Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 147: The End of The War (3)

Chapter 147: The End of The War (3)

In the early morning,

Sien was praying again today, just as she always did.

She paid no mind to the sounds created by the various soldiers of different races gathered around.

Her focus was solely on one thing.

The end of the war.

She could feel, in her very skin, that everything was gradually coming to an end.

And the more she sensed this, the more fervently she prayed.

It had been a long time since she had given up her faith in the Goddess of Purity, Hea... but now, she needed that power more than ever.

For it was that power that would allow her and her comrades to effectively hold their ground and possibly end the life of the Demon King.

And only by doing so, could they be rewarded for the pain they had endured throughout these past seven years.

The safety of Berg.

For that, she had run this far, even facing abandonment along the way.

Of course... she planned to try hard again after the war.

Still, everything that made her who she was, was composed of memories with Berg.

It wasnt a matter of giving up or not.

For her to be herself, Berg needed to be there.


Sien repeated the same prayer, wishing for everyones safety.

Though it wasnt as much as the prayers she offered for Berg, she endlessly hoped for the safety of her comrades as well.


Sien turned around at the sound of someone calling her while she was praying.

There stood Sylphrien.

Unlike usual, the air was tense with anticipation.

It was probably because they knew a war was about to break out.

Sylphrien smiled, as if trying to ease the tension a little.

...Saintess-nim, its time to go.


...Its time for a meal.




Sien approached the space where everyone was gathered, along with Sylphrien.

No tables or anything of the sort had been prepared.

The king on an expedition, the heads of the great families, Felix, Acran, and the rest of the soldiers were all sitting on suitable objects, scooping food from small bowls.

It was a scene that could never be seen under normal circumstances, but everything about this plan was meant to be secret and swift, which seemed to lead to such situations.

All the families that had gathered had come running with as little baggage as possible. After all, this war was a race against time.

A prolonged fight meant no chance of winning.

The king welcomed Sylphrien and Sien as they approached.

Despite being the king, he nodded his head lightly and offered the first greeting.

Both Sylphrien and Sien slightly bowed in return to acknowledge his greeting.

Fill your stomachs. The war will start soon.

The king, fully armored, suggested this.

Following his words, a few soldiers came out with food prepared for Sylphrien and Sien.

A soldier hesitated as he was about to hand a bowl of food to Sien.

...Please put it down on the ground.

Sien requested, aware of the need to avoid any accidental contact.

- Swish.

Sien quickly picked up the bowl from the ground.

A bit of dirt dusted into the food as it was placed on the ground, but it couldnt be helped.

After all, she didnt care what the food was like.

Eating delicious food, wearing pretty clothes, none of that mattered to her if Berg wasnt by her side.

While filling her stomach, Sien looked at the king and her comrade, Felix.

They were discussing strategies for the war.

Even as she chewed on the hard-to-swallow food, Sien tried to focus on the information.

...We need to end this quickly. Were also thinking about a retreat plan.

...Isnt that a defeat?

...It cant be helped.


Decoys wont work. Just facing head-on in battle is the most effective. Its hard to find flaws in the Demon Kings strategy through tactics.

A head-on strategy. But we dont have many troops ready...

...We have no choice. The advantage of surprise is enough, given the Demon Kings right hand wont be by his side.


By the way, has the master gone to stop the Demon Kings right hand?

The master referred to by the hero was Gale.

Gale, and the Red Flames group have gone.

- Clatter!

At those words, Sien dropped her bowl and spoon.

The wooden utensils rolled on the dirt floor.

Felix looked at Sien at the sound, but the king maintained his stoic expression.

Sien knew she had to swallow her words here.

Despite being revered as a saintess, her origins were that of a commoner.

She could not raise her voice carelessly in front of a king of a nation.

...But she couldnt hold back her voice.

Regardless of the difference in status, as a person, she had to ask.

...Could you... repeat that, please?

Only then did the king turn his head to look at Sien.

He continued calmly.

...I have sent the most likely candidates, Saintess-nim.

Why... the Red Flames group...

The king, as always, showed a form of respect towards Sien.

Among the mercenaries available, the Red Flames group is renowned for being the fastest and strongest. Moreover, the Red Flames group has two candidates for Lynns warrior. There couldnt be a more fitting choice.


...War is not a battle of love. When emotions are involved, many lives are sacrificed as a result.

...What if... the Red Flames group is annihilated...

Its better than the kingdoms destruction. If sacrificing the Red Flames group means winning the war, I would make the same choice a hundred times over.


The Saintess, while knowing the king was right, couldnt identify the discomforting feeling inside her.

The thought of Berg going to fight Krund, the Demon Kings right hand, made her heart race.

Sien had experienced Krunds strength herself.

Even Felix would be at a disadvantage if he fought alone.

Felix had mentioned several times that Krund might be the strongest in terms of sheer power.

As such, seizing the opportunity when Krund had left the Demon Kings side was the plan.

Seeing Sien frozen in despair, unable to pick up the food she had dropped, one by one, people began to take notice of her.

In fact, among the blessings of the gods, Siens blessing was the most influential.

Her power to heal a soldier on the brink of death in an instant was more important than anyone elses.

Seeing Sien standing still like that, the king spoke.



Sien looked at the king. Her powerless eyes watched him closely.

...Lets deal with the Demon King quickly and go to rescue the Red Flames group.


Sien was about to swallow her words again... but then a surge of emotion welled up inside her.

Initially, if anything were to happen to Berg, she would have no more attachment to this world.

She could issue a warning right then and there out of that fear.



......If Berg dies.


...Your Majesty will never be forgiven.


The king nodded calmly at her words, as if understanding all of the Saintess anger.

...I understand.




Adam Hyung whispered as he gazed at the vast city.

It was hard to say how long it had been since I had returned to this place.

After parting with Sien and holding Adam Hyungs hand... I hadnt come here a second time.

The landscape, seen for the first time in seven years, felt somewhat new.

It seemed Barta had gone through a lot in the meantime.

Parts of it were left in ruins.

Signs of the boss monsters presence suggested that, naturally, this place hadnt escaped the war either.

Our Red Flames group was stationed in a forest with a view of Barta.

We were only trying to scout around for Krunds position, the right hand of the Demon King.

The Red Flames group was scattered throughout the forests around Barta.

Those who spotted Krund first were supposed to send a signal.

According to Gale, Krunds body was similar to ours, but entirely purple, covered in scales all over his arms, and he had horns larger than those of the dragonian on his head.

Naturally, finding such a being in these woods was not going to be easy, but once Krund began attacking Barta, it seemed impossible not to notice him.

Gale spoke from beside me.

When the war starts, Sylphriens hawk will send us a signal.


Just keep an eye on the sky.

Watching Adam Hyung nod, I moved a bit to approach our Head Hunter unit which had secured our position.

They were each digesting the calm before the storm in their own way.

Some were offering prayers to Dian, the god of war, while others fiddled with something given by their families.

A few were loosening their muscles with light swings of their swords, and some even tried to catch a bit of sleep.

I sat down beside them, closed my eyes, and indulged in peaceful imaginings.

Time slowly passed like this.




How much time had gone by?

- Peeeep... Peeeep...

At the sound of a hawks cry from a distance, the Red Flames group stirred to life.

After Gales mention, everyone knew what that signal meant.

Looking up at the evening sky, we soon spotted Sylphriens hawk.

The hawk, crying out with all its might, seemed to be telling us something.

That the final battle had begun.

That the heroes were now fighting the Demon King.

...That Sien, too, must be fighting now.

Without anyone needing to say it, we all rose from our places.

There was no signal among the Red Flames members.

Krund had yet to be found.

Yet, a sense of urgency began to prick at us.

It seemed only a matter of time before Krund would appear.


Sure enough, a fire arrow soared into the sky from a distance.

It was a signal from the scattered members of the Red Flames.

They had found Krund.

Adam Hyung, seeing the signal, quickly gave the command.

Everyone, prepare for battle!

The Red Flames members swiftly got their horses up from where they had been lying in wait.

The well-trained members energetically got up, ready for action.

I, too, prepared to leave the forest alongside Adam Hyung.

The preparation was swiftly completed.

Adam Hyung also mounted his horse and faced me.



Our eyes met, holding a silent conversation.

He looked at me, then nodded, and I nodded back at him.

Lets go!

With Adam Hunygs command, Baran blew the horn.

All members who had been lingering in the forest charged towards the plains in front of Barta, all the while keeping an eye on the direction from which the fire arrow had come.

If there was anything unusual... it was that the usual swarms of monsters were nowhere to be seen.

Whats that?

Riding, Shawn muttered from beside me.

Gale too stared intently in that direction, then whispered in a low voice.


The being known as Krund was racing across the plains alone.

Heading towards the direction where the Demon King was fighting, Krund moved like a wild animal, all fours touching the ground.

Despite being of similar size to us, his appearance as a small animal somehow triggered an odd sense of alarm.

It seemed implausible that a fight between hundreds of Red Flames members and just one Krund could be considered fair... Yet, we were told this mission would be the most dangerous weve ever undertaken.

Adam Hyung was not deceived by appearances.

Prepare the arrows!

At his command, hundreds of trained Red Flames members drew their bows in unison.


A dense volley of black arrows filled the sky, raining down towards Krund.

It was then that I saw Krund turn his head, finally noticing us.


With a thunderous roar that shook the earth, the ground trembled.

Suddenly, hundreds of monsters burst forth from the earth, rising to protect Krund.

The earth seemed to invert.

The Red Flames formation crumbled in an instant.

Startled horses and members couldnt regain their composure.

Baran was no exception.


He staggered atop his horse at the sudden change, and his grip on the reins loosened.

His body began to tilt amidst the galloping horses.


I caught Barans shoulder as he nearly fell, steadying him.


Before Baran could express his thanks, I snatched the horn from his waist.

-Boooooooom!! Boooooooom!!

Then, I blew the horn with all my might.

Our horns call echoed through the cries of the hundreds of monsters.

The familiar sound regrouped the scattered formation back to its original state.

The horses, too, calmed down at the sound.

Adam Hyng glanced at me briefly, conveying his thanks with a look, then shouted.

Business as usual! Treat Krund as you would a boss monster! Take down the surrounding monsters first! Dont overextend! Just buy us time, and we win!

Adam Hyungs booming voice pierced through the cacophony, resonating clearly.


He drew his sword, reflecting the light.

This is it!! Fight!!

And so, the battle began.


Arwin stood transfixed, staring blankly in the direction Berg had departed.

Though staring would not make him appear, she couldnt tear her eyes away.

Even as the sunset faded and night began to fall, she remained focused solely on that direction.

News of the war against the Demon King was resonating far and wide.

Likely, the Red Flames group was engaged in battle with the Demon Kings right hand by now.

At the same time, tidbits of news about the hero party trickled in.

Some news came via letters, while others were delivered through Arwins bird.

There were reports of an enormous number of casualties already.

They said there had never been a more fierce battle than this before.

Hearing this, the women of Stockpin gathered in one place, trying to comfort each other.

...But in truth, it was as good as a sea of tears.

Arwin alone had stepped away from that place, thus gazing in the direction Berg had left.

Only now was she truly coming to terms with the emotions she hadnt fully processed due to the sudden expedition.

She felt more scared and worried now than when Berg had left.

Anxious and on edge.

Especially without Berg, who had been her support, by her side.

In her hand, she tightly clutched a leaf from the World Tree.

Anxiety accelerated the blood coursing through her veins.


All the more, Arwin clung to Bergs promise to return.

He had never broken any promise or oath before.

He had always kept his word, whether it was to protect her for a lifetime or to treat her dearly.

Therefore, his promise to return would naturally be kept as well.

...But the possibility of him not returning haunted her.

She imagined a cold, lifeless Berg, his eyes unopened.


Arwins heart constricted with pain at the mere thought, a pain incomparable even to being drained by the roots of the World Tree.

She realized, having not been apart from Berg for months, she had grown complacent.

Only now, with him gone, did she fully grasp his importance.

Tears welled up.

She had never thought something like this could bring her to tears, but her body reacted beyond her control.


Suppressing her tears, she whispered in the direction he had left.

...I... am ready to make a vow now.

Now, she could promise her entire life to Berg.

Never had she been surer.

She could vow to love only Berg, to sacrifice everything for him.

Ner would leave, and then it would be just the two of them.

They could live, thinking only of each other for centuries.

Only one step remained to that sweet future.

A single tear rolled down her cheek amidst her uneasy heart.

...So please, come back.

Arwin whispered, pressing her lips to the World Tree leaf in her hand.

...Please return safely, Berg...


Unnoticed, a small crack formed on the World Tree leaf.

The End of The Chapter

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