thud. The woman stopped right in front of the children and watched as the carnage started. 

A flurry of punches connected with Bao's face, then Jian's elbows ruined his nose and finally Jian grabbed ahold of the child's face before headbutting him.

One time, two times, three times....

"....C-Commander." The blonde haired soldier tried to get the attention of the commander, but she merely held a hand and flinched when some blood found it's way on her perfect face.

'Oh shit !'

'We're so dead !' 

The soldiers all thought the same thing as the usually still faced commander removed one of her gloves and wiped off the blood with it. Jian was still too lost in his frenzy to notice her while he was slaughtering his enemy. At that point, Bao had very little chances of still being alive, but it didn't seem to worry anyone. The soldiers had their reasons to not be worried about the child, and only they knew it. 

The commander just stood there and watched. Her face at that moment could have frightened anyone, even the most hardened veteran of that nation. That was because everyone who knew her, knew what it meant for her to frown even just slightly. 

On her perfect-albeit a bit too sharp to be anything but scary-face, that frown wasn't very welcomed. While she was wearing the white and red military outfit that befitted her rank ( Imagine the SS officer's uniform but white with some red streaks and a small side cape of the same colours. ),her beauty still found a way to show itself. She was someone you couldn't possibly ignore due to her silver hair, icy white eyes and her shiny red lips. 

After Jian finally got too tired to continue murdering his enemy, he glared at the other child one last time before stomping on his face. He then went to search for his lost coin, however the commander grabbed him before he could.

It was quite a comical scene with the insanely tall woman grabbing Jian like a cat would grab her child. But Jian realy wasn't in the mood to laugh. He immediately turned his head and punched in the direction of her face.

She didn't block the blow, she didn't have any need to do that.

"Wha....." Jian was left speechless when his fist connected with the woman's face and literally did nothing. It was as if he merely put his fist on her face without any strengh behind it....But he was sure he had put everything behind this punch. Instead of being hurt, the woman just kissed Jian's fist before letting go of him.

She put her boot right on his face with the heel right on his mouth, ready to break his teeth with just a slight push. And then she introduced herself.

"Indra Sena, commander in chief of the Royal Guard. Who are you, tiny monster ?" She asked, moving her boot away so Jian could speak.


"Coins, huh ? Not a bad name for an orphan living in the streets. " Sena said, but a soldier tapped her on the shoulder and she nearly elbowed him right in the guts.

"H-Hmm, his name is Jian, commander. He just said coins becau-Guhh !" 

The soldier was finally elbowed by Sena who looked a bit pissed. Only a tiny bit, as shown by the small vein that popped on her forehead.

"I understood that you immense moron. I am just playing with that child. Now all of you, listen ! I want every single of you patrolling at border with the Li Zhang Kingdom ! There were many reports of a Code Zero !" She barked at them, however the soldiers didn't move.

"Commander, can you-"

"If you were about to ask me what a Code Zero is, like you bunch of useless dumbasses usually do...This thing is going to suddenly lose two letters in it's name, and I'm going to use it for something else than killing, though it does involve penetrating you with it !"She said while patting her rapier. The soldiers all quickly ran away after hearing that, though one of them stayed behind.

" I noticed your subtle hand sign, commander. What will you have me do ?" The soldier with the black beard from before asked. Sena rubbed her chin with her gloved hand before kicking Jian in the face.

"Fight against that child, but limit yourself to strictly normal attacks. Don't use any spell or techniques. Oh and turn off that pesky soul heritage of yours." She ordered him. The man bowed and suddenly his whole body shifted. A second later, the same man was there.....But he had lost a hundred kilograms and looked insanely ripped. He looked like a younger and much stronger version of himself.

"Well..Sorry Jian, but orders are orders."

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