Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 143: Capital (7)

Chapter 143: Capital (7)

Ner watched Berg depart in search of the king and found herself face-to-face with Princess Lia Draigo.

Hostility was blooming endlessly, as expected.

There had been rumors of the princess being willful, and facing her in person, the impact of those rumors was significant.

It was unclear whether she had spoken all those words to Berg sincerely or merely to provoke him.

However, one thing was certain: the princess had endlessly uttered things unbecoming of her royal status.

There was also a hint of disregard for Berg in her tone.

Perhaps because Berg was a commoner.

The princess seemed to have no reservations in dealing with Berg.

If she had any respect for him, she would not have spoken such words.

...Of course, that was too much to hope for.

A princess respecting a commoner?

To the princess, a commoner was merely someone to serve her.

Unfortunately, even Ner also had once ignored Berg, who was a commoner.

After Berg left, the princess faced Ner and Arwin with a smile.

Ner managed to muster a smile in response.

Wasnt that playful?

That was the first thing the princess said after Bergs departure.

I suppose I was shaking things up a bit out of curiosity to gauge the nature of your relationship.


I was curious about the nature of your relationship, whether it was good or bad.


I might have to enter into a political marriage someday... I wanted to see what the future might hold. A little provocation helps to get a sense of the relationship, doesnt it?


Ner couldnt shake the feeling that these words were just a cover-up.

The princess had seemed to enjoy provoking Berg more than anyone.

Perhaps the already blossoming hostility made it impossible to believe anything the princess said.

But such things couldnt be said to her face.

No matter how strange the conversation turned, the princess was leading it.

Observing Ner and Arwins expressions, the princess continued.

It seems you are indeed loved by that human. You seemed genuinely upset by the provocation.


But the two of you...hmm...

Taking a deep breath, Lia Draigo finally shrugged her shoulders.

As if she couldnt fully grasp their feelings yet.

Since youre here, lets speak honestly. Whats the current situation? Do you need help?


Anyway, youve ended up in a marriage through unfavorable means, havent you?

Arwin let out a short sigh by her side.

At the sound of her sigh, Lia Draigos gaze shifted toward her.

Maintaining the initial stiff atmosphere, Arwin said to Lia.

For someone asking if we need help, you seem quite amused.

I am. It feels like Im about to make new friends.

...Friendships arent formed this way.

The atmosphere turned tense as Arwin responded sharply, causing Lia Draigos smile to gradually fade.

A small skirmish of wits unfolded between them.

However, Lia Draigo eventually shrugged her shoulders, lightening the mood.

She glanced at Ner and Arwin in turn and said.

I truly meant it when I said I wanted to help. Im just not good with words...

Arwin followed up.

Were fine on our own. Well handle it.


Lia Draigos voice dropped suddenly.

This change made Arwin pause momentarily.

Ners tail began to droop.

She had been wanting to escape this unfamiliar and intense atmosphere since it began.

Without Berg by her side, she felt even more fearful.

Lia Draigo, with her characteristic gaze, whispered.

You might need help.

Ner and Arwin looked puzzled as Lia Draigo surveyed her surroundings once more, dismissing the gazes fixed on them.

Many nobles had kept their distance, aligning with the aura Lia exuded.

Even in such a situation, Lia took steps closer to Ner and Arwin.

Are you aware that the abolition of polygamy among Humans is being discussed?

Lia asked.


Ner replied in a barely audible voice.

Her heart skipped a beat.

The abolition of polygamy.

What did that mean?

And soon after, she wondered what it meant for her.

What would become of her relationship with Berg?

Seems that human hasnt mentioned it.

Lia inquired.



Of course, a greedy human wouldnt want to let anyone go.

Ner glanced at Arwin beside her.

Arwin was looking back at her.

They exchanged glances for a moment.

Your opinions matter too, dont they?

Lia Draigo continued.

One of you could gain freedom. You wouldnt be bound by polygamy anymore.

Lia smiled.

Ners heart was pounding and trembling.

The abolition of polygamy.

The more she thought about it, the more it sounded like a revelation.

Ner cast a sidelong glance at Arwin again.

Arwin, who had declared she couldnt love Berg.

She had wanted freedom.

She had maintained a friendship with Berg, nothing more.

...With the abolition of polygamy, it was all too clear who would remain by Bergs side.

Arwin and Ner found themselves locking eyes again.

Ner thought to herself.

If the law passed, she might have Bergs love all to herself.

Instead of sharing nights, she could be by Bergs side every single night.

They would live a life looking only at each other.

There would be no more rivals.

And to Ner, that sounded like nothing but good news.

...So, what do you think? Shall I help?

While Ner was lost in thought, Lia Draigo had asked from in front.


I followed the servants lead and headed to a secluded room.

The door naturally opened, and I was faced with the king, who was already seated inside.

The king, in his familiar pose, was looking over documents.

I felt the air of a modest leader.

It reminded me once again of what a leader should be.

Youve arrived, Berg. Have you eaten your fill?


I nodded my head.

After taking a deep breath, he spoke.

I had arranged a banquet, but I find such occasions quite awkward. Always having to watch what I say. So, I decided to rest here for a while.

Even His Majesty has to be mindful of others.

Being a king makes it even more necessary. I dont want to lose this position. I cannot be the one in my family line, after centuries, to lose the throne.


As we continued chatting for a while, the atmosphere changed quickly.

There was definitely a reason he had sought me out, and I wanted to get to the heart of it.

Not fond of small talk?

The king chuckled at my demeanor.

He shuffled through some documents before pausing once more.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldnt have brought this up. But... with the situation rapidly changing, I have no choice. Its been what, 8 days since you arrived in the capital?


The king placed a small letter on the desk.

Can you read, Berg?

I wasnt fluent, but I could understand simple words by now.

I picked up the letter he handed me, reading it silently.

Towards the Demon Lord...

It was a simple letter with no difficult words.

All-out attack.

I frowned at the words.

The content was momentarily baffling.

Was it about preparing an attack on the Demon Lord?

Without realizing, I muttered as if asking a question.


It will end, one way or another.

The king concluded my statement.

I blinked, looking at the letter.


There seems to be a significant change in the hero party. Not much time is left, it seems. Well, the kingdom is reaching its limits too. So, well be preparing to march soon.

I could easily guess what the change in the hero party might be.

Involuntarily, my grip on the letter tightened.

The king raised his hands in a gesture and continued.

But thats not why I called you here. The war is not your concern. As Ive said before, I wanted to talk about the changes that will come after the war is over.


With that much said, I could understand his intentions.

I could understand why he said he wouldnt have brought this up under normal circumstances.

It must have been because we had recently discussed the topic.

...My opinion hasnt changed.

I wondered if my opposition would make any difference, but I believed there must be a reason he had summoned me.

The king smiled lightly.

It seemed like the first time I had seen him smile.

I want to maintain good relations with you and Adam. To be frank, a military force like the Red Flames group is a bit troublesome.


Besides, your wives are of noble birth. Since youre in the capital, lets have a more extended conversation. I hope you leave convinced.

His tone conveyed that my thoughts werent particularly important; he hoped for my acquiescence, not necessarily my agreement.

Yet, it seemed he had arranged this meeting out of consideration for me.

In the short time I had known him, the king appeared to enjoy sharing opinions.

He prepared the next set of documents.

There were so many that they couldnt be held in one hand.

You dont need to read these. But to explain, these are opinions from other families. Ive asked around about the abolition of polygamy. Without exception, nearly everyone agrees.


He sifted through the papers and pulled out two letters.

This one is from Blackwood, and this one is from Celebrien. Both support the abolition.


Still, I shook my head.

The opinions of others didnt matter to me.

Even setting aside the vows I had made, there was a part of me that didnt want to let go of either Ner or Arwin, driven by selfishness.

Its fine to call it ugly if it is.

This was purely my desire.

I wanted to believe that my wives could also find happiness by my side.

It wasnt just regret for our sacrifices that made me feel this way.

Nor was it a forced rationale for the sake of the Red Flames group.

It was what I wanted.

There were bad memories, but there were more shared moments that outweighed them.

...Do your wives really wish for that too?

The king asked me.


I answered, filled with hope.

I wanted to believe that my wives no longer wished to part ways with me.

Yet, recently, that belief had started to waver.


After a moment of silence, the king spoke to me.

Alright. I understand. Perhaps a bit more time is needed... Hmm.


No, wait here for a moment.

The king pointed to a small chair in the corner of the room.

How difficult can it be? You just have to hear it for yourself to find out whats going on inside.

Then he called out loudly.


The kings aide, who was waiting outside, entered.

Yes, Your Majesty. You called for me.

Set up a partition next to that chair. After that... summon the ladies from Blackwood and Celebrien.


I frowned at the sudden turn of events, easily guessing his intentions.

Seeing my reaction, the king said.

Lets hear them out. Its no use delaying the matter.

I swallowed... and closed my eyes.

Why didnt I want to hear it?

Despite confidently saying that my wives would want to stay by my side, I wanted to leave this place.

I dont want to listen.

I said.

But the king pressed on.

What are you afraid of? You said your wives want to be by your side.


Or do you intend to ignore your wives suffering?

I let out a long sigh.

The king waited quietly until I had exhaled completely.

Finally, he looked at me and said.

Sit there for a while, Berg. This decision might be for your own good. No one needs to endure a miserable marriage.


Following the kings summons, Ner and Arwin made their way.

Had something come up during their conversation with Berg?

Leaving Lia Draigos side was a relief above all.

Yet, a thought lingered in their mind.

Was the princess statement true?

Could the abolition of polygamy actually be under discussion?

Ner glanced at Arwin again.

Arwin looked back at her.

Long ago, they had discussed this matter.

They had talked about how much better it would have been without polygamy.

They had shared thoughts on how neither of them needed to suffer.

Ner had agreed with those words.

It wasnt just lip service to wish Arwin didnt have to struggle by Bergs side.

She had hoped she would find the freedom she initially wanted.

To leave and be away from Bergs side was a hidden desire.

As they walked, they stopped in front of a room.

Soon, the servants opened the door, and they were faced with the king seated inside.

Ner and Arwin bowed briefly before entering the room.

The room was dim and stark, furnished minimally.

A small partition stood in a corner.

Ners eyes roved, searching for Berg.

He was nowhere to be seen.

...Berg is...

Arwins whisper was met with the kings response.

I sent him back to his room. The rumors should be sufficiently quelled by now.


Ner felt a twinge of regret at this news.

Lately, her emotions seemed to stabilize only in Bergs presence.

Being near Berg seemed to rekindle her dulled feelings.

The disappointment at Bergs absence was surprisingly profound.

Ive called you here to ask something briefly. It shouldnt take long.

From that moment, Ner felt as if her breath had been stolen away.

Somehow, she knew what the king was about to inquire.

Had Berg possibly discussed this matter with the king?

She swallowed nervously.

I wish to hear the perspectives of the esteemed Blackwood and Celebrien families as well. Being directly involved. Though, I have a rough idea of what your responses might be.

The kings gaze swept over Arwin and Ner.

Im considering the prohibition of polygamy among the Human race.



What are your thoughts?


I sat behind the partition, elbows on my knees, quietly awaiting my wives responses.

Eavesdropping here wasnt to my liking, but the wheels were already in motion.

I closed my eyes.

Memories with my wives flashed through my mind, one after another.

I recalled the efforts made for them and the sincerity I conveyed.

There wasnt a moment devoid of heartfelt intention.

I had dreamed of a happy future with them, despite the unnatural start to our relationships, and had tirelessly worked towards it.

There were many moments when I believed our relationship was improving.

Yet, I couldnt shake the feeling that we hadnt progressed beyond friendship.

Now, it seemed, I was about to hear their verdict on that matter.

It seemed as if he was asking if they could continue to live with me.

Miss Blackwood, you answer first.

The king addressed Ner.

Before she could even take a slow breath, Ners voice was heard.

Please abolish it.


My heart felt like it had dropped.

That cold voice was something I hadnt heard from her before.

Was it because I couldnt see her face that it felt infinitely more merciless?

Before I knew it, my fists were clenched too tightly.

My heart trembled painfully.

Ner continued.

...One of us would gain freedom, right?

Ner, who disliked the feeling of being bound, had even disliked wearing a ring for a while and felt uncomfortable when I would seek her out during her walks.

Was she referring to that now?

What about you, Lady Arwin?

Upon the kings inquiry, Arwin also responded.

Please abolish it.

She added no further explanation.

She stated her opinion briefly and succinctly.

I blinked.

And for some reason, at that moment, I felt a sense of deflation.

Perhaps I had hoped for a bit more struggle from them.

But both seemed eager not to let this opportunity pass, answering readily.

There seemed to be a sense of desperation in their voices.

I felt as though I was letting go of a rope I had been holding on to with difficulty.

Was I still lacking?

Could our differences truly not be bridged?

No matter how positively I tried to view it, it just didnt work out as hoped.

Because of the culture of polygamy.

Because they wanted to be loved by me, and me alone.

Because we didnt get along with each other.

And so on...

No matter how much I tried to rationalize it positively, all the excuses felt awkwardly unconvincing.

Simply put, they wanted their freedom.

They wanted to leave my side.

These two reasons resonated with more persuasion than anything else.

I covered my face with my hands.

Perhaps, deep down, I had known this all along.

Maybe thats why I had told the king I didnt want to hear it.

But I also know that theres a big difference between knowing something and facing it head-on.

Now, I felt forced to confront a truth I had wanted to avoid.

I sighed quietly.

Perhaps now really was the right time.

Thinking this way, my heart felt slightly lighter.

When we were just at the stage of friendship... it might be time to let one of them go.

Ner had mentioned having a destined partner.

Arwin had said she couldnt love someone with a short lifespan.

I had tried to ignore these issues, but now they were holding me back.

I didnt want to part ways. But if neither of them wanted to stay by my side, letting one go would be the right thing to do.

If it was for their sake, maybe I needed to set aside my own desires.

I sighed again in the darkness.

Partings always came at times I didnt wish for.

This was sudden too, but perhaps it was more merciful than past farewells.

Maybe I was being given time to come to terms with it.

The king probably didnt consider my opinion important.

He might have just helped me face reality more easily.

In a way, this could be considered a form of care.

So, I nodded quietly to myself.

And began to prepare for a farewell with one of them, alone.

...Whether it would be Ner or Arwin, I didnt know.

The End of The Chapter

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