Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 146: The End of The War (2)

Chapter 146: The End of The War (2)

Upon my arrival in Stockpin, I found Adam Hyung, having received my letter, finalizing his preparations for battle.

Seeing Adam Hyung like this, I could immediately understand his decision.

He intended to accept the king's proposal.

Rumors of the last war had spread through the town, or perhaps tales of the most perilous battle yet.

From all around, the wailing of the members' families could already be heard.

The members were embracing their wives and bidding farewell to their children.

Though they managed smiles of determination, the glimpse of fear within was unmistakable.

It was evident that Adam Hyung had made sure to explain the situation thoroughly.

Everyone seemed to have a premonition of the formidable enemy they were to face.

Yet, thanks to the strong bond Adam Hyung had nurtured, not a single member thought of abandoning their comrades.

The Red Flames group remained intact, with no one missing.

Despite the heavy atmosphere hanging over the village, I approached Adam Hyung.


He turned at my call, greeting me with a broad smile.

"Fortunately you are back safely, Berg."

I dismounted and took the hand he extended.

- Thwack!

We exchanged a firm handshake, gripping each other's wrists.

"You're going, aren't you?"

When I asked,

"Yeah," he nodded.

Looking into my eyes, he said, "You wouldn't want to miss this war either."

I blinked at his words.

I never really gave it much thought.

I had planned to leave the thinking to Hyung.

But now that he mentioned it... somehow, it seemed to make sense.

His words weren't just about not wanting to send his comrades off to die alone.

This war undoubtedly had a significant impact on my life.

"How could we not go to battle, leaving behind that saintess?" Hyung said.

I just looked at him quietly. With an apologetic expression, he continued.

"I know you still have feelings for that saintess. You're deeper than you think. I don't believe you made the wrong choice, but I'm sure there are still regrets."

Coming from someone else, these words might have hurt, but it felt different hearing them from Adam Hyung.

"I'm sorry, Berg."

He said.

I shook my head.

"There's no need to be sorry."

He smiled wryly at that.

In this unchangeable reality, he continued his words.

"After this war, I hope you can finally cut ties with that past connection. I don't want to see you in pain anymore."

Perhaps he was right.

In the back of my mind, I might be thinking of Sien, who went to battle for my sake.

How could I not join a battle like that?

Even if I've severed that connection, can I truly say there's no hatred towards the Demon King who started all this?

I doubt it.

Obviously, there would have been frustration about how my life had been redirected.

Even putting aside numerous reasons, it was clear that I couldn't miss this battle.

Taking a deep breath to lighten the mood, Adam Hyung said to me.

"Berg, we're leaving today."

I had anticipated as much and nodded.

That was why I had shared drinks with the Head Hunter Unit last night.

The king had said this battle would be a surprise attack.

Given the uncertainty of when the Demon King's right-hand might discern the intentions of the hero party, we needed to arrive first and prepare.

"We didn't bring much in the way of supplies, so it looks like we'll be ready to move out soon."


I nodded again in response.

Adam Hyung glanced at my wives standing some distance behind us and then said to me.

"Go and say your goodbyes."


He smiled.

"I'll be waiting."

I nodded once more.




I looked up at Ner and Arwin, who seemed anxious amidst the village's tense atmosphere.

Perhaps it's because I've had a day to sort out my feelings, but this farewell seems easier than yesterday's.

I've come to understand Ner and Arwin's hearts well enough now.

If it werent for the lifespan issue...I would have fallen in love with you long ago.

Arwin still couldn't bring herself to love me.

...Let's do it when you return.

Ner was trying to buy time until the end.

At least, that's how it appeared.

Yet, is it because an unpredictable battle awaits me that my heart now feels lighter?

Letting go of greed has lessened the regrets.

It hurts, but I feel like I can let someone go.

It's not as if we're being forcibly torn from each other, after all.

Even if we part, we can still maintain a good friendship afterward.

I extended my hand to Arwin, who was blinking and turning her head away.

She looked at me anxiously and then, with difficulty, clasped my hand.

I could feel the coolness of her hand, always so cold.

I helped her dismount from her horse.

Next was Ner.

I reached out to her as well, taking her hand.

I've lost count of how many times I've lifted her on and off her horse.

Her weight had become all too familiar to me.

Once both had dismounted, I took their hands and said.

"I'll be back."

There was a moment of stiffness in both Ner and Arwin.

Uncertain of what to say, despite it not being their first farewell, Arwin was the first to speak.

"...I'll follow you."

At her words, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"And what would you do if you followed?"

"...You taught me archery... I can help-"

"-Stay here. This is not a request."


She froze at my words, and I embraced her stiffened form.

Only her breaths came in short, rapid bursts.


With Ner, I had shared our final goodbye the night before.

"...I'll be back, Ner."

After a brief embrace and farewell, I moved to continue my preparations.


On the day of departure, both my wives held me back.

Turning around, I saw them looking at me with expressions I had never seen before.



"...I'll return. This isn't my first expedition."

That's what I told them.

Before they could add anything more, before it became even harder to leave, I smiled, gently released their hands, and resumed my steps.


The clanking of metal, the neighing of horses, the prayers of the members.

The sound of feet squelching in the mud, sighs, and battle cries.

Amidst all these sounds on the march, I kept glancing back at Stockpin, now shrinking to a dot in the distance.

Despite our clear farewells... I couldn't understand why I kept looking back.

Turning wouldn't bring Arwin and Ner into view.

I fiddled with the rings on my fingers, feeling their weight more than ever before.

That only sharpened my resolve.

I had promised to return, and so I would, even if farewells awaited me afterward.


Yet, a disheartening thought struck me.

If I were to die, would they both gain their freedom?

I smirked at the notion.

...Still, I was certain, the freedom they'd gain would be less significant than the sorrow of my passing.

As Stockpin receded into the distance for the last time, I sighed and looked ahead.

Hyung asked from beside me.

"Did you say your goodbyes properly?"


I nodded silently without a word.

"You seem to be harboring some regrets."

I didn't bother to deny his observation.

"Yeah, maybe."

He chuckled lightly. "But remember, Berg, this is the last time."


I remained silent.

"After this, you too can put down your sword and settle down to raise some adorable kids."


At that, I couldn't help but snicker.

Then, as if confiding in him, I revealed, "I might have to divorce one of them after the war."

Before he could misunderstand, I quickly added, "It seems like polygamy will be abolished."

He sighed through his nose and then gave me a scrutinizing look, putting his own feelings aside for the moment, seemingly more concerned about me.

I averted my eyes, feeling as though he might see right through me.

But our history together speaks volumes.

We've stood by each other's side longer than anyone else.

Without needing to meet my gaze, he seemed to understand my feelings and patted my shoulder.



He chuckled and said.

"...I was the one who pushed for the polygamy you didn't want. If it weren't for that, there wouldn't be any partings."

I shook my head.

"Who could've known it would come to this? And thanks to your insistence, I got to meet Arwin, which was nice."

"...Is that a compliment or a complaint?"

I laughed softly.

"It's gratitude."

Being with him lightened the heavy mood I had been carrying.

Leading the way with the reins in his hand, he looked back at Gale, who was following us, and asked.

"By the way, why are you here?"

"You don't hold back with your master, do you?"

Gale retorted to Adam Hyung's question with a slight rebuke.

"What master?"

"Try treating me half as well as you do Berg, Adam."

"Just answer the question."

Even amidst the sharpness of their words, a certain camaraderie was evident in their conversation.

Adam Hyung didn't seem to mind Gale's presence, despite questioning why he had come.

In fact, he seemed somewhat grateful.

Gale responded to Adam Hyung's question.

"I've come to aid you all. The other side already has four heroes."

Hearing this, Adam Hyung looked at me, his gaze lingering before he finally sighed.

"Let me ask you one thing, Gale. Given the circumstances, please answer honestly."

"Go ahead."

"I've given this a lot of thought."


"I used to believe in the existence of the warrior of solitude somewhere out there."

"And now?"

"Now, I wonder if it's all a hoax. Without the power that comes with being a warrior, without any mark... do they even exist? Or is it just a mechanism to instill courage in everyone?"


"It feels like a scam, giving false hope to soldiers scared of going to war by suggesting they might be the warrior of solitude."

"The warrior of Lynn is known for walking a lonely path."

"Who isn't lonely? Everyone feels solitude in their own way."

Gale pondered Adam Hyung's words before replying, "A being without faith will never believe to the end. I'm not saying you're wrong. Maybe. But I believe in the existence of Lynns warrior and that they will play a crucial role in ending this war. There's a prophecy that the heroes will slay the intelligent demons."

Adam Hyung chuckled at that.

"I know. That belief is why we're currently headed to Barta. The king and you believe that either Berg or I could be the warrior of solitude."


After a moment of silence, Adam Hyung sharply asked.

"...Was it you who pushed us into this battlefield?"

There seemed to be no resentment in his question, more a desire to know the truth.

It seemed he had come to accept the situation, hence the inquiry.

Gale gazed at Adam Hyung for a long time before meeting his eyes directly and said.

"You might not believe me, but it's not you, Adam."


Adam Hyung stared deeply into Gales eyes before nodding.

Then he turned to me and said.



"...You don't believe in such a thing as the warrior of solitude, do you?"

I nodded. "I don't believe in that stuff."

"Is it that you don't believe, or you can't believe anymore?"


"...It could be hard to accept, especially after all the suffering. The idea that all this is God's will for you."


Adam Hyung's words, as always, did not hurt me, even in my most sensitive moments.

His words made me ponder.

Adam Hyung continued, a sigh of relief apparent in his demeanor, "If, as Gale said, this is a matter of trust..."


Adam Hyung clicked his tongue and whispered.

"...Let's say I'm the warrior of solitude, then."


"It's better that I be the warrior and take on the risk, rather than you."

His words seemed to carry a determination to bear the danger himself.

Although Adam Hyung had shared the risks with me all along, his casual remark somehow didn't sit well with me.

I shook my head at him and said.

"...You handle things from behind. I'll go to the battlefield."

With resolve, I promised, "As always, the subjugation is my part to play."

Adam Hyung laughed at that.

"Don't be mistaken, Berg. This isn't a subjugation mission. It's a mission to buy time."

With that, Adam Hyung stretched his neck.

He turned to glance at the Red Flames group we had built together and then said to me.

"Let's pick up the pace. It's time to run."

I nodded and signaled to Baran, who was staying behind.

Baran took out a horn from his belt and sounded it, signaling to increase speed.

-Boo woo woo! Boo Woo Woo!

The call to charge sounded.

The End of The Chapter

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