Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 279: Stacked Universe Theory

Chapter 279: Stacked Universe Theory

We followed Temo into the new battleship and saw that the ship was filled with high-tech equipment. It was obvious that this equipment was even more advanced than the normal level of a star-level civilization.

Temo proudly introduced, "Welcome to Markus. This is a high-tech battleship. We will be heading to the super-weapon on this ship."

"How high tech is this ship? Come on, show me something," demanded Zhang Bao'er while sitting down.

"You'll see. We're already in outer space. You can already see the super weapon here," said Temo, shocking Zhang Bao'er so much he nearly fell from his seat.

"I thought we just got on this ship? How are we in outer space already?" said Old Du in shock.

Unknowingly, Markus had performed something as miraculous as instantaneous transportation. I followed Old Du to the window and looked outside. Finally, the majestic super-weapon was revealed before our eyes. It was a giant floating in outer space, remaining outside the planet and kept stable by an unknown technology.

The super-weapon itself was the size of a star, and it was currently moving ahead while its two massive limbs hovered on the two sides of the planet instead of holding onto the planet itself. In fact, its two hands were quite far away from the planet, moving the planet with some sort of levitation field. Moving amid the universe, the superweapon's lighting installations highlighted its massive body.

Nobody would be able to believe that a technological wonder like this existed without seeing it with their own eyes. Moving an entire planet with a machine. Just how much energy was needed to power such a machine?

"I'm curious. How is this machine moving without anything propelling it forward? This isn't even scientific," said Zhang Bao'er.

"What is your planet-level civilization's theory on motion in space?" asked Temo.

"That's a complicated topic. Simply put, we recognize that acceleration and gravity are among the factors causing the motion of celestial objects in space. Using the sun and the eight planets orbiting it as an example, the eight planets are kept in their orbits by the sun's gravity. The sun itself revolves around the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy itself is revolving around an even larger mysterious center," said Old Du.

"How do you explain the movement of the wandering planets without something for them to orbit?" asked Temo.

"Generally, wandering planets have been tossed out of their original orbits by some external factors. The factors that tossed them out of their orbits gave them some form of acceleration, and in the vacuum of space, the acceleration will keep increasing until they are caught by a new gravitational field. Without gravity, the acceleration is the only thing keeping these planets moving," said Old Du.

"That is correct. What we are seeing with this superweapon and Black King is completely different from what we know," I said.

"What you told me is indeed a theory belonging to a planet-level civilization, something like the three-dimensional theory," Temo finally started speaking about his perspective, but his words were able to easily provoke Zhang Bao'er.

"Out with it already. Stop talking about levels of civilization all day long. If you're so amazing, why don't you show us how capable you are by taking a bath in a volcano of our planet-level civilization?" said Zhang Bao'er furiously, which was not surprising at all.

Temo merely shot Zhang Bao'er a glare before he continued, "From a four-dimensional perspective, your theory of revolution around a core object is correct. In truth, the entire universe is actually in a state of downward fall toward a deeper space. However, there is no end to that space. As a result, we can't feel the fall."

"The universe fall theory, yes, we do have something like that. A Gliesen researcher once mentioned that, pointing out that Blue's theory on gravity only applies to a relatively stable environment. In the scale of the entire universe, everything is in the state of a downward fall," said Old Du.

"In the universe, what is up, and what is down? Many of the existing conservation laws indicate that there is no up and down in the universe," said Dodo, who was capable of joining the conversation now that they had recovered their memories.

"You are right. Like I said, for a planet-level civilization whose understanding is limited to the three-dimensional model, there is no up or down in the universe. But in the perspective of four dimensions and above, there is up and down in the universe," said Temo, once again bragging about his superior level of civilization.

"If that's the case, where is up and where is down?" I asked like a curious student.

"That is determined by the civilizations of the highest level. We have yet to encounter such a civilization, but according to the legends of the Sacred Wing race, those civilizations are capable of arranging the universe in layers. The higher the layer, the more technologically advanced it will be. Due to the constant appearance of new advanced civilizations, the universe as a whole is in a state we call sinking civilization," explained Temo patiently.

"Sinking civilization? What do you mean?" I asked. All of us were fully engrossed in the new things we were learning.

"Outdated layers will constantly sink down in the universe. Since the level of a civilization is determined by the civilization's height in the universe, to advance in level, a civilization needs to evolve its technology and try to reach the higher layers. Alas, nobody I know of has achieved this feat yet. This whole theory is known by the Sacred Wing race as the stacked universe theory," said Temo.

"Stacked universe theory. Is it similar to the Interstellar League's parallel universe theory?" asked Dodo.

"No. According to our understanding, there is only one universe in the entire fabric of existence. In this universe, all civilizations experience the same flow of time. But different flows of time can be set within each layer of the stacked universe, creating different temporal dimensions and allowing the civilizations within to perform time travel. However, regardless of how the universe is stacked with different temporal dimensions, time flows at the same rate for the universe as a whole," said Temo.

"In short, according to that theory, there is only one universe in existence, but it is stacked into different layers depending on the levels of civilization in it. And within each layer, different temporal dimensions can be set," I concluded.

"Mhm. It must have been really hard for people from a planet-level civilization like you to finally grasp this concept," said Temo with a nod.

"But why is your so-called star-level civilization located in the same layer of the universe as a planet-level civilization like ours?" asked Dodo, still trying to poke holes in Temo's explanation.

"Through development, gaps will appear between different civilizations within a single layer. However, the gap will be limited to a single level. A civilization at an even higher level will be an existence we couldn't even begin to imagine," said Temo.

"Hahahahaha!" Zhang Bao'er suddenly howled with laughter.

"Fatty, why are you laughing like this? What are you trying to do?" asked Temo.

"I had thought that your so-called star-level civilization is very amazing, but it turns out you're basically on the same tier as us. This is hilarious, truly hilarious!" said Zhang Bao'er.

"If we can get to a higher layer to obtain the technological advances there, we will be able to defeat the invaders," I said as I gazed out the window.

"If you can obtain technologies like that, you can even conquer this layer. However, the distance between the layers is not something you can imagine. We are all creations of higher-level civilizations. Just how capable can we be? Our limits have been set from the moment of our creation. With our technological progress, it is impossible for us to reach a higher layer. Also, those at the higher layer wouldn't be able to come down either," said Temo.

"In other words, civilizations of different layers won't be able to come into contact with each other?" asked Old Du.

"Exactly. Otherwise, the order of the universe will be ruined, and the entire universe will sink into chaos," said Temo.

"Why do you know so much about this?" asked Old Du.

"That knowledge is the very core of the Sacred Wing race. It has been passed on since ancient times. As for the origin of the knowledge, I have no idea," replied Temo. His answer was acceptable as even on Blue alone, there were numerous ancient legends that still puzzled us to this day.

"Even after saying this much, you still haven't explained why this superweapon is capable of such movement in space," said Zhang Bao'er.

"See? This is why I always say that people of a planet-level civilization like you have slow brains. Your own theories state that acceleration and gravity affect the movement of celestial objects. I have explained the acceleration aspect to you. The entire layer of the universe is in a state of downward fall. Is that not consistent with your theory on acceleration in space?" said Temo.

"There is a problem with your theory. Since we're all in the same layer and the layer as a whole is in a state of fall, all of us won't feel the fall, since we are all moving at the same rate. That is something even a primary school student on Blue knows," said Zhang Bao'er.

Zhang Bao'er's argument was reasonable. According to our theories on inertia, when an object was in motion, everything in it would be moving at the same speed. Thus, those inside the object would not feel the movement, and the movement can only be observed through objects outside the moving object. But according to Temo, a different layer was so far away that it was impossible for us to observe it.

"Fatty, like I said, it must be hard for people from a planet-level civilization like you to grasp this concept. Of course we can't feel the fall, but there is something that can actually feel it," said Temo, completely unflustered by Zhang Bao'er's question.

"Are you referring to dark matter?" said Dodo, finally showcasing the wise side of a planet-level civilization.

"What we know as the god particle is what you know as the dark matter. It fills the majority of the universe, a button linking the different layers of the universe together. By manipulating the god particles, we can obtain the required acceleration in space," said Temo, shocking us all yet again.

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