Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 142: Capital (6)

Chapter 142: Capital (6)

Thanks to the kings consideration, we were able to change our attire.

We donned garments suitable for the banquet.

Dressed in clothes made from luxurious and soft fabric, I examined myself.


As expected, the clothes didnt seem to fit me.

I didnt deny it had its own charm, but the discomfort it brought was more irksome.

I felt once again that such a refined life was not for me.

With the help of the servants, I tidied up my appearance for the last time and reached for the sword I had placed at my side.

You should leave that with us.

But the moment I attempted to do so, the servants stopped me.

They hinted that I shouldnt carry the sword, albeit in a roundabout way.

Knowing I had no other choice, I set the sword back down.

Upon reflection, there seemed to be no need for a sword anyway.

It was just a comforting habit to have it by my side.

I changed the subject and asked the servants.

Where are my wives?

Follow me. Ill show you the way.

With that, I followed the leading servant.

Even as we moved, a strange sensation enveloped me.

It was a heavy feeling, hard to describe.

Perhaps it was a premonition.

A sense that something bad was about to happen.

The more I felt it, the more I pondered.

What reason did I have to feel this way?

I didnt have much to be wary of.

I just needed to avoid entanglements with the nobility.

And perhaps be cautious around Princess Lia Draigo.

But beyond that, there wasnt much to worry about... yet, for some reason, I had a feeling that something unexpected was about to occur.


Maybe it was just a bad mood.

Perhaps it was the unsettling story about Ner I had just heard from Arwin.

It could be the fatigue from the persistent gap I still couldnt bridge, despite my efforts.

I shook my head, trying not to succumb to weakness.

And then I continued to follow the servant leading me to my wives.




Upon hearing that my wives were ready, the servants opened the door.

I entered the room where my wives were, receiving an unusually grand reception.


I froze momentarily as I walked in, facing Ner and Arwin who were looking at me.

...How do I look, Berg?

Ner asked timidly, clearing her throat.

Her black dress contrasted with her tail, adorned with various accessories on her ears and neck. Her face looked even more beautiful with makeup.

I smiled and complimented her.

You look beautiful.


At my words, Ner bowed her head slightly and turned away.

Turning to my side, I saw Arwin quietly observing me.

Her slender figure was unexpectedly highlighted by her attire.

It was a dress that seemed to offer a refreshing freedom, fitting her aura perfectly.

You look great too, Arwin.

Arwin responded with a small smile.

You too... look...

She struggled to finish her sentence.


I smiled at her formal praise.

Before getting lost in further thoughts, I spoke up.

All I wanted was to maintain this pleasant atmosphere for now.

Shall we go, then?


Ner took her place to my left, and Arwin to my right.

Arwin seemed determined to adhere to the etiquette we had read about in the library, clinging tightly to my arm without letting go.

This was the first time she had clung to me with such force.

I smiled at her actions and moved forward.

As we walked towards the banquet hall, we encountered various races and numerous nobles.

I continued to move forward, exchanging natural nods of greeting with them.

According to Ner, they were aides from various families dispatched to assist the king.

They advised the king and also worked for the benefit of their own families.

Among these nobles, there were some with whom Ner had connections from long ago; she lightly nodded to greet them.

Even so, Ner gripped my arm even tighter.

While it seemed she had reduced her insecurities about her tail compared to the past, she still appeared to need something to lean on.

As we stood in front of the space where the banquet was being held, guarded by soldiers, we shared our final thoughts.

Ive said it before, but I plan to just show my face and leave.

Ner nodded beside me.

She had a more fragrant scent than usual.

Ill take care of the rest. Just give me the signal and leave quietly when the opportunity arises.

- Tap, tap.

Thats when Arwin tugged at me from the side.

As I looked at her, Arwin was quietly gazing up into my eyes.

Leaning in as if she had something to say, she whispered,

Dont forget your manners.


I nodded lightly at her reminder and moved forward, facing the guards.

Our identities were quickly recognized, and one of the guards, nodding, opened the door and announced,

Vice-Captain Berg of the Red Flames, Lady Ner Blackwood, and Lady Arwin Celebrien are entering!

Inside, a multitude of people were already present, seemingly doubling the number of nobles we had encountered on our way.

The capital, as it were, was filled with individuals we wouldnt normally cross paths with.

All eyes were on us.

Whether it was rumors about our unusual relationship or controversial stories about me that had spread... we received an unexpectedly intense level of attention.

Silence fell over the previously bustling hall.

Ner gripped my arm even tighter under the weight of those staring eyes.

I led my wives forward, making sure they werent discouraged.

Our footsteps echoed softly in the quiet.

Beside me, Arwin quietly cleared her throat.

Turning towards the sound, Arwin, acting as if nothing was amiss, swallowed and then lightly tilted her cheek towards me.

I naturally kissed her cheek as we continued walking.


Ner expressed her confusion at my action, but I kept walking forward.

After a short while, the king, who had been observing us, raised his voice.

Welcome, Berg of the Red Flames.


I bowed my head in response to his greeting.

Thank you for saving the hero party. I shudder to think what would have happened to the war without you.

Polite applause broke out from various quarters at the kings proclamation.

The king continued,

I hope you and your wives enjoy your time here. Everyone, please give Berg a warm welcome.

Heads nodded here and there.

But it was more out of respect for the king than for me; the wariness in many eyes directed at me remained.

The kings words were not without purpose.

It seemed he intended to show that whatever relationship I had with Sien was a thing of the past.

Mentioning a past connection with Sien, who was regarded as a saintess, could potentially be a source of unrest in the war.

Perhaps the most effective way to quell such rumors was to present me, in front of the nobles governing various territories, alongside my wives.

I wasnt concerned with whatever reason the king had for keeping me here.

I just wanted to let this time pass quietly.

I bowed to the king one last time.

He, too, nodded in acknowledgment, concluding the exchange.

Now, everyone, lets proceed.


Whether it was by the kings command, or because no one was that rude, or due to Ner and Arwin, no one openly showed hostility towards me.

Despite being a commoner amidst a nobles feast, everyone kept their distance.

Of course, there were frequent exchanges of glances.

Whether they were seeking an opportunity to attack or merely looking at me out of curiosity, I couldnt tell, but I ignored all such gazes.

As Arwin had mentioned, many conflicts begin with subtle exchanges of looks.

I had no desire to partake in such contests.

We had already been spending our own moments for a long time.

I was waiting for the right moment.

Having shown my face, the time to leave was approaching.

While waiting for that moment, I lightly filled my stomach with the prepared food and moistened my throat with wine.

Arwin and Ner, holding only light drinks, observed the atmosphere thrown around me.

...the mercenary from the Human race...

Whispers could be heard from somewhere.

Whether it was my imagination or they were indeed mentioning me was uncertain.

I just continued to fill my stomach.

Then, the crowd parted with murmurs.

I stopped chewing my food at the sound.

It was clear someone was approaching me without needing much thought.

Vice-captain of the Red Flames?

I rinsed my mouth with wine and placed the glass on a nearby table.

Turning around, I saw Princess Lia Draigo standing there.

I had anticipated our paths crossing, but I didnt expect her to come directly to me.

I bowed my head, accepting her greeting.

...Quite the commoners response.

She said with a smile.

Unknowingly, I must have breached some etiquette again.

Ner clung closer to me than before.

If there was a change in the atmosphere, it didnt seem like Ner was clinging to me out of anxiety.

Ner stood a step ahead of me, facing Lia Draigo as if to protect me from her.

If it comes down to social status, Ner was of nobler birth than I.

Lia Draigo alternated her gaze between Ner, standing in front of me, and Arwin, who hadnt left my side.

Her eyebrows raised in what seemed like intrigue.

...Ive felt this before, but you seem to get along quite well with your wives.


For a political marriage, it almost seems like youre acting.

I quietly closed my mouth.

Seeing her trying to see right through to the essence, I became more guarded.

The dragonians characteristic directness stands out once again.

Gale was like this, and so was the king. Even the princess acts this way.

I answered with hope for the future.

Its not an act.

Hmm. Is that so?

The princess then glanced around.

All the nobles who made eye contact with the princess turned their gaze away.

Lia Draigo seemed to be warning them not to eavesdrop on our conversation.

Ner and Arwin stood still by my side.

I had no time to ponder what they might be thinking.

By the way, I heard you had a good relationship with the saintess.

Lia Draigo said with a smile, her eyes searching for amusement in me.

She seemed to be throwing a playful jab my way.

Its a thing of the past.

To not give her any bait, I responded as dryly and emotionlessly as possible.

Is that so. May I ask a somewhat mischievous question?


She didnt wait for my answer and asked.

Who is the woman you love the most? Is it the saintess... or here, Lady Ner... or perhaps Lady Arwin?

Arwin raised her voice slightly at that question.

Your Highness, I would prefer if we avoid overly sensitive questions.

Being an elf, and thus in a somewhat special position, it was a natural response.

Ordinary people wouldnt want to cross elves.

No one knows what kind of influence they might have on their descendants.

The princess, with a smile, asked Arwin.

Arent you curious?


...If it wasnt just an act to appear close, then its natural to be curious...

Before Arwin could get entangled in more troublesome questions, I blurted out an answer.

The saintess is a thing of the past. I love my wives equally.

Unsatisfied with my answer, the princess shook her head.

Lies. You cant love equally. Even the horns of dragonians are asymmetrical, how can love be the same?

At that, Ner and Arwin clung to me even more tightly.

I decided to ignore the princess probing.

Despite that, the princess seemed amused, her smile not fading.

She said, Still... Yes, maybe Lady Arwin is right. It was a bit mischievous.


I was just throwing a little joke to get closer. You ignored me last time... I thought this might get your attention.

Why are you interested in me?

With all the rumors about the vice-captain of the Red Flames, second only to the hero in boss monster subjugation, and having taken two noble wives, not to mention a special past with the saintess... how can I not be interested?


And on top of all that, youre handsome... Its interesting. Had you been born a noble, you would have broken the hearts of many ladies. If being born as a lowly is a flaw, thats the only one.


Ner tentatively looked up at me.

Her anxious eyes scanned me.

I observed Ners reaction.

Arwin also looked on cautiously.

Both seemed quite uncomfortable with the situation.

...All the more reason for me to end this encounter swiftly.

Even if she was a princess, it made no difference.

I picked up another glass of wine from a nearby table.


It might have been rude, but I never learned such etiquettes anyway.

The princess only smiled more broadly, as if my actions amused her all the more.

I spoke as I tipped my drink.

As you said, born lowly...I lack eloquence. Skip the roundabout talk, and tell me why youre here.

Should I?

The princess took a deep breath and looked up at me.

Become my knight.

She said.


I flatly refused her offer.

Why not?

The princess asked, seemingly puzzled.

I dislike knights.

I spat out the simplest answer without bothering to explain.

Becoming my knight...would lead to many interesting events.

A sticky emotion filled Lia Draigos eyes.

...Also, before getting married in the future, there are things Id like to learn from an experienced vice-captain like you.

Her intent was conveyed through the atmosphere, tone, and modulation of her voice.

Whether this intent was for me alone or if she was always like this was unclear.

But that such a person was the princess of a nation was astonishing.

It was sudden and absurd.

Ner and Arwin seemed to feel the same, their expressions slightly crumpling.

...What can you learn from me?

I feigned ignorance and asked her.

Lia Draigo giggled and whispered.

There was no sign of seriousness. It seemed filled only with the intent to provoke me.

...Being a Human, a mercenary at that. What else is there to learn? If its not an act...there must be a reason youve grown so close to your two wives...


I hardened my expression.

As I kept deflecting her, Lia Draigos expression slowly hardened too.

Seeing my discomfort, she seemed to have an epiphany.

The princess then turned her gaze back to Ner and Arwin.

As if puzzled, she asked my wives.

...What, were you really loved?



Ner and Arwin didnt respond.

Lia Draigo took a deep breath with an innocuous expression and looked at me.

As if she had lost interest.

...Father is looking for you.

She finally revealed the main topic as if throwing away the previous discomfort and playfulness.

Where is he?

Eager to spend no more time with Lia Draigo, I asked immediately.

My servant will guide you.

I nodded and started to walk past her.

My wives followed.



Lia Draigo lightly placed her hand on my chest.

Looking at her, she removed her hand with a smile and said.

Father only wishes to see the vice-captain. It might be best for Lady Ner and Lady Arwin to stay here. Now, follow the servant.

Her expression once again filled with playfulness.



I frowned involuntarily at her words.

Lia Draigo laughed brightly, smiling.

She was utterly displeasing to me.

Seeing my expression, she spoke one last time.

...I heard the saintess called you that.

The End of The Chapter

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